I don't even know what song to put for this chapter, the emotions were all over the place, so you guys can decide on the playlist :')
"Wait so like this?"
"Hm, yes."
"And then.... I just spin?"
"That's it?"
"Wait- Jeongguk your grip!- Shit!"
Jeongguk's arms around him tighten just as Jimin lost his balance during their final lift. However before Jimin could even touch the ground, Jeongguk was there to catch him.
He's always there to catch him, every single time.
Jimin relaxes when he never met the floor, panting his breathes, "Why the fuck did Jackson put so many damn lifts?!" And he pats Jeongguk's hands, "Okay you can put me down now."
After making sure he was in a comfortable position to touch the ground, Jeongguk delicately puts him down. He didn't even last long on his legs because Jimin didn't even waste time sprawling to the ground, breathing heavily with an arm shielding his eyes and the other hand laying on his stomach. Even Jeongguk stumbled to the wall, eyes closed with heavy breathes escalating past his lips.
They've been practicing for the four hours, non stop. Not even for a break or water. When Jimin arrived, they didn't even waste time to go over the routine just to get it over with. Despite Jeongguk not really speaking, he was a good teacher by using only only simple words here and there for guidance, Jimin did get the basic steps quickly. From there they just practiced it over and over, sometimes pulling a few mistakes with the wrong steps but nether of them stopped because of it, only continued doing it toward the end before doing it again.
Every time being better than the previous.
However, that did take out a lot of energy from the two, especially Jimin since he came directly from ballet practice to here. No doubt he's exhausted.
Alright, that's enough practicing.
With with a wary mind, Jeongguk pushes himself off the wall and stumbles towards the still man on the ground, "Shower," He mutters, nodding to the hallway before walking, "Follow."
They definitely need this break, badly.
Thankfully Jeongguk initiated it because if not that Jimin would've still gotten up and practiced.
No doubt their bodies wouldn't be able to take more of this if they tried again.
Jimin clearly didn't want to get up, but he did either way. His legs wobbled, badly, but he just ignored it while following Jeongguk down the hallway with multiple doors to end up turning towards the open one that Jeongguk went inside to.
The familiar room is what Jimin is brought back to, trying to avoid the harsh memory he had with Namjoon when he bombard here with questions. Instead of walking inside, he just waits as Jeongguk roams his closet and returns back with black t-shirt and pants.
Immediately Jimin shakes his head when Jeongguk extends it to him, "Oh I got spare clothes, thanks," He grunts to the burn on his abdomen from the work out, "Can I shower first?"
Jeongguk nods and Jimin didn't wait a second long to go back to the living room to retrieve his duffle back, only going to the direction where the bathroom is. While Jimin got himself tidy up with a well needed shower, Jeongguk peeled his shirt off because of how burned up his skin is and makes his way to the kitchen after stretching his body from the soreness in his room.
There's not much he can make since the team haven't been grocery shopping for a while, but after thinking over their intense work out with hours of not eating, something not so solid would be fine.
With that in mind, he settled on making Dakjuk hand made. It'll be well enough to digest and feel this nice comfort to the body, well at least it does the job for Jeongguk when he eats it.
Easily and quickly he cooked up the food, stretching his legs every once in a while in the mean time that Jimin showered and the meal got ready. Not like he can't shower on the second bathroom, but he prefers having the food ready first just so when Jimin comes out he'll have something waiting for him.
Just because they're partners doesn't mean they can't look after each other, right?
Even if it's been... A little awkward.
Things between them has grown.... A bit tense? It's not like Jimin is, he's always the same heartwarming person that he is, but it's more so Jeongguk. As much as he didn't want to let it get into his head, Namjoon's words did slice into his consciousness when he least wanted it to. Even while practicing, he felt hesitant touching Jimin just to not feel like he's disrespecting him now that he could possibly have something with his brother again, just out of respect.
Even if he didn't want to admit how deep down inside he was bothered by it, but he refused to dive into the thought so much.
He's just afraid for his brother, that's it.
Namjoon's smile blinded his mind, twitching a frown to his lips as he stirs the porridge; filling him with even more gilt than he already felt before. He shouldn't be thinking these things about Jimin, it's just not well for both of them.
When did Jeongguk get so damn self centered-
"Um Jeongguk."
The ravenette snaps out of his thoughts and hums, turning to where he heard Jimin's voice-
The stirring spoon slips past his fingertips, clattering against the pot. A heated warmth crawled up his neck when he saw Jimin walking out of the hallway to come to view in the living connected to the kitchen.
His hair is being dried by a towel, wearing a loose black shirt that hangs carelessly on his body that just barely passes his mid thighs.
With nothing else covering his legs.
Just bare, smooth, shiny legs.
Or at least that was the illusion, but when Jimin took more steps to where Jeongguk was, he could see the shirt scrunching up on his sides to show a pair of black spandex shorts hugging his thighs.
He had to be reading Jeongguk's lewd thoughts or something -
"I thought I brought extra pants but I guess I confused it for these," Jimin mutters sourly as he brushes his hair back now with his finger tips, "Do you mind lending me some before I go? Kinda won't be ideal if I walk around wearing these."
Jeongguk could barely process what he's saying, only watches the way Jimin's hair is slowly growing dryer while he uses the towel now to neatly fold it and places it on a random chair in the living room before getting to the kitchen.
Okay yes distance-
Salvia choked in Jeongguk's throat when Jimin stands beside him now, peeking over what he's making.
And that's when Jeongguk smelled the familiar hair products on his hair.
His hair products.
"You're making food?" He murmurs quietly, "I don't really eat so much - Aren't you going to shower?"
Jeongguk blinks, startling back when Jimin reaches a hand to touch his shoulder. His skin is fucking burning now and it wasn't helping how Jimin was looking at him with a perked eyebrow, wide eyes to his sudden movements.
He really really needs a cold shower right now.
So he nods, a bit too quick that gave him a fucking head ache, "Shower.... Mhm," And slowly Jeongguk moves to the side, putting as much distance between him and Jimin before turning to dash out of the kitchen, but he fucking rammages his foot against the corner of the couch to surge a stinging pain to his enter leg.
That did not stop him from quickly walking away while taking Jimin's towel to get his own self care that he desperately needs now.
Jimin stays in the kitchen, staring off to where Jeongguk ran to with furrow eyebrows, "Silly boy, I swear," And he turns around to look at what the skater made. The smell really was contagious against his nose, urging drool to pool his lips and his stomach to grumble lowly.
Ah shit.
Why now?
That's the things with Jimin that's been different since yesterday.
He's always hungry.
It surprised him how this morning he was practically a starving mess, craving food in his body that it forced trembles through his every cell to the point it ached his stomach. As much as he drank water to push the hunger aside, it never worked. Even after he ate a few crackers and threw them up later on, his stomach was whining for food.
Just like how it is now.
The porridge looks so good, and the smell was like a trance that coax for his mouth to have a small taste of it.
Just a small one.
He stayed there debating it over for a moment or two, but the temptation go the better judgement and he's roaming through the cabinets to find something. He managed to find two bowls and use the spoon to serve one for himself and for Jeongguk. Purposely he puts less than half in his, putting the two bowls with water bottles he found in the fridge on the island while sitting himself on the bar stool.
The hesitation from there was definitely great, far too great. He wanted to throw the damn thing down the sink and save his body the trouble in order to keep his form, but then again he wanted to satisfy this undeniable hunger completely because it hasn't been able to leave him alone throughout the whole damn day.
Okay just one spoon, that's it.
And then he can give the rest to Jeongguk.
Once he stops acting as though Jimin suddenly grew boobs.
So with a reassurance to himself, Jimin drinks a bit of water and then grabs a spoon full of the rice with chicken, eyeing it carefully before shoving the food in his mouth.
Oh God....
Jeongguk made this?
Jimin's eyes widen to the flavors, soft yet still held onto the seasonings that made his taste buds start dancing in joy. That scrunching twist in his stomach was no longer there, accepting the food as it slid down his throat.
This... This is what he needed.
Okay just one more spoon full.
Last one.
This one for sure.
Fuck it.
As though he's never tasted good before, Jimin ate his entire bowl feverishly until there was not a grain of food left. He didn't even try to stop himself from serving himself more, this time more than half to nearly reach the brim. At that moment, he didn't give a shit, he ate that as though it was dripping in gold.
He was so hungry.
So hungry and this food is so good.
Jimin didn't even realize how far engrossed he was with the food to notice how Jeongguk already finished showering, stopping in his steps upon entering the living to see Jimin aggressively diving into his bowl of food as though he was in a race.
Jimin..... Is eating?
This is probably the first time Jeongguk sees him eating.... Like this.
With so much.... Crave to eat.
And even if that act is something so simple, Jeongguk found himself feeling this shimmer of happiness.
Jimin is eating his food.
Happily eating his food that he made.
A wide smile twitches Jeongguk's lips, now trailing off to quietly sit across from him on the island just to not disturb him. Jimin still didn't notice him, not like Jeongguk wanted him to notice either way. Instead he takes the full bowl of his food beside Jimin with his spoon while still not interrupting the man, grinning as he eats the food too.
Jimin hums happily as he eats the last bit of his second serving and puts the bowl down, his appetite being fed and his taste buds happy to finally have it's hunger being fed. But he suddenly jolts upon seeing Jeongguk sitting there in front of him, staring at him.
The ravenette is still watching him with wet long hair parted down the middle, shirtless but not like that's something that Jimin easily puts his attention to. He focuses on Jeongguk's face, feeling a little embarrassed now that he caught him gobbling a shit ton of food into his mouth.
Actually, he shouldn't be embarrassed! Even though he kinda is.
So he keeps his head up, lips pursed, "Well.... Um... Your food... Yeah- Erm.. It was good."
Jeongguk nods slowly, still smiling as he eats with twinkling eyes still looking at Jimin. The ballet dancer shifts in his seat, glancing between the bowl and Jeongguk's face with now a scowl.
"I can feel what you're thinking, shut up!" He hisses and grabs his bowl, standing up and getting off the chair, "I'm going to wash this and then head out before it gets more late."
And just like that Jeongguk's face falls, glancing from Jimin and his bowl before quickly eating his food now. He nearly choked a few times, drinking from his water bottle to ease it down before dashing around the island to Jimin washing up and drying his bowl to put it in the washer. Jeongguk puts his bowl in the sink and stands in front of Jimin.
Jimin's face twitches, looking at the ravenette, "Why? I can't stay-"
Ah shit, why would Jeongguk just blurt that out?
He could've said anything, literally anything, why specifically Namjoon?
Well because maybe Namjoon's words are what has been ghosting in damn head and Jeongguk wants to make sure Namjoon and Jimin are on the same page, you know just so he won't get his feelings hurt.
Or because deep down inside.... He wants to know if Jimin is interested in him.
However that seemed to have worked in making Jimin reconsider staying because his shoulders slumps, stubbornly looking at Jeongguk as if waiting for him to say or do something. So Jeongguk just grabs his hand - yes his damn tiny hand - and guides him over not to the couch.
But to his room.
The reason being is that he doesn't want one of his teammates to walk in during midsentence of Jimin expressing his feelings in regards to Namjon, or for them to even hear anything from outside the door.
It has been four hours, no doubt they'll be coming back here anytime soon.
So they got into Jeongguk's room, the ravenette closing and locking the door behind him just because he knows his roommates tendencies on barging in his room, before taking them to his bed and sitting down.
Jimin didn't look the least bit uneased by the fact that they're here to talk, if anything he looks relieved that Jeongguk took that precaution to make sure their conversation stays completely private.
Bringing his knees to his chest and wrapping his arms around them, Jimin looks at Jeongguk - who's still sitting at the edge of the bed while clearly thinking over what to say or do.
There's many things running over his head right now, but Jeongguk prefers just diving into the point about Namjoon.
So he leans down and reaches under his bed, getting out a small white board with a marker. He would use a tablet, but he doesn't like how robotic the voice sounds so he prefers just writing it down.
Quick and clear, he wrote on the board and then after looking it over, he turns it around to Jimin.
"Are you and Namjoon seeing each other again?"
Jimin didn't waste a beat to respond to that, and not exactly in a good reaction.
"No! Absolutely not!" He retorts, looking even a bit offended, "Did he tell you that?"
Jeongguk immediately shakes his head, even though he felt like he was lying to him. So he just wrote down what he meant.
"As you could tell, it looks like he's growing interested in you. He did tell me about you guys being at your apartment and talking, maybe something there got him hopeful."
He didn't want to directly say that Namjoon told them that they kissed because knowing Jimin, he would no doubt call Namjoon and tell him off an earful of shit for being a snitch. So he tried to be careful with how he approaches this.
Either way Jimin didn't seem pleased. Eyes rolled with a deep frown, looking to his knees for a moment or two in silence. It looks like he's recollecting his own thoughts on what to say, being just as careful before rubbing his hair and grunting.
"The only reason I'm even giving you explanations it's because you're his brother, and I guess it relates to you," He huffs angrily and looks back to him, "Look, I don't like your brother nor am I interested in him anymore. Yes, we did do something in my apartment but the only reason I did it was for you-"
Jimin cuts himself off, and Jeongguk's ears perked.
That was no mistake, Jeongguk has his hearing aids to a high frequency, so he damn well heard that; loud and clear.
He did what for who?
Jeongguk immediately puts the board aside, scooting closer to him while Jimin refuses to look at him now with an expression of clear dread.
But Jeongguk was just not going to let this slide like that.
Jimin shakes his head and Jeongguk grabs his jaw with a single hand, forcing him to face him to see the ravenette clearly not pleased by what he just said.
If anything, that pissed him off.
His voice is low and damn well dark. Jimin could feel the heaviness weighing down that word alone, running shivers down his spine to the intensity he's staring at him with now; such a way he's never looked at him before.
Wasn't he suppose to feel happy that he got his brother to be happy? Why is he mad now!
Then Jimin's nervousness started to spike up to their proximity, eyeing between his hand and face before impulsively slapping Jeongguk's hands off him and standing up while his body began to heave in that prickling spike of irritation.
Returning back to be the same man that lashes out whenever he fucking feels like it.
"I don't need to finish anything! In fact I don't need to be giving you those damn details in the first place," And turns to the ravenette on the bed, "I'm not damn interested in anyone! Maybe if you were able to control your brother better-"
Jeongguk did not fucking care about that!
He also moves to his feet, this pulsing anger pumping inside him that felt like gasoline in his body about ready to explode.
Answers, he needs know that Jimin wasn't so stupid enough to do something he didn't want to do just for his own fucking sake.
Never would he ever want him to do something like this, no matter how happy his brother would be with Jimin giving him attention. If it's something Jimin doesn't want to do, that's it, he doesn't need to!
"Y-You," He growls, stepping towards him, "For..... Me. Namjoon."
Jimin tears his eyes away from him, lips in a thin line.
And Jeongguk suddenly.... Lost his patience. Horribly.
He grabs Jimin by the shoulders, shackling him to look at him, "ANSWER ME!"
Jimin eyes dilated, fixing his eyes to look at Jeongguk with lips ajar to what he just said.
But Jeongguk doesn't fucking care about himself right now, he wasn't done.
His pulsing anger pooled through his eyes as he glares into Jimin's wide eyes, every single layer of wrath blinding any warning signs going in his head, "Did you kiss my fucking brother because of me?"
Jimin was feeling too anxious right now and even angry himself, a self defense mechanism to how Jeongguk is acting and behaving with him. That explosive anger is twitching back, his mind only going into complete knots of messes that was like his head exploding before he suddenly yelps and shoves Jeongguk's hands off him.
And he was not himself anymore from there.
And Jeongguk was colliding right against that rage, grabbing his hearing aids and slamming it somewhere on the ground to how the ring piercing affected his ears.
Not now!
"Why? Huh?" Jeongguk snarls, fists balled so tightly to his sides, "You don't have to do anything because of me! I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO DO ANYTHING FOR ME! YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT TO BECAUSE OF ME!"
Jimin barks a laugh, a very dry and sadistic laugh with this hood of dark eyes glaring to the ravenette with body shaking by how uncontrollable his temper is getting, "You think I wanted to do it for you? Huh? No, but YOU KEPT COMING INTO MY FUCKING HEAD! IF I DIDN'T MAKE YOUR DEAR BROTHER HAPPY THAN GUESS WHAT? HE WOULD GO CRYING TO YOU ABOUT ME AND MAKE ME SEEM LIKE THE DAMN FUCKING BAD GUY ALL OVER AGAIN!"
"BECAUSE IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME!" Jeongguk's face falls, feeling like he was just smacked across the face, "With you being all weak and sentimental, we won't get shit done and then you will see me as the damn enemy again! I didn't want that! EVEN IF I WERE TO HAVE CONTINUED I WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT BEING NAMJOON! THAT'S HOW FAR I WAS GOING TO GO.... FOR YOU!"
Jeongguk's hands found Jimin's jaw again, yanking him closer to stare carefully into his eyes, making sure he was not just saying those things because he was damn mad or close to getting his episode - Which no doubt he was close to crossing that line. Jimin's eyes are teary but still held on strong to Jeongguk's stare, not moving away.
He didn't want to.
"Who were you thinking about?"
Jimin tenses his jaw, gulping thickly before blinking, "Forget it, doesn't fucking matter because you are so damn-"
"What?" He mutters, sneering to his eyes, "So damn... What?"
Jimin's tough wall was weakening, badly. Jeongguk could see it by how he was losing his composure, lips wobbling and his own hand trembling on his wrists. Despite that, he still looked powerful.
But he grew fed up.
This tension was driving him crazy when he looks from Jeongguk's lips and back to his eyes, unable to hide it anymore.
"You..... I was thinking about you-"
Jeongguk aggressively leans and completely slammed their lips together, taking both of their breath away.
And at that moment.... He didn't give a fuck about anything. About the package that will come by doing this, the heavy dark thoughts of guilt that may cruise his mind afterwards, or even his brother's obsession with the dancer - he stopped care the second he met Jimin's lips, and perhaps Jimin didn't stop him either.
None of them stopped each other.
And the second that flame of tension grew, they couldn't stop even if they wanted to.
Jimin roughly moves his lips; hot, hungry and in thirst to finally feeling Jeongguk's lips that it provoked a starving groan to purge out of his throat. He's been desiring for this to the back of his mind, since he kissed Namjoon and imagined this ravenette instead.
It was driving him insane.
From there Jeongguk lost the bits of self restraint he had left.
He was stumbling back from the force of Jimin's mouth weakening every cell in his body, knees finding the edge of the bed and colliding back.
But before he fell, he tightly grips Jimin by the hips and drags him down with him. Not just drags him, but jostles him hard so his back is to the bed while Jeongguk hovers over him, a hand gripping his thigh while completely devouring his lips.
Jimin mewls breathlessly, head thrusting back with eyes flying in colors when Jeongguk's raw lips gnaws against his skin and leaving a trail of heat down his neck in it's trail. Hot breathes past his lips, anticipated, while Jeongguk's elbow rests to the side of his head and fingers threads through his wet hair, pulling so harsh that forced shots of arousal all the way to pelvis - while simultaneously biting down where the previous hickey was on his throat.
No doubt making a new one.
"J-Jeongguk," Jimin whines, his pelvis shooting up when he sucks his neck, "More."
Jeongguk's fingers on his hair tightens, and before Jimin could even react he felt a heavy weight grind against his own pelvis - rough and slowly.
Right to rubbing his dick.
A very loud and desperate moan splutters out of Jimin's mouth, fingers digging against Jeongguk's bare skin of his back and dragging down with a harsh pull to bring him closer.
Jeongguk hips stutters forward, whimpering while trailing his lips back to Jimin parted ones and thrusting his tongue inside his mouth. Jimin wraps his lips around it and suck angrily, gliding his tongue against his that had Jeongguk much more horny moving against him.
It became too much for Jimin, using Jeongguk's weak grip to flip him over so he's now on top with thighs on either side of him. Jeongguk sits up, hands on Jimin's hips while he moves them fluidly against his pelvis to feel Jeongguk's hard dick grinding against his thigh.
Jeongguk pulled away, a broke moan oozing his lips with his sweaty forehead against Jimin's neck, "P-Please."
Jimin's body buzzes to the weak plea, feeling that electric buzz all the way to his toes as he continues to move his hip much faster with this desperation by Jeongguk's cock rubbing where his anus is located.
"Want me to take my clothes off?"
A feverishly nod is all Jeongguk could do, pulling his head back and reattaching his wet lips against his. Jimin shivers, his hips grinding harder and faster against his that was leaving Jeongguk's head fucking swimming.
His hands grips Jimin's thighs, roaming them higher and higher to his pelvis that had Jimin whimpering and even holding back a sob by how fucking hard he is that he could explode with just another one of Jeongguk's hands gripping his thighs.
And Jeongguk is taking his sweet fucking time-
"Oh shut up! This is my dorm too and I'm fucking tired!"
Both Jimin and Jeongguk froze. Not moving a single muscle in their body.
"See they're not even here-"
Karma and Minho.
"Look I don't want to be in the middle of you and my brother fighting because then I will actually murder both of you!"
"I won't fight- WHERE ARE YOU GOING!"
Jeongguk's door knob suddenly rattles, jolting both Jeongguk and Jimin off each other to stare at the door in horror.
Only to relax once they see it locked.
Good call Jeongguk, good call.
"See? Jeongguk is already sleeping, and that's what I'm going to do!"
A door slamming echoes the hallway, once again making both males jump in startle on the bed to no doubt it being Karma. There was this long silence before they could hear another door opening and closing shut to the room across Jeongguk's.
And now only left for it to be officially silent.
Jimin and Jeongguk remained paralyzed, side by side with now this inability to look at each other with cheeks blazing in red.
Letting what just happened..... Register properly.
They were.....
They just.....
Oh god...
Jeongguk burrows his face to his hands, eyes closed just as the high slowly goes away from his system.
His brother.
His identity.
His image.
The damn fucking press-
That's all Jeongguk can think about if any of this goes out to the public, leaving it as it weighs a heavy guilt and regret one after the other to the pile.
What the fuck is he doing?
"This never happened."
Jeongguk's ears perked from hearing the faint noise but loud enough to still read his hearing, moving his face to the side now to see Jimin; glaring at the sheets, panting heavily with a fists gripping so tightly to it that his fists nearly turned white.
And he finally looks at Jeongguk, repeating, "This never happened. For the sake of.... Literally fucking life, our image and.... Your brother. What happened can't leave this room, okay?"
It's to no surprise that they were thinking the same thing.
What happened was just the heat of the moment, under no circumstance should it change anything or be brought out in the open. Personal and professional life should be divided, so this shouldn't be anyone's business to begin with.
No matter if they.... Didn't see anything wrong with falling for that desire that was buried deep down inside their soul, they aren't ignorant to knowing that it just.... Can't happen.
They can't desire more for each other, it's just not professional. There's so many odds to this to count, enough to fit a novel.
They're just going to hurt each other, more specifically Jimin hurt Jeongguk. Just because of his issues that he can't control.
And he can't let that happen from his side.
So Jimin looks back to the sheets, nodding to himself in assurance and was about to get up from the bed but Jeongguk grabs his hand.
This time knowing fully well what he was doing.
Heavily Jimin closes his eyes, shaking his head, "Jeongguk.... Please."
"One....... Night," He's back to shuttering, his throat clogging up, "Stay."
"Jeongguk this is just going to mess you up!" Jimin staggers out, still refusing to look at him, "It's wrong! Your brother is still crazy about me, and he's my ex. You're not into men and this is going to frustrate your head-"
Jimin is yanked by the hand back, another to his cheek with lips crashing to his. It caught him off guard, no doubt it did, but Jeongguk's lips was like a drip of melted candy.
Something that was hard to resist, even if he wanted to after he had a taste of it.
However just as fast as it came it disappears, Jeongguk glancing between his eyes with this calm in his gaze when he pulls away, exhaling out a deep breath, "I..... Don't want to.... T-Think about that n-now," He manages to force out, "Stay.... Please."
Jimin stares at his face, looking between his eyes with this ache in his chest. He doesn't even know why he's feeling this now, but it's this yearning pain as he thinks about the problems that awaits outside this room the second word of this goes out.
Most specifically the pain it'll cause Jeongguk, because Jimin doesn't take things to heart easily but Jeongguk sure does have a lot of things to care about.
They shouldn't be doing this...
Risk the possibility of gaining feelings or fall for each other, it's too dangerous.
They know it.
But for this moment, right now with no one here, they prefer not thinking about it..... Just for tonight, only letting it finally roam free this crawling desire they've been feeling for progress since the day they met.
They're safe here....
They're safe.
It's okay.
No one can get to them here.
So while reluctantly giving in, Jimin let's Jeongguk pull him back to the bed. The ravenette didn't do anything more than just get the two under the sheets and turn the light off from the night stand to let the room fall into complete darkness.
Facing each other now with heads rested to the pillow, they didn't say anything more.
Yet for some reason the more their eyes lingered, Jeongguk's throat began to tighten. The longer his gaze studies Jimin, his every feature by his close he is, feeling his gentle breathing against his face, even his warmth of his body on his bed so close to his - It ached.
It ached so.... Brutally hard.
He doesn't know what or why specifically, but he felt like a small child all over again; Vulnerable and sensitive.
He couldn't stop himself from letting his lips quiver, raising a hand to caress Jimin's cheek with his eyes blurring before he lets a weak sob past his lips. He knew Jimin didn't like the intimate contact, but for just one moment he hopes that he can accept it, just for one single second.
Jimin stares at him back, his own lips trembling but keeping himself strong just for Jeongguk, moving to wrap his arms around Jeongguk's neck while tangling their legs together under the sheets. A choked sob stumbles out Jeongguk's lips again, slowly wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist with fingers grazing his spine.
"It's okay," Jimin whispers quietly, feeling Jeongguk's trembling body in his arms, "When you wake up in the morning, this will all feel like a dream..... And then you won't have to worry anymore."
Jeongguk didn't respond back, only places a wobbling peck to Jimin's neck and holds him close to him to let the memory engrave in his head to how comfortable he feels right now.
Being true to Jimin's words, when he wakes up this will feel like a dream.
And Jimin won't be here by his side.
Forcing this feelings down, even if it hurts.
Like if it never existed.
Man this chapter was all over the place, as in the emotions :'(
Why do you guys think they were crying towards the end? There's a specific reason as to why, but any guesses based on those last moments?
Next chapter will be based on a few perspectives that's not Jikook, but definitely important to keep in mind!
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