Chapter 3
Tomorrow was the day we would usually go food shopping, so there wasn't much of a selection.
I sighed and grabbed a soda from the fridge, I deserved the last one, I had a stressful day.
My self pity was short lived as I heard an upstairs window shatter. I quickly grabbed my soda and a kitchen knife, my heart was threatening to pound out of my chest. Could it be Carsyn and her wannabe gang? Or possibly the serial killer that has been lurking around the neighborhood? At this point I would probably prefer a murderer over Carsyn.
I quickly ducked behind my kitchen table, terrible images of the grisly murders around town flooded into my brain.
If it came down to it, I wasn't really sure if I had the ability to fight someone off.
My hearing heightened as hours seemed to pass, no other noises were heard. I carefully got up, still clutching onto the knife as if it were something so valuable.
I couldn't leave my soda either. I mean, what if its the killers favorite? Maybe I can bargain for my life with it. Or as a last resort I can just splash this bad boy into someones face and run.
The old stairs creaked as I slowly put my weight onto it, and there goes my heart again, pounding like crazy.
Once I reached the top of the stairs, I peered into each room in the hallway. No sign of a break in anywhere, all except for one room.
My room.
I hesitantly twisted the door knop and gave a light push. Right in the center of my room was a box surrounded by shattered glass.
"What the hell?" I whispered as I kneeled down carefully near the box. I didn't really want to open it, But curiosity got the best of me and I lifted up the lid.
The stench of fresh blood hit my nose when I fully lifted the lid off. I was blinded by the smell, I went to cover my mouth with my hand but something stopped me.
Thats when I noticed what exactly was in the box. A severed well manicured hand clutching a phone, but this wasn't any ordinary hand. It had Carsyn's charm bracelet delicately tied around the wrist.
Bile threatened to spill from my mouth, and with another gag I took a closer look.
Under the dismembered limb was a note. I gasped as I reached in and accidentally touched some blood while grabbing for the parchment.
"To (Y/N)
Don't worry about Carsyn anymore. She isnt alive to torment you. Consider her and and phone as a gift. You can go to the police if you want doll, but that won't do you any good. We already have our eyes set on you."
Tears welled up in my eyes, like hell I was crying over Carsyn being killed. Im just really squeamish, any type of violence terrifyes me.
All of a sudden I heard my front door open.
"(Y/N)?! Are you alright? I saw an ambulance and police cars rush down the street!! Oh god please tell me you're alright" I heard my mother's frantic voice ring through the house.
Her quick footsteps ran up the stairs and down the hallway. My door was already opened, so my mother saw me kneeling on the floor sobbing.
"Honey what happened??" My mother's delicate voice grew closer as she lightly put her hand on my shoulder.
I look back at her and reveal the box and its contents. My mother lets out a blood curdling scream as she shakily reached for her phone.
"S-someone threw this through my window. I-I don't know who" I said through sobs. My mother called the police and waited for an operator to pick up.
"What is your emergency?"
" I n-need an officer"
"Whats the problem miss?"
"a dISMEMBERED LIMB WAS THROWN THROUGH MY WINDOW!" My mother screeched as she pat my head, trying to calm me down.
And with that, a unit was sent to my home.
(Before the throwing of the limb)
Masky's POV
I motioned for Rogers to follow me as I watched where both girls were going.
I refused to answer, I was too caught up in seeing where the snot nosed bitch lived.
"Masky" each time he seemed to be getting louder.
"Masky" I felt a jab at my side, my head snapped over to the direction in which Rogers was.
"What the fuck do you want?? Touch me again and I'll-" My threat was interrupted by a phone ringing. I was so blinded by anger that I failed to realize it was my own phone ringing.
"Shit" I grumbled as I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone. 'Hoodie' popped up onto my screen, I answered his call.
"What do you want?" I snapped, already annoyed with being forced to go on patrol alone with Toby.
"Jesus Christ, I cant even check on you guys?"
"Why would you need to check on us? I can handle myself. Im not sure if Toby can though." I joked as I glanced at the said male.
"Slender wanted me to make sure you haven't killed Rogers yet" he blandly stated
"I was about to. Until you called" I rolled my eyes and turned towards Toby.
"Are you feeling any better?" I asked, not wanting to hear Hoodie reprimand me for almost killing Toby again.
"Do you actually care about me? This is a shocker. To answer your question, no I still feel like complete shit" He playfully answered, in the back I could hear the light beep of the monitor in our makeshift hospital room.
"Well you looked like utter crap when we left, I'm not surprised"
Without a warning Toby snatched my phone from my hand and put Hoodie on speaker.
"W-well I miss y-you Brian! N-no one is h-here to defend me f-from this a-asshole" He chuckled, but deep down I could tell he was nervous around me.
Hoodie sighed, "well i'm sorry I got shot."
I snatched my phone back from Toby.
"Anyways we have to go-"
"Y-yeah we saw a p-pretty hot g-girl while out"
" Wait really?! Damn the day I'm to injured to go on patrol is the day you guys can have some fun with a hot chick??" Muttered Hoodie, He obviously was regretting his little slip up last night.
"It's not like that at all."
"S-Shut up T-Timothy! We a-all know you f-find her r-really hot"
"Lets just get this over with" I growled as I hung up on Hoodie. I ran to catch up to the whore we were going to kill tonight.
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