Orange Juice - Melanie Martinez
Jimin was not happy.
He's never happy actually.
Not going to ballet practice, not skating, not even when he goes out for a drive. Not when he hangs out with Taemin or Jihyo, and not when he even bandages his feet for his pointe shoes because he knows he's about to dance.
Being here, in this dressing room back stage of this unfamiliar ice rink; Where the hype is at it's max with multiple skaters moving all over the place - Jimin was still not happy.
He's composed.
Mentally and emotionally composed, just as he's been trained to do.
Even as Jihyo, who's doing his make up, tries to bubble up in conversations to ease him up he still didn't react back to her. His only focuses on his reflection, mentally telling himself words to maintain himself in this monotone type of mindset as a routine and nothing more than that.
His ears are even stuffed with headphones, listening to the song he's meant to perform over and over again, every beat and rhythm engraved in his head. The more he listens, the more he visualizes the moves, the more he'll follow the music and not just timing the steps.
Just a strategy he's learned over time.
Not only has he been using this as a meditating practice, but the headphones has been useful to block out the noises in this small dressing room between Jeongguk and a few of his teammates in here. Taehyung is here, doing Jeongguk's make up with his own face and attire ready for his performance - but preferred using his wait time to help them prepare.
Minho is obviously here too, with this new face of a guy tagging along with snow white hair. He's been the one actively conversing with Jeongguk really, smiling cutely whenever he sees the ravenette smile widely and would pinch his cheeks from time to time.
If Jimin wasn't so focused on himself, he would say the man is fairly attractive.
Jackson is here too, talking to instructor Taemin and coach Hoseok about the ballet dancer and speed skater. Jimin didn't really care about putting much thought into their conversation, only focused on his styled brunette hair brushed back with twirls of curls. The attire theme is green and gold, which means new beginnings and success - Or from what Jacksons has stated.
He wanted this to be a significant performance, to leave a message to the world.
That was the only thing Jimin needed to know to get into the zone, now eying the sparkling long sleeved olive green shirt, followed by gold designs that looks as though it's melting to the shirt but definitely adding it's interesting effect.
The blush that Jihyo was brushing against his cheeks suddenly disappears, letting Jimin analyze his make up well. It's strong, enhancing his majestic features but not going over board to make him look too caked up; just the perfect style to still make him look natural.
He twitches a smile and removes an ear bud, glancing at Jihyo from the mirror, "I guess you have taste for make up."
Jihyo rolls her eyes with an affectionate smile, fixing up his hair a little more, "Try not to push yourself too hard out there, yeah? I know how you get when you are in competitive mode."
She does know him well, after all she's experienced a few times when Jimin would explode in his episode after a performance. Jimin becomes more eager for a perfect performance, anxious for his partner on not fucking up, the crowd being awe struck by what he shows out there - all tangled together in a piling up of intense emotions.
This is his debut on ice, and no doubt he's going to face many judgmental gazes once again with performing with another male. Not like he cares, he's ready for that, but he knows it may affect Jeongguk's performance since he's not use to that type of attention.
That's what's staring to nerve the back of Jimin's mind.
He has to make this easier, for both of them.
That can't pull some stupid shit out there because than people will definitely talk, and that practice would've been for nothing.
So without another word, Jimin removes his headphones and slams it on the table of the dresser, silencing everyone in the room. He didn't mind about the eyes on him, only stands up and moves to leave the room with a slam door shut behind him. Without wasting time, he followed the signs around him, pushing past people and moving in haste to get to his destination.
He's going to do well.
He's going to do better than well.
Now he will for sure.
Those words kept spiraling in his head like a trance, his body now shaking with that vile twist to his stomach when he came across the bathroom door. He pushes it open and goes quickly to one of the stalls.
Door locked, knees to the floor, two fingers down his throat, and Jimin was already vomitting out everything that could possibly be in his stomach. He didn't eat anything today, but he did eat an apple yesterday just because Taemin forced him to after practice.
However since his body is so use to this torturous treatment, it's already pushing out the possible acids and water that's in his body, forcing tears in his eyes to the burn on his throat from the force of his retch. He didn't stop, not until his body was practically numb and weak that left him shaking and light headed on that bathroom floor.
But something good came out of it.
Oh so very good.
He's light.
He feels very light.
Now Jeongguk will definitely not have to struggle so much when they attempt a lift.
A small smile twitches Jimin's lips to the relief, wiping his lips with the back of his hand before he flushes the toilet. He knew if he stayed longer here than he will lose track of time to when he's suppose to perform, so he has to go back quickly and get back in his zone.
But when he got to his feet, his vision blurred instantly. It was like the lights were dimming before his eyes, body weak as he shackles against the wall of the stall weakly.
Shit, it's happening again.
Always does at the wrong fucking time.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Jimin takes deep breathes to ease his racing heart, feeling it skip various of beats in his chest that left him breathless. He shakes that feeling off, relaxing himself to gather his composure despite how badly his body is screaming to rest. He counts to himself, heavily but loud enough to be as a secret to him alone, as a distraction.
He's got to move.
Performance, make a good performance.
He has to get results.
Despite his skin clamping with sweat already, he snarls his teeth and forcefully gets himself together before opening the door and stepping out.
Only to be met with a familiar man leaning back against the sink, staring at his stall door.
Someone that made Jimin feel like throwing up all over again, despite not knowing him so well to receive that reaction.
"You do realize you're doing more harm than good, right?"
The medic, Min Yoongi, stands there with arms crossed and sharp eyes to Jimin's pale complexion despite the make up trying to hide it. Ever since Jimin went for his testing that Felix dragged him to, Yoongi has been a new pest to his life.
Whenever he sees him, he always looks at him as though Jimin may drop at any second, and that's probably because he knows more than anyone what Jimin is struggling with.
Without Jimin telling him about it directly.
So upon seeing him, Jimin only rolls his eyes and moves to the sink beside him, washing his hands, "Stay out of my business."
"Your business became my business after-" Jimin's eyes glares at him, forcing the words to slice in thin air, so Yoongi recollects his words, "You need to take care of yourself. What if you drop out there during your performance?"
"That won't happen," Jimin huffs while rinsing his mouth, a couple times to be exact, and grabs a paper towel to dry his hands and lips, "I know how to take care of myself-"
"No you don't," Yoongi snaps back, "Jimin.... You can't be doing this. You know one day you're to have to stop. And I'm not just talking about your bulimia."
Jimin freezes, just as he threw the paper towel away. His spike of anger being to spark, hands now balled to a fist as he turns around to the medic, his mind feeling like a volcano just rising up to explode, "You think you know everything just after one damn appointment but you don't know anything! So you listen to me, and listen good," He's now stepping close to him, sneering to his monotone face, "I will not stop ballet, or maybe even skating, because of this. And no one is going to fucking stop me. Not you, or Taemin, or Jackson- ANYBODY!"
Yoongi stays silent, observing him so carefully as though he just might spas out on his face or even throw a tantrum. However after seeing how Jimin is not exactly to that stage yet, he did relax by dropping his shoulders in disappointment to his words. He broke the gaze and fumbles in his pocket before grabbing Jimin's hand and placing the materials on his palm.
Three new and prescribed medication boxes.
"I'm not leaving until you take this," Yoongi sternly mutters, leaning back against the sink with hard eyes to the stall, "It'll help you. You know this."
Jimin glares down at the medication boxes, very familiar names of the prescription, boiling that explosive anger to rage over his better conscious. Aggressively he throws the boxes to the floor, the loud rattle echoing the walls.
"Fuck you!" Was the last think Jimin said before he storms out of the bathroom, not looking back to Yoongi's much more upsetting features than how it was before.
Jimin didn't care.
There's nothing fucking wrong with him.
The world is the one with the issue, not him.
Yet he's the one who has to take medication to deal with it.
Three medication boxes..... Hmm... What do you guys think the medication is for?
Who's ready for a performance!
I was going to write it along with this chapter, but I thought that it would be better to keep it separate to not have a swing of emotions going on.
Alright lets go!
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