Thor x Rose
(More fluffy family shtuffs! Thanks again GraceFullbuster not only for the request but also for mixing up the pot a little bit! I hope you enjoy. 😊💕)
I giggled softly, shuffling further into the dark depths of my closet. The cold metal on my face and tangled into my hair buries itself into the clothes overhead. They can't hear me, can they? The shadowy figures outside of my door answered for me. I squeal as the door swings open. "Gotcha!" I dart past them, only to be grabbed by the hips and pulled into the air. "My helmet!" Uncle Loki pulls the golden horns from my head. "Now Rose, what do we say?" "Sorry uncle Loki..." I giggle again. "Daddy, stop it!" I squirm and writhe in his grip as he tickles my sides. His thunderous laughter echos through the room. "What is the magic word, my love?" "Please! Please stop!" I try catching my breath, still laughing like a lunatic. All uncle Loki can seem to do is roll his eyes and inspect his helmet for any damage. Though, if I remember correctly...there was once a smile on those lips of his. I have grown since then. Almost 12 years later. But why is it that I grow so much faster than my peers?
I smile as I read through the old books of our family library. My favorite over the years is a book about Midgardian flora and fauna. You see, i was named after a Midgardian flower. The rose. It's not like any of what i have seen on Asgard. Or any of the nine realms, for that matter. Though Midgard seems rather simple in its designs, I've noticed a fondness growing with my knowledge of the realm.
"Rose? You do know that you are surrounded by chairs, yes?"
I look up from the pages to the face of my father. I never did know my mother, but I must have gotten my looks from her. My father and I don't share many characteristics, but that doesn't change the bond between us. "I'm well aware. I just prefer the floor." His steps come to an end by my side, plopping down next to me. Curious eyes peek across my shoulder and to the book in my palms. "The same book as yesterday." "I recall little one. And the same as the day before, and the one before that, and before that and so on." My lips tug into a smile. "I am aware of that also. I guess it is fondness that draws me back to the same pages."
The quiet consumes us. Is there something he needs to ask? The concentration plastered across his eyes leaves me curious while his smiling facade slowly fades. "Father?"
"Yes, little one?" " you remember mother?" His face drains a bit quicker. "I shall tell you on your birthday. There is much more to discuss of this topic than what lays on the surface. I promise you." With a sad, desperate attempt of a grin, he places a hand through my hair. I don't want promises.
I want the truth.
I can no longer walk through Asgard without feeling the weight of eyes upon my back. I can no longer play with the children who seem to not have grown a day. Instead, my ears dance with the whispers that fly into my path like stray birds searching for their flock. I can't help from feeling lonely with all of the people who stare in anger. What have I done to deserve such treatment?
"Father?" I capture his attention yet again as he stands to his feet. "Yes?" I think for a minute. I'll ask him on my birthday. " we have any more Midgardian books? Preferably one that is less informative and more pretend." "You mean fiction." His smile returns with my request. "I'm sure if you can pry one away from your uncle with that persuasive face of yours, you may help yourself to as many as is desired, my Rose." Another soft grin paints my features. Maybe this won't be so bad. He must be hiding among the garden somewhere.
My small head peeks around the entryway, searching for any signs of life. No wandering eyes, no stray words, a clear exit. Even so...i can't help the clench of my chest. The need in my legs to continue forward despite my head telling me to run away. I just hope I find him before they find me.
The garden is grand, stretching beyond the capacity of the eye. Hundreds of stunning trails weave through the glory in front of me. But all of this splendor loses its shimmer of wonder once the footsteps come closer. At first, it was faint, matching my own. But once they grew faster, I felt like I was drowning. I froze, only for a moment, before I ran with all the strength I could muster.
"Get her!"
I heard more pairs of steps pounding into the ground. My eyes stayed forward, staring ahead. Once I felt they were close enough, however, I turned back. "Dad!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I never used the name unless there was danger. My father taught me that. Yet before I could say more, I was tackled to the ground. "You idiot Midgardian! What makes you think he'll come to your rescue?" "DAD!" I shrieked even louder. A hand clapped over my mouth. "I wonder if it's any easier to hurt you than it is us." They all chuckled at the thought. They grab my arm and start twisting. But before they can do anything, I feel the sprinkle of electricity on my skin. I look up at my assailants, frozen in fear. And then I look up at my father. And hel, did he look absolutely furious.
Cold cloth touches to my scrapes. "Are you alright, my Rose?" All I could think to do was nod. What did they mean? I'm not Midgardian. " "Are you certain you are well?" I nod again. I don't want to talk about it. The same thing happens every time I leave this place. Someone gets curious enough to follow me. This is the first time they've attacked. The first true contact. I'm not sure how much longer I can take the silent torture. The eyes, the whispers, the loneliness. "My child...What did they do?" The warmth of his hand lands on my face. Why has my cheek become damp? I'm...I'm crying? "...who was my mother?" We both wait in silence. We both need answers. But neither of us wants to explain to the other. "...they called me a Midgardian, father." Eye contact didn't even seem to be an option. I couldn't stand to stare into his sad eyes as they bore a hole into mine. I grew angry. "They ran me into the ground. They asked if I broke easily. Who was my mother? And don't lie to me." The cloth became warm from sitting still against my skin. With a sigh, he finally spoke. "Your mother..." He almost whispered. "She was a Midgardian. But you would never find another like her. She was extraordinary. And every day I look at you, I'm looking at a piece of her. However, she wasn't mine...and neither are you. Not fully." I shiver.
Not fully? "Where is she. Did you bring her here? Why do you keep saying she 'was'?!" The daggers from my eyes seemed to cut him with how pained he seemed. "Your father...true father...he was a jealous man. An angry man. I became a friend to her and he felt threatened." "WHERE. IS. MY. MOTHER." I stood to my feet, pushing him away from me. It can't be true. None of it. He is just ashamed that he ravished some sort of beast that birthed me. Or he birthed me. I mean, Uncle Loki once gave birth to a horse. It has to be some sort of trick!
"...she's gone, Rose."
Tears stream heavily down my flesh. "What do you mean, gone?" I sounded more pathetic than I had intended. "I mean she was murdered shortly after you were born. Her lover found her and slaughtered her. Your father-" "Do not tell me of my father when I did not ask of him." He closed his mouth. Stood to his feet. And spoke as quietly as if I were a rampaging lion. "You want to know about your mother? She was one of the sweetest women I have ever met. She loved the world and all of the beauty that it hid away. You know the flower that you have been named for, right?" I nod, my eyes stinging with the needle-like tears, the threat of sobs. "You were named after her favorite. She loved you in the short moments she held you with a passion that could mend the deepest scar and with a kindness and warmth that could melt the coldest heart. She loved you dearly, my rose. And so do I." He placed his arms around me and I collapsed into his hold. Muffled sobs resonated throughout the room as I broke apart.
"May I...may I visit her?"
"On your birthday. I promise."
The cold floor seems to droop away from me as I'm lifted from my feet. He's carrying me. Like a weakened child. Though I guess at this moment, that is what i have become.
With my tears flowing out, so does my consciousness. All I could say before I fall asleep is a simple thank you.
~3 months later~
I am awoken with a gentle shove. "Rose, it is time." "Grrrhmmmh..." I turn away from my offender and try to get more rest. "Do you not wish to see your mother?" I open my eyes a bit and turn around. "What do you mean?" "Tis your birthday, my Rose. We're going to Earth." My eyes widened. How could i have forgotten? I rush out of bed, getting dressed in the blink of an eye. He chuckles at my enthusiasm. "You must eat before we leave. She will not be going anywhere, and i promised that i would keep you healthy." "Can I not take some food with me? I can eat while I'm there!" He thinks for a moment. "I guess that i might be able to ask a friend for help." Our smiles looked equally bright. Almost as if we shared one. I dash out of my room eagerly. Even with all of the eyes on me as i left our palace, my excitement never faltered. "Heimdall!" Grinning brightly, I stopped just in front of The gatekeeper. "Why young princess, what brings you to me?" "Father is taking me to Earth. I'm going to meet my mother!" My pride swells as he nods. "Give her a hello from me, little one." My father finally catches up. "Alright. Open the Bifrost." We step inside as heimdall twists his sword. I have seen many worlds. Many realms. But earth is the one planet i have yet to visit before today. We land on the ground in a busy city. What is this place...?
"Welcome to New York City, your highness." I jump at the sudden speech from behind me. "Stark! What a pleasure to see you." I turn to see a dark haired man shaking hands with my father. "Im sure you remember Rose." "Yep. Though I haven't seen her since you-know-who. How's the troublemaker? She anything close to reindeer games up there with his issues?" "Im sorry but...who are you?"
He gives me an odd look. Stark, as father called him, takes a step closer. "Tony Stark. A friend of your old man. You need anything while you're here, you can come to me little lady." His smile shines beautifully down at me. "So what brings you guys here?" " is her birthday. She wanted to visit her mother." Mr. Starks smile fades. "You sure that's a good idea?" "I've kept it long enough, stark." I look at my fathers face. Sadness mixes with a gentle excitement. "It's the least i can do."
After a fair amount of walking, we finally found her tomb. A simple stone poking from the ground. It took every ounce of strength within me to keep from sobbing. There were fresh flowers on her grave. We had brought our own. But what hurt the most was the picture laying beside her. A beautiful young woman lay next to the cool stone. Her smile bright with life and joy. She lay in a strange white gown...holding a small child. "That was the day you were born, " my father spoke. "They wouldn't let me enter until i declared myself the father." A small chuckle escaped him as he lifted the photo. You are as beautiful now as you were when she passed, little one. I just wish that MY mother could have helped me raise you. Looking back at the stone, tears pricked at my eyes yet again.
I kneel.
And i hug what's left of her. The cool, smooth stone.
"Thank you for the love you gave while you were here."
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