"So, where do you think he is?" Mal questioned. "The Bargain Castle?" Carlos suggested. Mal sighed. "No, that would be too easy. Have you met my mother?" Said Mal. Carlos nodded in agreement. "Where then?" Evie gasped. "You don't think..?" She said. "The Forbidden Fortress." Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay said together. "Well, we have no idea what those things are, so, we'll just stay here, or try to get back to Auradon ourselves. Good luck to you!" Audrey smiled. "Oh, you're coming with us, you never know when we'll need backup." Mal said. "Do we have to?" Audrey whined. Mal gave her a look. Audrey sighed. "Fine." She said. Mal nodded. "Well, let's get going. The Fortress is way on the other side of the Isle. Well, technically, it's separate island, but it's still part of the Isle."
A while later.......
They all walked to the docks. "Good. The goblins aren't here. It'll be a few hours before they're here, so we have time, but we need to be fast." Mal said. "Come on. Get in the boats." Audrey made a disgusted face. "Those boats look nasty." She said. Mal grabbed one of the oars on one of the boats. "Audrey, stop complaining, before I beat you with this oar, and throw you off the dock." Audrey looked frightened. "Ok, ok, I'll stop." She said. "Good, now get in the boat." Mal said.
On the other Island.......
"Ahhhhhhhh!" Audrey screamed. She had seen a spider. "Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" Audrey yelled. "What now?!" Mal exclaimed. "Someone kill that monster!" Said Audrey. She was pointing at the spider. "That little spider?" Mal said laughing. "I'll kill it!" Jay said, stomping on the spider. "Thank you Jay", Audrey said, hugging him. Jay smiled. "My pleasure!" He said, bowing. "Ok, let's get moving. The fortress is up on that mountain. Let's just hope it's not as hard getting to it as last time." Mal said. "Last time?" Audrey, Doug, Lonnie, Jane, and Chad said together. "It's a long story, and we don't have the time." Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay said together. "Let's just get moving, and get this over with." Chad said. "No one asked for your opinion Chad." Evie said. "Hey, I'm sorry I was a jerk to you, okay Evie, it was wrong, and I shouldn't have done it." Chad said. "Whatever." Evie said rolling her eyes. "Guys! Focus!" Mal, Jane, Lonnie, and Carlos said. "Come on, we have to get to the top of that mountain!"
In the dungeon.......
(Ben talking to himself) "What if I never make it out of here? What if no one notices that I'm gone?" Suddenly, a light came in. He saw the figure again. "Keep it down!" The figure yelled. "Or I will put you to sleep for 100 years!" It yelled. Ben gasped. "Uh, I mean, I'll give you a poison apple! Either way, you will never wake up, because you've never had true love." Ben squinted his eyes, trying to see who the figure was. "Again, who are you?" Ben questioned. "Again, anonymous." The figure was gone then. Ben sighed. "What am I going to do?"
Back with the others.......
Mal started climbing the mountain, with the others following. Jane climbed up on one of the ledges. "It's pretty steep, isn't it?" She asked. "Yeah, just wait till we get to the bridge." Carlos said. "What's at the bridge?" Jane asked. "You don't want to know, but you'll find out anyway." Carlos said. Ok...Jane said, looking worried. "It's not too hard to climb." Said Lonnie. "Yeah, that's easy for you to say, you grew up learning how to climb like this." Doug said. "Yeah, but still, it's not THAT hard." Lonnie said.
At the top of the mountain.......
"Ok, now we have to get across that bridge. Again. You guys remember what happened last time, right?" Mal looked at Evie, Carlos, and Jay. "Yeah." They nodded. They all walked down to where the bridge was. The gargoyle statues' eyes started glowing green. "We meet again." They moaned. "Ahhhhhhh!" Audrey, Doug, Jane, Lonnie, and Chad started to scream, but Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay covered their mouths, and whispered to them: "Shhhhhhh! They can smell fear!" They looked even more frightened now. "I'll handle this guys." Mal said, walking up to the gargoyles. "Please let us through this time", she said to the gargoyles. "Never!" They moaned. Suddenly, Mal ran past them, completely ignoring them, with the others following close behind her. Most of them made it to the other side, but suddenly, the bridge collapsed, with Doug still on it. "Ahhhhhhh!" He screamed. He grabbed onto the ledge of the other side. "Doug!" Evie ran back to him. Doug looked up at her. "I love you Evie! Tell my family I love them!" He exclaimed. "Doug, don't fall! Don't leave me!" Evie exclaimed, reaching her hand out to pull him up. Doug grabbed her hand. Evie pulled him up. "Ugh! Don't ever scare me like that again!" Evie hugged him. "Are you happy that I'm alive, or are you mad?!" Doug exclaimed. Evie put her hands on his shoulders, and looked at him right in the eye. "Right now, a little bit of both." She smiled. Doug nodded. They continued to follow the others. They approached the fortress. There was a huge wall all the way around it. "Ok, now we have to climb over this wall." Said Mal. "More climbing?" Jane whined. "Yes." Mal looked at her. "Ugh!" Jane complained. "Hey, I'm not the one who designed this place!" Mal said. Mal grabbed the rope, tossed it over the wall, and tightened it. "Ok, let's climb up the wall." Mal grabbed the rope, and started to climb it. I'm coming Ben. I just hope you're okay. She mumbled under her breath.
To be continued.......
I hope you guys liked this chapter. It's getting pretty interesting isn't it? Well, again, I'll try to update as often as I can. Also, thank you for reading this story!
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