I Dare You To... (BAL)
Requested by and dedicated to Jeggyforever (I'm sorry for the wait I was on vacation plus school)
"Yo M," Evie said.
"Yeah?" Mal looked up from her sketchbook.
"We're gonna go camping tonight... sorta."
"How can you 'sorta' camp?" Mal asked.
"Well, we'll be inside since out in the forest there are exactly zero places to plug in a hairdryer," Evie scoffed.
Mal rolled her eyes. "I'm assuming you're dragging me along."
"You betcha" Evie smiled.
Time skip to that evening
"You only have to bring your pajamas and your toothbrush and things like that," Evie said. "You don't need a sleeping bag or anything."
Mal nodded and stuffed a few more things in her bag, then slung the strap over her shoulder. "Who else is coming?"
"Well, Jay, Carlos, Jane, Lonnie, Doug, and Ben, but Audrey and Chad kinda invited themselves and I'm trying to be nice, so I didn't say no to them."
"Sometimes you have to say no," Mal shrugged.
"I know, but I didn't. Did you hear the news?"
"What news?"
"Carlos and Jane started dating."
Mal almost squealed out loud. Evie laughed at her best friend's expression.
"Finally!" Mal yelled.
"I know right?" Evie squealed. "It's about time!"
"They've obviously liked each other ever since they saw each other," Mal laughed.
"Well let's go and... I dunno, tease Carlos" Evie grabbed her bag.
"Wait where are we going to camp?" Mal asked.
"Jay and Carlos' room."
"Okay," Mal put her phone in her pocket and followed Evie out the door.
Evie knocked, and Jay opened it.
"You're the first ones here," Carlos noted, sitting on his bed with his laptop and petting Dude.
Mal claimed a spot by the corner, throwing her bag down. "Hey Carlos. You finally got the nerve to ask Jane out?"
He glared at Evie, who simply shrugged.
"Fine. Yes I did."
"Those two are honestly way too cute together." Jay said.
"Shut up" Carlos muttered.
Another knock sounded, and Lonnie and Jane were at the door. After they had gotten settled in, Jane sat next to Carlos on his bed with Dude between them, and Lonnie took a chair in the middle of the room.
"Hey Mal," Lonnie said.
"Yeah?" she answered.
"Have you and Ben kissed yet?"
"No! Of course not!" Mal said quickly.
Carlos raised an eyebrow. "You haven't?"
"It's not like he hasn't tried," Mal shrugged.
That's seriously the only thing he was trying to do at the Coronation," Jane said.
"I know," Mal smirked.
"I can't believe you haven't" Evie said.
"Can we change the topic?" Mal asked.
"No," everyone but Mal said.
Mal sighed and rolled her eyes. "Why though?"
"'Cause you two are the absolute cutest," Jane said.
Mal scoffed, but before she could speak, there was a knock on the door. She got up and opened it, revealing Audrey and Chad there.
Surprisingly, she and Audrey were on relatively good terms, ever since Mal used her magic to reverse a curse Jordan, Genie's daughter, had accidentally cast.
"The party may commence," Audrey announced grandly.
Mal smirked. "It already has."
Audrey smiled. "Carry on then"
She and Chad sat in the middle, and Doug walked in, picking a spot next to his girlfriend.
"Right." Jay said. "Who are we missing?"
"Ben," Mal and Audrey said at the same time. Audrey gave Mal a small glare, while Mal looked away.
As if on cue, Ben walked in. "Sorry," he said. "Had to finish some paperwork."
Mal sighed as Ben sat next to her and pulled her into a gentle embrace.
"Aw," Lonnie cooed.
"So!" Carlos stood up. "What are we doing?"
"Truth or dare," Evie said. Everyone agreed, so Jay started.
"Carlos, truth or dare?" Jay asked.
"Let Dude lick your face"
"Easy" Carlos picked the dog up. Dude licked his cheek, and Carlos set him down.
"Now go wash your face!" Jane ordered.
"Fine..." Carlos sighed, heading for the bathroom.
When he came back, Jane had found his secret stash of dog treats and was feeding them to Dude.
"Evie, truth or dare?" Carlos asked.
"Dare" Evie said.
"Whack the most poorly dressed person here with a pillow," Carlos dared.
"Okay!" Evie picked up her pillow and whacked Chad with it.
"Evie!" Chad yelled.
"Yeah... sorry Chad but the navy blue and neon orange really clash," Evie sat back down.
"I actually agree," Jay said.
"Wow. I'm offended" Chad pouted.
"Audrey truth or dare?" Evie asked.
Mal rolled her eyes and mouthed 'chicken'.
"Hmm, why do you always wear pink?"
"It's my mother's color, obviously," Audrey said. "Benny Boo, truth or dare?"
"Don't call me that," Ben said firmly. "But dare."
"Always pick dare for the rest of the game," she twirled a lock of hair on her finger.
"Fine. Doug truth or dare?"
"Truth," Doug said quietly.
"What is the best decision you've ever made?" Ben asked.
Doug flushed. "Sitting next to Evie in chem class."
"Aw, Doug," Evie hugged him.
If possible, Doug grew even redder.
The game went on for a few more rounds, until the sun had set.
"Last one," Lonnie said. "Ben, truth or dare?"
"I can only choose dare," Ben reminded her.
"Oh, right," she said, giving Mal an evil look for an AK.
Mal looked terrified back at her.
"Kiss Mal," Lonnie said after a long pause.
Both Mal and Ben glared at her.
"What?" she asked innocently.
"No way," Mal said.
Ben didn't say anything.
"Oh well. It's a dare, so you gotta do it."
Jay pulled out his phone to record it. Audrey swatted it out of his hand.
"Oh my Zeus, just do it already!" Evie yelled.
"Fine," Ben said, leaning in closer to Mal.
Mal smirked and leaned backwards away from him.
Ben kept leaning closer to her and she kept leaning away that eventually Ben just pushed her onto the floor and pinned her down.
Jay had picked up his phone and was recording all of it. Carlos covered Dude's eyes. Audrey closed here and covered her ears. Everyone else just watched.
Mal stopped trying to push Ben off of her when he leaned down and kissed her right on the lips. Without hesitation she kissed back.
It would've turned into a full-blown make-out session when Doug cleared his throat loudly. Jay ended his recording and Carlos uncovered Dude's eyes.
Mal pushed Ben off of her and sat up, her face redder then a tomato.
Awkward silence filled the room. Ben smirked and tried to kiss her again, but she pushed him away.
"Did you not like it or...?" Ben asked confusedly.
"No I did, it's just I don't like displays of affection in front of other people," Mal said awkwardly.
"Awkward," Dude said loudly.
Everyone glared at the dog.
"What?" Dude asked defensively.
"Just because you can talk doesn't mean you always should," Carlos reminded him.
Ben pulled Mal up. "You guys mind if I borrow Mal for a minute?"
"Nope," Evie said.
No one else said anything.
"Okay then," he pulled her out into the hallway and back to his own dorm.
"Ben what are you doing?" Mal asked.
"You said you didn't like kissing in front of other people so... there isn't anyone else here," he said with a mischievous look on his face, closing the door behind him.
"You..." she fake glared at him.
He went to kiss her, but at the last second she put a finger on his lips. "We're not doing anything past that, okay?"
"Yes ma'am," he said, finally pressing their lips together again.
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