Mal: Okay, question, who do you think is the best superhero?
Ben: Obviously, it's Batman!
Chad: No, it's Captain America!
Evie: I like Supergirl!
Jay: New question. Most overrated superhero.
Carlos: Superman!
Jane: I think that Batman is also overrated. Sorry Ben.
Audrey: I also think that Flash is overrated.
Lonnie: You watch superhero movies?
Audrey: Yes. Why? Does that surprise everyone?
Everyone: Yes.
Audrey: Good grief.
Doug: Most underrated superhero?
Freddy Falcier: Ant Man and his DC equivalent, Atom.
Amy Tremaine: The Incredible Hulk.
Gabriella Tremaine: Batman. Sorry Ben and Jane.
Ally: Black Widow. People don't like female heroes.
Lord Anthony Tremaine: Iron Man.
Ben: Quick question, why is Batman the most underrated and overrated superhero?
Jane: For overrated, because people always talk about him.
Gabriella Tremaine: Underrated because people don't think he's a superhero since he doesn't have powers.
Ben: Okay, I can understand that.
Mal: And that was our first ever Facebook debate. See you next time!
Evie: Who are you talking to?
Mal: No clue.
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