I will be adding different songs for every scene
Warning: This is so long ._.
~Make It Right - BTS~
Sometimes in life, all everyone ever wants is just a good sleep.
You know? That sleep where you sink so deep into the world you're in, dream of happy things like running on a meadow or being with a comfort character. Sometimes one doesn't even have to dream of anything, even that blankness is still soothing when one wakes up because nothing bad was in the way of converting it into a nightmare.
Jimin doesn't have those moments often, especially last night he was sweating and turning non stop in his sleep. The worst part was that he wouldn't wake up, so he was stuck in that nightmare without a way on escaping it.
But thankfully it didn't last for long, or as long as he expected.
The morning that followed he was awaken by the light caressing his face along with a moist warm towel patting his face, gently. He didn't open his eyes, probably because of how taken back he was, only feeling the towel against his sweaty neck and rub his bare arms and hands before trailing it back to his forehead.
No doubt he was drenched from his nightmare last night, so this did.... Catch him off guard
This... Is new?
And Jimin knew damn well by now that it wasn't a dream.
So slowly he flutters his eyes open, vision blurred but still able to make out the form of a human silhouette sitting on the bed beside him.
Someone he clearly doesn't know.
Now blinking the sleep away completely, Jimin freezes when the male smiles softly to him and removes the towel away from his face, "Good morning! Um... Sorry if this is a little too much-"
"Who are you?"
The man with tender whirls of brown hair and the softest smile Jimin has ever seen before only moves back to give Jimin space, "I'm Hongjoong, Jeongguk's speed skating captain," Jimin raises an eyebrow, slowly sitting up with this pounding headache striking so suddenly, "You seemed a little.... Drenched, so I tried to help a bit. Jihyo is in the kitchen making something for you to eat since she says she knows your taste."
Jihyo bought this stranger here?
Is she crazy!
A hideous scowl forms Jimin's lips, eyeing the captain, "Okay.... What are you expecting? A thank you? You can go now."
Hongjoong's expression didn't falter, if anything his smile twitches wider. He only raises his eyebrows in a little surprise to Jimin's remark while grabbing the bowl of warm water from the night stand and puts the small towel inside before standing up, "Karma is definitely going to have a field day with you."
Karma? Oh this man will definitely know Karma-
Before Jimin could even snap at him, Jihyo suddenly enters the room with a food tray in hand.
Jimin was just about to snap at her for even thinking about bringing this stranger into his house in the first place, but the way she looks at him with a bright smile when her attention perks up to him had him holding back those words.
She's happy.
She seems very happy.
It's not often that she is this happy, so seeing that smile on her face had him relaxing on the bed a little and let her put the tray of food on his thighs.
"Good morning ice prince!" She beams brightly and sits to the other side of him, "You have a long day ahead of you so you're going to need all of the nutrients!"
Jimin stares at her, trying to figure out what she means by that, but then flickers over to the food on his lap. It consists of a fist sized salad, maybe less, with just water. Judging by this food, there's no doubt that Jihyo already knows about his starving habits somehow, or at least a small portion of it because she also has those same habits due to keeping in shape for ballet.
Since Jimin once in a while does eat, when not purging the food out of his body, it's not like he's not use to food. He just prefers digesting it. But due to the little amount he allows in or with the days gap within the time he doesn't eat, his body does need to take it slow.
A salad, even if it's small, is perfect.
"I appreciate the breakfast," Jimin starts off in a bitter huff, looking at Jihyo while sending awkward glances to Hongjoong beside him, "But why did you bring him here?"
Jihyo only smiles gleefully, grabbing the fork and stabbing bits of lettuce before holding it up to his lips. Jimin rolls his eyes but still eats it, just for her sake.
"Because he's helping me out," She says happily, all the while Hongjoong gets up and goes to the kitchen with the bowl of water, "Today you're about to have a very nice day! So you're going to need the energy!"
Nice day?!
Does that mean leaving his apartment?!?
Jimin's face coils, grabbing the fork from her hand, "Jihyo... You know to not test with me about plans-"
"Trust me, it's worth it," She cuts in, relaxing a bit with a small smile and a hand on Jimin's leg, "You may not see it now but... You'll like it. Just go along with it and try to relax."
"But ballet-"
"Taemin cancelled practice," His face falls, immediately sitting up now, "Don't worry, he's okay! He just has plans today-"
"Taemin never cancels practice because he has plans," Jimin huffs and starts putting the food tray aside and swinging the sheets off his body, "I have to see him-"
Jihyo places her hands on his shoulders, panicking a bit but eases it when Jimin looks at her in confusion, "No need for that. Trust me, I was just with him. You'll see him later, just eat up, okay?"
Jimin wasn't convinced. This entire morning is so damn weird; from the new kid wandering his apartment, the food to bed, now no ballet because Taemin cancelled - It's all too weird. There's nothing more he wants to do right now than fly off this bed and see if Taemin's okay, but Jihyo's expression stopped him from doing just that.
There's clearly something going on that he doesn't know about, and she's trying very hard to keep him untense as possible. It's definitely not working, since he's now paranoid. Her bright smile is faltering now and it was enough to send Jimin a string of guilt, the cause of the sudden shift of sadness being because he's not following along.
This is for Jihyo and Taemin.
He trusts them enough that whatever is going on, it's acknowledged by them. If they're okay with it, than so will he.
Just Jihyo and Taemin.
So defeatedly, Jimin brings the food tray back to his body and eats his salad and drinks his water.
That was enough to make Jihyo smile brightly, making that familiar warmth fill him by how such a simple action can make her so happy.
They stayed talking while he ate after that. While it happened, he managed to finish his entire salad, the only reason being because Jihyo is here. If it wasn't for that than he probably would've refused to eat or puke the salad later on. It's a nice distraction with her just talking about how she's been these few days and making jokes on her new ballet being nervous around her.
Jimin only listened, feeling nice inside to having her be this happy around him since she's always stressed about something most of the day they see each other.
Just like Taemin, Jimin feels content and grateful just by seeing Jihyo distracted from the world when they're together.
However the moment didn't last long because Hongjoong returned, sending Jihyo a look that Jimin clearly didn't understand but she did. With so much energy, Jihyo ordered for Jimin to get ready, dressed comfortably, giving him literally a time limit.
Jimin still had no idea what was going on, and he was not amused that this tiny captain had to come in and ruin his moment. He just sends Hongjoong a snarl like a feverish catwithout a word before going into the bathroom and showers. From there he just washed up and got ready with one of Taemin's hoodie's and sweat pants. He barely did anything to his hair, only brushed it with his hand, before he walked out of his room to see Jihyo and Hongjoong talking happily in the kitchen.
While being in his safe haven in the shower, Jimin really took into thought about Hongjoong being here. He didn't have to clean Jimin up with a towel from his nightmare sweat, or even be nice to him after Jimin showed him his cruel heart. He's still here, and most specifically making Jihyo smile.
Maybe Jimin was being a little too mean to him. Guess he could be somewhat nice if he's Jeongguk's captain-
Wait, Jeongguk.
As Jimin finally let's it register in his head, he marches up to the small male and whirls him around with a fist to his jacket.
"Jeongguk, how is he?"
Hongjoong blinks at him, glancing from the fist to his sweater and to his face, chuckling awkwardly while patting his hand to Jimin's hand, "You sure have some strange way to demonstrate your concern," He carefully removes Jimin's fist from him, smiling painfully tight, "He's out of the hospital, been doing well. The team has been taking care of him."
Jimin wanted to say something.
He wanted to lash out on how careless they all have been on not noticing the signs or not being there check up on his mental health. They're a fucking team, living in the same literal dorm, how would they not notice! However the more he thought about it, the more ridiculous it sounded to do.
Who is he to demand shit like that from Jeongguk's captain?
Just a skating partner, he shouldn't get involved into the personal life.
That still didn't mean he wasn't mad.
Irritated, he flickers Hongjoong's hand off his just as a knock on the door reaches his ears, making him snap his head towards it.
Is it Taemin?
No, he has the key.... Then who?
Jihyo giddily goes to answer the door, since it clearly shows she knows who it was.
Ah shit.
~Best Friend - Red County Orange~
Jimin's head drops back slowly, eyes closed to the unfortunately familiar voice with that thick accent now echoing his apartment. A voice that was laced with the words that trigger him to nearly have an explosive episode, and someone he had to spend a whole fucking night babysitting.
"Right on time!" Jihyo giggles, letting a happy Taehyung with an annoyed red haired male inside Jimin's apartment.
Now looking at the familiar blond that entered the comfort of his home, Jimin did feel a little -just barely - at ease that at least it's someone else he knew, somewhat. However upon first glance he completely thought Taehyung dyed his hair red because of the identical human being standing beside him.
Oh right he has a twin, Jeongguk mentioned it one time.
Howver.... He never mentioned the twin to be like... This.
Despite having the same face, height, and even body structure, the energy they both give off is completely opposite. Taehyung is this glow of warm light, just like how he was while performing when Jimin say him for the first time. It's that soft and cringe type of energy, that someone is able to just easily hurt him if they say his hair is ugly.
Meanwhile the brother was something else. His entire expression screams he won't be afraid to murder someone on the spot if he has to. He's glaring at the ceiling, arms crossed, infuriated and completely irritated as though he got a piece of wood stuck on his foot.
Let's not even go on about the style because it just matches their energy. Taehyung being one with the light pink beanie on his head with a weird fluff ball to the end. A simple olive green winter jacket with a white hoodie inside and what seems to be black jeans with a pair of those hideous uggs boots.
While his brother wears a black trench coach, strapped by the waist to outline his figure. He's wearing a black turtle neck under, completely dressed in black pants and heavy combat boots that looks like it can easily crush someone's skull with it. His red hair is probably the same length as Taehyung's but pushed back by a black headband for the winter.
They look like the exact same person but from different dimensions, it's oddly fascinating.
"Hi Jiminie!" Jimin cringes, "We are about to spend a really great day today! - Oh, and this is my twin Karma. Karma, meet Jimin!"
Both Jimin and Karma just barely sent a glance at each other before scowling and looking the opposite direction. Jimin doesn't know the guy well and he already can't stand his attitude.
Taehyung awkwardly glances at the two with a tight teeth smile before clapping, "Great! Now let's go-"
"I'm not leaving."
Everyone snaps their eyes to Jimin, who only crosses his arms with a heavy frown and a dark glare in his eyes, "I don't know what you all are planning, but I want no part of it!"
It was silent for a moment, Taehyung's smile now falling a little before taking a step forward, "Jimin c'mon, yeah? It would be nice if we got to know each other more-"
"We already had enough of getting to know each other," Jimin huffs, bitter in attitude while feeling uncomfortable by his pleading gaze, "I'm not leaving - HEY! WHAT THE FUCK!"
While Jimin was in the middle of snapping at Taehyung in front of Karma - a big mistake - the red haired male's annoyance couldn't have been detained for so long. So now Jimin is over his shoulder, Karma sustaining him by the legs to not fucking kick him while waving a hand briefly to Jihyo and Hongjoong as he walks out the door.
Jimin was pounding on his back, snarling series of curse words as the three left the apartment after Taehyung promised to take care of Jimin during their day out. No doubt that Jimin could already feel his anger riling up and a tantrum slowly making it's way, but before it got to that point Karma puts him down just as they got outside.
His face is clearly heaving in his own anger, glaring down at Jimin who's still pounding his fits at him to the chest.
"I don't want to fucking go!"
"If you don't calm your ass done than I'll calm it down for you!" Jimin glares at him when he roars those words, Karma clearly not joking with his words, "Now shut the fuck up and stop complaining like a a cocky tiny brat!"
Jimin snarls in wrath, this being the first time someone ever talks to him that way before. His rage cruises through his blood in heated impulsiveness that he didn't even notice when he raised his hand to slap it against Karma's face, but the man grabbed his wrist and used his other hand to wrap it around Jimin's neck and jolts him forward.
He was not intimidated, not even when Karma sneers to his prideful eyes.
"I fucking dare you to touch me, you tiny shit!"
The two were like aggressive wolves thrown into a same den, just walking around one another with feverish eyes and snarls in provocations to their actions. Two angry alphas getting ready to attack each other with just a bit more nagging and taunts to show who's the dominant of the two.
But then there's a tender omega, who tries to calm the situation down.
"Stop playing around!" Taehyung suddenly slaps their hands of each other, getting between them with a now relaxed smile, "I'm so glad we're getting to know each other, so now let's go-"
"I'm not going anywhere-"
"Then stay the fuck in the apartment for all I care!" Karma explodes, huffing angrily and turning around, "I knew Jeongguk was wasting his time with you either way."
Now this fired up Jimin, really badly.
What does Jeongguk have to do with any of this!
"Hey! Don't walk away from me - YOU STOP SIGN LOOKING ASS COME BACK HERE!"
Taehyung watches as Jimin stomps after Karma, sighing heavily because he knows he's about to have a very long day with his tempered brother and an equally tempered Jimin.
It's worth it though.
After all, it's for his dear little Jeonggukie!
That was enough to make him smile and trail off after the arguing pair.
At least they managed to make it to the mall somehow - without Karma and Jimin pushing each other to the street in hopes a car runs over them- and from there it felt like Jimin was living inside a damn movie.
Taehyung practically dragged him to every store, even the one's with women clothes, not missing on a chance to find good clothes. Jimin was obviously stubborn to try anything, but after Karma would make any crude commentary on his attitude then he would angrily try the clothes on.
It seems like Taehyung and Karma aren't looking for him to buy something to add more to his collection of clothes, but something to be for today specifically. Jimin caught that after trying something that he found really nice on him but both twins scold it away saying it's not good enough.
The two clearly have their own sense of style, so Jimin was thrown clothes as a mix of both of their chosen clothes into one.
It was an absolute mess.
By the time they got to the last store, Jimin was already exhausted. In some way he feels grateful for Jihyo's salad because he knows damn well he already burned those calories it had. This is probably the most he's worked out in a while, intensively and it seems like both twin skaters are not even close to dropping out of tiredness.
They went to every store and haven't found anything. Jimin still doesn't even know what's the whole point in all of this, but now he just can't wait until he's home and able to rest.
Shit even his legs are aching badly.
They better find something already!
The first outfit was thrown aside, the second was almost puked on by Karma, and the third was dissed horribly by both twins. By the time the fifth passed by, the twins began to argue on why they aren't able to find something suitable. So while they bickered back and forth to each other on something to choose from, Jimin just wandered around the store while looking over the clothes without interest.
He's not usually one that likes shopping, but he does like dressing up well. Easily he can find anything simple and style it nicely on himself, so maybe that's what he's just going to have to do now.
Just as he was thinking that, he stopped in front of a shirt. It's a simple shirt, turtle neck, a dark grey type steel color. However the more Jimin stared at it, the more the gears in his head slowly turned. Weighing it out, he grabs that just in case, looking around the store now with something definitely to put on top. It was hard to know exactly what he's looking for, but he's thinking simple but powerful.
That will make his presence known, while also being a shield to how weak he's been these past few days.
After doing another round in the store, making sure to not have the twins look to his direction, he spot something that caught his eye but hesitated. The name on the tag says trench coat in midnight blue, but the only midnight blue Jimin sees is the lower half of the attire meanwhile the upper part is a leather black type of texture. It does look nice, but would it look nice with this shirt?
Jimin still took it, from there easily finding a pair of adjusted skinny jeans and some black Derby shoes. When he came across the dressing room again, Karma and Taehyung are still arguing over what to fling on Jimin while the dancer only got into the dressing room and changed.
He still refused to look at the mirror once he finished, especially to the bruises on his thighs, only swings the curtain aside and steps out. Both twins snaps their attention to him upon the squeaky noise, their arguing falling quiet. They stared for a good while to his outfit, Jimin then slowly relaxing when Taehyung slowly smiles widely and approaches him.
Oh what a relief.
"Wow- I.... Jimin! This looks so... You!"
That's probably the best compliment he's received in a long time; a style of his own.
Something that.... He created, if that makes sense.
Jimin just barely twitches a smile - okay he didn't, but he did on the inside. Now he looks at Karma, who just stares at him with lips sealed. He eyed him from head to toe, lips pursed before looking away.
"Guess you upgraded from Tiny Shit to just Tiny."
Is that suppose to be a good thing?
He's still calling him small!
Jimin rolls his eyes, hand on his hips, "Wouldn't hurt to be a decent asshole for once."
"Look who's fucking talking-"
Taehyung instantly squeals, "Wow you should really get this! Yeah? Great! Let's go!" And he pushes Jimin in the changing room, closing the curtain shut with a glare to his brother.
Karma flickers his eyes to him, perking an eyebrow, "What?"
Taehyung only rolls his eyes with a grimace.
Jimin changed back to his comfort clothes quickly, Taehyung buying the ones he tried on - With Karma shutting him up to not fight - while finally leaving the store.
However to Jimin's surprise, when he walked out of the store he sees Jackson with a familiar guy that he met once when he went to Jeongguk's dorm.
Seokjin, was it?
Either way, Taehyung approaches the two with the bag of clothes he bought for Jimin and extends it out to Jackson, just as Jimin and Karma trails behind him.
"Got him something really pretty! Would advise to go ease on him," And he leans towards them, a hand blocking the side of his mouth, "He's a little fussy today."
"I can still hear you!"
Taehyung sends an apologetic smile to him but sends a look to the two with a nod before turning to him, "Well, it was a nice time we've had today, but now it's time for you to finish the other part of your day!" And he pats his arm while standing beside Karma, "Have fun! Or Jackson will tie you up!"
Jimin's eyes widen, cheeks blushing as he looks around to notice a few people that were passing by casting stares to Taehyung's sudden exclaim. He only rubs his face in displease, now glaring at Karma to what he has to say. The man still refuses to look at him, only pushes his hands in his pocket with a deep grimace. But he noticed Jimin's look and just barely glances at him.
"Don't be a pest."
Jimin's face twists, arms crossed with a scowl, "I'm the pest-"
Jackson loops his arm with Jimin's, waving at the twins, "Bye! Thank you!"
And Jimin is being dragged away.
What now!
~ Recess - Melanie Martinez ~
He's literally being thrown around like some stupid toy! Right now would actually be a good time to just leave and call it a day -
"Ah ah, I know that look," Jackson retorts just as they make it outside, "You're stuck with us for the time being."
Jimin groans and stomps on the ground, "I don't want to go out anymore!"
The two males glanced at each other then back to him, not exactly surprised by his actions and Seokjin let's out a heavy sigh,
"You know I was sleeping before this?" He says calmly, quiet and smooth just like his voice, "I was awaken up, dragged out of my bed, forced to get ready and avoid my precious sleep.... For this."
Despite how annoyed the scenario sounds like, he never once sounded irritated or furious. He just looks at Jimin with that tired expression of desperation for a nap. Jimin did shift a little uneased, looking away from his stare, "Well I didn't ask you to -"
"I know," He says simply, "But just keep in mind that everyone you've seen or going to see is putting this effort for you. They could've been practicing, working out, watching tv, doing something with their day other than being here. So be a bit grateful for what we're doing is all we ask, yeah?"
Even if Seokjin isn't directly scolding him, it still felt like he was slapping Jimin across the face. His voice is so calm like a lullaby, that even if he tried to sound mean he can't because of how tender his tone is. Almost like a big warm teddy bear.
Quiet yet impactful.
Just enough to sway Jimin to realize his behavior. He may not know the motive behind this, but everyone is putting their part just so Jimin can have a good day. Or at least a decent time so he won't think these negative thoughts that's been on his mind.
So Jimin only slumps his shoulder, nodding slowly to him while glancing at Jackson. The man only smiles at him the way he always does around him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and guiding him to their destination.
It seems like everything was well calculated specifically because all their destinations are within a walking radius. They didn't even have to walk for long before they stop in front of a SPA place-
They can't be serious?
Is this a joke?
Jimin wasn't given even the minute or time to say something before being dragged inside, already having reservations for the three to be treated up.
A full treatment.
And Jimin was definitely not happy.
He cooperated enough get on a robe, expecting just to have them treat his hands and face. But no, he was suddenly dragged to a pool, flung in by Jackson himself, and was bathed properly with massages. Jimin was like a rabid cat, scrambling angrily slapping hands off him while they try to keep him still.
He fought, he really did fight hard.
But at one point he just grew fed up with it.
After a while he gave up, letting the nice ladies wash his hair - again - and put on facial treatments to his face with cucumbers to his eyes. They massaged his feet and hands, even turned on the little bubble effect of the pool to give him the ultimate relaxation.
And well.... It... You know... Worked... Or whatever.
Jimin found his body relaxing the more he let himself accept this treatment, even more after they moved from the pool to the massage area to get his shoulders and back treated with massages, even his legs that were really sore from the abuse of overworking them with practice.
Okay fine, maybe this has been quite pleasant. Jimin doesn't usually treat himself to these types of things since he's always busy, either thinking or judging his performances. He's never cared about self care with himself, or how much he really needed.
The best part about it had to be the fact that he wasn't the only one being treated, so he wasn't going into this alone. Jackson and Seokjin were right there getting that special treatment too - to be fair who would miss out on an opportunity like this?
For a second Jimin didn't even feel like he was with someone he barely knew and his coach. It just felt like he was with people he was really comfortable with, even if they didn't speak all the time. Jackson would blossom conversations here and there, while Seokjin would just make a few remarks from time to time, but that was enough because they were definitely enjoying their time of relaxation.
After getting Jimin's nails done, even his hair while cutting the dead ends to style it nice with it being brushed back with a single trance caressing his eyebrows in a delicate touch to his features. They even touched make up on his skin, something natural but still powerful enough for his features.
By the time they finished, Jimin was sent to change into the clothes that was bought - freshly cleaned up by the workers as a request from Jackson. When he walked out of that dressing room, the staff along with Jackson and Seokjin all had pleasing and gasping reactions to his change.
The make up and hair stylist were squealing to each other, clapping their hands to their well done job while the rest who massaged and did the hefty work in calming him down just seemed pleased to the aftermath of their hard work.
It.... It made him feel nice.
In a weird way.
Yeah, he may not know why everyone is doing their part to do this for him, but he does feel a little grateful that they're putting the effort in doing so.
In taking care of him.
Must be nice to have these friends all the time.
Jeongguk sure is lucky.
"You look so amazing!" Jackson compliments with this inability to stop himself from hugging him, so excited for what's to come for the remainder of his day, "How do you feel?"
Jimin hesitated. He doesn't know whether he should tell them or not because then it'll make it feel too real that he's not drowning in his own self doubt or practicing. He's never use to feeling great or good, always frustrated or angry with something, anything.
It just... Felts strange.
And it seems like Seokjin caught that look well, only softening a smile to him, "Don't worry about it. Just know that it's okay to feel okay."
It's okay to feel okay...
That's some way to put how he feels.
Actually..... Pretty spot on.
A small smile twitch fixes his lips but he still remain with a monotone expression but with a respectful nod.
From here Jimin walked out of the SPA alone because Jackson and Seokjin were still not done with their treatment. However when he walked out of there, he saw a familiar face along with someone he for sure hasn't met before.
"JIMIN! Oh shit- Look at you!"
~ New Light - John Mayer ~
Jimin wanted to bury his face on the ground by Minho's loud voice, looking around anxiously to see if anyone was around and was thankful that it wasn't the case.
Great, seems like this day isn't ending anytime soon.
Minho approaches him with this small and monotone guy standing beside him, "Are you ready to have a blast! Actually for your sake, I will tone down the activities but you're going to have a great time!"
A tight and unpleasant smile forms Jimin's lips, clearly false of enthusiasm with a nod before looking at the other male. He gives off a little Karma vibes, but the more so on the quiet and in his own world type. He's looking at the trees calmly, gentle long blonde hair caressing his sides with one side tucked behind his ear.
However he does look at Jimin after Minho nudges his side, twitching just barely a smile on his lips, "I'm Ten...Um.... His teammate."
Out of everyone in the team, Ten seems like the only one Jimin won't have any strong judgements towards. Seems like the type one wouldn't want to disturb, even his resting face looks like he's mad about something when in reality it could be he's just calm.
Yeah, doesn't seem like a smart move to get under his skin, ever.
His aura is just too.... Strong, even if he doesn't talk.
Just like Jeongguk, but this one being more intimidating.
So like a puppy with his tail between his legs, Jimin wordlessly lets Minho yank him along with them. It seems like their task involves being more outside, just to pass the day. They stopped by some random restaurant to catch lunch; not something like a five star location and that detail alone Jimin was grateful for.
He doesn't like fancy restaurants either way.
At first he didn't want to eat anything, but the second Ten's piercing yet expressionless eyes fixes on him, he ordered immediately the first thing he say - Gukbap - and just went with it.
Thankfully it's soup, so it won't exactly make him feel too sick to his stomach.
At least he had something to eat before, so his body is probably ready for another round of food.
The lunch wasn't as awkward as Jimin expected, and maybe that's mostly thanks to Minho. The man is as talkative and social as it gets. He was spitting words after words of the most random things just to keep the high energy flow going. It was distracting enough though because soon enough Jimin has finished his meal while being so engrossed to Minho's story about his first time in the Olympics.
Who knew a story like that would even catch Jimin's attention in the first place.
Ten remained silent, literally monotone throughout the entire conversation. He would just nod and hum from time to time but was always dazed in his own world. When after they left the restaurant, Ten was still just tagging along silently while looking around.
If Jimin didn't know any better, he looked a little.... Lost.
Or maybe looking for someone?
"You know that restaurant," Minho started, snapping Jimin's attention from looking at Ten, "I came here before one time. Even though it's small and probably isn't of good class, they have such amazing food for a good price."
Jimin will admit, the food was indeed really good. Despite it being a small business, it does deserve more recognition for sure.
So feeling just a slight bit more comfortable, Jimin clears his throat, "Did you come alone?"
His eyes suddenly glittered, "No, I came with Ta- Seulgi. I came with Seulgi. Man, she ate so much, I thought she was going to pass out."
A small frown twitches Jimin's lips to Minho's laugh, suppressing the clear disappointment in his eyes. No doubt he was going to say Taehyung, but that's something only Jimin knew because Ten didn't seem to have caught Minho's little slip up.
Must be hard acting like he's so into someone else just as a cover, something Jimin can only feel pity for.
And it's not helping that even if Minho is smiling right now, the hurt is so thick in his eyes.
So, Jimin grew a bit bold to ease him up while directing his attention to both men in the midst of their walk to the park, "I met Karma earlier today," He remarks, catching the attention of both males, "Him and Taehyung really sure know how to drain the energy out of someone."
That was all Jimin had to say to bring back those sparkles in Minho's eyes, but hiding it well with a scoff, "Don't even talk about Taehyung. The guy pisses me off."
Ten snorts to this, "He's a nice guy-"
"Not to me! Remember that time I left my bowl of fruits in the fridge and he ate them all!"
Jimin tries not to grin to the way Minho is trying not to smile, the twitch evident on his lips, "I mean he's been nice to me."
Minho sneers his eyes to Jimin, scowling but clearly being aware of Jimin's strategy for him just to talk about his boyfriend, "I don't know how either of you can stand him. He's so fucking sensitive!"
If only.... If only he could say what he really means by his words.
Don't even talk about Taehyung. The guy pisses me off - Let's talk about him. He makes me happy.
I left my bowl of fruits in the fridge and he ate them all - I left a bowl of fruits on the fridge just for him to eat since he didn't eat anything all day.
I don't know how you can stand him. He's so fucking sensitive! - I can stand him. He's the love of my life.
If only he can be able to express these words deep in his heart.... But both know it's not that easy.
Or just can't happen.
A very heavy and unfortunate reality.
So Jimin drops the conversation, just for both of their sake on drowning the mood and continued throughout their walk. It felt nice, you know? To just take a moment to look around nature and the spread of life blossoming before their eyes. Even though the trees had no leaves since it's still winter and snow spread down to the sides of the pathway, it still felt nice.
This nice chill of the cold, just like Jimin's heart.
No wonder he likes winter.
In the midst of the walk though, just a sun starts to set in a distance, Ten found himself to by Jimin's side. He didn't say anything, neither did Jimin about it, so they just stayed side by side while Minho started to speak out in the open about the season.
For some reason, Jimin got the feeling Ten was protecting him from something. But Jimin can't pin point exactly if it's just his paranoia or because whenever Jimin's walked too fast or slow, Ten was also mimicking it as well.
He still didn't say anything about it, but it felt oddly comforting in a way.
Safe... He felt safe, and well - protected.
The Sun was setting by the buildings and they were back to the side walk beside the busy streetsl Passing by stores after stores before Jimin's eye caught onto something.
A place specifically.
The ballet theater.
He's never performed here before, despite his high reputation, but he's heard of the exhilarating dances and performers on how spectacular it is. Today they will perform exactly The Nutcracker, something Jimin has seen over countless of times in his life.
Yet still find fascinating if with the right dancers.
Jimin stops in front of the building, gazing up to the poster with little interest, yet he couldn't find himself moving away. Ballet has been everything circulating his life, his goal and inspiration in life, and seeing this poster felt like he was seeing a safe box from the outside of childish memories.
He's always wanted to come here and perform, or just see the performance.
It would be a somewhat nice experience.
"Have you been there before?"
~ Turning Page - Sleeping At Last ~
Jimin continues to stare at the sign, beaming lights just gazing back to him to coax him into the mystery of the performance, "No, I haven't.... It's on my to do list eventually.... When I have time."
"Why not have that time be now?"
That voice...
Jimin furrows his eyebrows and turns his head to his side reluctantly, meeting with the familiar elegant facial features of the man he's spent a great portion of his ballet life with. Sharing many experiences and learned so much from to this day.
The man is staring at the sign too, but turns to meet Jimin's gaze with a delicate smile on his soft features. He didn't say anything, and for a second Jimin thought he was dreaming until he heard a loud squeal behind him.
Minho and Ten are standing there still, with Minho squealing with a small wave, "Have fun you kids! Our time is up! Don't forget to tell me the details and- Wait!"
Ten is already dragging Minho away by the arm, all the while Minho just scrambles back to him with a more happy last wave to Jimin.
Leaving him alone with Taemin.
But he won't be watching this with him alone.
From the entrance of the building, Felix comes out with three ticket and a giddy smile, "I've never seen a ballet performance! Is it fun?"
And Jimin almost grinned to the familiar boy with freckled cheeks.
There's already not enough words to describe what Taemin means to him as it is, but to have Felix as well feels like a new start in a way. Someone who's seen him not just from the surface but from the inside too, and is still here.
For once since the start of this day, it feels like Jimin can finally take a breather without trying to be so cold.
Suddenly Taemin gently loops their arms together, a tight smile on his lips since he was about to go for his hand but knowing Jimin's detest for intimate contact he held himself back, guiding him towards Felix for them to go inside.
The three men enter inside the theater, having the best seats by the front and not so close around other people. Jimin sits in between the two men he feels comfortable with while feeling a little anticipated to what he might see from such a high class theater here in Seoul.
Felix is definitely excited, and it's definitely rubbing off a little as the lights start to dim. Jimin looks around now, a little anxious before casting a glance to Taemin.
The man was staring at the stage briefly but then also glances at Jimin too.
Their eyes stayed like this, lingering on a bit longer than they wanted to, before the intro began.
For many years Jimin has travelled around many parts of the globe. Seen many of this ballet adaptation performance with different dancers with their own different style. The clothings tried to be faithful, but there's always something new involved.
Whether it be the dress or men's attire, even the costumes, something is always different.
With this ballet, Jimin sees the difference. As someone who has danced as the prince in previous times, for this performance he's quick to find defects and things to give a thumb up to with just a simple quirk of his eye. He's looking more towards moves rather than the physical accessories, and he's slightly impressed.
For this one performance, he doesn't know whether it's because the dancers actully show they have taken their time to actually portray the story to their own way, or because he's with people who don't make him feel so uncomfortable while watching, but he feels relaxed.
And it's staring to feel like he's watching ballet for the first time.
His eyes danced along with the dancers, startled when they would startle, stay in awe when the climax of the story approached; He felt it all. Maybe it's because Felix from beside him is squeaking reactions that's catching him off guard, after all it is his first time watching this.
When Jimin casted a glance to him to check how he's doing, he felt warm inside to see the brightest smile on Felix's face with eyes dazing in inspiration.
Similar to how Jimin was once upon a time; a boy so moved by the art of ballet.
When the Dance of the Sugar Plum fairy arrived, Jimin's attention has been snatched completely to instant observation mode.
And he wasn't the only one.
Taemin has learned forward, watching attentively with fingers gently brushing his lips. Jimin for a moment adverts his eyes to him, remembering the time they watched their first ballet show together. Even though the show was captivating, Jimin's attention was entirely taken by Taemin's reactions filled with gleam - who dreamed of one day being as inspirational as those dancers.
Now Taemin reached his dream, being the one to observe and acknowledge after living through it, and still is, those moments that the ballet dancers are right now.
The nostalgia hit Jimin a little too close to him, now frowning.
They've grown a lot, haven't they?
The more Jimin stared at him, the more he felt it sink in how much he would do anything for him, or even sacrifice for him; Going into this figure skating program, knowing he can't skate and will receive high criticism from people around him just for Taemin, to not disappoint him. To try to adjust with a partner - whether it's figure skating or ballet - just so he won't be distressed.
And pushing him away, accepting his deal with just being teacher and student, because that's the only way he'll have him close enough in his life.
Ditched his previous program to stay at Ballet Academy, just so Taemin can teach him after his three years of being away.
He's done a lot for him.... And he will continue to do more, this program being specifically on doing so.
Such a strange connection they have. If Jimin don't know any better, which he doesn't, anyone would consider it as him loving the man.
Ha, is that love? No, not in love, like falling in love with someone, but just.... Love. Having love for another human being? A unique love. There's always familiar love, one true love, first love, friendship love, the list goes on.
Is there something like that that can fit to what Jimin feels for Taemin? A unique and strong love maybe, or perhaps just appreciation? The same way he feels for Jihyo?
Who knows, Jimin wouldn't know.
But he will continue to not disappoint him because his happiness means a lot to him, just like Jihyo does for him too.
Two hours passed by in a blur from there, and before they knew it they're walking out of the theater room in content to the show.
And Felix was definitely not hiding his joy.
"Did you see those dances! It was amazing! Is that how you two are on stage? I have to see you guys perform! It's incredible!"
Taemin giggles fondly to him, holding the door for Jimin and Felix to walk out, "Maybe I'll invite you to one of my shows."
That sent Felix over the moon, squealing happily as he looks at Jimin, "I'm so happy, this is definitely a night I won't forget!"
Yeah... So will Jimin.
It was nice.... One of the greatest shows he's seen. Not exactly for sure why... But it was nice.
Like being a kid all over again.
"Man, that show was so long and for what?"
Jimin evidently tenses up, moving his gaze up from looking at the ground to see Dr. Min Yoongi with this familiar guy with platinum white hair beside him - Woosung... Yeah Woosung. It pained Jimin's mind for a bit as it thought where he'd seen him, but then suddenly remembering his face in the dressing room the day of there performance.
And his vibrant smile is still there.
There's more?
Felix skips over to the two when he noticed their presence, "It was so amazing! We should all go to one as a team!"
The man with plantinum hair giggles fondly to him and caresses his hair adoringly while Yoongi approaches Jimin and Taemin, hands stuffed in his bomber jacket pocket, "Came to pick up Cinderella," He sighs, glancing to an already glaring Jimin, "Don't take it personally - Speaking of which, we need to talk about your-"
"Aish, I'll go right now!" Jimin hisses, standing in front of Taemin now with a forced smile.
Yoongi only looks to the back of his head before rolling his eyes and returning back to Felix and Woosung.
Giving the two their space.
Taemin looks over at Jimin, eyes bright to his breath taking features tonight while rubbing his hands to the wind, "Make sure you stay warm, okay? It's a little cold tonight."
Jimin nods, snuggling himself together to keep warm, "Yeah.... Thanks for... Tonight. It's been a while since we've seen a show together."
"Indeed," Taemin agreed, glancing past Jimin and then back to him, "Well.... Um... I think it's time for you to go before it gets too late."
A small frown twitches Jimin's lips upon hearing this, hesitant to the point he still remained standing where he was.
He didn't want to go, at all.
The same expression mimicked Taemin's face, glancing behind Jimin once again before placing a hand to his shoulder, "Hey, everything is going to be okay."
"I just don't know what's going on, or why they're acting like this," Jimin whispers doubtfully, flickering his gaze to the ground, "Can we just go for a walk or something?"
In another occasion, Taemin would've agreed in a heartbeat. He would make up whatever excuse and take Jimin to this apartment, maybe get in cozy pajamas and watch their practices together. Maybe even practice the routine Jimin has to do, just so he can get it down perfectly.
But instead Taemin smiled, sadly, because he knew he couldn't do that.
After all, Jimin still has to see someone - the mastermind of this entire plan.
Wouldn't be so nice to ruin it now, right?
If only Jimin knew what was awaiting for him..... He definitely won't take it back.
So Taemin only let's his hand fall, fist in his pocket to restrain himself, "Trust me, you won't regret it.... Okay? Just go.... You'll be fine, besides since when are you so sensitive huh?"
Jimin's eyes moves to his, trying to find anything behind his eyes as an excuse. Taemin's fist balled tighter, hiding well any emotion that could easily be spilled with a joking smile to show how calm he is.
He never found anything.... Again.
And so.... Jimin only nods with his lips tight together, "Yeah, you're right," Exhaling a heavy breathe, he turns around with a thick gulp, "Get home safe."
Without another word he walks towards Yoongi and Woosung, not being able to see the way Taemin's face twists when his gaze falls to the ground with a hand ready to reach out to him but only let's it drop to his side.
Not once did Jimin turn around.
~ Sew Your Heart - Kim Kyung Hee ~
Jimin huffs when reaching the two when Felix went back to Taemin, "Alright, this better be quick, I'm tired already."
Woosung beams, on his side instantly, "Don't worry, our task isn't going to be long," And he looks at Yoongi, "Let's go!"
And so they walked down the side walk, opposite side Jimin headed to upon arriving, farther away from the the theater. It was quite quiet for a moment or two between the three of them, maybe it felt a little awkward but not like Jimin was about to slice the ice because he barely knows either of them.
Maybe mostly Yoongi because of their.... Exchanges.
With Woosung he's only see him once, and that was enough to show to Jimin that he is probably the closest with Jeongguk. Or maybe that's just how he displays with kindness.
His aura has to be the most... Approachable out of everyone in the team; Not too extreme or intense, or something forced to be reckoned with, it's just tender like how he appears to be.
He also looks like the type of person who gives the best hugs too, just by how kind his impression is.
Then again, Jimin could be wrong. After all, can't never assume so much upon first impression.
"The night is so nice," Woosung suddenly sighs, looking around the city lightw happily, "Too bad there's so much buildings. Would be great to see the stars and moon clearer."
"Yeah, no kidding," Yoongi mutters, looking at the sky as well, "Kinda glad that our task is at night-"
"Why is everyone doing this?" Jimin suddenly asks, resulting with both males turning to look at him, "I don't know less than half the people I met today. I barely even know you guys and I don't understand where all this is coming from!"
Clearly, Jimin's patience as reached it's limit.
He's lasted a while now, no doubt this frustration would reach it's peak eventually. That moment being now.
A slow smile suddenly twinkles Woosung's soft features, looking ahead now as they continue walking, "You're right, we don't know each other well, right?" And he grins to him, leaning towards his side, "Would you like to?"
"I thought so," Woosung giggles carelessly, "Well, let's just say a little Bambi is worried that you aren't being so careful, and so here we are."
What type of nickname-
Jimin snorts to this, shaking his head to the realization, "Jeongguk, isn't it? ridiculous," He mutters, shaking his head, "There's literally no reason for him to do this! I didn't even check up on him when he..."
He didn't want to finish, just because he knew that was a bit too delicate of a conversation to say in the open.
So he shakes his head, correcting himself, "He shouldn't go through the trouble."
"Yeah, he shouldn't," Yoongi agrees, shrugging his shoulders, "But that's the thing with Jeongguk, once he's responsible about something or is working with someone, he doesn't care about what the other person may do for him. All he cares is that his partner is well enough for them to perform along side him."
Jimin stops mid.
The words processed his head, slowly but sure enough weighing heavy once it finally sunk in as to why this is all happening.
Jeongguk organized this entire thing.
Everything that has happened with him today.... Was because Jeongguk planned it.
.... For him...
Is this boy stupid!
Why would he do something like - Why?!
He's should be focusing on himself! Not on Jimin!
Now aggravated, Jimin glares at the two males, "Why did you guys agree to this! You both barely even know me-"
"But we know Bambi," Woosung says calmly, shrugging with a soft smile, "If he believes this is worth it, who are we to stop him? We join him."
So this is like having friends?
Real friends?
Refusing to disappoint and being there for each other, despite the odds of not knowing what may happen if they do it. Even involving the people Jimin is close enough with, just to bring him a reminder that he too has some real friends on his life.
Ah Jeongguk.... He needs to start worrying about himself instead of others.
This must've taken so much energy or time to plan out.
Jimin rolls his eyes but kept walking, "We are just partners, he's not suppose to be doing this."
"Suppose and want are clearly two different things," Yoongi says quietly, looking around now with a lost daze, "He wanted to do this. Don't try to scold him for it either, he's doing this out of a good heart."
"I know that," Jimin grunts, rubbing his neck nervously, "It's just..... This is new for me. It makes me feel a little weird."
A light chuckle floats the air, followed by a gentle shoulder nudge by Woosung, "Ah, you need some more friends in your life and actually accept kindness. Bambi has a big heart, even when he's not suppose to or tries to be cold. At the end of the day, he sees you as someone he needs to make equally as content in order to do well. He does that often with the team, so it's like you're one of us now!"
So he's just naturally like this..
Jimin lips purses a little tighter together, nodding slowly without another word before he finally realized where they are when Yoongi stops in his steps.
This is where he is?
The Ice Rink?
This is Jimin's final stop? After all, Jeongguk is the only one he hasn't seen.
"Well, I hope you enjoyed our walk, even though it was a bit short!" Woosung beams, turning to Yoongi with an excited small clap of his fingertips, "Let's go."
Jimin stares at the build, confused, but then looks at Yoongi when he stands in front of him while Woosung walked to the side when he got a call.
The medic didn't say anything at first, but then sighs after staring a Jimin for a while with a quick check to his features to judge his health, "You know last time at the bathroom.... I didn't want my actions to appear to be rude. I'm just doing my job to look after you. Are you eating?"
An uncomfortable shiver runs down Jimin's spine, moving between his feet, "I ate today."
"Why haven't you attended practice?"
"I have my reasons that aren't any of your business-"
"You had an episode, right?" Jimin froze, glancing towards Woosung to make sure he didn't hear, but Yoongi still continued, "You do know this could be handled if you just would take your meds-"
Jimin narrows his eyes, "There's nothing wrong with me."
"Keep telling yourself that," Yoongi huffs, arms crossed over his head, "But if you don't take care of yourself, than it's only going to get worse. As for your other.... Condition.... You know it's not going to get any better.... Your doctor even insisted based on your record that you need to stop doing certain activities. What if you skate out there or do ballet and then-"
"I'm handling it," Jimin growls bitterly, glaring up at him, "But don't you dare tell anyone about this."
Yoongi's eye twitched, growing much more tense now than before. Jimin is serious about this specifically, more than he's been serious about anything in his life.
The medic can clearly see that.
He didn't even respond back because Woosung returned back with his vibrant smile, "Hey, we should go."
Yoongi still didn't say anything, but he slumps his shoulder defeatedly when Jimin continues to glare venomously at him and turns around to walk away. Woosung's smile falls a little, but he only turns to Jimin with thumbs up before going after him.
He better keep his mouth shut about this.
This is all Jimin has, and if word goes around to what's going on with him than no doubt this would all change.
That's why Yoongi better mind his damn business and leave Jimin's problem as his problem.
Shrugging the nerving anxiety rising up inside him, clearly to his lack of trust, Jimin only faces the building with a deep frown.
What is Jeongguk doing?
Planning all this shit, just because he wants to?
Would that be a kudo for Jimin's good act on going along with making his brother happy that night?
If so than that's just fucking stupid.
Shaking his head now to brush the brutal thoughts aside, Jimin just takes a deep breath and walks forward, opening the door to get into the building.
The first thing he notices is how the lights off, all except the ones to the rink. The familiar chill and thick scent of snow is all Jimin could notice to the familiarity, looking around in case he sees Jeongguk but doesn't see him anywhere.
Where is he?
Confused now, Jimin slowly walked towards the dash boards, going specifically to the little sitting area with the door to enter the rink.
But the second he stepped on it, the lights of the rink turned completely off.
Oh hell no.
This better not be some sick prank because than they will really see Jimin's wrath for sure-
A spot light suddenly hits the ice, making Jimin snap his eyes to it from looking at the ceiling with his monotone stare; only to be left completely off guard.
~Someone To Stay - Vancouver Sleep Clinic~
Faint perks of dust floating in the air is visible through the light, along with the heavy breathes from the owner of the body posing on the ice. The man behind the completely black skating attire is in a third position with his arms, perfectly shaped that even had Jimin perks his eyebrows to the sharpness
And suddenly the male with the curtain long raven hair moves his gaze aside slowly to look up from the ice, meeting Jimin's direct gaze.
Jimin's body was struck with something. It was something that flood shivers over every layer of skin that left goosebumps to it's awake. His stomach turning, especially when Jeongguk gives him a small smile in return to his presence.
Just as the music begins to play.
The first thing Jimin noticed is the music being soft, nostalgic sounding, but tender, and Jeongguk's moves mimicked it to his own interpretation. Jeongguk's not fully dressed with the entire costume, only a black underarmour that squeezes his upper body with the skating pants. Yet despite not looking that classy, he still is eye catching as he performs out there on that ice just for the ballet dancer.
But there's something different in his moves that Jimin has noticed. Something that's different to how he use to perform.
His poses are more firm, gentle and elegant just like his facial features. He's twirling and jumping in such a way that had Jimin's heart pounding, even surprising him to his lands. And it wasn't until he did a specific jump called the Flying Camel perfect that Jimin stepped closer to the board with burning eyes.
And he clasps a hand over his quivering lips.
Taemin has been teaching him ballet moves?
Jimin didn't registers it at first, but the more he watches his positions, starts and ends of spins, rusty moves now more defined there's no doubt that Taemin - South Korea's greatest ballet dancer - had something to do with this. His skating even is more stable, balanced, as though he has been molded to be a figure skater mentally.
Jackson, he's definitely been practicing often with him too; clearly not just the hours they spent during their schedule.
Watching him now completely compelled to the music, a breathless smile on his face whenever he would succeed in doing a perfect moves, Jimin let's a small tear glide his skin.
And he twitches a small smile.
This silly boy.
Doesn't he know Jimin is an ice bitch? Even towards him?
Why is putting so much effort? It's so s-stupid.
Fuck, why is he getting sentimental now!
Jimin closes his eyes, taking deep breathes to get his composure together but opens them again because he didn't want to miss a single glimpse of this performance.
Keeping it engraved in his head, despite his vision blurring to the sight but he just blinks it away to see clear once again.
But just then Jeongguk makes eye contact with him just as he finished his sit spin, his smile so bright on his face before he began to sign something with his hands.
Eyebrows furrowed, Jimin tilts his head slightly to the side. Did Jeongguk forget he doesn't know sign language?
Jeongguk only continues to sign the same thing, over and over as he moves around the ice with now giggles as he becomes more playful with his moves to now having fun.
He's pointing to himself and to Jimin, but the move in between definitely is throwing Jimin off guard. The more Jimin tries to rake his head to understand, he just can't.
Oh Jeongguk is clearly testing him now.
Noticing his confusion, Jeongguk slowly skates towards him; Stopping right in front of the boards to face him. His smile is still there, once again signing what he did earlier.
Jimin scratches his neck, grimacing, "I don't understand Jeongguk."
Jeongguk's smile didn't fall, but instead he skates in front of the entrance and grabs Jimin's hand while tugging him towards the ice. Jimin clearly became stiff, hesitant to even move because he doesn't even have his skates now, but Jeongguk only takes his other hand gently and tugs him forward.
What is he doing now?!
Eventually, just for his sake, Jimin gives in and gently steps on the ice. He only looks down, trying not to fall on his ass as he tightly holds onto Jeongguk's hands while the ravenette skates backwards slowly. Jimin almost slipped a few times but Jeongguk held him tightly, just as he stops at the center of the rink.
With the spot light on them.
When they stopped, Jimin carefully looks at the ravenette to see what now is there to do. The man is still smiling with those sparkling eyes before taking Jimin's hand already in his and guides them.
Signing the same thing he was earlier.
They did that a few times, just as Jimin managed to do it properly without a guide.
"Okay, I get it" Jimin huffs, looking at him, "What does this mean?"
Jeongguk's hands are on Jimin's shoulders now, tugging him to turn around with that stupid grin. Jimin nearly slaps his hands off but did slowly, his breath now choking in his throat with both hands on his mouth in shock to what he saw instead of an empty rink.
Right there, standing in a line, is the people in skates who's spent the whole day with him; Holding up a letter sign in purple.
Creating a phrase.
That's what the sign means - Oh God.
"WE BELIEVE IN YOU JIMIN!" Minho suddenly bombards while holding the V in Believe, jumping a little on his skates happily.
"YOU GOT FRIENDS NOW TO CHEER FOR YOU!" Taehyung follows suit while waving his letter E.
"WE'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU IN SUPPORT!" Captain Hongjoong howls joyfully with the I, "SO GO PERFORM AND KICK ASS!"
"HELL YEAH- Wait, what?"
This became too much.
Too much for Jimin's heart to handle, feeling like he's thawing out to the overwhelming emotions he's feeling right now.
Jimin splutters a sob mix with a laugh, trying to blink his tears away but it wasn't working because of how touched he is.
He's never had something like this before.... It's getting to him a bit to much.
And shit, he hates showing his emotions in public!
"Y-You guys are so fucking stupid," Jimin manages to shutter out, covering his face now with his hands, "That heart warming shit is too c-cringey."
He likes it.
They all knew he did, he's just trying to appear strong even though he's close to becoming an emotional mess.
And at that moment they all knew that the time and effort they all made was worth it.
Not only because of Jimin's appreciation but because of Jeongguk's happiness glowing his aura while he looks at Jimin.
It definitely was worth it.
Jeongguk smiles a little to his vulnerability and was bold in wrapping his arms around his body as comfort. In another occasion, Jimin would scramble his arms away for being too delicate with him, but seems like he's letting it slide this once since he's already a weak bitch now.
Series of hollers echoes the rink, those holding the signs now skating in a chaotic mess around the ice in their own world with bright smiles on each and every one of their faces.
Meanwhile Jimin wipes his cheeks when Jeongguk let's him go, turning to the ravenette with an attempt to not smile but hides it with a scowl, "Y-You idiot!" He fists his shoulder, "How could you do something like this - I mean... It took way to much time and just... Fuck-"
"I think what Jimin means to say is Thank You," Jackson smoothly skates towards the pair, smiling at them while Jimin rolls his eyes, "Now.... Think you're ready to come back to practice?"
That was already decided a long time ago.
Jimin continues scowling, shrugging, "I guess."
That's definitely a yes.
Jackson smiles widely in enthusiasm and points to outside the rink, "Your skates are in the locker room, come join us and catch up your skating moves."
Jimin was about ready to argue that he didn't lose his skating skills, but Jeongguk only drags him by the hand to the exit of the rink to where Jimin was standing earlier. Even if Jimin didn't want to admit it, he was eager to get back on the ice. It has been a long time - well a week felt like a long time - and he knows his moves won't exactly disappear but he probably became a little rusty without practicing.
What better way to get back to his feet that skating with a bunch of other skaters? Well, not counting Jihyo and Taemin.
So now more looking forward to it, Jiminmakes his way to the locker room with Jeongguk following behind him after putting on his guards. He quickly goes over to his locker upon entering, opening it to indeed see his skates inside staring right back at him.
They must've brought it for him from his apartment.
Ha, smart fuckers.
A small smile twitches his lips, only focusing on them and not the memory that this locker room brought when he passed out on the floor a few weeks ago.
Now is not the time to be thinking about that.
Pushing it aside, Jimin takes out the skates while removing his jacket to only leave him in the turtle neck before turning around, seeing Jeongguk sitting on wooden bench with eyes sole on him.
It's still hard to believe that Jeongguk has done so much for him today just so he can feel good and..... Untense. Maybe even distract him to his isolation.
Knowing it was going to be hard due to Jimin's detest to be around people, he still did it to bring more people into Jimin's life.
And to be fair... It worked.
It really did.
And for once..... Jimin didn't feel so alone, just for this moment.
~ Not About Angels - Birdy ~
Awkwardly, Jimin clears his throat and blinks away from their gaze match, "Um... Well.... I'm not much of a- I mean... Wow this is so awkward for me," He breathes slowly, snagging his pride to just spit it out, "Thanks.... How can I repay you back?"
Jeongguk blinks at him, seeming as though he's way too deep into thought to Jimin's words since he didn't expect him to say that before flickering his eyes back to Jimin.
And he motions him closer.
Oh this is for right now?
Jimin slowly nods to himself and puts his skates down and steps closer to him to the point he's standing in front of him. Maybe he wants Jimin to say something and he want to be able to hear him well?
Whatever it was, Jimin was ready to -
Jeongguk suddenly pats his own thigh.
Jimin's face twitches in confusion, glancing from his thigh and to his face.
The ravenette once again pats his thigh, "Sit."
The obvious confusion and reluctance is clear that Jimin even was about to step back, but Jeongguk carefully places his hands on his torso to keep him in place respectfully.
Jimin didn't move, or slapped his hands off him. He did by chance glance to the end of the hallway, making sure there's no other sound in here to assure they were alone.
And they are.
Jeongguk gently pulls him closer, quietly whispering, "Please."
Such an.... Odd request.
Jimin was expecting him to say Jimin should pay him money or to do something else, not sit on his lap.
In such an..... Intimate position.
Despite Jimin's cringe to the delicate contact, he swallowed it down and carefully places his knees to either side of his thighs to the bench, slowly sitting down on his lap.
Jeongguk gently holds him by the hips now, their eye contact not once adverting else where in awkwardness. Breathes heavy, heart skipping a few beats, Jimin didn't know how to feel right now. But he didn't have to think about it too much when Jeongguk traces his hands to his back and suddenly pulls him close; So close that their chest are pressed tightly together, his fingers grazing the texture of his shirt possessively before holding him so close in his arms.
That same and familiar hug, like from the training room.
That's all he wanted, that tight comforting hug that made him feel so calm and peaceful.
Like how it is now.
Jimin evidently was tense, without a doubt since he's just not a fan of..... This.
Jeongguk buried his face to his neck, breathing so heavily while completely relaxing to Jimin's body. It was as though he was desperate for this contact, needed it to feel like the world isn't so heavy on his shoulders. Just wanting to completely melt their bodies to become one.
And it's something.... Jimin felt like he needed too.
Reluctantly, without thinking so much, he wraps his arms around his neck, one hand with fingers threading through Jeongguk's hair while the other just hugs him tightly. Despite how anxious it made him feel due to some hateful memories, Jimin closes his eyes to only focus on Jeongguk's breathing against his skin.
It's strange to think how much a simple hug can feel like the worst things in this world didn't exist. Chip by chip it flickered away this nerving doubt of helplessness, filling with this warmth that maybe..... Just maybe they're not too hopeless. That this world isn't so fucked up as it caused damage to their lives.
That two lost and broken souls can be healed.
Jeongguk felt that, too drawn to his daze of this warmth that he didn't properly think the next words that oozed his lips, "My angel."
There he goes saying that again.
Not like Jimin hated it, but he just knows he's not some angel or someone of goodness to be referred to as that. They both know it.
So Jimin carefully pulls back, hands still around him, staring down to Jeongguk's face when he looks up at him, "I'm no Angel Jeongguk."
The male didn't say anything, only clasps his hands together to Jimin's lower back to keep each other close and still.
From this angle, Jimin could study Jeongguk's features well and closely; His smooth skin - that he clearly had to buy treat from the possible acne he had in the past, large doe eyes staring up at him with this calmness and tranquility as though right here, this moment, is his safe haven.
As cheesy as it sounds.
Jimin raises a hand and glides the long strand of hair away from his eyes to better captivate his stare, caressing it's gently to the side of his face long with his fingertips.
His skin is soft.
A small twitch on Jimin's lips flickered, unable to help but whisper, "You look lovely, right now," Jeongguk flickers his eyes to Jimin's lips, making Jimin shift a little on his lap, "You feeling okay?"
They both knew he was talking more than the skating.
But now about his.... What happened to him.
Jeongguk just stares up at Jimin, not thinking it over so mucb before nodding lightly.
Jimin slowly nods back, now both hands to Jeongguk's jaw in a bold move while caressing his skin softly with the pad of his thumb. For some reason this delicatecy of this moment is drawing in Jimin, making him test out waters that he's refused to cross over for so long.
And.... He's not so scared about it.
"Don't do something like that again, okay?" He mumbles lowly, attentively staring to his eyes so he can know how serious he is, "I don't want to see you in a hospital bed.... I just... Can't."
A soft blink hoods Jeongguk's eyes, not thinking twice before nodding slowly back and caressing his own hand to Jimin's cheek. Even if Jimin's skin began to crawl to the warmth, he found himself leaning against his touch with eyes closed like a soft pillow against his face.
Jeongguk stayed like this, rubbing his cheek tenderly with his thumb as though his skin is the most delicate thing he's touching, this glow behind his eyes only growing. No matter how much he tried to brush it aside, he did feel this sense of care for Jimin blossoming.
And it scared him.
Just as much as it scared Jimin.
Yet it's something they're both are fighting with everything to conceal.
So when Jimin opens his eyes, it was like steam was burning between them. There's so many things standing in the way for them to grow closer, even just as friends, and admitting it out to the open will feel too real.
So they prefer not saying anything....
Even though something is yearning for more that just friends don't usually do.
It's fucking with Jeongguk's head, piles of problems after problems just giving him the more reason to stay away. To stop being like this with Jimin.
And he can't.... He just... Can't.
Jimin gulps thickly, "I told you to stop staring at me like that Jeongguk."
Jeongguk runs his hand to Jimin's neck and guides him forward, "Shhh," He whispers, closing his eyes while his forehead nuzzles with his, "Hm..... Resisting."
A small tremble flickers Jimin's lips, understanding what he means, while glancing down to his lips, "It's okay.... I get it."
"B-Bad," He shutters, whimpering to Jimin's fingers caressing his cheek, "Kiss."
Jimin was loss of words, only exhales heavily and shakily when Jeongguk's thumb smooths over his bottom lip and drags it down gently before letting it go.
Too much temptation.
"Yeah it's bad," Was all Jimin could think of, closing his eyes, "Very bad.... Remember who you are and... Your brother, yeah? Don't fall for it..... Not for me."
They didn't say anything, there's nothing left to be said anymore.
Because they knew this moment wouldn't last forever and the second they step out of this locker room, the world would not accept how severe their love could grow to be if they allow themselves to fall.
So they suppress it..... Before it becomes too much to resist, and find themselves unable to stay away from each other despite the odds standing in their way.
Whether it be Namjoon, the world's views, Jeongguk's identity crisis, Jimin's own temper issues - Nothing will hold them back the second they decide to follow the light pulse in their hearts to only focus on that fire between them.
Ha, but maybe that will be a little selfish, right?
That's why without another word, Jimin got off Jeongguk and grabs his skates. The ravenette didn't express anything more on his face as the two walk out of the locker room
Their hands that was once held together by the fingers quickly lets go the second they saw their friends, going back to the ordinary motion of their life of just being partners.
Acting like what happened back there in the locker room never happened.
Aha.... Aha....
Man this chapter was long.....
Took me nearly two days to finish haha
How did you guys like it! Any scenes you guys most enjoyed or character interactions?
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