Chapter 4
Favorite breakfast food= f/b/f
Favorite clothes store= f/c/s
I know I know. It sounds like I'm making it up now. sorry!!
Mark's POV
The next day I woke up still holding Y/N in my arms. Her tears were dried but her sleeves...or my sleeves,rather...were rolled up to her elbows. I took this opportunity to look at her arms. I looked up and down her right arm and saw scars and a few cuts with scabs on them.
"Why would you do this to yourself?" I whispered to her limp,sleeping body,"I just don't understand."
I observed her body, afraid that I would never look at her this close again. She was wearing my lucky red flannel that went down almost to her knees, but not quite. I could feel my face heat up when I realized she didn't have any pants on.
I heard her take a deep sigh which told me she was waking up. She rolled over so that she was on her back and those amazing e/c eyes were looking right into mine. I could get lost in those eyes.
Her voice is what snapped me out of my trance,"Sorry about last night..." Y/N said in a groggy cute morning voice.
"Don't be sorry." I replied,"I actually kinda liked it."
'Too soon Mark. You sound like a creep' the little voice in my head told me. I pushed it aside, but not without pondering it's words. I don't know if she feels the same so I shouldn't be such a flirt.
A pink blush appeared on her cheeks and she broke eye contact. "Why were you crying,anyway? Bad dream?" I asked.
"Yeah..." She mumbled,still not making eye contact with me. I put my hand under her chin and directed her face towards mine. "Tell me about it." I said.
She bit her lip before continuing:
"The dream....or...nightmare....was the first time I.....cut myself." She looked away and I saw years brim her eyes. It hurt me to see Y/N in pain. If I could,I would take it all away.
"I was 12. M-my parents saw my report card...and they got mad...but I tried my best! I swear!" A tear rolled down her cheek. I sat up beside her and wiped it away.
"It's ok. Nobody is angry at you now. Just carry on." I encouraged.
"My dad came o-over and slapped me. And my mom said I was a-a d-disappointment." She let out a sob before hiding her face in her hands. It made me so angry thinking that her parents would say something like that to her. I pulled Y/N close to me and she leaned against my bare chest.
"Did this happen in real life?" I asked quietly. She nodded and rage filled my heart. But I stayed quiet as she told me the rest of the nightmare.
"So all of this has happened in real life as well?" I asked once more as I held her face in my hands and wiped away another tear with my thumb.
"Y-yes." She stuttered out before sobbing once more. We sat there for a while. Her crying and me comforting her. Why would anybody tell her that? Who in their right mind would tell this sweet young lady that she is worthless?!
"Hey,I know what will cheer you up." I said after she had stopped crying.
"W-what?" She asked.
"Let's go see the sunrise." I suggested,looking at the clock. It was only 5:34am surprisingly.
"Ok." She agreed. Getting out of bed and slipping on her black leggings from the day before. I noticed she didn't take off my flannel, but I didn't mind. She looked nice in it.
Together we snuck out of the house. Nobody was awake yet,which was odd. By this time Felix and Wade would already be screaming at each other. But anyway. When we got into my car I started up the engine and drove to the perfect place. It was a hill a few miles from my house. We had to walk through the woods to get to the clearing but Y/N didn't seem to mind.
When we arrived the sunrise was almost over but there was still some light orange in the sky to admire. "Aw man. Sorry we missed it,Y/N."
She turned to me and smiled so brightly that it rivaled the sun,"That's fine. I'm just glad I'm here with you." Her cheeks turned pink once more after she blurted out the last part. I chuckled and sneakily put my arm around her waist as we sat on the grassy hill. How could I fall for a girl that I just met?
We talked about anything and everything for at least an hour before I decided it was time for breakfast.
We had learned a lot about each other. Our full names,favorite animals,favorite colors,music preferences,jobs,life. I had developed a hatred for Alex and her parents already but I didn't tell her that. We talked about what hours are best to go to sleep,what's our favorite childhood memory,and our "dark twins" (DARKIPLIER. YOU KNEW I WOULD PUT THAT IN)
Let's just say,when I left that hillside,I knew Y/N much better than before. And she knew me better too.
"So where do you wanna go to eat breakfast?" I asked as I cranked the car.
"Anywhere is fine with me." Y/N replied happily. It was about 6:30 now and the guys would be wondering where we were so I sent Jack a text:
Markimoo: I'm out getting breakfast with Y/N
Jackass: oh I see /:D having fun?
Markimoo: I said we're going to get
breakfast. It isn't a date you perv.
Jackass: sure sure. Have fun
I turned off my phone and turned on the radio as we began our drive to a nearby breakfast joint that I knew.
"Oh,do you wanna go by your house and pick up some clothes?" I asked as we pulled in the parking lot.
"Pick up clothes? I thought you wanted me to go home." Y/N laughed.
"Oh I uh was...." My face was a red and my hair now,"Was hoping you would....stay with me? For a while maybe?"
She was quiet for a long time before replying with a huge grin and pink cheeks,"I would like that."
On the outside I looked chilled out and pretty happy but on the inside I was completely freaking out. Y/N?! Staying in my house with me?!?! That's AWESOME!
When I finally snapped out of my joyful trance Y/N was already half way to the door. I jumped out of the car and ran to the door to open it for her. "Here you are,m'lady." She giggled and entered with me right behind her.
"What would you like to eat?" The waitress asked.
"F/b/f!!" Y/N said playfully. I ordered the same thing and we talked until our food came out.
Half way through our meal I noticed a man staring at Y/N. He had short brown hair and greenish eyes.
"I'm gonna go use the bathroom before we leave." Y/N said after finishing up her breakfast.
"Ok." I said,pulling out my phone and ignoring the strange man. Y/N got up and headed to the bathroom and I noticed the man following her. I quickly stood up and walked behind him.
As Y/N was entering the lady's room the man grabbed her wrist,pushed her against the wall,and held a hand over her mouth. "I'll let you go for a kiss,sweetheart." The man hissed.
I ran up and punched him in the face as hard as I could. The man stumbled back, releasing Y/N. Y/N hid behind me as the man stood up laughing. "What?" I spit.
"Is she your girl?" The man laughed,"Because if not I have a right to get a kiss outta her."
"Yes. She is my girl. Now back off,you dick!" I yelled,taking a step towards him.
"Woah woah dude I was just messin. I wasn't gonna hurt your lady." The man took a step back and held his hands up in surrender,"But I'd still like that kiss,baby." He smirked at Y/N. I couldn't take it. I gave him another punch in the face before grabbing Y/N's hand. We got our stuff,paid for the food,and walked out.
"Mark I'm ok." Y/N said calmly. I realized I was still holding her hand tightly. I loosened my grip.
"Sorry. I just...I can't believe he did that to you." I said,letting go of some of my anger.
"It's ok,Mark. I'm fine now." Her smile was just as bright as it was before.
It was 8:00 when we reached Y/N's house.
Or,what used to be her house. All that was left was ashes and boards.
"Are you sure this is the place?" I asked.
"What the bloody hell..." Y/N muttered,stepping out of the car and walking over to the property,"All my things are....gone..."
"I'm so sorry,Y/N." I said,joining her on the cracked driveway. To my surprise I didn't hear her sob,or complain,she just started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked,starting to grin. Her laugh was so contagious.
"How ironic. How I said I would move in with you,and then this." She laughing,gesturing to the burnt down house,"Oopsy! Guess I left the hair straightener on!" She mocked,laughed harder than before. I began to laugh too.
"Imagine how crazy we look right now." I said after getting my breath back.
"Two goofy goobers standing in front of a pile of ashes laughing their asses of." Y/N said before we busted out laughing again. After a few minutes we both returned to the car,seeing how we couldn't salvage anything from the giant ash heap.
"Well I guess you'll need new clothes." I said,cranking the car once more.
"Yeah probably." She replied with a smile,"We can go to f/c/s if that's ok?"
"Sure." I answered as we headed off in that direction. 15 minutes later we arrived and walked into the massive store. I was kinda overwhelmed by all the clothes in this place but I tried to act cool. Y/N knows what she's doing.
Fortunately for me I found a chair right outside the woman's dressing room so I took out my phone and texted Jack while Y/N tried on varies pieces of clothing.
Jackass:top 'o the mornin to ya,laddie.
Markimoo: shut up
Jackass: you've been gone a while. Where r u?
Markimoo: we went shopping for more clothes. Y/N's house burnt down and she needs some new stuff
Jackass: bro you're screwing with me,right?
Markimoo: nope. True story. I'm bored out of my mind,
Jackass: I bet
Markimoo: hold on. Y/N needs me.
"Mark,what do you think of this one?" Y/N called from the dressing room. I turned off my phone and went in to see what she was trying on this time.
"Woah." I whispered as I saw her standing in one of the dressing stalls. She was wearing a long colorful dress that seemed to shimmer every time she moved. It had all the colors of the rainbow and the top was black (picture above,ya'll XD)
It hugged her curves perfectly,making me just want to grab her.
"So do you like it?" Y/N asked, twirling.
"Yeah it looks....fantastic." I whisper closing the stall door and moving closer to her. I backed her up against wall,my face so close to hers that I could feel her breath on my lips.
I put my hands on either side of her waist and our lips connected in an explosion of fireworks. The kiss was passionate but gentle. And the best part of all,
This kiss was real.
Trying to get some jealousy up in here. Let me know if there is anything specific you guys wanna see (yes I'll be doing smut eventually so don't get your nipples in a twist) anyway,thanks for reading. I know it's trash but hey,I'm trying.
Thank you guys so much for reading and I will see YOU
In the next chapter
Bye bye!
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