After the Happily Ever After (BAL)
I'm on a Bal rampage, so get ready for like five chapters of Bal in a row.
This one was highly requested.
Also, they're married in this chapter.
Warning: making out
~Mal's POV~
I walked into Ben's office. He was, as always, doing some paperwork.
"Hey Ben..." I said quietly.
He looked up at me, his tired expression instantly lighting up when he saw my face. "Hey Malie."
"I brought you a snack," I said as I set down a cup of fruit and a chocolate chip cookie on his desk.
"Thanks," he set down his pen and rubbed his forehead. "This is all getting to be way too much. Plus, I have a council meeting in an hour."
"Doesn't your dad help?" I asked.
"Not really, no. He's just enjoying his retirement."
"If he went through this as well, he would be," I sighed.
He smirked. "Can't we just have a kid already so I can stop doing this in about sixteen years?"
I froze and stared at him. "Seriously?"
He pulled me down so I was sitting in his lap. "I'm joking... kind of. I'll wait to try until you're ready again."
"Um... on a different subject," I trailed off.
"I think you need a break from all this."
"Probably, but there's a whole kingdom depending on me alone. Well, plus their local leaders and the council, but to be honest-" he lowered his voice to a whisper "all the council really does is complain."
I've been to a few of Ben's council meetings, then resolved to never go to one again unless I absolutely had to. Most of the council members weren't over me coming from the Isle. I'd always get nasty looks and overhear people talking crap about me behind my back. Ben didn't know any of this, though.
"But can't your parents take over for just one weekend?" I asked. "They've done it before."
"I'll ask them," Ben said. "They might be willing to. They know how much time I spend in my office."
"I think you need some sleep," I said. "Whenever I go to bed, you're never there, and when I wake up, you're already in here working. Plus, you look exhausted right now," I brushed some of his brown hair from his forehead.
He gave me a faint smile. "I love it when you're all worried and stuff."
"Okay... well are you at a stopping point?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Go take a nap." I ordered.
"Why? I'm fine, Mal."
"No you're really not."
He mimicked my tone. "Yes I really am."
"I'll cuddle with you..." I gave him a pleading look.
"Well now that you mention that, I'll take a nap," he decided.
I smiled, getting off his lap and standing up. He picked me up bridal style and carried me through the door that attached our bedroom to his office.
He set me down gently and I rolled over to make room for him. He laid down and I purposely turned my back to him. Ben pulled me into his arms. I turned around to look into his eyes that I could get lost in (and have, on numerous occasions).
"I missed you," he murmured, pulling me closer to him.
"I missed you too," I cooed at my husband.
He kissed me sweetly on the lips, and I totally forgot the whole reason for us being here was so he could get some much-needed rest.
That one tiny kiss quickly exploded into a full-on makeout session. Ben rolled on top of me as we were kissing feverishly.
I pulled away after I ran out of air. Some times like this I really hate the fact that humans have to actually breathe once in a while. He let me breathe as he moved his lips onto my uncovered neck. After a few minutes of that, I pulled him back up so I could kiss his lips once more.
Once we pulled away, I could see how tired he was again, which I had forgotten in the midst of all the kisses. Only now his eyes were dark and yet still burned brightly with love. I gently pushed him off of me. He whined a little. I only smirked.
"You need your rest." I insisted.
"Who needs rest when I have you to dedicate my energy to?"
"You do," I giggled at his little pout.
"Fine..." he whined again. "Just for you. But after I wake up, we're continuing where we left off."
"Of course we are," I agreed.
He kissed me once more then wrapped his arms back around me tightly. A few short minutes later, he was asleep.
At the end of the day, his council meetings were cancelled and Belle and Adam let Ben have the weekend off to rest and relax.
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