Secret Love Song Pt. 2 - Little Mix (Applies for both scenes since it fits so well)
Minho was pissed.
No actually far from pissed, he's so damn fucking angry.
And Minho is not one to easily to let his anger get the better side of him.
The main reason for that being Taehyung..... Again.
However..... Not in the way one would think.
Karma and Minho went to Taehyung's apartment while they left Jeongguk to practice with Jimin, and well when they got there something strange was up with Taehyung. He was not glowing with happiness to see his brother or made snarky remarks upon seeing Minho; he was just..... Dull of energy.
Minho quickly noticed that.
He tried making joking remarks like he always would do to rile him up, just in front of Karma, but not even that got a reaction out of him. Karma noticed it too and he was vocal about what happened, but Taehyung played it off like it was nothing for the next three hours that they were there.
What sucked the most was that they never got a chance to be alone. Karma not once needed to take a piss or just walk out for air, he stayed planted on that couch as though his life depended on it while looking over his brother in worry every once in a while.
Not even watching Taehyung's favorite anime or 2 hour movie helped Taehyung lift his mood up.
Minho was getting desperate.
By the time it came that Karma got tired and wanted to go back to the dorm, Taehyung finally.... Opened up.
And he looked at Minho directly in the eye when he said the words that was like knives in his heart.
"There's this new and really good skater rising to fame, her name is Irene, and..... Well the head of the Sports and Skating company, that our program is under, said that in order to better help Irene be able to grow popularity... I have t-to...."
He didn't have to finish because Minho already knew what he was going to say.
Fake dating happens often in any world of a celebrity, either to keep their image or help rise popularity to each other.
And that's exactly what they're asking for Taehyung to do, since he's already popular due to his experiences.
Minho closes his eyes, remembering the way he angrily exploded to the man back at the apartment, not caring if it was in front of Karma. Taehyung didn't stay quiet, of course he didn't, and he fought him back hard. Harsh words were said and Minho walked out of that apartment with a broken heart.
Now he's here in his own room, after Karma refused to go anywhere else, so frustrated that he could punch a damn wall and scream. He was hoping Jeongguk would be awake, just to talk to him about it because he didn't have anyone else to talk to that knows. Seulgi is out on a date today so he didn't want to disturb here and Jimin - That's out of context.
He doesn't have anyone.
No one that can understand what he's feeling now. They don't even know he's in a relationship with another man! How can anyone help!
Hands to his hands now, Minho began to weep quietly in aggravation.
Why Taehyung...
Just.... Why Taehyung....
With someone now added to the picture, it's not like it'll be the as it's been with Seulgi since she knows about their relationship and is only with Minho as a cover. This person won't know about their relationship, they won't know about anything!
Who knows if she'll gain feelings for Taehyung if they have to act like a couple, or if Taehyung will even gain feelings- ARGH!
This is bullshit!
Minho grunts and punches his pillow, ignoring the constant buzzing of his phone but grabs it and slams it to the ground by how pissed off he is with a yelp in devastation.
Just as his bedroom door swings open.
Revealing someone he was not expecting to see right now.
Eyebrows nit together, Minho looks at a teary Taehyung standing there in his room.
What is he doing here?
He knows better than to come here while his whole team is here, unless it's to see Karma.
Their eyes burned against each other, filled with so much hurt and pain that was pounding profoundly against their heart.
Minho's lips wobbles and he shakes his head, standing up, "Taehyung, you shouldn't be here-"
"I don't care," His voice cracks to the end, closing the door behind him, "I have the spare key remember? No one saw me come in, not like I would've cared if they did."
Why is he like this?
Why now, why!
A tear slid down Minho's cheek, gripping his hair tightly with a heavy whistled breath past his lips, "I-It hurts.... It hurts Tae."
Taehyung threw his pink beanie aside and strides towards Minho, wrapping his arms around his neck to bring him tightly into his arms. It was breaking his heart into multiple more pieces than it should despite how possessive the hug is, feeling like his body is being slammed over and over again by a damn brick.
Another whistled gasp past his lips to his choked sobs, holding onto his precious Taehyung in his arms.
His..... Just his.
"P-Please don't do it Taehyung," Minho chokes against the fabric of his hoodie, "You're m-my Taehyung! Mine. M-Mine. I only belong to you. I only want you - please don't do this to me!"
And Minho's knees gave out, dropping to the ground with his arms tight around Taehyung's waist, sobbing so badly that his throat burned.
Nothing will be the same again anymore.
They won't be able to sneak off to dates easily, text each other with those good morning texts or hearts filling their messages, or even see each other often. If the dating is for a stunt than Taehyung will have to be with her most of the time, and she can't be suspicious about Minho since their roles are to dislike each other.
Taehyung will have to do things with her just for the public image; hold her hand, hug her, even kiss her- Fuck!
Minho never had to pull someone like that with Seulgi, thankfully, because they didn't have to demonstrate anything since they came out as though they were dating. This is the company writing a statement that they are together, so they have to prove it.
This is different.
So different.
And it's killing Minho from the inside.
"I-I'm sorry Minho," Taehyung whimpers quietly, caressing his hands through his hair, "But don't give up o-on us okay? This is j-just for a little while. T-Then everything will be back to h-how it was."
All Minho could do is cry, and cry.
Knowing deep down inside that this is only going into the direction of the end to their beautiful and secret relationship; for good.
"Don't you like ice cream?"
"No, Seokjin is the one who buys it all."
"I'm so disappointed."
Ten holds in a snort as Felix and Hongjoong go back and forth on remarks about ice cream after watching the character in this anime drown a whole tub in a matter of seconds. Felix obviously initiated the conversation, and the captain of course to keep his shape doesn't eat junk food.
The conversation is just plain childish that Ten just tuned himself out of it while laying on Felix's shoulder. He's spent the whole day with him, so he's definitely over the moon now, after Minho kicked them out of the dorm. They went for a nice walk around the city, eat good food to the restaurant they usually eat at, before continuing their walk.
Now they're here at the dorm, the two being left alone after Hongjoong said he was going to catch some sleep.
They continued to watch the show quietly with Ten's hand tenderly grazing Felix's hand on his lap, feeling content in his heart to the physical contact while also feeling happy that it's just Felix.
A soft spot no one can easily conquer over.
"Your hand is tickling me."
Ten twitches a smile and clasp their hands together in a tight interlace, snuggling more to his side like a happy kitten while making the other man chuckle happily.
"So cute," Felix murmurs, sitting up now while stretching his limps with yawn, "I'm tired- EEP!"
Laying back now, Ten drags Felix with him to lay on him with protective arms around his neck and the cutest smile on his mouth that would make anyone think he's innocent. Felix is laughing now, patting Ten's arm lightly, "You do know I need to breathe right?"
Ten nods, eyes closed with a tight squeeze, "I'm being fueled by my love language."
Felix once again chuckles, tickling his side that had the man squealing and lets him go. Felix took that opportunity to rises up from his embrace, looking down at Ten with mimicking smiles to each other.
Since the very beginning they've been the closest from everyone in the team. With Ten not really talking and Felix being a little chatter box, they come clashing together when it comes to one thing they have in common and that's physical contact.
Whether it's receiving or giving, any type of contact they find joy in.
And they like feeding into each other those soft moments to feel happy, without it being something that crosses the line.
Well.... Maybe a little.
Felix looks up for a bit, making sure they're completely alone before looking back to Ten. But the man is already threading his fingers through his hair and yanking him forward, pressing their lips together with a smile.
No, it's not what you think.
They're not secretly dating, nor in some friends with benefits type of thing.
With their physical contact, they just add kissing too, nothing too serious to over think about.
They're still friends..... They just kiss sometimes too.
Nothing too much to make a big deal about.
They don't really find anything wrong with it. They have came to the assumption a long time ago that it's society that has a problem with romanticizing a simple kiss as though they're going to get married with that person. Just because someone kisses someone else doesn't always mean they like them, or even want something serious, it could simply be what it is for Felix and Ten - but it doesn't apply to everyone.
Part of their love language.
Without it getting too extreme, or have some bursts of lust flying in their bodies when they do have their delicate moments.
Not like it can or will it happen, because of Felix being asexual.
And not like Ten wants to do something more either way with him, it's just a simple peck and that's it.
Felix pulls away, a twinkling smile on his lips to Ten's wide grin, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Ten stares at him with this giddy giggle, liking how the glow of the television casts to the side of Felix's face to show the adorable freckles on his cheeks.
So he adoringly pinches his cheek, making a squeal sputter out of his lips. Ten's grin widens and rubs his skin gently, "I just want you to remember that you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to, or to do it just to please me," He whispers quietly, making Felix's lips twitch wider, "I'm your best friend, just like you're my best friend. You know I won't ask anything more from you than for you to be by my side for a long time."
And he means it.
In the past Felix has been through some pretty harsh experiences - not all but a few here and there - because of the fact that he's asexual. His past girlfriends would just not understand or see him not getting turned on as a sign that he didn't like them. He has cried to Ten multiple times because of it, which made Ten promise to himself that he would never allow anyone to ever hurt his best friend because of his sexual orientation.
And he's owned up to that to this day.
Nothing makes him more happy than seeing Felix happy, that's all he asks for.
His only hope is that his future girlfriend is able to take care of him and make him just as happy as how he is now.
Felix starts to giggle, "If I didn't know any better, I would think you're trying to make me fall for you?"
Ten's cheeks grew crimson, maybe even panicked a little, "What? Don't think too deep into it, I'm not gay."
Felix's smile twitched, but not in a good way.
His eyes dimmed, despite his smile now being forced as he stays deep into thought. He even flinched away when Ten goes to caress his skin, looking away.
Did he say something wrong?
"I know," He mumbles quietly, avoiding Ten's eyes now, "Sorry um... I'm going to go wash up."
Ten's smile falls when Felix gets off him, not looking back to him as he goes to the hallway and into his room without another word.
Leaving Ten confused with a bit of ache in his chest to the thought that he possibly hurt him somehow?
What just happened?
A few perspectives going on here, definitely will be adding more as the story continues once we got more context going.
Alright so who's ready for the club :D
Let's get it!
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