No Te Pertenezco - Becky G
Taehyung has a girlfriend now.
A taken man.
Yeah, a shock to everyone since.... No one knew this girl even existed in the first place. Not in a bad way, but they've never heard Taehyung talk about this girl or even seen her around him often for them to just suddenly date.
At least, that was what everyone else was thinking.
Meanwhile Jeongguk knew something must've been up if it were to have happened so sudden and out of no where.
While Taehyung also being in a secret relationship with Minho, because he for sure wouldn't be with someone else by how cry he is about Minho.
The girlfriend, Irene, was first introduced properly a couple days ago when Taehyung came to Jeongguk's apartment with her. Jimin was also here when it happened because he had to discuss something in regards to the costumes for their event coming up, so he was stuck in the cross fire of Minho glaring at the girl when she just barely smiled at everyone when she greeted everyone.
She's not really mean or rude, but she has this familiar icy attitude like Jimin does. Almost as though being around guys is like a living nightmare for her.
She's very pretty though.
Beautiful actually:
Her and Taehyung do look well together.
But Minho was not happy.
During practicing he would go extra hard on himself and stay back to practice for more time, anything to just distract his mind. No one really has noticed besides Jeongguk, thinking he's just getting himself in the mode for competitions that are coming up.
If only they knew how broken his heart is.
And Jeongguk doesn't know what to do to help him.
"Just leave him be."
Jeongguk flutters his wide eyes up, watching Jimin just finish one of his pirouettes at the center of the training room, puffing a huff of air, "Don't get involved. You're just going to end up getting them in a mixed of problems. If Taehyung told Minho things would be worked out, than he should trust him enough to deal with this temporary break up."
Well.... That's true.
There's not much Jeongguk can do for him than just comfort him without getting too involved, since Jimin is right; he'll end up being the one getting into problems.
While they were on their break, Jeongguk told Jimin about how he felt for his sadden friend since he was just too lost on what to do. Jimin being Jimin after reading the message only told him he'll respond after practice ended, which is now.
Jimin has experience, so he probably is familiarized with the situation well. So Jeongguk is just going to go with trusting him on this.
So he nods slowly, just as his phone rings in his pocket. He digs his hand in and takes it out, feeling glad practice is over so he can relax.
Only to see a message from Namjoon.
"Be ready by 8, I'll pick you up."
Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows and glances at the time, nearly shrieking when he notices it was already 7:15. He's been here with Jimin for the past three hours, with breaks this time because Jackson actually believes in them, so now it's time for them to go on their separate ways to rest or do whatever they do on their free time.
As surprising as it is, things weren't so awkward for them after what happened at Jeongguk's dorm.
The next morning Jeongguk woke up alone, not really shocked about it since Jimin did have to leave before his teammates woke up. From there they acted as if what happened never did, and they would just see each other for practice, finish and then head home.
That's it.
And that night was never mentioned again, which is something Jeongguk is actually really grateful for.
Perhaps that moment was what he needed for him to finally let that feeling go? Like feeding a crave. Now that they dealt with it, they're all okay and don't need to be with that unease tension around each other. It definitely has worked as of now, even though sometimes Jeongguk's eyes does tend to linger to Jimin's lips from time to time, pitching up that feeling again but then for it to go away after he focuses on something else.
Point is, whatever was killing them is dealt with.
Now all Jeongguk needs to worry about is getting ready because Namjoon, just as promised, wants to help Jeongguk out on finding someone while also going clubbing.
So quickly Jeongguk gathers his stuff, just as he responds to Namjoon with a brief thumb up and scrambles to his feet. Jimin was still practicing over his part of the routine, but he stops momentarily in his jump once he sees Jeongguk zipping up his jacket and putting on his boots.
He furrows his eyebrows.
"You're leaving already?"
Jeongguk nods, swinging the duffle bag over his body, "Um... Namjoon," He pauses, checking if he had everything, "Club."
Now this made Jimin snort, stretching his limbs from the soreness, "You clubbing? Right," And he turns around, facing him, "Oh wait you're serious?"
Rolling his eyes, Jeongguk only goes to the door to leave quickly but Jimin stands in his way once he notice. He's eyeing him, his face and ears with narrowed eyes in this odd stare.
"Won't your ears hurt with the hearing aids at such a loud place?"
"Off," And Jeongguk goes to move, but once again Jimin stands in his way.
"You said club right? I mean not trying to give you some bad news but your dancing is-"
Jeongguk walks around him to the door in disregard, grabbing the handle but a hand on his wrist stops him. A heavy exhale passes his lips, hooded eyes looking at Jimin in a pointed stare to see what does he want. He literally has no time for this.
Tonight Jeongguk actually has hope he can find someone, and perhaps enjoy himself with a few drinks and a blurred mind. Anything really would be helpful to not over stress about the piles of shit on his shoulders he has to think over, driving him only crazy.
Jimin is looking at him now with a bit of unease, so unlike his prima ballerina icy glare, but Jeongguk was too tried and in a hurry to give so much thought into it.
"Just..... I mean... You're going with Namjoon I guess," He mutters to himself before firmly looking at him, "Don't do something stupid. Remember we have practice tomorrow!"
Jeongguk grimaces and twists the door knob, but Jimin's grip on his wrist tightens.
What now!
The second Jeongguk sneers his gaze to him, it was as though that weird trance Jimin was in faded away. His gaze was built back with coldness, a familiar scowl on his lips before he removes his hand with a scoff.
"Have fun."
Jeongguk blinks at him and nods, opening the door-
"Oh and I'm going to go on a date tonight, so you better not drunk call me to save your ass."
The door slams back close.
This tense silence pierces the air just as Jeongguk's twitching annoyance rises. Fists on his side balled, turning his head back with a venomous glare to see Jimin calmly changing his shoes before going on his phone with a smirk.
Is he trying to make Jeongguk jealous or something?
Right, as if Jimin tolerates people easy enough to go on a date.
Pfft, thinks Jeongguk doesn't know him by now.
Nice try.
Wait but what if....
The ravenette narrows his gaze, just as Jimin looks up and his smirk drops, a pout now on his lips, "What's the matter? I thought you were leaving?"
Jeongguk's skin itched now under these layers of clothes, but he only scratches his damn head before swinging the fucking door open.
"Have... Fun," Was all he managed to growl angrily out, before moving out the training room with a door slammed shut behind him; Knowing damn well if he didn't do that than he would do much more than just scowl at Jimin for his sly statement.
With a irritated grunt, Jeongguk just stomps out of the building with now this aggravation on going to the stupid club.
Small chapter but necessary :)
Next chapter should be fun!
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