Chapter 6
Your POV
We both just laid there on the bed for a while catching our breath. Did I really just have sex with somebody I just met? I mean,we know quite a bit about each other now but I met him yesterday!
I know how wrong it was,to make Mark a rebound,but I love him. I would never tell him that though. I keep telling myself that as soon as I get too attached he'll leave me. Just like everybody else.
I got out of bed and put my clothes back on and Mark slowly slid off the bed and onto the floor like a child being forced to get out of bed on a school day. He got up and ,without a word,went to the bathroom. As soon as I heard the shower turn on I went downstairs to get something to eat. "Hey Chica." I said,feeding the golden retriever a Cheeto from the bag I had in my hand.
I sat down at the table,rolled up my sleeves,and took off the bandages that covered my arms.I hadn't taken them off since I came home from the hospital and I wasn't surprised to see red,scabbed, scratches from my wrists to my elbows. "How could he ever love this." I mumbled to myself,running my hand over them.
"Hey,sweetheart." Mark's deep voice said behind me. I quickly rolled my sleeves back down and turned my attention back to my Cheetos. He came up behind me and kissed my cheek before taking a cheeto out of my hand and popping it in his mouth. "Hey!" I yelled childishly,"That was mine!"
"You have the whole bag!" Mark laughed.
"But THAT cheeto was my FAVORITE!" I retorted.
"Well now it's gone. I ate it." Mark gave Chica a pat on the head and went to the kitchen.
A few minutes later the doorbell rang Mark asked me to go see who it was,so I did.
"What are you guys doing here? Weren't you supposed to be at the club?" I asked when I saw Felix,Wade,Marzia,and a very drunk Jack standing on the front porch.
"Well THIS guy," Wade said,nudging Jack with his elbow,"Had a few too many drinks and got us kicked out." I was afraid of how Jack managed to do that so I didn't ask. Instead I let them inside and Mark came in and asked the same questions and got the same answers. "Y/N,could you go get Jack cleaned up while I order some pizza for supper?" I realized it was now 4:00. Wow,time went by pretty fast.
I put my arm around Jack and helped him up the steps and into the bathroom as he muttered a bunch on nonsense to me. "You're pretty." He slurred as I turned on the sink and waited for the warm water to come.
"Thank you." I chuckled,leaning down to grab a wash cloth. As I stood back up I felt Jack hug me from behind. "So pretty." He whispered seductively in my ear.
"Ok Jack,that's enough." I said,tugging at his hands which were still locked around my waist.
"Noooo!" Jack whined,tightening his grip.
"Jack,I'm not kidding!" I struggled as he began to kiss my neck.
"You're prettier than the last girl Mark brought home." slurred once more,temporarily releasing himself from my neck.
"Mark brought another girl home?" I thought out loud. I felt Jack nod before he returned to my neck. He began to make a hickey and I pushed him off. "When was this?" I asked him as he stuck out his bottom lip,pouting.
"A few days ago." He answered,taking a step towards me. I put my hand on his face and pushed him back,then wet the washcloth with warm water and tossed it at his face.
"Wipe your face with that." I ordered. He clumsily obeyed.
"A few days ago?" I thought to myself,"that was before I came here....but still.... What if he brings girls like me home all the time? Just to use them for pleasure..." Tears brimmed my eyes,"Am I getting played?"
Jack handed me the washcloth back. "What's wrong,lassie?" He said drunkly.
"N-nothing." I stuttered as I walked out of the bathroom,running into Mark as I walked out. He was eavesdropping .Feeling a sudden desire to escape,I ran downstairs and out the door. Tears streamed down my face as I heard Mark screaming my name behind me. Why would he chase after me?
I ran for a little longer before I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me back. "No!!" I screamed,pushing Mark away. He stubbornly grabbed me in a hug and picked me up as I continued to cry and struggle against his strong arms. He didn't loosen his grip until I had stopped screaming and kicking. "Leave me alone!" I cried,weakly hitting his chest,"You're just like everyone else!"
"Y/N," his husky voice whispered in my ear,"I love you. I would never use you for something as insignificant as sex. I love you more than that." I heard his voice crack.
"B-but t-then who was the last girl?" I stuttered. Mark sighed and let me out of the hug.
"Let's take a walk." He said,grabbing my hand gently. We began to walk in the direction of home as I listened to him explain: "Her name was Ivy. (Sorry for all the Ivy's out there. I made u a slut. Oops!) I took her home with me the day before I met you. I didn't love her. To tell you the truth,I don't think she loved me either."
"But why,Mark?" I pleaded.
"I...." He hesitated,"I've been...depressed lately. It felt like there was no meaning to life. We're born into a world of pain and suffer until we die. Simple as that." He let out a shaky sigh before continuing,"So I decided to do something different. The guys had gone out to do something so I went to the club,found Ivy,and took her to my place. We did some stuff and I eventually ended up sleeping with her." He chuckled quietly to himself, "Pathetic,isn't it? I was so desperate to find meaning that I was willing to sleep with a girl I had no feelings for whatsoever."
I squeezed his hand and he turned to me. I gave him a reassuring smile,"You did what you thought you needed." I said,sounding more confidant than I actually was. I turned my head back to the path in front of us.
A voice inside my head hissed at me,"He isn't depressed,my darling. It's something much,much more."
Hey guys. Sorry for the crummy chapter. I wrote it three different ways and finally settled on this one. I'm exhausted and felt like I needed to write another one for you.
In the next chapter...or...a/n,rather,I'm tagging some people you should totally check out!
Thank u all so much for reading and I will see YOU
in the next chapter.
Bye bye!
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