Stand By You - Jake Wesley Rogers
Lately these days, Jihyo has stopped feeling guilty about things that maybe she should feel guilty for.
It's not like she wanted to, she just didn't feel it.
Well to be fair, when it came to things involving Jimin and Taemin in relations to their distress, it was like her emotions for other things besides them faded away. She didn't care to who she would hurt or explode in rage to defend them; they're all she cares about after all. Whether they're wrong or right, she will go to great lengths against whatever odds to make sure no one messes with them without crossing over her first.
Is she losing her touch for empathy towards other people? Who knows.
Or maybe she just lost hope for any other person to treat her precious souls better than she can.
At the end of the day, they're all she needs and cares for; just Jimin and Taemin. Everyone else are just cycles of life, they come and go, they always do.
Now she's here, in her room, typing away on the computer to search up things to do during her time here with them. Jimin hasn't been doing well, mentally and emotionally, so she has to come up with something so the three can escape just for a moment from this place and focus on other things.
Jimin needs it, shit maybe even Jihyo and Taemin too.
Meanwhile she did that, Lalisa is on her own bed with a deep scowl to her pink lips as she texts on her phone. She's clearly annoyed with Jihyo's aggressive behavior toward her from earlier, but expecting Jihyo to apologize for it would definitely be a waste of time.
Jihyo's not going to because she doesn't see it as something wrong, nor does she feel sorry for it.
She said for Taemin to fuck off, so she'll fuck off instead.
So that's how Jihyo is calm right now as she continues to type away on her laptop before closing it, continuing on her search tomorrow more clear with Taemin, and putting it aside before removing her glasses and puts it on the nightstand too. She gets comfortable on her bed and turns her light off, closing her eyes to get into a deep sleep and think about how to make Jimin's day tomorrow better.
And clearly Lalisa was not having it.
"So you're just going to ignore the obvious problem right now?"
Jihyo remains with her back towards her, eyes closed, "Do you want me to say something princess?"
"Well, how you talked to me earlier was completely disrespectful," It sounded like she shifted on the bed, "And had the audacity to even yank my hair , so yeah, I deserve an apology."
"Ok, sorry."
"You don't even mean that."
"You're right, I don't," And Jihyo sits up, turning her head to look at Lalisa, "When it comes to Taemin and Jimin, I don't fuck around. So you telling Taemin to fuck off sure did piss me off, and I don't regret what I did. So if you're looking for an apology for me defending my friends, go look for it somewhere else."
Lalisa's lips gapped, a sarcastic or maybe offended smile perks her lips as she shakes her head in disbelief, "You know Jimin was wrong in throwing the food to Jeongguk's face-"
"I'm not going to have this conversation with you," Jihyo removes her bed sheets and slides off, "I'm sleeping out."
This made Lalisa get to her feet, "Are you kidding me right now? So you're just going to act like my enemy for a problem that isn't even ours."
"Their problem is my problem," Jihyo huffs and storms to the door, narrowing her eyes to the girl before shaking her head, "I don't care if you end up hating me for doing what I do for them, but I will always be on their side. There's nothing you or anyone can say or do to change my mind about that."
And with that she walks away, not caring how harsh her words probably were as she closes the door shut behind her and walks down the hallway to the elevator, pressing on the button to the upper floor. There's not a single doubt running through her head, not even a sprinkle of guilt just as mentioned earlier.
That's usually the effect that happens when something occurs in relations to Jimin and Taemin.
Truth is, the reason she's like this with them is because they're the only people in her life that has remained permanent, not just temporary. In the past she has betrayed them multiple times by siding with others who would accuse Jimin's behavior as insane or Taemin's aggression towards defending him as mad, just so those people wouldn't leave her life. She was blinded, yeah a lot, and stupid, before she realized how despite the many times she's done this to them Taemin and Jimin have never left her side.
No matter how many times she turned her back towards them, they were still there.
They never abandoned her like how others world. They showed her what a true friendship was when they would defend her from envious girls trying to bring her down, or protect her from her past relationships - who would be anything but nice to her.
And from there she never turned her back again. She fights the world for them, staying on their side no matter how difficult it got just like how they did for her.
She vowed to defend them, no matter against who it is.
That's how she's in this elevator now, arriving to the floor above to walk down the hallway to be there as a pillar once again. However through her walk, she was suddenly taken back in surprise to see a Taemin standing there in front of Jimin's door. He looked hesitant to knock, but the second he saw Jihyo he relaxed with a twitching smile as she approaches him.
Guess their hearts connected indeed.
"Couldn't sleep?"
Taemin frowns and shakes his head, running a stressed hand through his hair, "I just.... I have to be here-"
"I get it," Jihyo murmurs, looking to the door, "Jimin needs us now, so let's be here."
So with that Jihyo knocks on the door, not surprised to not hear a response back.
However Taemin came prepared, taking the key card from his pocket and sliding it on the door knob. This key card is able to access any door in the building, and to be fair Jihyo rather not dig into how he even got a hold of that.
The two sent each other a look before nodding and stepping into the room when the door clicked. The lamp light is still on, adding some guide to their surroundings. Looks like Yoongi cleaned up the mess of food because there's nothing on the ground or on the beds in regards to it.
Only Jimin, who is seated on his bed with knees to his chest and this lost stare in his eyes as he looks at the bed sheets.
The two friends didn't say anything, knowing well not to, instead they just go to either side of him and gets under the sheets with him. Jihyo goes to turn the light off and Taemin gently guides Jimin towards him, making sure that he's okay with this close contact.
Jimin didn't fight back, only would blink or have his breath hitch from time to time, but he lets Taemin guide him to lay down. It was silent, nothing but the air conditioner as their background noise yet it still sounds calming. Jihyo lays on her side, watching the side of Jimin's face as he stares ahead to the ceiling with this blank stare.
Trying not to feel anything.
"Jimin," Taemin whispers quietly, also laying on his side but with a head resting on his palm, "I'm here, okay?"
Jihyo glances at Taemin to see the utter vulnerability in his stare before glancing at Jimin, forcing a smile, "It's okay..... We got you."
And that's when Jimin slowly cracked.
A tear glides from his eyelids and to the side of his face, but Jihyo leans and presses her lips against it, capturing it in a soft peck. Jimin's lips wobbles, eyes closing now as more tears glides down his cheeks. Taemin leans closer to him and wraps an arm over his waist and nuzzles his forehead against the side of Jimin's head.
"I'm right here, it's okay."
Jimin inhales sharply, a wheeze coming out of his lips, "I..... I have to t-tell you something Taemin. And.... I don't w-want that to change a-anything, okay?"
Jihyo frowns upon hearing this weak plead. Taemin didn't stop his tender gestures, despite how it did catch him off guard, only nods and pecks his cheek, "Take your time."
And from there, Jimin slowly and through his fearful quivers told him the truth.
About his.... Problems.
Everything he's been keeping from him, just for the sake of not disappointing him.
Every word was like a brutal slap of reality to both friends, especially Taemin. His wide eyes grew teary and burned, blaming himself for not noticing the signs in the first place or for not being a better friend to take care of him. He didn't know, and he doesn't blame Jimin for it but he could've..... Seen something, anything.
By the time Jimin finished, Taemin had to be strong. For him. Even if he felt weak.
Jimin is crying, he's crying so hard in relief yet so much guilt he's been holding in for years due to his outbursts and the outcomes of it. The trauma that has been like a leech to his soul. The reason behind why he hates his medications; he lets it all go.
All until he had nothing left.
"I-I've been hiding this from you f-for so long," Jimin whimpers, hands covering his eyes as he sobs, "I can't.... I can't do this anymore. I-I don't know what to do."
Gently Jihyo holds onto his torso tighter when her arms found his body, laying her head on his chest with her own teary eyes. It breaks her heart having to hear Jimin like this, or even open up to all the problems he's been dealing with alone. His future is already determined, and to think that he's going to have to one day give up everything he's worked so hard for must be like a slow poison in his soul.
He's been carrying so much on his shoulders alone.
All alone letting his demon coil with his anger and frustration.
Taemin stares at the way Jimin heaves in his fears of his deepest nightmares, trying so hard not to fall apart as he forces a smile and gently guides Jimin's hands away from his face. His soft hands clasps his cheeks and wipes the tears away, just as Jimin fixes his eyes towards him.
And he takes a deep breath, "You're very strong Jimin. You've been very brave and very strong alone, for such a long time. You don't have to be anymore."
Jimin squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head, "I can't give up ballet, or even figure skating since I just started. What if I get addicted to the medication? Or just... I'm so scared of everything-"
"I know, I know you are," Taemin says, glancing at Jihyo - who's only staring at him with a small encouraging nod, being enough for him to look at Jimin again, "It's okay, it's okay to be scared but you no longer have to fight back alone. Whatever happens, we'll be right with you, okay? Stop trying to do things to not disappoint me or us, I want you to be okay Jimin. That's all we want for you."
Truth is, that was all Jimin needed to hear.
That he's not alone, even while he's like this; they still care about him.
He no longer has to hide.
They know everything now.
And they still love him.
Jimin slowly nods back to him, wrapping his arms around Jihyo body for comfort as Taemin slowly lets him go and clasp his hand on top of Jimin's, that's over Jihyo's hand as well, "So from now on, you're going to take your medication, okay? Whatever effect it may have, you won't go through it alone. We can always discuss with a doctor if it needs some adjustments to it or other meds."
It took a lot of courage but Jimin slowly nods, meaning it. Taemin continues, "As for your anorexic and bulimia, I would suggest going to see your therapist again. I know it's going to be hard, especially if you don't like talking to people, but it will help, for your own good. While you're at it, you can possibly start talking more about your temper and what happened to you while y-you were a-away -"
Jihyo slowly looks up to the crack of Taemin's voice towards the end, seeing him bow his head down with desperate eyes concealing shut while he fights so hard not to cry. His hand over theirs is trembling just like his lips. It made Jihyo sit up, even Jimin, but Taemin only shakes his head and wipes his tears away.
"N-No, don't pay attention to me. I-I'm just letting it s-sink in that you-" Taemin rubs his face and shakes his head, looking at Jimin with his desperate strain to grasp his composure, "I should've told you to stay in Korea. To stay with m-me.... I'm so stupid."
"No, it's okay," Jimin whispers, his voice hoarse, placing a hand on his knee, "Shit happens, we didn't know that was going t-to happen. You're right, I n-need to talk about it to a therapist.... And maybe I'll get better, yeah?"
Jihyo frowns to his soft words and gently massages his neck, "Would you like for us to come to the sessions with you?"
Jimin gulps and slowly nods, "Maybe the f-first few sessions, yeah."
Taemin wraps his arms around Jimin's shoulders, pecking his shoulder blade, "Count on us, we'll be there."
"I know," Jimin murmurs, glancing down to his hands, "I.... I think it's for the best.... If I quit skating."
The two friends looks at him now with wide eyes, seeing him still not looking at them but with a heavy frown on his lips, "I.... I keep hurting Jeongguk. His team don't even like me, maybe even less now after what happened. Jeongguk is only going to get more hurt by the press and I will always be the easy target to blame - It's just.... It's frustrating, you know? So much pressure."
"Yeah, we get it," Jihyo says, caressing his hair to calm him down, "But do you really think quitting skating is going to make you feel any better?"
"Obviously not," He retorts, wiping the remaining tears from his cheek, "I don't like giving up on things when I start it, but how can I possibly continue on to do something when there's so many reasons to stop? I can't be selfish, not with Jeongguk. He was better off how he was before this program, I'll be doing him a favor."
Taemin now sighs deeply, facing Jimin, "Jimin, you're still okay. If you take the drops, it will help-"
"I want to focus on ballet, okay?" Taemin falls quiet, "If this condition is progressive.... I want to remember the last few things as being positive and something I did well without pissing or upsetting someone. Figure skating will only be a constant disappointment for both of us..... I've made my decision."
Nothing more was argued there, and the two knew if they continue to persuade against him then it will result with another negative outcome. If this is something Jimin feels sure to do, that's his decision.
And they will respect him.
With that being the last thing said, the three friends lay back down on the bed and naturally move to their usual positions in each others arms. This was like a fuel to Jimin's heart, collecting the doubt and broken pieces to feel full and warm again.
"This is all I need," He whispers to himself, closing his eyes, "My safe haven."
Man..... This is about to be.... Interesting :)
Oh boy...
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