Fiction - B2ST (Orchestra Version)
Show And Tell - Melanie Martinez
Everything was happening so fast.
Way too fast for Jeongguk's brain to process without wanting to scream or scratch his skin in desperation.
From one single moment skating his heart out there in the rink, feeling so much inspiration by Jimin's ethereal dancing that it even motivated him to pass his limits, and do what he desires in the moment out there for the world to know he's not just only just a speed skater.
It was a marvelous moment where he showed what he could be capable of doing; most of his potential that will only rise up with every practice and show he performs- But he will show that he can be better, and he already demonstrated a glimpse of that power in him he's always kept hidden inside his soul.
A moment.... Beautiful moment.... That only ended so horribly.
He was right beside Jimin when it happened - Jimin was just fine a second ago by the way, he saw him smile and wave to the crowd out of respect despite a few people booing to their performance. That didn't nudge him the slightest, he was still smiling.
It was the second he touched the platform that Jeongguk suddenly didn't feel his hand on his arm anymore, and he completely collapsed to the ground.
From there everything became chaotic.
Jimin was physically dragged by Yoongi and Jackson back to the dressing room, laid out on the cold ground with a portable nebulizer oxygen can masking his face for breathing assistance because of how hard he was panting through his faint consciousness.
Many skaters were by the door, watching the scene with either confusion or worry with hushed whispers to what could be happening, but Jackson only parted from Jimin's side and slams the door shut to give themselves privacy without a single fuck if he broke someone's nose along the way.
Meanwhile, Jeongguk never left Jimin's side.
He's right here, watching with trembling lips in horror to Jimin breathing in unease rhythms against the oxygen can with eyes still closed. Yoongi ordered Jackson to help remove his clothes and for Jeongguk to fan him air, not giving them room for any questions.
So that's what they did.
Jackson removed Jimin's shirt by cutting the damn thing right down the middle, taking off also his skates and socks but leaving his pants on while Jeongguk grabs a random folder on the table and fans him with it. Yoongi kept actively checking his pulses, removing the oxygen can and putting it back when Jimin's breathing would hitch in desperation.
So focused on Jimin and his currently state was all Jeongguk could focus on, not realizing how multiple sheds of tears streams are running down his cheeks or how he started to get various of one after the other flashbacks when this same thing happened to his captain Hongjoong once during an intensive practice. He didn't eat for the whole day and while he was on his last run around the rink, he completely collapsed on the ice.
It was so bad, the noises and the panic of the team, something Jeongguk will never forget in his life how scary that spare moment was.
Reliving it now but with Jimin.
The only difference here is that Jimin is gradually and slowly reacting to his surroundings, meanwhile Hongjoong got better after a few minutes with the oxygen can.
This same scene also brought back the other fresh memory when Felix found Jimin passed out in the locker room, and Jeongguk had to put him on the ice so he could gain consciousness. He was scared then too, and still is now.
Why is this happening to him so much?
Is he sick?
If he were then why risk it by going out there to perform?!
Fuck, he's so d-damn stubborn!
Jeongguk squeezes his eyes and tears it away from Jimin's unresponsive body, hyperventilating now with hitching breathes and shuttered sobs he's trying to hold desperately back. He's starting to panic so badly that it felt like he couldn't even control himself, stopping the folder from fanning him as Jeongguk became like a scrunched up ball to hide his face from his tears with his arms as a wall.
He's so fucking scared, and J-Jimin's not waking up!
Why? Why is this happening why?!
"Jeongguk? Jeongguk! C'mon focus!"
Yoongi calls out to him, glancing from him to Jimin just as the ballet dancer began to regain consciousness with his eyes fluttering to the light of the room.
Jeongguk didn't move, still wheezing to his overwhelming emotions scrunching up like a tight knot in his body. It wasn't until Jackson places a hand on his shoulder that they realized why he didn't react Yoongi, or to what they were saying to him.
He didn't have his hearing aids on.
Both Jackson and Yoongi stares at him, shocked, processing the fact that he was just out there - performing - without hearing a single note of the music as a guide.
And he still followed the entire routine perfectly.
The two glances at each other, unsure how to react to this well or even try to figure out how Jeongguk performed with only less than a month of practicing the routine, but Jimin's sudden dry cough grasps their attention. He's gained consciousness, still heaving heavily with air but regaining more of his senses with more oxygen he takes in.
Jeongguk was too shaken up to notice this, only shaking his head with eyes closed as he continues to move the folder aggressively to distract him from remembering Jimin's pale complexion-
A cold yet delicate hand on his wrist suddenly stops him, immediately making his eyes snap open to the touch.
Jimin is weakly staring at him with the oxygen mask to his face, hand on his wrists to keep him from moving. Jeongguk's lips gapped, the tears now sticky on his skin as this massive sense of relief dropped his shoulder to seeing Jimin's dim brown eyes.
He's responding, and awake.
F-Fuck, he's conscious.
"You cry way too much," Jimin suddenly cough out when the mask is removed from his face, trying to gather his breath evenly while Jeongguk's perked a weak smile as he stares at his lips, "I'm not a weak bitch."
Yeah, Park Jimin is not a weak bitch.
Even in a crisis with himself he still wants to appear strong, because like hell does he want anyone to see him as weak. He could be dying and he will still brush it off, saying he's fine even though he's in horrible conditions.
Jeongguk knows that, and has accepted that's just Jimin's way to cope with whatever is happening to him, to not make it as a big deal.
Even though showing weakness every once in a while isn't a bad thing.
Jimin scoffs to Jeongguk slowly relaxing upon hearing him talk, facing the ceiling now, "We finished skating, now we have to talk to the reporters, don't we?"
Jackson hesitated for a moment, but Yoongi nods to assure him that Jimin is okay - okay enough to deal with things - now while he packs up his things.
"Yeah, but you don't have to if you're not feeling well-"
"To hell with it," Jimin huffs, moving to sit up with Yoongi immediately aiding him along the way just so he can take it slow, "This is where the fun starts, who am I to miss it?"
Nothing more was argued from there. Yoongi did still check Jimin up, even warned Jackson a little on how it may not be wise to be out there for so long for Jimin's sake, but the dancer obvious scoffs it off saying he's okay and that he can handle it.
Not so politely so to say.
So he wasn't held back, Jimin only puts on a black under armour jacket since his shirt is destroyed to prepare his physical appearance. While Jackson went out greet the press first and Yoongi left in case the pair skating out at the rink at the moment needs a medic, Jeongguk stayed back to adjust Jimin's make up.
The two haven't said anything to each other since Jimin woke up after his remark to him, only kept in this silence while Jeongguk stayed focus on removing any smudges by his eyes and would adjust his hair to look like how it was before. Since they don't really have a stylist or make up team, they have to do all of this tiding up on their own.
Truth is Jimin didn't need much adjustment, just his hair more than anything due to his fall. So Jeongguk finished quickly, leaving Jimin now adjust his own make up because to be fair - after his crying fit - Jeongguk needs it.
And Jimin wasn't one to stay quiet whenever he gets the chance to make a statement.
"Silly boy," Jimin mutters, moving the smudges of black mascara running down Jeongguk's cheeks, "Has no one ever told you before that beauty should be a priority before emotions? You would get that a lot at the ballet academy, let me tell you."
Jeongguk looks to Jimin, now being able to hear him better with his hearing aids on, watching the way he focuses on patting powder on his cheeks gently, as though his skin is made of glass or something. He didn't look annoyed, or even irritated, just his usual self - only comes to show nothing really has changed between them despite that moment they shared at the hotel room and at the rink.
Not like Jeongguk cares, he prefers it this way just so it wouldn't be so awkward for them from here on out. Yesterday practice was a little tense, with nether of them communicating at all, so it's a bit relieving that they are now after having good results to their performance.
But of course.... Nothing is truly ever going to be the same way as to how it was before.
Subconsciously Jeongguk glances to where the hickeys are on Jimin's neck, coated by layers of make up to conceal it well.
Did he accomplish what he wanted to accomplish?
Did it work as a shield and demonstration as he wanted it to?
Who knows, and Jeongguk's not so bold to ask. Just to not bring up that topic and have it be awkward again.
So he looks back to Jimin, only to realize he caught him staring at his neck.
Jeongguk became nervous now, looking to the side instead just not to look at Jimin's intense gaze on him with his throat running dry by the humiliation.
Despite how fiercely his cheeks are blushing in embarrassment.
"Jeongguk," The ravenette didn't look at him, but did raise his eyebrows to show he's listening, "Close your eyes. Need to adjust your eye shadow."
Even if he felt a nerve of jitters running down his body to the request, he still obeyed Jimin's words. He was ready to feel the brush on his face, but nearly jolts when feels a finger instead under his chin that guides his face up, sensing a tender breeze of mint caress against his cheeks at such a close proximity.
Jeongguk licks his dry lips slowly, but stayed still.
True to Jimin's words, he brushed his eyelids gently but quick, mixing colors similar to the ones of his costume. As much as Jeongguk wanted to remain neutral, he was growing more and more nervous, anxious and unable to stay still. The flashbacks to the hotel room kept pounding in his head, thinking about the possibility to what would've happened if he let Jimin continue.
If he fell for the temptation, would Jimin only be giving him a hickey and that's it?
Or... Would they....
Jeongguk's legs squeezed together, hands clamping with a bit of sweat as they rub against his knees anxiously. He's straight, he doesn't like men, and Jimin is Namjoon's ex. If they were to have done something more, then Jeongguk would not only feel guilty for betraying Namjoon's feelings, but also have his emotions get all mixed up about his own identity.
Jimin is his figure skating partner, not even for long too since it's until the other skaters in the hospital recovers.
Whatever this itching sensation he has around him will go away once the program ends for them, and they will go back to never seeing each other again.
That's Jeongguk's hope at least.
But knowing Jimin, that's exactly how it would go down since Jimin doesn't easily get attached to be people or likes that whole clingy idea of having someone by his side.
Yeah, this tension will ease down soon enough.
So with that though, it eased Jeongguk down a bit, relaxing while Jimin brushes his eyelids before spreading Chapstick on his lips.
"Move your lips."
Jeongguk did, spreading the chapstick before opening his eyes.
Jimin is hovering over him, a bit more distant away to how close he perhaps was early, moving the chapstick he probably used on Jeongguk to his plump lips as well while looking else where.
And this is where that previous thought and confidence Jeongguk had about that itching feeling completely fades away, leaving Jeongguk now in a trance as he watches the way the chapstick moves against Jimin's lips - tugging and pushing against the plush skin to demonstrate just how full his lips are.
Very..... Full.
Jeongguk was too focused that he didn't even notice when Jimin started looking at him again, stopping his movements shortly after to slowly pull the chapstick away from his mouth. That didn't stop Jeongguk from staring, hard, so captivated by the pink skin that he subconsciously started to lean forward to get a better glimpse of it.
A tongue quickly and nervously rans over them, glossing them more for his eyes, now able to see clear how smooth his lips are -
Shit, the fuck is he doing?!
Jeongguk blinks to his sudden lewd thoughts that stormed his mind, clearing his throat while sitting back once again and looks to Jimin's attentive gaze.
Jimin studies him closely, not a twitch of a faint blush to the way Jeongguk was eyeing his mouth or even a tint of awkwardness about it.
If anything, he looks intrigued, and maybe a little unbothered.
"If you're going to continue looking at me like that from now on," Jimin retorts, standing up from the chair to look at himself properly at the mirror, "Mind as well do something unless you want me to stitch your eyes shut, yeah?"
The sudden remark left Jeongguk with his cheek rising more with heat than they should've, and it's not because he's into threatening as a sexual please or whatever that is.
It was by how Jimin seemed just as unease as Jeongguk does, despite how well he hides it with those piercing eyes.
He's not saying it because he hates Jeongguk staring at him like this, or maybe that could be a factor but not the main one. He tried to make it seem like that, but Jeongguk had grew to read him well enough and understand beneath his words what he means.
And it's simple; If Jeongguk's doesn't stop staring at him, specifically the way he was doing, than he would be the one to take advantage of the situation. Obvious it may not seem like it, but his threat towards the end gave it away that he would much rather have Jeongguk not look at him than risk something happening at the moment - Unless Jeongguk initiates it first.
It's a warning, for both of them.
A cautious note for Jeongguk to watch what he's doing.
And it made Jeongguk a little..... Shit he can't even describe what he felt exactly.
But it definitely was something that made his body feel warm, he just didn't know in what way.
What does Jimin mean by do something? He's just staring - Alright, Jimin's not an idiot.
But it's not like Jeongguk means to! He just.... his head got fucked up now, it doesn't mean anything.
Without wasting a second, Jeongguk tears his gaze away from Jimin adjusting his attire; most specifically his pants. Tempting, yes, but Jeongguk kept himself grounded.
Just as the door opens, revealing Jackson once again.
"The press is waiting."
Time for the real party to begin.
The two men quietly got out of the dressing room without much being said, relieved to see not many skaters around due to someone else already performing at the moment. So they follow Jackson down the hallway, taking a few turns here and there to cut through. Jeongguk stayed behind Jimin at all times, eying him carefully to make sure he's walking properly. While he did so, he also adjusted his hearing aids to lower frequency since he knows the noises would be too loud but he will need to hear in order to know what's going on
Thankfully the trip wasn't so long and they ended up in a more public area of the rink, but still were directed specifically to where a crowd of reporters were held back by a rail with a few guards here and there to sustain them in case they get aggressive.
The second Jimin and Jeongguk came into view, cameras instantly flashed chaotically with multiple voices speaking over at once.
Jeongguk tenses up, glancing at Jimin by the sudden overwhelming energy in here to make sure he can handle it but only sees him displaying that false smile the second he stepped in before standing in front of them with the banner of the event tonight behind them.
They stood side by side together, waiting.
And so the questions began.
"Park Jimin, how did you get interested in partaking the figure skating program?"
Jimin clasps his hands behind his back, "I wanted to show a new versatile side of myself and be able to discover more of what I could be interested in."
"Would this be a career path you would consider taking in more seriously in the future?"
He shrugs, carelessly, "Maybe, we'll soon find out."
"Jeon Jeongguk, how is the change from speed skating to figure skating been like?"
Shit, he forgot that the world doesn't know he can't speak.
Cameras, microphones and attention are on him now, waiting anxiously for what he has to say while waiting for it to be recorded. He could feel this throat tightening with this overwhelming heating cruising through his body, choked now in his words and breathes with this lightheadedness to the attention.
None of them -Jackson or Hoseok - really thought about the possibility of him being asked a direct question.
What can he do -
Jimin's hand found it's way to the mid of his back, smiling apologetically, "Jeongguk has not been feeling well these days so please keep the questions as a yes or no."
Thank you Jimin.
A weight dropped from Jeongguk's body, sending Jimin a side eye before looking back to the reporters.
"Jeon Jeongguk, would figure skating be something you would consider as an official career in the future?"
He nods.
"You've been paired to skate with a professional and very controversial dancer in the industry," Jimin's eyes snaps to the question, "Do you feel comfortable with that fact?"
What type of question is that?!
Jeongguk's eyebrows furrowed but before he could respond, a blow of questions suddenly began to be asked from that simple crack to the topic.
"Are you okay performing with another man while knowing he's homosexual?"
Jimin snarls his teeth, glaring at the male reporter, "And who are you to know my sexuality? Last time I checked I keep that information private, I would suggest to watch your words."
"You've danced with various of men in shows, and rumors has been spread that you've even slept with most of them, do you have any response to that?"
"I heard the same rumor too!"
"Jeongguk, would you consider yourself also being a fag-"
Jeongguk grabs the back of Jimin's arm when he takes a step forward, gripping tightly as a sign to not move.
"Do you realize how much of a negative view the public may have with two males pair figure skating? How do you respond?"
"What you're doing is an abomination and a negative influence to the youth! How can you be so disrespectful of the country's values!"
"You're ruining his imagine Park Jimin! How dare you try to drag one of the Jewels of South Korea to your gold digging hands!"
"Jeon Jeongguk-"
Jeongguk has had enough.
Standing up straight, hands balled to his sides in furry and swallowing down every bit of nerve he had to the back of his throat, he opens his mouth-
"They're both professionals, and I was the one who pleaded both of them into my program after all."
Jackson, you're a life saver.
The coach of the two comes up behind them, wrapping an arm around their shoulders while smiling to the press, "I wanted something fresh in my prgram, and who better than the best skater and dancer of the country? I consider myself lucky," He chuckles it off and brings them both tightly to him, his gaze darkening, "Now I will not allow anyone to disrespect my skaters, feel generous enough I let you even near their presence. Anyways, that'll be all for today. Goodnight!"
And just like that Jackson turns them around while still being in his hold, his smiling dropping to a scowl when they returned back from the chaotic crowd to the quiet hallway.
Letting what just happened sink in.
They both knew this was coming, but it still doesn't make it less impactful.
"Don't worry," Jackson mutters lowly, feeling Jimin trembling horrifically with angry tears in his eyes while Jeongguk takes deep breathes, trying to calm himself down from his rage, "I won't tolerate anyone disrespecting either of you as long as I'm around. You're my skaters, and I will make sure the whole damn world gets the hint to watch their mouth."
At that moment, walking back to the dressing room while Jackson comforts them silently without pressing so much to their personal space, Jackson was not only seen as a coach.
But as a friend.
And their closest protector in this world they're now living in, together.
Well, definitely a lot has happened here.
Next chapter will have perhaps a few triggering scenes in regards to overdose, flashbacks, hysteria, etc. I just wanted to let you all know just in case.
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