Ben: Let's just say Ben met Maleficent at his coronation...and the visit wasn't very expected or welcomed. And you knew she'd never approve when she told you that falling love was weak and ridiculous; something you didn't want.
Carlos: "Oh Y/N has a boyfriend." Ben brought up while you and your family were trying to pose for the photographer. Belle beamed and Beast just said, "Really?" You nodded. "You'll meet him later; I wanna get this picture done." you said and smiled as the bright flash went off on the camera. "So do we get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" Beast asked. You nodded and saw your handsome boyfriend over by the chocolate fountain. "Carlos!" You called to him. Beast was more shocked then Belle was. Carlos came over, holding Dude in his arms with chocolate on his lips. When you two made your way to your parents, Beast was staring Carlos down. You and Ben called that his 'Beastly stare.' You took a good look at Carlos before taking a napkin from his jacket. "Hun you got chocolate all over your mouth." you said wiping it off. He smiled. "Thanks." He whispered before turning to your parents. "Mom, Dad, this is Carlos De Vil. From the Isle. He's my boyfriend. Carlos you know that this is my mom and dad." You introduced. Carlos handed Dude to Ben so he could bow to your parents. "Your Majesties." He greeted. "Hello Carlos. Y/N has told us so much about you." Belle said with her signature kind smile. Carlos just smiled but then lost all confidence when he saw your dad. "Does he make you happy Y/N?" Beast asked. "He makes me very happy Dad," you said kissing Carlos's cheek. Your father gave both of you a warm smile. "I approve. But if you break my little girl's heart..." Beast trailed off. "Don't worry Your Majesty; I'd never do anything to hurt Y/N. She's too precious and too important to me." He said. When you two walked away, he smiled. "I think they like me."
Doug: FG had set up a private video chat between you and your dad and your brother. You finally got to have them meet Doug. But he was pretty nervous himself. When your father and brother's faces appeared on the screen you smiled brightly. "Hi Daddy! Hey Harry!" You waved to the screen. Captain Hook and Harry both smiled and waved back. "How's it at Auradon sis?" Harry asked. "I'm doing really great. I miss you guys so much." You said. "We miss you too my little lass." Cpt. Hook said. You then beckoned Doug to come forward. "Who's this?" Your dad inquired. "This is Doug; he's Dopey's son and my boyfriend." You introduced. "Hello Captain, Harry. Y/N talks about the two of you all the time and I'm glad we finally met." Doug said. Your dad stood there for a minute before smiling. "Nice to meet the boy that kidnapped my little lass's heart." He said chuckling at Doug. Harry then looked at Doug. "You hurt her and I'll humiliate you. All it takes is one wrong move and I'll debilitate you. Even if you make her cry I'll eliminate you. All it takes is one wrong word and I'll--" "HARRY! We get it. Chill." You said interrupting his 'big speech.' Doug nodded furiously and swallowed. Harry smiled. "Glad to know he's on the same page." He said. After you bid them goodbye, you smiled at Doug. "That went better than I thought." Doug admitted. You nodded as you two went off to class.
Evie: It was at Family Day, and You really wanted Evie to meet your parents. "C'mon E! They've been dying to meet you!" You said, dragging her away from the other VK's. "Are you sure dove?" She asked uncertain. You smiled. "Have I ever lied to you?" You asked. She smiled and shook her head. When you two finally saw your parents, you went to hug them. "Oh Y/N how are you darling?" Your mom Tiana asked. "I'm doing just fine Mama. Oh and I wanted you two to meet someone. This is Evie, the daughter of the Evil Queen. She's my girlfriend." You said. Tiana smiled warmly at Evie. "I'm glad we finally met; Y/N would not stop talking about you." Tiana said making you blush. "Mama..." you trailed off. Just then Naveen went up to Evie. "In case you forget, she has an alligator for an uncle. I won't hesitate to do anything if you hurt her. But other than that I approve." He said. Evie smiled. "I'm glad you approve; I would never hurt my dove. I love her too much." Evie said pressing a kiss to your temple. You smiled widely and rested your head on her shoulder. Tiana and Naveen just smiled at you two. Evie was happy they liked her.
Harry: It took some convincing from the VK's but they finally got FG and Ben agree to bring you back to Auradon. And the best part? They agreed that Harry and Dizzy could come too! You were so happy. Once you three arrived in Auradon, you smiled widely. "Home sweet home!" You cheered. Don't get me wrong; you did like the Isle but you were homesick like crazy. Harry and Dizzy chuckled as the VK's and Ben came towards the three of you. "Welcome home Y/N!" They all said. You smiled and hugged them. Dizzy hugged the VK's and then Harry did the same. "Guys it's Family Day which means that everyone in Auradon is coming!" Evie squealed. You smiled and went to get dressed with her, Mal and Dizzy. Once Family Day started, you took Harry to wherever your father was, which was with his nieces and nephews/your cousins (aka the sons and daughters of the Lost Boys). Harry began fiddling with the hook on his hand. He was nervous. It's not every day that you meet the father of your girlfriend, who just so happens to be your dad's sworn enemy! When Peter saw you he tackled you into a hug. "Hey squirt. How was the Isle?" Peter asked. "It was actually pretty nice. I made some friends there. Oh and there's someone I want you to meet." You said to which he nodded. You led Harry up to your dad. "Dad don't freak out. This is Harry Hook, or Captain Hook Jr. He's my boyfriend. Harry this is my dad Peter Pan." You introduced. Peter looked appalled for a split second. "Whoa whoa whoa. He's Hook's son?" Peter asked. You nodded. "I'm not like my dad Mr. Pan. As soon as I met Y/N, I knew it was love at first sight." Harry said making you smile. "If you hurt her I'll throw you into the ocean where you can swim with ol' Tick Tock Croc." Peter threatened. "Y-Yes sir," Harry said. Peter smiled. "Good. Now run along. I'm glad you two found each other." He said before going back to your cousins. You smiled. "And you were worried he'd murder you." You laughed. Harry blushed from embarrassment.
Jay: Jay had met your parents at the Auradon Prep Art Gallery, where your original portrait of the VK's was hanging in the hallway. "Oh Y/N this is marvelous!" Rapunzel praised. "Thanks Mom." You said smiling. Just then Jay came up behind you. You smiled and leaned into him, forgetting that your parents were present. Eugene cleared his throat and you smiled widely. "Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Jay; son of Jafar and the thief of my heart." You said. Eugene nodded. "Does he make you happy lovebug?" Eugene asked using his nickname for you. "Very happy." You replied. "I approve; but Jay do remember my wife has a frying pan, a chameleon and a former thief to knock some sense into you if you so ever hurt Y/N." Eugene said. Jay chuckled. "I will never hurt her Mr. Fitzherbert." Jay promised. Rapunzel smiled. "Looks like us all over again." She commented. You nodded and went to go look around at other paintings with Jay.
Mal: Mal had already met FG when she first arrived to Auradon. So enough said, your mom adored Mal, but threatened to Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo the living daylights out of the daughter of Maleficent if she ever broke your heart. Mal smiled when she knew she had your mother's approval.
Uma: When you told Ariel and Eric about Uma, they asked if they could meet her on Family Day. After talking to Melody (who already saw your parents), you took Uma to meet them. "I'm not so sure; I am the daughter of your mother's sworn enemy." Uma reminded. "But you're not your mother; you're Uma." You reminded. Ariel and Eric hugged you, then Ariel smiled at Uma. "I'm glad that Y/N had found someone like you Uma. You stole her heart but with the best intentions. Thank you for being the love of my little girl's life." Ariel said. Uma smiled and bowed. "Of course Your Highness." She said. Eric then smiled at Uma. "You're practically family now Uma." He joked, causing you to blush immensely. At least they liked her...
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