*Negative Sexual mentions tw*
Prom Queen - Molly Kate Kestner
Jimin has lost every ounce of focus that he previously had in his body. There's not a cell that isn't heaving, unsettled, even relentless. Sitting here in his own car while Minho drives is like a painful time clock ticking slowly, pouring more of that anxiety and bubbling frustration in his soul so he can hurry the fuck up.
Initially Jimin was determined to just running there, wherever Jeongguk was, but he was too impulsive to even hear the guy finish where they were located. Thankfully Minho grabbed the phone and heard the details, dragging Jimin to his car so he can drive them there.
This is the first time ever that Jimin isn't composed.
Usually he doesn't spare a nerve in his body to feel like this, only it leading to that explosive anger instantly if he did. Yes, he's definitely feeling that rage but the unease to what Jeongguk may be facing is covering his better conscious.
And thankfully, he didn't have to last long drowning in his own doubt.
Soon enough they came across the vibrant lights of the outside of the night club with Minho finding parking across the street. Jimin didn't even wait until the car completely stopped, or the fact that a car was just entering the street and nearly ran over him if they didn't stop, but Jimin didn't care.
He marches up to that front doors of the building where it was guarded-
"Excuse me sir," A hand places a hand on his shoulder, "You have to wait in line like everyone else-"
Jimin snarls his glare from the door and to the tall, buff man standing beside him in a suit. The buzzer was clearly was not expecting such harsh and hostile look from him, nor the words that came out of his lips soon after.
"Gold Kitten."
Not even seconds passed and his eyes dilated, familiarizing with Jimin's features instantly before quickly bringing his hand back and opens the gate just as Minho and Taehyung came up behind him, "Sorry sir, you can pass."
Annoyedly Jimin rolls his eyes and steps through, "And these two are with me. Make sure no one gives us a hard time, will ya?"
The buzzer nods briefly while communicating it through the ear piece just as the three moved through the open door. Taehyung and Minho were a bit taken back that Jimin was let in so easily, or even commanding orders in the first place, but regardless followed after him quickly as they came across the loud music and crowd environment filled with people.
Jimin didn't even spare a look, he quickly dashes to the bathroom that he knew where it was by heart before barging in through the door.
And.... He couldn't.... Move after that.
Or breathe.
His body froze.
Completely frozen.
He couldn't even feel his surroundings when Minho and Taehyung stormed into the bathroom, choked up to the sight but clearly reacted quicker than Jimin did to in dashing to the man on his knees beside the body on the ground with a wet paper towel patting on his face.
Jimin felt his throat closing, eyes twitching so uncontrollably. No matter how badly he tried to calm himself and approach the body, he was stumbling back by how Jeongguk's body kept shifting to the sight of a familiar boy from his memory and then back to him. It was like being punched on the chest over and over that even his body crashed to the edge of the door frame, hands vibrating to his sides.
Too.... Triggering.
"What happened to him?" Minho immediately questions accusingly while Taehyung tries to pat Jeongguk's face to get him to wake up.
The young male who was here with him shrugs, casting a worried stare to the man on the ground, "I-I just came in here and he was like this..... But um.... He has no wallet and his shirt wasn't on-"
Jimin closes his eyes, the music feeling so fucking loud against his ears now with the air thick as it chokes in his throat.
Too much.
T-Too much.
"Do you know who was here? Or saw anyone come out of this bathroom?"
The guy pauses to Taehyung's question, rubbing a nerving hand through his caramel hair, "Erm.. This guy with black hair- I don't know, I wasn't pay so much attention-"
"Taehyung, take Jeongguk," Jimin faintly orders past his lips, feeling this undeniable sensation boiling up his body, "Minho, find Namjoon and get him home through a taxi or something, I don't fucking care."
Was all Jimin barely mutters out forcefully before before pushing himself off the door frame and back to where the music was the loudest. Vision fading in and out, Jimin tries to suppress the familiar wrath boiling up his body as he finds the bar.
So many emotions spirals up into one piled mess; the anxiety triggers, this sensation as though he's a fragile little kid with a confusion to his surroundings, a flickering anger to erupt his episode, that depersonalization - that his doctor warned him on triggers to avoid it.
All in just one mountain, climbing after the other.
Yet despite that, Jimin finds myself sitting on the barstool, suppressing it all down no matter how difficult it was, and smiles briefly at the bartender.
He's here for business, and then he can explode for all he wants.
"The usual."
The familiar girl behind the bar looks at him as she cleaned a glass cup, not expecting to see him here at all judging by how flushed her features grew, but professionally she places a glass cup on the counter while pouring beer over his glass.
She remembers, impressive.
"Raven hair, wide eyes, doesn't talk," He murmurs lowly, glaring at the glass, "Who took him away?"
The girl casually leaves the beer beside him, blushing a little to his subtle flirty grin he flashes to her as he leans slightly over the counter. She tucks a hair behind her ear before leaning forward to his ear, "Four people down. Man, black hair."
Such a good girl.
Jimin hums, nodding slowly and leans back, "Make something sweet for him on my account."
She didn't say anything back but offers a wink before moving away to do what he asked. This is the only advantage about knowing people and having contacts; you can get anywhere and everywhere with the right people. Sure, Jimin may like to avoid people due to his utter despise for them, but he knows how to handle them to his favor when the time is needed.
Like right now.
Freshly back from tour, Jimin picked up on a few bad habits around the countries he's been based on some dancers he hanged around in his program after he became a bitch. Something no one but him know about. Due to his reputation of being a celebrity, he abused that title a lot when going to clubs; just as a way to ease stress because he was a fucking mess.
Easily he can fling his money around and these people will crawl to him like desperate dogs, so that's how easily he gained contacts.
Making his life easier to get around, even when he wants to avoid the world.
Why do you think there's not so much negative reports on him?
He has eyes everywhere, that's why he doesn't worry so much about what he does with his career as Jeongguk does.
Well, that's something he'll learn with more experience.
So the bartender, goes by Solar, easily recognized him by how much he came here before when he returned to Seoul. The good thing about her is that she goes with the flow he has, does what he asks without so much questions, makes anyone believe the man is coaxing a flirt to her beauty to hide the true intentions of his words.
This is what Jimin as learned with the world; be an ice bitch but a good one at least.
After all, it's important to know people and form a smile to do what he please.
So swiftly Jimin drinks down the beer in his glass and slams it to the counter once he finished, trying to relax himself by how badly he's trembling; just as a body approaches him and settles on the seat beside him.
Ah, that didn't take long.
"The drink was too sweet for my liking," Jimin twitches a grin to the voice, "How about I buy you one of better taste?"
Nonchalantly Jimin shrugs, turning to face the man with the raven hair that the bartender mentioned, trying not to scowl to his features and didn't even bother to study them, "Enlighten me."
A smirk twitches his face, one that was like the fire in Jimin's body, before he turns to the bartender, "Same one from earlier please," And he takes out a wallet, "I'll pay."
Ah.... This man is so stupid.
Jimin grabs his beer bottle that he didn't finish, chugs a shit ton of it down before exhaling a deep breath.
Then abruptly slamming the bottle to the back of the guy's head - shattering it into pieces.
Jeongguk's wallet.
He has Jeongguk's wallet.
Series of gasps and shrieks echoed around them, but a few people still didn't notice as the music kept blaring loud to cover over the noise. Jimin calmly looks at Solar, who casually gives Jimin his preferable shot of tequila. He grins at her while the man chokes series of groans with shakily hands gripping the back of his head. Jimin only takes the wallet on the counter and checks to see that it is in fact Jeongguk's wallet that he always sees him carrying it with him everywhere.
Ah, how unfortunate that that this random stranger is going to witness Jimin's temper upon a second of meeting.
He usually prefers a date first before explode his issues.
The sight of Jeongguk's body is burning in Jimin's memory, the wallet gripping tightly before shoving it in his pocket and taking his shot, turning to the man.
And that's when his anger exploded.
Everything was all coated red and darkness; his vision, the lights, the music, the blood - everything. Not feeling when he yanks the guy and throws him to the ground, not holding back when he sliced his kicks through the air and slams it to his body, completely losing control when he grips them man by the neck with punches after punches.
And he couldn't stop.
He didn't want to either.
He hurt Jeongguk. He stripped his clothes, stole his wallet, took advantage of his state to toy with his fucking head-
This guy is dead.
He's fucking dead.
The more Jimin assaulted the man with tight hands on his neck and slamming his damn skull to the ground repeatedly, the less Jeongguk flashed his mind.
Now he sees a boy; Left without paints in a dirty bathroom floor, coated with bruises on his once clean thighs and a throat dry of how badly he was crying.
With blood dripping from his cracked his lips.
No one was there. It was just his limp body, unconscious, for who knows how long before someone came in and called an ambulance.
So fucking weak.
And alone.
No one cared, they never did.
A strangled screech shrieks out of Jimin's mouth, slamming a punch across the guy's face, "WHY DID YOU HURT HIM! HUH? YOU FUCKING PRICK!" His voice is hysterical now, trembling with every word in a high pitch, "I WAS JUST A KID! I WAS SCREAMING TO STOP! WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP YOU BASTARD!"
No long was Jimin here, in this familiar night club, surrounded by people he didn't know and the assaulter of his figure skating partner. His age dwindled down to being a young sixteen year old boy, feeling that familiar piled up emotions of horror to seeing his body quivering and marked before his mirror after continuous days of being so fragile to the voices and touches of another body on his.
Unable to defend himself.
He was useless to them, no matter how badly he tried to scream.
And Taemin wasn't there to save him.
Just like Jimin wasn't there to save Jeongguk.
Hysterically sobbing now, Jimin continues to swing his fits with blood on his hands until he was yanked back by his arms. His scream are more desperate, fighting back in a familiar tantrum with a body he can no longer feel or control.
It felt like he was going to explode.
It's so suffocating.
"SAY YOU'RE SORRY YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" He screams despite being pulled farther and farther away, "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU! WHY...... W-Why me?"
No longer being surrounded by the heating crowd and loud music, Jimin's now facing the cool air while aggressively fighting the arms around him before he was suddenly thrown into the passenger seat of his own car.
Where he screams and kicks anything around him, still unable to remove that heavy weight in his chest.
No matter how badly he has tried.
And best believe he has.
Well...... We got a little more background on Jimin.....
Man that was quite triggering to write. I really hope you all are doing okay!
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