"THE CITY, the oceans, the mountains, the wildlife, and a hundred billion people turned to sand."
"All those voices in Carmen's head. She's hearing them die." The Doctor said
"But I've got sand in my hair." Christina cried.
"That's dead people. Oh, that's disgusting. Oh."I replied
"Something destroyed the whole of San Helois." The Doctor breathed.
"Yes, but in my hair." She looked at the doctor who chuckled, we were brought from our conversation through the mobile phone that ran, the doctor instantly answered it.
"Malcolm, tell us the bad news."
"How can it get bigger by itself?" The Doctor muttered.
"Fancy putting it on speaker?" I asked as the doctor shook his head
"Good work, both of you." The doctor said before the phone started beeping indicating another call
"Sorry, we have a call waiting." The Doctor informed pressing the button.
"Yeah?" The Doctor said into the phone.
"Why, what's happened?" The Doctor asked.
"Seriously speaker would be nice."
The Doctor stared into the distance confused
"What is it, what's wrong? Doctor" I asked
"What did he say" Christina also asked
"Sorry going to have to call you back." The Doctor quickly ended putting the phone back into his pocket.
The bugs started talking making us turn to them
"It's the probe." The Doctor said. "It's reached the storm."
"And what's he saying?" Christina asked
"It's not a storm." An image from the probe's view appeared showing stingray like creatures flying through the air.
"It's a swarm. Millions of them" Christina breathed out
"billions. Oh, we've lost the probe." The Doctor said just as the screen cut out, we all got up out of the seat
"I think it got eaten. Everything on this planet gets eaten." The doctor added
"How far away is that swarm?"i asked
"A hundred miles" The doctor replied
"But at that speed, it'll be here in twenty minutes, because... oh my god they want the wormhole." I replied realising what was happening
"And guess what is just in front of that wormhole." I let out a huge groan.
"They're heading for Earth?"Christina asked
"Show the analysis." The Doctor said to the flies.
On the screen a image of the stingray like creatures appeared, all of us looked at it.
"Incredible." He breathed "They swarm out of a wormhole, strip the planet bare, then move on to the next world. Start the life cycle all over again"
"So, they make the wormholes?"Christina asked
"They must do."
"But how?" I looked up to the doctor and furrowed my eyebrows .
"They don't exactly look like technicians. And if the wormhole belongs to them, why are they a hundred miles away?"Christina added
"Because they need to be?" The doctor guessed then he shook his head side to side disregarding the answer he just gave.
"No, that's bonkers, Hang on." The doctor moved just in front of me and Christina so he could talk to us
"Do you see? Billions of them, flying in formation, all around the planet. Round and round and round, faster and faster and faster, till they generate a rupture in space. The speed of them, and the numbers, and the size, all of that rips the wormhole into existence."
"And the wormhole's getting bigger?" Christina looked at the doctor.
"Because they're getting closer."I whispered as the doctor nodded his head
"But how do they get through? Because that wormhole's a killer. We've seen it."
"No, no, no, look. See the exoskeleton." The Doctor pointed at the creature on screen, coming between me and Christina putting his hands on our backs
"Metal?" Christina frowned.
"They've got bones of metal. They eat metal and extrude it into the exoskeleton. So their velocity makes the wormhole, then their body makes it safe. Perfect design." The doctor replied
I raised my eyebrow and smirked a little looking at the doctor
"Those things are going to turn the entire Earth into a desert. So why exactly are you both smiling?"Christina looked between me and the doctor
"Worse it gets, the more we love it." The doctor added taking his the glasses off that to be honest I didn't realised he had on
"Me too" Christina replied
"Oh you could defiantly be my best friend" i said
"The thing is, Doctor, alex, you're missing the obvious." Christina looked at us, i furrowed my eyebrows at her
"We came here through the wormhole, yes? But our Tritovore friends didn't. They came here to trade with San Helios. Therefore, the question is, why did they crash?"
"They are called Tritovore" I asked and christina nodded
"Where have you been for the whole conversation" she asked as i massaged my head in my hands
"It's been a long two days"i said referring to losing Rory and obviously getting lost in a different time
"However Christina that was a good question. What a team we all make" He nodded.
"Like she said, why did you crash?" The doctor asked and The Tritovores gestured for us to follow taking us to a large hole in the spaceship in a room which i think held the engine.
"oh yes, Gravity well." The doctor nodded. "Look, goes all the way down to the engine. So what happened?"
The doctor and I stooped around the hole, Christina behind us still carrying her bag.
The Tritovores started talking again
"He says the drive system stalled." The Doctor said. "Ten miles up, they fell out of the sky. But what caused that?"
The Tritovores shrugged
"Which means no idea." Christina guessed.
"Never." I said sarcastically earning a scowl from Christina
"But wait a minute. That's a crystal nucleus down there, yes?" The doctor asked and thetriovores nodded.
"And it looks like it survived the crash, And If the crystal's intact? Oh, yes. That's better than diesel." The doctor came from behind the hole leaving e looking down. If only we could get the crystal
"What, you can use the crystal to move the bus?" Christina asked.
"I think so." The doctor nodded.
"The spaceship's a write-off, but the two hundred's small enough."
"How does a crystal drive a bus?" I asked in disbelief
In a super clever outer-spacey way." The Doctor replied
"Just trust me. There's the crystal!" He shouted looking at a screen which is using a camera to point at the crystal, i came down from the edge of the hole o look
"It's fallen to the bottom of the well. Have you got access shafts? All frozen? Well, maybe we can open them. Ah! Internal Comms. Put that on." The doctor handed Christina a Bluetooth ear piece before placing one in his ear
'Where is mine" i asked as the doctor ignored me
"You stay here." The Doctor said. "Keep an eye on the shaft. Tell me if anything happens." The doctor ran back through the space sharp the creature following him. I at at the edge of the gravity well looking down at the crystal
"I can get down there" Christina said before putting the ear piece in, getting some sort of equipment she finally placed down
"And how are you going to do that?" I asked getting up
A few minutes later, and a bit of blackmailing, i was attached to Christina grappling zip wire set about to go down and get the jewel
"Nothing yet." Christina replied into her ear piece as she tightened the harness round me. I gave her the sunglasses i took off earlier to put in her bag.
"Afraid not."Christina gave me a bobble so i could tie my hair back which i did
"Nope." Through the use of mime she showed me how I would get down, put a thumbs up to her and she rolled her eyes
"Nothing."Another negative response come from Christina as she moved her bag to the side, giving me her ear piece and then stepped away
"Any result" i heard the doctor say
"Not a dickie bird." I replied then paused for a moment. "So let me get this right. You need that crystal? Then consider it done."
Christina gave me the go ahead sign
"The aristocracy survives for a reason. We're ready for anything." Christina said as i saw the doctor come around the corner lunching at me, so i would stop but before he could i dived down.
"No" the doctor shouted after me"
It was quick, very quick, i was dropping very easily and would be at the bottom in no time until i came to a stop
I heard the doctor say "That's better"
"Only Christina and i decide when to stop , thank you."
"You're about to hit the security grid." The doctor snapped "Look."
"Cool." I said, once i stopped i looked around seeing a big red button, decided that would get rid of the security grid if i pressed it.
"Try the big red button."
"Done and done" i said lowering myself down
"Now come back up." The Doctor said. "I can do that."
"Oh, don't you wish, only because i was allowed and you weren't ." I said as the doctor warned me to go slower.
"Yes, sir." I replied.
"Quite the mystery, aren't you? Lady Christina de Souza, carrying a winch in her bag." The Doctor hummed
"I had this friend, once, She called me spaceman."I listened to the doctor's and Christina conversation
"A little blue box, Travels in more than space,It can journey through time, Christina, Oh, the places we have been. World War One. Creation of the universe. End of the universe. The war between China and Japan."
"How the hell did she persuade you to let her go down anyway?" The doctor asked Christina as i smirked
"Look in her bag doctor, there's something else she has been hiding" i said referring to the goblet that she stole
"when in that briefing she led earlier, she was too into leading she didn't even realise me looking through the top of her bag"
"I've also been to the Court of King Athelstan in 924 AD. But I don't remember you being there, So what are you doing with this?" The Doctor asked.
"It's the Cup of Athelstan, given to the first King of Britain as a coronation gift from Hywel, King of the Welsh. But it's been held in the International Gallery for two hundred years, which makes you, Lady Christina, a thief."
"A pretty good one, i said if she's careful I could pull a few strings make jail time not existent, also to a point that if she helps me of course"
"Don't tell me you need the money." The doctor retorted.
"No, no, no, no, no,If you're short of cash, you rob a bank. Stealing this? That's a lifestyle." The doctor said
"Absolutely." He said. "Except. That little blue box, I stole it from my own people." He hummed.
Suddenly there was a roar making my whole body shake as I continued to get lowered, nearly reaching the bottom
"What the hell was that?" I gasped out
"We never did find out why the ship crashed." The Doctor muttered "Alex, I think you should come back up."
"Too late. I can see it."
"Careful. Slowly." He warned.
It looked so shiny, this yellow crystal, on top of what looked like a grappling like stand
"Have you got an open-vent system?" The doctor asked
"I thought so."
"Ah shit one of them things better not be here."
Hanging upside down in turned my head to see the stingray like creature
"It's like when birds fly into the engines of an aircraft." The Doctor said.
"It got trapped in the vents, caused the crash, Alex I'm warning you get out."
"It's not moving. I think it's injured." I said examining the best I could upside down .
"No, it's dormant because it's so cold down there, but your body heat is raising the temperature." The Doctor spoke.
"I tend to have that effect. Almost there." I muttered, i tried to grab the crystal out of the system but It was only moving slowly
"Not just the crystal." The Doctor cut in. "We need the whole bed, the metal plate."
"Oh that's so much easier." I said grabbing the whole thing and turning around so I went up in a sky diving position
"I've got it!" I shouted and a moment later I was being pulled up as fast as I could, I watched as the creature followed, bashing itself against the walls.
"Come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on, come on."
As I went past the security grid, with a free hand a pressed the red button do reactivate
"It's going to eat its way up. Ooo, she's good." The doctor commented as I watched the stingray get electrocuted
I then appeared at the top as the Doctor ran over to to me, grabbing my arm and then grabbing my waist pulling me back to safe ground.
"That's it, that's it, that's it. I've got you. I've got you." The Doctor said as I gave the whole bed to Christina who gave it to the triovours
"Isn't she just" the Doctor said looking at me
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