Tell Me What To Do - SHINee
Insanity week passed, now moving onto the second week; which is testing out the ice.
Now this is what Jeongguk has been waiting for throughout this entire week, now he can feel like he can relax on the ice since for figure skating they won't be doing things that are too intense for him.
It's the third day of this week of testing out the ice, and Jeongguk has felt the calmest he's ever been. The ice is definitely what he's been missing out on, and getting back to it really helped him be grounded to what he loves to do.
So now being in a good mood, Jeongguk and Namjoon decided to hang out. They haven't spoken to each other often while being here, mainly because of their focus on their respective events, but now that they're in calm waters they've decided to catch up while walking alongside the beach.
Nice day out, few people, seems like a really good day for a sibling hang out.
"The relief I felt when they sent us on the ice again," Namjoon bellows with a smile, stretching his arms to the warm sun on his skin, "I definitely needed that."
Jeongguk smiles brightly and nods back too, gazing out to the sea with the ocean water gently caressing his feet, "Me too."
"By the way, how's Jimin been doing? He doesn't answer my messages."
How is it that every time he's out with someone, Jimin is always mentioned somehow?
First with Lalisa and now with Namjoon - which isn't shocking to say the least.
A spark of annoyance flickers Jeongguk's body and he looks at Namjoon, "What is it that you see in Jimin? I know that.... You have your obsessive love disorder, but what is it about him?"
Namjoon's smile didn't fade away, if anything it brighten like the sun as he glanced at Jeongguk, "What's there not to like?"
"He ignores you. His temper. Impulsiveness. Lack of empathy for others - should I continue?"
"You're just saying that because of the food incident," Namjoon waves off, running a hand through his hair, "But Jimin..... He's someone who may appear uncaring but would do so much for others when they least expect it."
Jeongguk remains with a pointed look, "And you're just saying that because of your condition."
"Yeah, maybe I am," Namjoon chuckles to himself, shrugging, "But you've said this to me many times in the past, sometimes people don't like what they can't understand. Who are you to judge who he is? We are never going to know a person 100%, but the best thing we can do is show that we care even if they refuse to accept it."
"What's the point if they reject you?"
"Because it's not for me," and Namjoon snickers, "I show my care for them, or in this case for Jimin, because I want to. Not because I gain something out of it but because I believe it's something he needs in order to believe people aren't shitty."
For the first time since this whole situation started, Jeongguk feels like he's starting to get a new perspective out of Namjoon and his case with Jimin. Maybe he's getting counseling like how he said he would and been taking mood stabilizer medications to help. He's been focusing more on hockey that he only tries to reach out to Jimin every once in a while, since he still can't get over him so easily.
Jeongguk stares at his brother for a moment and he didn't know what overcame him to sign the next thing he did.
"Me and Jimin," Namjoon stops, looking at him with patient eyes, "Um..... I haven't been staying in the room for sometime. He goes to practice but he hasn't for this week..... Do you think I did something wrong?"
He was going to tell him. Oh how he was going to tell Namjoon about how he's done things with Jimin a friend or partners don't usually do.
But he couldn't, he never can.
Namjoon thinks over his signs carefully, shrugging, "That I don't know since I wasn't there. You being his partner, obviously you want what's best for him," And he lazily rubs his hair, "As you know, Jimin is a complex person. He tends to isolate himself from the world when he feels like the world is turning their back to him, just as a way to recharge himself. I'll be blunt though, if you're expecting him to do some outrageous apology or find a way for you to forgive him, you'll be wasting your time."
Jeongguk froze in his steps. Even Namjoon stopped after he noticed his brother strayed back, turning around with a head tilt to the side.
"You okay-"
"Do you think Jimin is worth fighting for?"
The question clearly caught Namjoon off guard, chuckling to himself, "What?"
"If you were in my shoes..... Would you still try? Even where there's multiple signs to just give up?"
There's a moment where Namjoon was trying to study the meaning behind his word, but it seemed like he couldn't find an anchor for it.
So he softly smiles, "You're asking this from someone who is obsessed with him," And Namjoon steps towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "If I were in your shoes, I would not only not give up, but I would make sure he feels at peace knowing he has someone he can confine into after so many years of pain."
Better Broken - Fintan & Alex Porat
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Jimin stands with hands to his back, refusing to look at Jackson while he holds the resignation letter that Jimin has been working on writing for the remainder of the week.
He can't continue on with this program, even if he wanted to.
He's just deciding to do this early, wanting his focus to be only and just ballet.
This is the right thing to do, for him and Jeongguk.
So he nods, "Yes. I've been avoiding this for a long time but I cannot keep running away from my problems. I've been the cause of a mess to Jeongguk and I need to start focusing on my health.... So thank you for being a great instructor to me."
Jackson didn't say anything, only watches the way Jimin avoids eye contact before glancing at the letter in hand and back to him, "If this is your decision, I respect it. Will you still be finishing your training here or this is it?"
"I will be leaving tomorrow," he informs, masking a strained smile, "Can um... You not tell anyone about this yet? Maybe once I leave or something."
All Jackson did was nod, not knowing what else to say. Sure he didn't want Jimin to leave, but Taemin already did give him a heads up warning to not fight him on it. Lately he's been handling a lot of inner emotions, so if he makes a decision in regards to his health or profession, to just let him figure it out.
Jimin slowly nods back once again to him and turns around, walking to the door and opening it.
Only to be met with familiar wide doe eyes in return.
It felt like the air was squeezing in Jimin's throat when he met Jeongguk's stare into his, unable to even breathe the same air before he walks past him and down the hallway.
This time without Jeongguk holding him back to try to fix things between them.
Not like he expected it either way.
Honesty - Pink Sweat$
The air is hot, steamy and thick with the scent of sex.
Not a surprise really that the hidden couple took the opportunity that everyone was out to have a little fun time on their own, even if it was a little risky.
Especially if Minho's roommate is Karma.
Yeah, very risky.
But since everyone is on protective bodyguard Jeongguk patrol, he's going to be out for a while. So Taehyung thought it was a great idea to come here.
Yeah, they definitely needed that.
Now they're laying lazily on the bed, panting heavily with faint smiles on their faces. That didn't last long before Minho rolls to his side and grabs Taehyung by the cheek to press more adoring pecks against his face.
"My babyyyyy," He squeals, making Taehyung blush but giggle adoringly to him, "Gosh I love youuuu."
"Ahh stooppp!" Taehyung continues to chuckle and slap his arm, "You always get like this after sex, and I'm all sweaty."
"And taste even better."
Taehyung's face coils, "Ew! Never let that sentence ever come out your mouth!"
This made Minho laugh, laying back down on the bed with eyes closed, "I'm happy with our relationship. Even though we can't really go out publicly but I like being with you."
Now it was Taehyung who grew soft, melting like puddy with a wide boxy smile forming his lips with squinted eyes, plopping on his side to look down at Minho.
"Yeah, me too," And he taps his nose, "I should probably go before Karma gets here. He has this amazing timing on when to barge in on things."
Minho's snorts, "You're telling me. No worries though, he's out with Jeongguk right now."
"Jeongguk?" Taehyung mumbled, eyebrows furrowed, "Is he still not going to his room?"
The boyfriend perks a snort, "Obviously not. Who would after Jimin's whole episode."
"That sounds rude," Taehyung says, sitting up with this hard look shifting in his eyes, "We know Jimin well enough than anyone else beside his friends and Jeongguk. You shouldn't talk carelessly about his episodes."
A low groan came out of Minho's lips, tugging at Taehyung's arm, "Calm down, I'm just saying it won't be easy for Jeongguk to face him after he got food banged to his face."
"Were you there to know what happened before that?"
"Are you seriously defending him for doing that?" Minho now sits up, face twisting, "What he did was just plain disrespectful, especially if Jeongguk got it out of some good intention."
"I'm not saying it wasn't disrespectful," Taehyung can feel his little annoyance bubbling up, "I just don't find it fair or necessary to only side to one side and disregarding the other. You said Jimin threw a whole emotional tantrum when Jeongguk left the room, wouldn't be hard to put two and two together that he must be struggling with a lot right now."
"Yeah and to take it out on Jeongguk? As if it's his fault he has issues?"
Taehyung blinks, perking an eyebrow, "Jimin is not a bad person, don't let your loyalty to the team and Jeongguk blind you to that fact! He would literally lend us his place just so we can be together! You can't automatically hate someone just for one mess up thing they've done wrong when they've tried to do a million other things right!"
Minho is frustratingly running a hand through his hair, "Jeongguk was triggered okay? He was triggered horribly that he sent us a text for help! Jeongguk is like my little brother, how do you not expect me to not think of him first?"
"And I get that, I love Jeongguk like a little brother too, but didn't you think at least once that Jimin was possibly triggered by something too that Jeongguk did!" Taehyung now rolls his eyes and gets off the bed, "Ugh forget it."
Aggravated, Minho groans under his breath and also gets off the bed, "Taehyung, come on. Are we seriously going to be fighting about this?"
"We're not fighting," Taehyung huffs, putting his clothes on in clear irritation, "Just thought I knew you better."
"You do know me!" And he takes Taehyung by the forearms to face him, "It's just in this case, you have to at least understand where I'm coming from. You weren't there to see what happened-"
"I don't have to be!" Taehyung slaps his hands off him, "I know Jeongguk and I know Jimin, and even though they don't tell me what's going on with them, I know damn well Jimin shouldn't be the only one walking through fire right now. What if it was me? What if I did something like that to you? Knowing me, would you think I did that because I was fucking bored?"
Minho looks at Taehyung, unable to say anything because he didn't know what to say. This clearly heated off Taehyung, making him scoff and put his shirt on. Maybe more desperate, Minho quickly puts his boxers and a shirt on, chasing after Taehyung right when he was about to open the door and places a hand against it to keep it close, making Taehyung sigh heavily and turn around.
"Minho let me-"
Minho uses one hand to grab the side of his face and press their lips together, deeply and in a affectionate kiss. Taehyung chose stubbornness, no matter how badly he really wanted to kiss him back.
His boyfriend pulls away and looks into his eyes, gently caressing his cheek, "We'll talk about this later, okay? I really don't want to upset you or anything like that."
Taehyung's eyes glances between Minho's own stare and sighs heavily, shaking his head dismissively, "I'm just going to go."
"Why does this affect you so much?"
To this Taehyung didn't want to answer, so he only turns around and opens the door. But the second he stepped out, he's met with Karma just about ready to step inside.
Taehyung didn't even bother exchanging a word with him, only moves past him and walks down the hallway.
Making Karma's blood boil to what the fuck Minho did this time.
Wow lots of perspectives.....
Ah..... This should be good.
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