"Sky what are you doing?" the Doctor asks.
"She's still doing him" Dee Dee says.
"Doctor, it's you. She's only copying you" Hobbes says.
"Why me? Why are you doing this?"
"She won't leave him alone" Dee Dee says.
"Do you see? I said so. She's with him" Val says, I roll my eyes and shake my head, but the doctor watches Sky
"They're together" Biff says,
"are you in on it too?" He asks pointing to me.
"No, I'm not, we were never involved with her or what ever is happening" I say.
"How do you explain it, Doctor, Alex, if you're so clever?"
"I don't know. Sky, stop it. I said stop it. Just stop it" the Doctor says kneeling down.
"Look at the two of them" Val says.
"Mrs Silvestry, I'm trying to understand. You've captured my speech. What for? What do you need? You need my voice in particular. The cleverest voice in the room. Why? Because I'm the only one who can help? Oh, I'd love that to be true, but your eyes, they're saying something else. Listen to me. Whatever you want, if it's life, or form, or consciousness, or voice, you don't have to steal it. You can find it without hurting anyone. And I'll help you. That's a promise. So, what do you think?" The Doctor stops for a second.
"Do we have a deal?" Sky says.
"Do we have a deal?" the Doctor repeated.
"Oh fucking hell" I mutter, walking to stand behind the Doctor
"Hold on, did she?"
"She spoke first."
"She can't have."
"She did."
"She spoke first."
"Oh, look at that. I'm ahead of you." Sky said
"Oh, look at that. I'm ahead of you." The doctor repeated
"Did you see? She spoke before he did. Definitely."
"He's copying her."
"I think it's moved."
"I think it's moved."
'I think it's letting me go."
"I think it's letting me go."
"What do you mean? Letting you go from what?" Dee Dee asks.
"But he's repeating now. He's the one doing it. It's him" Biff says.
"It's not him!" I said "it can't be, it's still her she just a absorbing, like I said earlier"
. "They're separating" Jethro says ignoring me.
"Mrs Silvestry, is that you?" Hobbes asks.
"Yes. Yes, it's me."
"Yes. Yes, it's me."
"I'm coming back"
"I'm coming back."
"It's me."
"It's me."
"Like it's passed into the Doctor. It's transferred. Whatever it is, it's gone inside him" Jethro says.
"No, that's not what happened." Dee Dee said
"Look at me, I can move." Sky said looking at her hands
"Look at me."
"I can feel again."
"I can move. I can feel again."
"I'm coming back to life."
"I'm coming back to life."
"And look at him. He can't move."
"And look at him. He can't move."
"Help me."
"Help me."
"He's trying to resist." I said as I crouched down behind the Doctor
"Get me away from him."
"Get me away from him."
Hobbes takes Sky's hands and helps her up.
"Doctor, please" I ask.
"Oh, thank you."
"Oh, thank you."
"They've completely separated" Jethro says.
"It's in him. Do you see? I said it was him all the time."
"She's free. She's been saved." Val said
"No she hasn't, keep away from her." Alex said as she turned and went in front of the Doctor cupping his head.
He was stiff
"Oh, it was so cold."
"Oh, it was so cold."
"I couldn't breathe."
"I couldn't breathe."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry."
"I must have scared you so much."
"I must have scared you so much."
"Doctor, " I say.
"No, no, it's all right. I've got you. Ooo, there you are, my love. It's gone. Everything's all right now" Val says hugging Sky.
"I wouldn't touch her" I say, as I took the sonic screwdriver out of the doctors pocket and scanned him.
There were no reading
"But it's gone. She's clean. It passed into him" Biff says.
"That's not what happened" Dee Dee says.
"Thank you for your opinion, Dee, but clearly Mrs Silvestry has been released."
"Just leave her alone. She's safe, isn't she? Jethro, it's let her go, hasn't it?"
"I think so, yeah. Looks like it. Professor?"
"I'd say, from observation, the Doctor can't move. And when she was possessed, she couldn't move, so..."
"You're all wrong, all of you are so so dull, have you never been in a manic situation before." I say as I put the screwdriver back in his pocket
"Well, there we are then. Now the only problem we've got is this Doctor, and the pond " Biff says.
"It's inside his head."
"It's inside his head."
"It killed the driver."
"It killed the driver."
"And the mechanic."
"And the mechanic."
"And now it wants us."
"And now it wants us."
"I said so" Val says.
"He's waited so long."
"He's waited so long."
"In the dark."
"In the dark."
"And the cold."
"And the cold."
"And the diamonds."
"And the diamonds."
"Until you came."
"Until you came."
"Bodies so hot."
"Bodies so hot."
"With blood."
"With blood."
"And pain."
"And pain."
"Stop. Oh, my God, make him stop. Someone make him stop" Val says.
"It's not him" I mumble.
"And you can shut up" Val says pointing to me.
"But it's not him, it's her. He's just repeating" I say.
"But that's what the thing does, it repeats" Biff says.
"Let her talk" the hostess says
"What do you know? Fat lot of good you've been."Biff said
"Just let her explain."Dee Dee replied
"From what I seen it repeats, then it synchronises, then it goes on to the next stage and that's exactly what the Doctor said would happen, she's the voice. She stole it. Look at her. It's not possessing him, it's draining him" I say "he's repeating her, not the other way around"
"She's got his voice."
"But that's not true, because it can't. Because I saw it pass into him. I saw it with my own eyes" Val says.
"So, did I" Biff says.
"And I'm telling you It went from her, to him. You saw it, didn't you?" I said to Jethro
"I don't know" Jethro says.
"I know what I saw, and I saw her stealing his voice" Dee Dee says.
"She's as bad as them. Someone shut her up" Val says.
"I think you should be quiet, Dee." Hobbes say
"Well, I'm only saying."
"And that's an order! You're making a fool of yourself, pretending you're an expert in mechanics and hydraulics, when I can tell you, you are nothing more than average at best. Now shut up."
I rise up from my place next to the doctor "You dare say she's anything more than average, she's one of the smartest people in the room, 100 times smarter than you mr Hobbes so I suggest professor of horse shit that you shut your mouth before I fucking make you." My outburst came quicker than expected but it needed to be done
"That's how he does it."
"That's how he does it."
"He makes you fight."
"He makes you fight."
"Creeps into your head."
"Creeps into your head."
"And whispers."
"And whispers."
"Just listen."
"Just listen."
"That's him."
"That's him."
"Throw him out" Biff says.
"Get him out of my head" Val says.
"Yeah, we should throw him out" Biff says.
"Don't you dare touch him" I say.
"Don't just talk about it, just. You're useless. Do something" Val says.
"I will. You watch me. I'm going to throw him out."
"Throw him out."
"Throw him out."
"Get rid of him."
"Get rid of him."
"Now" Biff takes hold of the Doctor from behind.
"Let him go." I shout as I grab hold of the doctors hand
"It'll be you next" Val says.
"Oh, yeah, try me!" I say as I try to pull the Doctor
"I don't think we should do this" the hostess says.
"It was your idea. Professor, help me" Biff says.
"I can't. I'm not."
"What sort of a man are you? Come on."
"Throw him out" Val says.
"Come on. "Just do it. Throw him out."
"Help. Professor, help me" the two were too strong for me so my grip weakened however the Doctor manages to hook his foot onto a seat.
"Get him out."
"Grab hold of him. Not like that. Are you stupid?"
I walk to where my bag was, hooked to the seat.
"Cast him out."
"Cast him out."
"Into the sun."
"Into the sun."
"And the night."
"And the night."
"Get him out."
"Come on. Don't just stand there. Do something. Get her off" Biff says. "
Get him out" Val says.
"Put him down or so help me god, you won't live till tomorrow" I pointed my gun at biff and Hobbes who froze.
"Molto bene."
"That's his voice" the hostess says.
"The starlight waits."
"The starlight waits."
"The emptiness."
"The emptiness."
They drop the Doctor
"The Midnight sky."
"The Midnight sky."
"It's her."
"She's taken his voice!" The hostess grabs Sky and rushes her towards the entrance door. She presses the button and everyone screams as the bright light floods in
"No!" I shout as I climb over the Doctor and pass everyone
"one, two, three, four, five, six" the pressure wall collapses. The hostess and Sky are sucked out and the door closes.
My hands collide with the door as I let out a huge sigh, placing my head against the door, taking my tattoo marker out of my pocket I add another 3 dashes, finishing a tally.
"It's gone. It's gone. It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone, it's gone, it's gone. It's gone, it's gone, it's gone" he says I hear the doctor say as I let out a huge groan.
I turn around, pressing my back up against the door and slide down it, I put my head on my knees.
Everywhere I go, people seem to die, Rory and now these two.
The doctor came over and crouched down in front of me.
"Alex." His voice barely above a whisper. I looked up at him and smiled
"Thought i lost you there for a second." I replied as he smiled and gave me a open hand.
I took it and he helped me up. When we were fully up he engulfed me into a hug and squeezed me tightly
"Thank you for getting them to not kill me" the doctor said as he placed his chin on top of my head
"Anytime." I mumbled into his chest
"Repeat. Crusader Fifty rescue vehicle coming alongside in three minutes. Door seals set to automatic. Prepare for boarding. Repeat. Prepare for boarding." The doctor let go of me
"The hostess. What was her name?" he asks, I shrug.
"I don't know."
We let everyone else board the shuttle before the doctor getting on himself, I stayed back.
"Come on." The doctor said as I shook my head
"I've always been able to leave when I wanted, you already know that, till we see each other again doctor." I said as the doctor nodded his head bye.
The doors closed as the shuttle left and I just sat in the abandoned carriage, looking at the shambles that was left.
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