Mal: OMG! Percy! I found this funny picture on the internet that I really like. #princessoctavian
Percy: You're kidding. I'm going to forward this to everyone on the Argo II.
Mal: Okay.
Annabeth: OMG! That is so funny!
Mal: I know! Why do you think I showed it to Percy first, or should I say Persassy.
Piper: What?
Mal: It's this thing on Wattpad where they make Percy super sassy and they call it Persassyeus Jacksasson.
Hazel: Pluto's Paldrens that a mouthful.
Frank: Mars Almighty! Jason isn't going to like #princessoctavian. You walked into the bear's den Mal.
Jason: No, it's okay. I think that it fits in with Octavian's personality. Though he makes the princess WAY uglier. #princessoctavian.
Octavian: Not cool. Not cool at all.
Hazel: Really? Because everyone here in the 5th Chort is laughing their socks off!
Frank: Yeah. Even Reyna is laughing.
Reyna: It's true. Even my dogs are laughing.
Nico: Okay, I'm making a giant billboard that has that on it so Octavian can be humiliated on many different levels.
Octavian: Not cool son of Hades, not cool.
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