top of da page to ya ladies
Yo, wut's up, we're back again bitches.
sup bruh, we iz doin' a great return (of turtle) broooooos.
*nods and bl--inks and return*
so i guess we doin' another derp off then bitches. dis one gonna be based off apologiesssssssss. cuz we are sick fucks.
the turt believes the title sounds like orgies.
the turt also wants to fuck sans.
the turt also would rather bang the floor.
the turt also would rather fuck haung twaaaaaaa.
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
if you couldn't tell, they were c-
shhhh let them stay confused
fine, hesus.
um. intro. story now. whoop whoop.
wait also before we start the story: #ittybittytittycommitee
k pitches let's get start this shit
turts gonna start
yeah, go turt!
Ness was violently chucked into gravi--waterfall by a fellow theorist.
In his weird ass baby hands, he found a crusty piece of paper, that smelt like chinese food. He red it over again, to make sure he was a-goin' in da write die-erection.
you sound country as fuck.
i know, somethin' wrong with dat partnerr?
um. nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. *blinks*
Dear dickwad,
Get yo' bony white ass over here in da wishin' rum, daddy. ;) i need to talk to u about somethin'''';)))) jkjk,u wish dumbass. just cum plz.
-aaaaaaaaaaawt gnuah
"eh, whatever. and wtf i totally dont want to bang whoever that is."
"ok i do, butt fuck it."
It had been a hole dam beaver year since he had been down the rabbit hole, so being the clumsy ass skele-man he is-was he ran straight into a fucking random pole (also the turt's lover)
He stumbled back like a drunk skunk, before patting the pole, profusely apologizing like the Canadian he is-was, eh.
In da Waterfall, he remembered bein' a kid pretendin' all sorts of shit.
"i was a dumbass." he said aloud, remembering all the ways he shoved his baby skele-dick into random crevices in the walls.
Something suddenly made a noise, disturbing his slowly erecting dick. It sounded like one of da blue motherfucking wannabe Floweys.
it began to whisper.
"over dis way biatch." it yelled. Ness responded by flipping off the flower and continuing on his skippy do way, seeing another one of dem fuckers quite soon.
it seemed to turn towards Ness in which he responded,
"that's creepy as fuck."
"Okay thanks asshole. Look I got a lotta shit to say, so you better get your ears- well okay listen through your eye sockets or some shit idk bro."
Ness being stupid as shit, tries talking to a damn flower that's supposed to only repeat, "listen bitch i can stomp you right fuckin' now so just talk. i got a date later with a bottle of ketchup and a shit ton of lube."
Surprisingly, it works, "Ew. Okay anyways. A really long time ago... okay keep walking."
"that's it? that's your shit ton to say?"
"Yes bitch keep movin' alright I got places to be, things to do."
"your stuck in the fucking ground."
"Fuck you."
"wanna suck my dick. like actually please."
"No. Move."
"fine, whatever. didnt want u anyway lil' asswad."
"Yeah, yeah, you canadian."
Ness straight-up leafs. (Like... it's a flower...leaf....hehhehehehehehehehhehehehehhehe)
Another glowing blue thing suddenly ejected itself from a hole in the wall, screaming like banshee, " A YOUNG CHINESE TWAT FELLITH INTO THE GROUND UNDER THE ABOVE..." It then blinked, retreating into it's hole.
Sans rolled his ping-pong eyes, walking two steps before getting his ass slapped by another flower.
The flower then was about to continue the tellith of the tale, only to get boned.
Up for interpretation
He then walked around the weird random corner, just to find about 463 flowers screeching at him. He boned all of them into submission, wearing bad-ass sunglasses.
He suddenly heard a strange, twatty scream cumming from above.
A small, two foot tall, twat chinese, rammed into Ness, lodging their pointy ass boots into his eye-socket.
Ness was thrown to the ground, the chinese fuck plodded on top of him with his leg still shoved in his skull. The fuck then asked, while wiggling their caterpillar eyebrows, "Feel same waaaaay?!!!!"
"Feel same wayyyy!" The screeched, putting a spoon up to his vete-throat.
"Same way feeeel!!!!!"
"i don't know wtf ur talkin' aboot?"
I have an DunKle named ed...
"Britney Spears is beeeest! brit brit saiiiiid... HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!"
And now... we enter... smut-landica... cuz ash.
Suddenly Ness cups Twa's cheek, and leans in. His lips meet Twa's, and Ness feels Twa melt into the kiss. It begins evolving, taking on a much more passionate force.
Ness pulls away slightly, biting down and pulling one of Twa's lips with him. Twa feels heavily turned on by Ness' sense of control.
Ness unbuttoned Twa's shorts, slowly unzipping them. He gently pulled out his dick, beginning to slowly stroke it, trying to tease him as much as possible.
"Sans, just fucking fuck me already." Twa said, getting frustrated very quickly.
"An impatient boy is an undeserving boy." Ness responded, stopping his motion.
"No, please, I'm sorry." Twa quickly answered, realizing his mistake.
"You're dick isn't too bad for a chinese guy." Ness answered, slowly beginning to rub again.
Little by little he began to escalate, beginning to speed up, causing greater moans out of Twa.
"Ness..." He continued to moan.
Right before he was about to cum Ness stopped.
"Just wait for it." Ness said, as he spun him around while undoing his shorts as well.
Ness forcefully inserted his dick up Twa, causing a great surprised moan out of him. Twa was expecting him to go slow at first, yet he was going at full force.
"Wait... stop... can't..." Twa moaned. Ness kept going however, as he sounded pleasured and a few moments later began begging him to keep going.
This continued for only a few minutes before Twa came, out of breath.
However, he felt he owed it to Ness, so he turned to face him and bent down, taking his dick into his mouth.
Ness began moaning at the sudden, unexpected pleasure. As Twa took him in farther, Ness' tip began hitting the back of his throat, causing pleasure to be shot all throughout his body.
Ness grasped onto Twa's hair, as Twa continued to pleasure him.
Finally, Ness gasped out one final moan, cumming into Twa's mouth. Twa swallowed it down.
"hey, can i show you something?" Ness asked.
"Sure?" Twa said, standing up.
Ness put his hand to Twa's chest, and Twa began feeling a warm sensation build up where Ness' hand was, and slowly begin to leave him as Ness' hand pulled away slowly.
As his hand pulled away, Twa saw that his soul began coming out of his body. It felt somewhat liquidy as it left him, and his body went cold.
However, once his soul was completely within Ness' grasp, he felt suddenly warmer than normal, and began feeling tingly.
Ness began to rub his soul, which surprised Twa as it caused more sexual pleasure.
Ness suddenly stopped however, seeing a black core within his soul.
"bitch what the fuck is this."
Twa blinked.
Back to the derp.
Ness poked the black goopers aggressively, "the fuck is this?"
Twa moaned from the poke, only to get a random ass blaster shoved up his mouthpipe.
"no." Sans said simply, even though the chinese twat sucked on the blaster anyways, ignoring him. "what the fuck is up with you soul?"
Twa ignored.
"seriously, i get haters gotta hate, but this is ridiculous. like, a black part in your soul? no more fuckage for you. daddy says no."
Twa let out a single tear, which suddenly formed into a sassy as hell white chick with rosy ass cheeks and a green and yellow shirt.
"EXCUSE ME!" She said,snapping her fingers in a triangle for some reason. "YOU RACIST? CAN'T SCREW A SOUL 'CAUSE IT BE BLACK?" She huffed like a wold, "MY LORD, THE HELL IS WRONG WIT' YOU PEOPLES?"
Ness blonked, then shrogged, "whatev's" he then began trotting away like a pony, when a sudden goat dropped from the sky like an atomic bomb after trump was elected.
The big ass mama goat easily broke Ness's neck in 23.5 different locations, before baaing in her manly voice, "THE FUCK IS MY SEX SLAVE?"
Huang twa suddenly sprang up like a slinky, dashing away, screeching, "HUANG TWAAAAA IS OUTIE!" Dragging the sassy soul bitch with him, 'cause reasons.
we love all people btw, xDD <33
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