Chapter 20
Song on next page ^
It was time.
Everything was set up on the grassy hillside at the park,where Mark and I wanted to have our wedding. I was hidden behind some white curtains hung between trees that made a makeshift doorway with Jack,who had brought it upon himself to walk me to the alter since my father didn't show up.
I rubbed my bloated stomach nervously as I heard one of the last songs taking place. The last song before I was supposed to walk out. I had invited all my family but nobody showed. Only my oldest sister was kind enough to contact me and apologize for not being able to make it. Most of the people in the crowd were Mark's friends and family but Samantha had the idea to invite my old co-workers from the coffee shop.
I felt Jack take my arm and he nudged me,whispering softly,"You ready?"
"No." I sighed honestly. My anxiety was giving me a run for my money but I wasn't about to let it kick me out of my own wedding. I turn to Jack to see a hopeful smile on his face.
"You've got this." He assured,"You guys deserve each other."
Jack and I's relationship has really grown over the past few months. At this point we were pure and total friends,nothing more. Even if I did have a thing for Jack,I wouldn't cheat on Mark. He doesn't deserve that and neither does Samantha. It may just be me,but being the bigger person has gotten easier and easier since I met Mark. I invited my family,despite the horrible way they've treated me. I became friends with Jack,even after that drunk night. I was brave enough to walk into my own wedding,pregnant and unashamed.
Of course,the last one wasn't very challenging. Obviously I'd rather be pregnant with the child of a man I love than with one that I don't,regardless of if we have wedding bands or not.
"Ok." I nod simply,being the bigger person once again and shoving my anxiety and last-minute-doubt aside.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
We push past the curtains and everybody stands,looking our way. My way.
I look around as we walk. The white folding chairs were arranged in neat lines. Every seat was full so I didn't have time to look at every face. The grass was slightly moist with morning dew but the tree limbs protected us from the harsh,summer morning sun. A little girl and boy scattered white and red flower petals on the ground in front of us and at the alter stood a my bridesmaids. Samantha,Marzia,and Chica.
The men stood on the opposite side. Felix and Wade. Next to them stood a Paster and the most handsome man I've ever seen. My fiancé,lover,best friend,rescuer,and soon to be husband,Mark. I observed his black suit and red tie that he nervously adjusted when he saw me looking his way. I feel Jack's arm leave mine and I realize we've made it all the way up front. He goes off and stands next to Wade and Felix while I stand in front of Mark.
The Paster says things and reads Bible verses but that is all muffled,meaningless noise to me. All I can see is Mark's beautiful brown eyes,gazing into mine. I feel his hands slip into mine as we look at each other,as if we had just seen God,himself.
Peace flooded into me,crashing against my soul like water against a sandy beach. Nothing had ever felt so right. Nothing had ever felt so perfect. My heart raged with emotions and my stomach fluttered with excitement upon realizing that this man that stands before me will soon be mine. And I will be his. We will belong to each other and nothing can ever stop that.
I uselessly try to hold back tears,mostly because Samantha demanded I not mess up the makeover she'd spent hours doing on me this morning. Only one tear ran down my cheek and I pray to God that she didn't see because I know she'll be on me about it after this is over with.
Time seemed to move in slow motion,giving the effected that there was nobody left in the world but us. I'm amazed that one man can give to much meaning to my life. It was hard to believe how horrible everything had been only a year ago. I was being physically and emotionally abused by my boyfriend and my family and woke up every morning going to a job I hate. I had no reason to live and would be disappointed when I woke up in the morning because I didn't suffocate in my sleep. I'd avoided talking to people for months on end and wouldn't wear my seat belt in hopes I'd get in a crash and die.
But a lot can change in a year.
Now I'm standing here on a grassy hill with my lover who'd asked me to marry him. Sun is peeking past the leafs above us,sparking down and creating patterns on the ground below and a soft breeze blows by,reminding me of the night Mark has asked me to be his.
All of my friends are here with me. My actual,real friends. Ones that are here because they love and care about me and not to get something from me. I have things that not many people have,and things that people take for granted.
"Y/N M/N L/N," I snapped back into focus as the Paster said my full name,"Do you take Mark Fischbach to be your lawfully wedded husband,to have and to hold. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health,long as you shall live?"
"I do." I whisper,loud enough for them both to hear.
"Mark Edward Fischbach, do you take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife,to have and to hold. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health,as long as you both shall live?"
Once again,time seems to slow down. I break my eyes away long enough to look into the crowd as somebody rises out of their chair. My jaw drops open and my blood turns to ice as I see who.
My legs turn numb and my hands slip out of Mark's as Alex raises a gun that's pointed right at me. I hear Mark say the first word,"I-" before Alex pulls the trigger.
And everything goes black.
Hey guys,player here.
That's right. There's one more chapter before the end of the book. Oops!
And why not just post this in the middle of the night,yeah?
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