JACK HELPED ME UP as I looked around at what looked to be Torchwood.
"Just like I remember it." I muttered
"How did you?" Jack asked as I pointed to my vortex manipulator
"No way." He said as he held my wrist
"It's new and improved, well it's not working at the moment." I mentioned
"Welcome to Torchwood." Jack said as my head scanned the underground base
"I like it." I said as Jack smiled
"Ianto Jones." Jack introduced him as he waved from a computer
"Gwen Cooper." He nodded at the girl who waved to me too as she continued at her computer
"Captain Jack at your service." He said
"What are you doing?" I asked as he motioned for me to follow
"Trying to call the doctor." Ianto said
"Get the grid online." Gwen said as Jack handed me this huge wire
"Alex plug it into the grid socket." He said monitoring to the big thing in the middle as he typed back on the computer
I did what he said and pushed the huge plug into the socket
"When I say go, turn the switch on top, in 3 2 1 go." Ianto shouted as I switched the switch on, the grid lit up sending the signals to the Doctor wherever he may be
"Wait the subwave frequency, won't the daleks fix on it." I shouted as Gwen nodded
Just then everything started to smoke and spark.
"Alex come away from the grid." Jack shouted as I ran trying to miss the sparks
"I think we got it fixed!" He shouted to all 3 of us
"Your gonna blow this place up." I said as Jack signalled for Ianto to take over what he was doing
"Harriet, a source has locked on to your location, they found you." Gwen said
She looked at all of us who looked back at her with concern
"I know, I'm using the network to mask your transmission. Keep it going." Harriet said
"They're gonna kill her." I said as Ianto looked at me and nodded
"Captain, I'm changing the subwave network to torchwood, your in charge now, and tell the doctor from me, he chose his companions well. It's been an honour." Harriet said
We all watched as the daleks burst through her door and she identified herself one last time. The screen went static.
The screen of the now dead former prime minister was replaced with the Doctor and Donna
"Finally." I shouted as Jack came on screen
"Doctor it's the daleks." Jack shouted
"It's the daleks, they're taking people to their spaceship."
"Sarah Jayne, who's that boy." The doctor asked as they all smiled
"That must be torchwood." The doctor said as I appeared on screen
"Alex Pond!" The doctor shouted as Donna smiled
"It's alex." She said
"You met Jack then." The doctor smiled and I nodded
"How did you get there." Martha asked
"Her trusty vortex manipulator." The doctor beamed
"Look at all you clever people" the doctor said
"That's Martha." Donna said " and who's he" she pointed to the screen
"Captain Jack." The doctor said "don't." He waved his finger at her
"It's like an outer space Facebook." Donna said as I laughed
"Everyone except rose." The doctor said
"She's here doctor, I met her, she's with you doctor just, there's no webcam." I said as he smiled at me
Just then the doctor signal went static again.
Signals started to Sound as Jack ran into the back, iantos showed me how to log onto the computer and I already knew how to fight off these viruses.
I continued to type and type, trying to get the subwave to dodge off towers
"Alex, the dalek saucer is heading for the bay, they found us." Iantos said
"Or course they did." I said as I watched Jack run from the weapons hub.
He passed me his gun as he talked on the phone
"Oscillating 4 and 9." Jack said on the phone typing in co-ordinates into his wrist and iantos got him his jacket and helped Jack put it on.
"Thank you Martha Jones." He said ending the call and grabbing the gun from me
"I gotta find the doctor." Jack said
"I'll come back, I'm coming back." He said looking between all of us.
"Isn't that a vortex manipulator." I asked as Jack nodded
That's why my signal is so dodgy.
"Why don't you use mine." I said as I showed my wrist.
Jack held out his hand as if to say give it me
"No no no, it's staying with me." I said
"So you'll be coming with me?" Jack said as I nodded as I looked at Gwen
"Go, thank you for your help alex, I hope to see you soon." Gwen said
"It was great meeting you." Iantos said
"You too." I smiled at Gwen and iantos letting Jack type in the co-ordinates and time
We stopped in the middle of a road where Jack held his gun forward. A dalek was straight in front of us so using his gun, Jack blew him up instantly.
"Honestly I need to get myself one of these." I said looking at the gun
I looked over on the floor to see Rose holding the doctor in her hands and Donna running towards them.
Me and Jack run to them
"We need to get him to the Tardis." I said as Donna and Rose helped the doctor up.
I picked up Rose gun and held it in front of me as me and Jack backed followed Donna and Rose to the Tardis doors
We walked into the Tardis as Donna and Rose placed the Doctor on the floor. I gave Jack my gun and he took it to the jump seat placing them down
"Get back guys." Jack said
"He's dying and you know what happens next."
"Donna listen to jack." I said
"What do you mean what's happens next." Donna said to Jack as she got up
"Come on rose, he will be okay." I said placing a hand on her back
The doctor started to glow yellow
"It's starting." He said looking at me, I smiled down at him and offered Rose my hand who took it and I pulled her over to Jack and Donna
"Will someone please tell me whats going on." Donna shouts
"When the Doctor dying, his body repairs and changes itself." Rose said squeezing my hand tightly
"Good luck Doctor." Jack said
Jack grabbed onto me wrapping his arms around my shoulders pulling me into his chest.
Rose buried her head in my hair to shield her eyes from the light still gripping my hand
The doctor bursted into yellow smoke
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