Roleplay Adventures Part 4
Sam- I like Tacos. That is all I must say.
Ripples10660- Tacos are good :3
Ripples10660- 0_0 Its not my fault you hurt his feelings...he's been hurt so many times :(
Jessica- b-but...i didn't mean i didn't like him....i love derp... :'(
Ripples10660- ...sorry?
Ripples10660- No she's not -_-
Jessica- where is she!1!??
Ripples10660- At her house? Idk! The only thing here that is dead is our FRIENDSHIP which you murderalized slowly and painfully when you didn't like my song -_-
Jessica- i've never heard the song lol, I cant get on youtube. I haven't been on youtube in 2 months....
Ripples10660- But Markimoo sings it!!!!
Ripples10660- That explains why you never watch my videos -_-
Jessica- i wants to see all of pewdiepie o_o hes the straw to my cup to my peanut butter to my jelly....
Ripples10660- I'm pretty sure that's a song -_-
Jessica- ? it is? I was just naming random things i swear
Ripples10660- And I thought you loved Derp!? Ya got to choose! Derp or Poods!?
Jessica- derp by a mile. I'd never let him go :)
(And the roleplay begins :3)
Derp- Yay!
Anna- oh satan...
Jessica- what?
Psychosummer- WhAt WaS tHaT!?
Anna- people say 'oh god' i say 'oh satan'
Psychosummer- *takes axe out* IlL giVe yOU fIVe SeCoNdS tO RuN. OnE....TwO...
Jessica- 0_0
Psychosummer- ThREE.....fOuR....
Jessica- derp......... i dunt wanna die!
Psychosummer- RuN ruN aS fASt aS yOU CaN!! FIve!
Jessica- *runs to narnia again and lock door* *unlocks door, pulls derp in, and locks again*
Psychosummer- *runs after Anna* DO yoU wANt tO pLaY a gAmE AnNA!?
anna- yeah...its called "get psycosummer a boyfriend so she chillaxes* !!!
Kaylee- I love games!! Hangman, cards, jump rope!!!
Jessica- *opens door* who in the donkey butts are you?
Psychosummer- yOu sAId AxE...tHAt IS FuNnY. *turns lights out* bUT NoT fUnnY eNoUgh! *swings axe down on Anna's head*
anna- *dies*
(Behind the scenes) ~~~
Jessica- *dies along with anna*
Kaylee- B-but I just got here, com- *dies*
Ripples10660- (Lol you don't have to die so we can continue the role play Lol XD)
Jessica- well if someone hit me on the head with an axe...i'd die...
Seto- *brings Jessica and Kaylee back to life*
Ripples10660- (Just because Anna dies don't mean you have too or Kaylee :/)
Jessica-....shes apart of me lol
Ripples10660- (Well a part of you just died :D)
Jessica- but okayyy,
~~~ (end of behind the scenes)
Jessica- Yus!! I missed you derp! *hugs*
anna- stupid crazy *cat*
Kaylee- I thought she died?
anna- I lie about everything...even my death
Jessica- 0-0
Psychosummer- *kills Anna* *blood splatters everywhere* oH KaYlEe, dO yOu wANt tO pLaY a GAmE!?
Kaylee- NUUUU I Dnt wanna diieee
Jessica- 0_0 *hugs derp in fear* Oh my...
Kaylee- GLOB! sorry..i love adventure time :)
Jessica- ...
Psychosummer- *slowly walks towards Kaylee* LeTs PlaY A GAme! *twitches spasmodically* HaHAhaHahaHa!! *Raises axe* HEllO fRiEnd.
Kaylee- NUUUUU!!! I'm not going to leave my beloved Seto!!!
Jessica- 0_0 nu. nu seto. he is taken my precious.
Kaylee- b-but---no...hes..mine
Psychosummer- ...SEtO iS MiNe!!! *kills Kaylee*
Jessica-- nu he's not... he's psycosumm---ahhhh!!!
Psychosummer- AhaHaHAHahA! JeSsiCA, wHeRE aRE YoU fRIend?
Jessica- *grabs seto* *pushes towards phsycosummer* LOVE HER SO SHE'S NICER!!!
Psychosummer- i hAVe a SuPrIzE fOR yOU!
Jessica- *cries uncontrollably* I'm too young to die!!
Psychosummer- i cAN hEaR yOU, IM cOMinG FOr yOu...
Jessica- *hides derp where psycosummer can't find him EVER* fine....kill me...but not derp....he's too precious..
Psychosummer- i wOUlD nEvEr hURt DerP...iM nOT a bAD PerSon
Myra- Says the person who killed two people.
Psychosummer- AnnA deServED IT! ANd sO diD KaYLee!
Myra- Does Jessica? Are you really going to kill Summer's best friend!?
Jessica- :( I'll buy you a cookie psycosummer...
Seto- Wait, is that why Summer is so obsessed with duck taping me all the time!?
Myra- yes, yes it is.
Seto- 0_0
Psychosummer- CoOkIe?
Jessica- *holds out three cookies to psycosummer* here. Friend.
Psychosummer- FrIenD...? *cautiously takes a cookie*
Jessica- *nods*
Myra- *whispers to Seto*
Seto- I don't know if that's a good idea...
Myra- DO IT! NOW!
Seto- Okay... *uses magic to separate Summer and PsychoSummer*
Ripples10660- Ow my head...
Jessica- 0_0
Psychosummer- IM fREe!
Ripples10660- *screams and hides behind Jessica* she scares me!
Psychosummer- FrIeeEeEND *Hugs Jess*
Ripples10660- Ian, maybe you should go introduce PsychoSummer with your brother Freak...he talks like that too
Ian- Idk...we already have one insane person, we don't need two
Ripples10660- Just do it -_-
Seto- Please she stops being obsessed with me?
Ian- Okay... *leaves* *comes back with Freak*
Freak- Hello.
Seto- I thought you said he talked like PsychoSummer?
Ripples10660- He does..sometimes... I think it's when he's mad.
Myra- So when he's mad you could say he talks like a Freak XD
Freak- i aM nOT A FreAK!
Myra- 0_0 Sorry...
Jessica- Hi Freak!! Not that you're a freak...but thats your name soo...
Anna- smooth one Jess
Freak- ...Hi, do you want to play a game with me? *gets out a jack-in-a-box
Anna- *screams* I hate those things!!!
Jessica- I love jack-in-a-box's~~
Freak- *goes up to Jess* See I'll play it. *plays jack-in-a-box* *Jack-in-a-box plays distorted music* sorry, for the music *Jack-in-a-box opens but nothing is inside* Oh sorry, would you like to see what was supposed to come out?
Jessica- yus!!!
Freak- *reaches in box and pulls out an old rotten heart* See, its from my last friend that came to play, he let me keep it as he wasn't finding much use for it!
Jessica- aww. thats sweet you still have it :)
Ripples10660- That's disturbing...
Sshadee- I'm use to it.
Ripples10660- *hugs Sshadee*
Sshadee- 0_0 What are you doing?
Ripples10660- I'm hugging you.
PsychoSummer- *hugs Seto*
Seto- *squeaks in surprise*
PsychoSummer- hI :)
Seto- ...Someone help me...
PsychoSummer- *pets Seto's head*
Seto- ...St-stop that!
PsychoSummer- bUT yOuRe sO CuTe!
Seto- *blushes* ...thanks?
Ripples10660- *pets Sshadee's head*
Sshadee- Do not pet me.
Ripples10660- Okay...
What will happen next? Find out next time! XD
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