Chapter 1
((Hello! Thank you for clicking on my story! I would like to warn you that I do use explicit language in this chapter, so be warned!))
What do you mean I have to walk home today?"
A low growl of annoyance escaped my lips as I followed my mother to her car.
"I'm sorry honey, I know you don't like it but I have a meeting this afternoon! Plus look on the bright side, its friday!" Exclaimed mom as she unlocked the car and sat in front of the steering wheel.
I scoffed as I copied her actions. Mom sighed as she put the keys into the ignition, making the car come alive with a low hum.
"Look,school cannot possibly be as bad as you say it is" she said as she looked back to be able to back out of the driveway.
"Mom it's absolutely terrible! Just like prison" I shot back.
"I just can't wait to graduate and be done with this place" I muttered as I glanced up at the sunrise, hoping the serenity and beauty of the colors dancing in the sky would be enough to distract me from my impending doom.
"Now (Y/N), don't wish your life away." Sighed mom, not bothering to look at me.
The rest of the short ride was quiet, it's not like I didn't like the silence. In fact, I enjoyed watching the cars pass by as the radio played some generic song.
But soon enough my mother had pulled into my school's drop off line. A melancholy feeling filled the air as I gripped onto the car door. I saw my peers chatting amongst one another outside of the entrance.
The familiar click of the lock sounded as the car slowed to a stop.
"Have a wonderful day (Y/N)!" Mom called out to me as I stepped out and grabbed my bag.
I gingerly closed the car door and turned towards the entrance. A deep breath filled my lungs as I noticed people staring. I honestly have no clue as to why they insisted on stopping their conversations just to watch me pass by.
Sure, the bags under my eyes were big enough to take me on a trip around Europe, but other than that I dressed pretty decently. Today I wore a dark blue dress with cherries printed on it which came to my knees paired with a lacy cardigan and red sneakers. I decided against styling my hair too much, so I just left it loose.
I opened the front door to my school and was met with sudden cold air and the charming smell of stupidity.
The walls were painted a distasteful beige, and the floors a bright white which had always reminded me of a hospital.
I begrudgingly make my way to my locker, I set my bag aside and begin to put my combination in. Around me people stood by their cliques or were doing last minute homework.
My locker opened with an eerie creak as I pulled it open. I then bent over to pick up my stuff, I looked through everything, deciding what to leave behind. Lost in thought I barely noticed the figure sneaking up next to me.
"Hey (Y/N)! Happy Friday!"
I jumped at the sudden noise towards my right. There stood my best friend Kinsley.
"Oh hey Kinsley! Happy Friday to you too" a smile spread across my lips as I acknowledged my friend.
"I scared you didn't I?" She laughed, as she too began to open her locker.
"Yeah, couldn't you tell by the way I jumped?" I scoffed, picking up my lunch bag and neatly placing it into my locker.
"I wouldn't blame you though, with all the murders happening, all so suddenly too" the conversation turned serious as she brought up the town's recent headlines. Just last night the mutilated bodies of four teens who had went to our high school were found in the woods.
" like any self respecting murderer would attack in the middle of a crowded hallway" I added, trying to change the topic. Although I was able to stomach the idea of death, I just was not comfortable thinking that something like that could possible happen to me.
"Hey, you never know. I could've gotten a couple of stabs in before anyone noticed." Shrugged Kinsley as she shut her locker door and turned towards me. I did the same and picked up my bag.
We began to aimlessly walk through the halls, having 15 minutes to kill. I thought today had started out better than others, usually I had to hide from a couple of people, but I didn't see them yet. Which is usually a good sign.
'Goddammit I jinxed myself! Nice going (Y/N)'
I looked to see the people who despised me simply because in their eyes, they were better.The people that would make me doubt myself more than my anxiety could.
"Ughh bunch of hoes at 6:00" growled Kinsley noticing the group and the whiny voice of their leader, Carsyn.
"(Y/N) I thought I told you to meet me in the lunchroom! My english essay isn't going to write itself!" Scowled Carsyn as her friends nodded in agreement.
"Guess I forgot." I shrugged.
This was probably the bravest I have ever been with her, I almost never talked when people decided to torment me, not wanting to get into even more trouble.
"God you are so pathetic. You can't even follow easy instructions like a dog! How retarded do you have to be to forget something from the day before?" She asked, getting closer by the second as her little cult laughed.
"Oh i'm so sorry Carsyn, guess I decided to mirror your IQ today" I decided to stand my ground.
Kinsley placed her hand on my shoulder, silently telling me that I have backup.
"What the hell did you just say to me you little freak?" Spat Carsyn as she grew dangerously close. But just as she was about to do something, the bell rang and people began to rush to their classes.
"This isn't over" growled Carsyn as she harshly pushed me aside.
"Wow, I am so proud of you (Y/N)! You actually stood up for yourself" praised Kinsley as we walked to homeroom.
"Heh yeah, guess I did." I said, although I was freaking out on the inside. I knew what Carsyn was capable of, and was not looking forward to later.
The rest of the day flew by pretty quickly, soon enough it was time for me to begin my walk home.
The school bell rung as zippers of book bags sounded and chairs were pushed in.
"Alright class, have a great weekend! And remember your project is due Tuesday" called out my teacher as kids filed out of the room and into the crowded hallway.
I tried my best to blend in with the crowd, today is really a bad day to be left walking home, Carsyn lived a couple blocks away from me and would take the same route. So I either had to run out quickly or stay a nice distance back.
I walked out, but not without sending envious looks to the kids waiting in the pick up lane.
So my journey began, I sprinted towards the crosswalk and thanked the crossing guard as I reached the other end of the street.
My walk home bordered the town's forest which had always managed to send shivers down my spine. The horrific murders and bodies which have been found their amped up the creepiness and dread when walking by it.
Today was different though, today I felt like I was being watched from the edge of the forest.
I gave a quick glance over and saw figures in the shadows which made me pick up my pace.
My heart began to beat loudly, as explanations ranged from my imagination to wildlife to killers.
"Hey freak! Thought you could run from me?"
My heart stopped.
I turned to see Carsyn running up to me.
'Shit.' I thought as I froze like a deer in headlights.
Carsyn strides up to me, with a smirk on her face. Before I knew it, I was pushed to the ground, scraping my palms in the process. I hissed at the sudden impact and looked at my hands to see blood beginning to fall.
Then my phone was ripped from my pocket.
"I must admit, you showed a lot of bravery today, for a loser. But you should learn not to mouth off to me. Afterall you are nothing but a dumbass nobody!" Said Carsyn in a sickening tone as she glanced at my phone.
I knew what she was thinking, yet I had no time to react. Carsyn raised my beloved phone high above her head and smashed it down on the sidewalk.
I gasped as I tried to stop my tears from spilling.
Carsyn gave out a cackle that some could describe as witch like.
"Let that be a warning." Growled Carsyn as she turned to leave, but not before kicking me in the side.
I let out a shallow breath, refusing to get up for a little.
I glanced at the broken pieces of my phone, and let the tears gently spill.
I stood up and tossed what I could muster of the destroyed phone into my bag and started walking again.
All I wanted to do was get home, clean my cuts, and take a nap.
"God, what will I tell my mom?" I muttered under my breath, sniffling every now and then.
I never told my mom half of what goes on in school, I wouldn't want to worry her.
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