After awhile I came to the conclusion where I am. Leadsworth, my home town. I haven't been here since I was little, before a ran away.
I started to wonder if my sister was here still, maybe still obsessing over the raggedy man, the one who left us, the one who made Amelia believe.
I came to realise I walked all the way over to a park, the leads worth park, I would come here with Amelia all the time when we were little, I didn't really have any friends, not that no one talked to me, It just i didn't want to be 'bestfriends' with someone, most girls liked princesses and happy endings when we all knew endings are not meant to be happy.
I was so deep in thought, I didn't look where I was going and walked straight into a lamppost just outside the park. I closed my eyes and rubbed my head to see if there was any mark, there wasn't but when I opened my eyes I saw the poster, my missing poster, it was scattered all Over Britain but I never came back, UNIT took care of it but I never wanted to come back , no one ever found because technically I wasn't on earth.
UNIT kept me on the down low as well, with the manipulator, not many people were trusted it would be used for good, except me, I guess.
Suddenly I was pulled out of my little daze, and everything got darker, I look up to something covering the sun, it wasn't normal and wasn't an eclipse because I knew there wasn't one due.
Everyone got their phones out to photograph the sun but I could see this one man was taking a picture of another man with a dog, he didn't care about the sun. I watched his facial expression and he also looked confused , so I walked over to him, maybe he could tell me what he is doing or just give me useful information because I need that right now.
"Hello" I said standing by his side looking at the man as well
"Hello" he said body still facing the man but he turned his head so he could see me while taking another photo
"The sun is disappearing and your taking a picture of a man?" I asked adjusting the straps on my back pack
"Well yes." He said, snapping another picture while look at the man again.
"Any reason why, Rory?" I asked Rory, I saw his name tag that was printed on his navy blue work uniform. I could just about make it out as he had a jacket on.
"Umm not that you need to worry about, I'm sorry what's your name?" He asked me putting he phone away, Turing to face me.
"Alex pond." I said blankly looking at the man
"Pond? As in Amy pond." He said staring at me confused.
"Ummm I guess so," I said " who's Amy pond?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows
Before he could answer I felt my phone in my back pocket vibrate. It was a text from Martha.
You are gonna be stuck in leadworth for awhile, just had the information that your vortex manipulator is overheating, make yourself at home considering it is your home
"You've got to be kidding me." I said
"What's the matter?" He asked
"Nothing umm I have to go." I said to Rory as I started running away from the situation, to at least find a way to cool down the device a bit quicker.
"Alex" Rory shouted
I turned around to be met with Rory and an older women who reminded me a lot of my sister.
"Hello" I said "can't talk for long so keep the conversation going" they stopped in front of me and the man whispered something in her ear
I kept looking around, making sure there was no cyber men or any sci-fi creature coming out
"Alexia." I heard a voice say
I turned my head to face the two adults, I furrowed my eyebrows.
"No one has called me alexia for a long time" I said looking down at my feet.
"Alexia pond" Rory said, I brought my head up to the two.
"Amelia pond and Rory Williams." I said as I came to realise who the two were. Amelia smiled and Rory did too. I smiled for a split second and then it turned into my normal resting bitch face.
"I go by Alex now" I said to Rory
"I thought you were dead!" Amy screamed at me, she began to rant a bit but I cut her off
"And I thought you wanted to become a shopkeeper but now your a police woman." I said looking her up and down
"She's a kiss-o-gram."
The two turned around the reveal him. the time traveller, the promise breaker, the raggedy man. He looked exactly the same he did 15 years ago. His Tardis must of took him on a detour, as he is so late.
"Alex" He said putting his arms around the two older ones "you may not know who I am, or you may do, same doctor, different face"
I cut him off " we only met 15 year ago, yeah your 15 years late, don't worry doctor I didn't stick around." I said
"I thought you was kidnapped, I dedicated 3 years looking for you!" Amelia shouted at my pushing the doctors arms off her shoulder
"Wait, you are the young Alex pond, no this can't be right, how did you, What about the library, the train, the bus, saving the world, how, how are you here" The doctor said pushing through the middle of red head and the nurse to look at me
"When I met you 15 years ago why didn't I put two and two together, it's a new brain, stupid brain, I knew you as a grown up before I knew you as a child" He said raising his hands up in the air "how many hearts?" He questioned
"One?" I said "why would it be more, I'm confused"
"You are Minnie alex pond, alexia pond" He replied putting his hand under my chin lifting my head up.
"Alex pond"
"You ran away." Rory said
"I know what I did, and I regret none of it, after all I did meet king Henry the 8th, he tried to get me to marry his son" I said
"So you didn't lie." I cut the doctor off
"Knowing the future me"
"Raggedy man, just shut up before you say anything my blue book doesn't hold" I said as the doctors eyes widen
"The blue book, the tardis book, that must be half empty"
"Well there's a few things in there, like I said first time meeting you in 15 years, why would it be full?" I asked
"Raggedy man?" Rory questioned then he realised. "Oh my god it's him" he said
Everyone stared at me in silence
"Prisoner zero has escaped." A random voice said.
"What was that?" I looked at Amy
"That was the sound from the crack in your wall, why is it out here now?" I asked her.
"Oooo almost forgot about that." The doctor said looking between Amy and me, brushing off what he just saw
"Forgot about what?" I asked, pulling my bag back up on my shoulders as it was slipping off. He started to walk off but before he did he turned to Rory.
"Who are you?" He asked him coming closer to him
"He's my boyfriend." Amelia said. I raised my eyebrows and stifled a laugh, Rory obviously got the girl.
"Boyfriend!" Me and the doctor said together, him in a shocked way, me in a sarcastic manner. They are both in front of me and Amy.
The doctor looked at Amy who was next to me.
"So Rory the boyfriend." The doctor said diverting his gaze to Rory.
"He was a story, a game, alexia ran away because you believed" Rory said looking at me and Amy
The doctor had enough and took him by the shirt
"Why did you take a picture of that man when a life changing thing is happening to the sun." The doctor pointed to the sky as he let go off Rory shirt. Rory turned around to walk back to where the man was. We all followed. Rory got his phone out and showed the doctor a picture of the same man, but in a hospital bed. We all stood behind Rory looking at the picture.
Rory said "You see he was suppose to be"
"In a hospital." The doctor and Rory said
"In a coma." Me, the doctor and Rory said at the same time. They both looked at me as I kinda got what was happening at this point.
"I knew it multi form you see, need a sidekick link between the human but dormant mind." The doctor said
Just then the man barked, these aliens getting everything wrong.
"Prisoner zero I see." The doctor said facing the pair with me next to him and the other two behind us
Just the a big eye creature on a space ship come flying in, he is looking for Prisoner zero.
"They are scamming the area for non human technology." I said, the doctor looked at me and he grabbed his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket
"And nothing says non human like a sonic screwdrivers" The doctor said facing Prisoner zero pointing his sonic screwdriver to the sky
"What just happened!" Amy said, as Rory put his phone away. Just then everything started to go manic, car alarms went off, lights were switching on and off and everything was not right.
"I think someone is going to notice, don't you alexia?" The doctor said as the man barked
"Alex says yes" I said as the doctor rolled his eyes. The both started to bark as the doctor aimed his sonic to a telephone box
It blew up Rory and Amy hugged each-other and just then the doctor screwdriver fried and he dropped it to the floor.
"No, no, no don't do that!" The doctor screamed at the sonic on the ground. I shook my head at him
"Come back he is here." The doctor screamed at the eye in the sky. "Prisoner zero is here!" He screamed as the eye disappeared
Just then, prisoner zero in the two life forms, disappeared into the drain.
"It melted and went down the drain doctor." Amy said standing between me and Rory
"Of course it did, it's hiding an human form."
"We need to drive it into the open"The doctor said Turing to me and Amy and Rory did the same
"No tardis" The doctor said
"I have a overheated vortex manipulator that is not working very well" I said
"No sonic." He said ignoring me
"Gimme it I can maybe fix it"
"Will you shut up we have 17 minutes." The doctor said to me
"Shouldn't of antagonised him then." I said, the doctor face went into rage as he put his hands up like he was going to strangle me. I just smirked.
"So that thing lived in my house for 15 years." Amy said to the doctor, as we stood still in the middle of the park
"life forms can live for so long" I said
"15 years is a pit stop" The doctor finished for me
"Then how does everything rise up when you come back." Amy said to he doctor
"They are following him." I said
"Vortex manipulator, they only person I remember having one of them was captain jack" The doctor said
"It's a torchwood and UNIT combined project, I've been using it for years" I said
"UNIT? does that mean you have met Donna and Martha" the doctor asked as I nodded my head
"Donna couldn't stop talking about you, you future you, previous you, she wouldn't tell me because of the spoilers" I said
"Wait, you've already met each other" Amy said only cracking on to mine and the doctors conversation
"Her time stream, her Device , I have my her before except to me she was not alexia, she was Alex, we have had so many adventures that she has yet to live " the doctor said as I furrowed my eyebrows
"You are not suppose to be real, he was a game, I dressed up as him." Rory said referring To the doctor
"Give me your phone." The doctor snatched the phone off Rory, ignoring my gaze
"These are all the coma people." Amy said as the doctor scrolled through Rory's phone, deciding to leave the conversation we were having a second ago
"Yes,8 coma patients,8 disguises for Prisoner zero." I said
"He has a dog, is the dog a coma person" Amy said
"He dreams about walking a dog, he gets a dog." I said as the doctor gave the phone back to Rory
Just then the doctors face lit up"I need a laptop ." The doctor said turning to amy putting an had on her shoulder.
"What was the name of the good looking friend of yours" The doctor said
"Jeff " Amy replied
"Oh my god thanks ." Rory said rolling his eyes
"He had a laptop in his bag." The doctor said, looking at me.
" I don't Know why you are looking at me, I don't know this Jeff." I said
"Amy and Rory go to the hospital and get everyone out of that ward and phone me when your done." The doctor said smiling looking between Amy and Rory
"What about my sister running away and magically coming back here, you to knowing each other " Amy asked the doctor as he started to run sway
"We will talk about that later but alexia for the time being you can come with me." The doctor said grabbing my hand and pulling me with him to a house
"My name is Alex."
" I like alexia." He said
He eventually had to throw me over his shoulder as I know not to trust time lords, for all I know he could've been bringing me into death but once we got to a small cottage he put me down and made his way into the front garden
"Who's house is this?" I asked following him to the door
"Jeffs" he said opening door and stepping into the house and running up the stairs, that was in front of him, I followed him. It was a nice house, small and cosy.
When we got up the stairs the doctor opened the first door in front of him. We both walked in to someone on a bed on his laptop.
I'm guessing that's Jeff.
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