Trampoline - SHAED & ZAYN
"Greetings to all figure skaters! Say goodbye to the you of today because by the end of this month, you're going to be a whole new you with more skill and lessons in mind by the time you leave!"
Jeongguk lips grimaces, awkwardly looking at the other skaters on the ice as well before focusing on the speaker up front - standing with the rest of the figure skating coaches all staring at the athletes. Earlier today Jeongguk attended his speed skating meeting, and to say that this is more intimidating than that - would be an understatement.
Speed skating is competitive obviously, but everyone was so hyped up and howling for the eagerness to compete with each other, even though they knew it's just a friendly game; that's what makes it even more exciting. Jeongguk got to meet so many familiar skaters who he has grown close with throughout the years, so it makes it as something more to look forward to.
Now as for figure skating, it feels like he's signing up to attend boot camp by how serious everyone seems to be taking this; no matter how excited the head coach of this event seems to be behaving to get them enthusiastic, no one nudges a reaction. There's only monotone stares, straight postures and sharp features as though they've been carved to not twitch an expression even if they wanted to.
It's a little scary...
The head coach, Paulo Braga - Brazilian Figure Skating Representative and in charge of this event - goes on about what they're going to be doing for the next month. Seems like pair skaters won't be doing much work together as a team, well not until the third week. For the first week, everyone is going to be doing intense work out and diets. Coach calls it insanity week, since they're going to be working out on the gym or outside, anything other than the ice for core and muscle strength - basically getting into even more shape.
As for the second week, that's when they'll touch the ice. They're going to be testing out their speed, pass their comfort zones in regards to balance - basically if anyone was once terrified of the ice before, they'll lose that fear by the time the week ends.
Third week everyone is more so focused on their area of profession, for Jeongguk that's pair skating; But with a twist. For the first part of that week, those who are pair skaters are going to be skating with a different partner from a different team, gain another perspective on how they can grow better and start practicing on how to use that technique. The remaining days, their original partners will come together and focus on what they learned and how to incorporate that together while skating.
Then there's the final week - Which is practicing for their last day skating event. The figure skaters put on an individual performance on what they have practiced, pair skaters included, just for fun without a score. Everyone is obligated to go and show their support. That final week will also be the time of games from different ice sports, required to attend too, as a friendly last match.
And seems like that got everyone pretty interested.
From there, three days later, Jeongguk and the Korean team leaves and heads back home. The Korean coaches of all ice event teams did want to give them a little slack for their hard work, so that's why they gave them three days of a break, go out and explore, before they leave.
Even though that does sound pretty exciting, Jeongguk couldn't seem to focus himself on the bliss of a minor break.
Seems like the first week is insanity week for every sport because Jeongguk also has to work out for speed skating before heading to the ice the next week. He doesn't mind the work out, if anything he enjoys the idea of working his body to grow stronger, but he knows that at one point his body will give out by the exhaustion.
Especially with the diet included.
He's just going to have to work extra hard, eat well, and push himself to keep himself focused.
Whatever he has to do to excel.
"Starting tomorrow we will begin our official practice, since today is just an introduction," Coach Braga states, hands to his back, "Now, you will speak with you coach on what you need to focus on for the remainder of your time here, diets, what you should be doing on your free time, the list goes on. And from here you'll be free to go."
And just like that everyone separated.
Jeongguk nearly collapses with a few skaters here and there, being squished by so many bodies, but manages to make his way through once he sees Jimin shoving his way past people to get to Jackson. Thankfully after more carefully squeezes and quiet apologies, Jeongguk managed to make it Jackson and Jimin.
The coach didn't stay there for long, only guided the two to the curve of the rink on the side, much more private than being with everyone else at the center. Various of languages is all Jeongguk could distinguish through his hearing aids, only lowering the frequency since the noise started to ache his ears.
Jimin only gives him a side look but didn't say anything, looking to Jackson now with arms crossed, "So this is a friendly event? Everyone here looks like they want to rip each other's heads off."
"Yeah well, you don't look so friendly either," Jackson huffs, immediately continuing before Jimin cuts in, "Alright so speaking from experience, this may seem like a walk in the park but these four weeks will be hard for you guys, as in mentally more than physically. Insanity week will actually break you apart and build you up again."
A dry gulp slides Jeongguk's throat, adding more to his previous doubt.
He's definitely a goner.
"I would recommend for this week to not practice on anything, especially you Jimin with your ballet," To this Jimin perks his ears, "You will need the rest and strength for the next day, so you need to take advantage of the time that you're not here to do just that."
It looks like Jimin wanted to say something, but he just shakes his head with an eye roll.
There's no doubt he wanted to argue against this because of his upcoming performance in two months, which means he has to practice intensively for it so he can do a perfect job on it, but that's something he only just barely told Jeongguk about last night while he was practicing with his pointe shoes.
He's not going to listen, Jeongguk knows that for sure, but Jackson is right, he needs the rest in order to do well.
This is definitely going to be hard for him while carrying so many responsibilities too.
"Now as for diet, I sent you both through messages of recommended foods that you should eat," Jackson remarks, hands to his pocket, "I do not, under any circumstance, want you guys to be eating far too little or not at all only to stay in shape. You should be eating breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, and then dinner. Obviously healthy things for your bodies, but not so much that you'll be dying of tiredness the next day, understand?"
A second point for Jimin, this time it being a little secret that Jeongguk doesn't know about.
Not like he needs to know either.
"As for your focus, Jeongguk," The ravenette stands up straight, hands to his back, "You know how to get around the ice, so the second week should be a breeze for you. You dare yourself often, doing spins and a couple jumps, now you just need to perfect that. Gain trust with yourself instead of only trusting Jimin out there on the ice."
For a good second Jeongguk was just about to cut Jackson off if he spilled his little secret out to Jimin on his tactic on the ice during their performance; and that's not using his hearing aids.
He trusts Jimin, a lot, and the only way he knows he won't mess up it's by following Jimin and with the memorization of the song in his head. How is he suppose to depend on himself out there without his hearing aids?
Well, clearly that's something he'll have to figure out on his own.
"As for you, Jimin," Jimin blinks, uncaringly, "Great dancer, you clearly fit well with Jeongguk in being daring once the time comes to perform arrives. However, you lack trust on the ice. You're always afraid you're going to fail or fall, so that's something you need to work on when it comes to improvising."
Nothing was said, or maybe Jimin wasn't listening, but Jackson didn't brother to argue with him.
From there Jackson just sums up small details in regards to assuring them of some other things before they were dismissed. Their agenda now for Jimin is to plan on how he's going to organize himself while for Jeongguk is to attend a team meeting.
So they didn't say anything more, only going to change their skates to shoes and exiting out of the rink. Jimin and Jeongguk stayed side by side the whole time, in silence.
Two days passed by quick since the time they somewhat - not really - made up in the room. Nothing really has changed after that day, but perhaps the tension did go away a bit better when Jeongguk returned back from shopping with Lalisa and properly apologized to Jimin with a message.
Clearly Jimin isn't the type to like those type of things, as in apologies, but he only said to just leave it. Not like he forgave him, but preferred leaving it be and advised Jeongguk to just not involve him in his personal business again or say something like that.
So yeah, things just feels like how they were before, as in the beginning when they just met.
Besides, not like they have time now to even think about anything else.
Especially now.
"Jeongguk," The ravenette hums, not looking up from his phone, "Do you mind going somewhere else right now?"
Jeongguk looks up now, seeing Jimin not looking at him back with a hard stare to the ground.
So he hums, "Hm, okay."
Anyone else would question this but not Jeongguk. Jimin has a tolerance level, obviously, to just being around people, so he needs his privacy to do anything he wants. Not like he minds doing things in front of Jeongguk, but just like Jeongguk, they like having their private moments alone.
And they respect it.
So walking down the pathway to enter the entrance, while Jimin went to the elevator to head to the room Jeongguk went straight down to walk across the hotel after he read a message from Hongjoong; Coming to where the pool area is. There's a bit of a diversity of people here, socializing and spending a good time together.
He didn't really have to try so hard in order to find his captain with a few of the team here, including Seulgi as well as she sits by the edge of the pool with Minho resting back against the edge between her legs as he laughs at Woosung's attempt on holding his breath under water.
"Just face it Woosung, you can't hold your breath."
"Listen, I hate the ocean. How do you expect me to even be good at this - BAMBI!"
All eyes now turns to Jeongguk, who grabs chair from a random table and brings it by where they are while putting his bag down with a smile.
Felix instantly walks towards the edge, since they're not exactly at the deep end, and crosses his arm to the ledge with a chin plopped on it, "Taehyung mentioned the figure skating meeting was a bit intense before he went to his room."
Oh you don't say?
Jeongguk perks his eyebrows with a heavy sigh, "It was so hard to breathe in there, I'm telling you. It felt like I was getting ready to join the military."
Felix giggles adoringly with his childish smile, "Tomorrow insanity week begins! Oh, don't forget we have a team meeting today at five."
"Are you seriously telling that to Jeongguk?" Karma snorts, running water over his red long hair, "He will probably be the one reminding us."
No doubt about that since he is the most responsible teammate besides Hongjoong.
And less likely to easily forget about important matters.
"Speaking of which," Minho says and turns his head to look at him, "Where's Jimin?"
Jeongguk tried to not let his expression change by the mention of Jimin, only holding onto a tight smile, "Our room. As we all may know, he's probably not so easily excited about stressing himself out for what's coming."
"Well it depends," Captain Hongjoong chimes in the conversation, "If it's something that matters to him, he wouldn't mind putting the time and effort. Like when he was learning sign langua-"
A large series of splashes of water suddenly spats to his face from the team, catching Jeongguk obviously off guard as the captain shields his face with a squeal to the sudden attack.
Sign Language....
So he was right? Jimin is learning sign language.... For him? That's how he understood.... Well, Jeongguk did expect it but to have it be confirmed just makes it too real.
And he was not going to let this slip up.
"What do you mean Jimin learned sign language?"
Everyone became awfully quiet now, looking anywhere but his gaze. It was actually frustrating his patience so he went to the person he knew would tell him immediately.
"WooWoo," Woosung startles upon hearing Jeongguk's voice, shyly peeking at him through his eye lashes with cheeks blazed red, "Speak."
Woosung was clearly fighting back every cell in his body from giving in, to resist. But with Jeongguk it's hard because of his soft spot for him. Jeongguk is like his squishy little Bambi that Woosung adores so much, so of course it's hard for him to just say 'no' to him.
So he bites his lips down hard, refusing by looking away. With a jaw clenched, Jeongguk narrows his eyes and then looks away with a stiff nod, shrugging with arms crossed.
Woosung hated that.
"Wait wait don't get mad!" Woosung panics, rubbing his own face with his hands in frustration, "Jimin came to us to learn sign language. We thought he told you so we didn't say anything because he said he would tell you when he's ready, or fluent enough."
Just like Jeongguk is Woosung's little baby, so is Woosung to Jeongguk. He absolutely hates to see him upset, or even mad at him. They have such a close and cozy connection, so it really breaks Woosung's heart whenever he sees him like that. To be fair, Jeongguk was getting mad, so it wasn't even a tactic to get Woosung to speak.
However when he did open his mouth to let out what he just said, it felt like Jeongguk was just punched with this sudden and abrupt information.
Jimin personally asked his teammates to teach him sign language.
The person who literally hates people asked help from others.....Just to make Jeongguk more comfortable expressing himself without speaking.
And while he did that, Jeongguk just threw him under the bus with Namjoon- fuck.... He messed up so badly.
No wonder Jimin is taking this much more personal; he tried so many things that he initially isn't comfortable with doing... For him.
And Jeongguk let him down.
No.... That's not going to happen again. No matter if it's against Namjoon, his team, or the world, Jeongguk is not going to do the same mistake in disappointing him. He will try hard, just as much as Jimin is, to understand him and not deny the trust that they have built. He will fight, just as much as Jimin is fighting, to not let anyone bad mouth their partnership and team effort to excel and break the norms that has been like chains around their neck.
Jeongguk..... Will no longer be scared.
Jimin is sure about him. He blindly trusts him when it comes to out there on the ice or his own type of character. He doesn't try for people at all, yet he is still here trying to connect with Jeongguk so they can still be partners and even learned a whole new language so they can both communicate together. He stands up for them to the press. Stands up to Namjoon about Jeongguk's maturity. Risks himself to do jumps during their performance even though he's not good at it but trusts Jeongguk enough to know that he won't let him fall once he catches him. Took care of him while Jeongguk was drugged - even beat the fucker up who too advantage of him.
In his own way, Jimin has shown his way of demonstrating his nobility to whatever it is that they have. Subtle and made actions that aren't seen as a big deal, but for Jimin that's a big step.
Even if they're just partners for this skating program, probably will never see each other again even after that, Jeongguk will show his nobility too regardless if it's for a short time.
It's time for him to stop having people speak for him, but now speak for himself.
While no longer being afraid.
So Jeongguk takes out his phone, types on it while the rest of them team continued on splashing each other or swimming, and starts to text his partner.
"I want to have a voice again...... For you."
Hmm.... Wonder how Jimin is going to respond to that.
Well knowing Jimin's character by now...... :)
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