"you all alright?" Biff says
I groan and look at the Doctor, who was below me as we landed on the seats. His arms were wrapped tightly around me as he opened his eyes
"Hiya." I said as the doctor smiled, bringing his arms from around me so I could get up. I offered him a hand and he took it, standing next to me.
"Arms, legs, neck, head, nose. I'm fine. Everyone else? How are we?" The Doctor asks,
I nodded slightly to tell the doctor I was fine before looking behind me, on the screen appeared a blonde women who was mouthing something I couldn't make out, and then the screen went black again.
I furrowed my eyebrows as I squinted at the scene
"Your bleeding." The doctor said pulling me out of my trance, pulling my arm from my side to look at the blood coming down my arm from my elbow, but it stopped at the tally's
"What's that." He asked referring to the death count tattoos
"Spoilers." I said as I pulled my arm away from his smirking
"I'll go and grab a tissue and clean up." I said, the crowd broke as I went to the back of the cart to clean myself up.
"The cabin's gone." I heard the doctor say as I came back
"Don't be ridiculous. It can't be gone. How can it be gone?"
"Well, well, you saw it."
"What cabins gone?" I asked as I emerge from the back
"There was nothing there, like it was ripped away."
"What are you doing?" Biff aims his torchlight at the panel the Doctor is working on.
'When did they get torches' I thought as I walked forward to the doctor standing by him
"Ah, that's better. Little bit of light. Thank you. Molto bene."
"Do you know what you're doing?" Val asks.
"The cabin's gone. You'd better leave that wall alone" Biff says.
"The cabin can't be gone."
"No, it's safe. Any rupture would automatically seal itself" the Doctor says as he removes the panel and looks at the wiring.
"But if it gets separated?"
"It loses integrity. I'm sorry, they've been reduced to dust. The driver and the mechanic. But they sent a distress signal. Help is on its way. They saved our lives. We are going to get out of here, I promise. We're still alive, and they are going to find us" the doctor says.
"Doctor, look at her" Sky hasn't moved.
"Can someone grab the medical kit I just used?" I ask.
"Why won't she turn around?"
"Sky? Can you hear me? Are you, all right? Can you move, Sky? Just look at me" the doctor says as I stand behind him
"That noise from outside. It's stopped." Jethro said
"Well, thank God for that." Val said
"But what if it's not outside anymore? What if it's inside?" Jethro added
"Inside? Where?"
"It was heading for her."
"Bloody hell Jethro, want to put anyone else on edge?" I rolled my eyes at him
"Sky? It's all right, Sky. I just want you to turn around, face me" Sky turns slowly and stares into the torchlight. She looked around at everyone sharply, looking intensely at me and then the doctor
"Are you, all right?" The doctor asked
"Are you, all right?" Sky repeated after him
"Are you hurt?" The doctor asked again
"Are you hurt?" Sky replied
"You don't have to talk."
"You don't have to talk."
"I'm trying to help."
"I'm trying to help."
"My name's the Doctor."
"My name's the Doctor."
"Ok, can you stop?"
"Ok, can you stop?"
"I'd like you to stop."
"I'd like you to stop."
"Why's she doing that?" Hobbes asks.
"Why's she doing that?"sky repeated after him
"She's gone mad" Biff says.
"She's gone mad."Sky repeated
"Stop it" Val says.
"Stop it."
"I said stop it."
"I said stop it."
"I don't think she can" Dee Dee says.
"I don't think she can."
"All right now, stop it. This isn't funny" Hobbes says.
"All right now, stop it. This isn't funny."
"Shush, shush, shush, all of you" the Doctor says.
"Shush, shush, shush, all of you." Me and sky repeated together
Everyone looked at me in shock and the doctor looked very worried
"Prank day" i say stifling a laugh
"Prank day" sky repeated
The doctor rolled his eyes a val said "do you think this is funny"
"Do you think this is funny"
"My name's Jethro."
"My name's Jethro."
"Jethro, alex leave it. Just shut up."the doctor said
"Jethro, alex leave it. Just shut up."
"Why are you repeating?" The doctor got on his feet but crouched down so he could look into sky's eyes
"Why are you repeating?"
"What is that, learning?"
"What is that, learning?"
"Absorbing?" I ask
"The square root of pi is 1.772453850905516027298167483341. Wow."
"The square root of pi is 1.77245385090551602729816756495. Wow."
"But that's impossible" Hobbes says.
"But that's impossible."
"She couldn't repeat all that." I said confused
"She couldn't repeat all that."
"Tell her to stop" Val says.
"Tell her to stop."
"She's driving me mad."
"She's driving me mad."
"Just make her stop!"
Just make her stop!" People start talking over each other, with Sky still repeating their words.
"Stop her staring at me. Shut her up" Val says. "Stop her staring at me. Shut her up."
"It's got to be a trick" the hostess says.
"It's got to be a trick."
"That's impossible" Dee Dee says.
"That's impossible."
"I'm telling you, whatever your name is" Biff says.
"I'm telling you, whatever your name is."
"Now, just stop it, all of you" the doctor says. "Now, just stop it all of you."
"Her eyes. What's wrong with her eyes?"
"Her eyes. What's wrong with her eyes?"
"She can copy anything" Jethro says.
"She can copy anything."
"Biff, don't just stand there, do something. Make her stop."
"Biff, don't just stand there, do something. Make her stop"
"You're scaring my wife."
"You're scaring my wife."
"Big whoop, think shes kinda scaring everyone." I said rolling my eyes
"Big whoop, think shes kinda scaring everyone"
"Mrs Silvestry."
"Mrs Silvestry."
"Six, six, six."
"Six, six, six."
"She's different. She's something else. Do something. Make her stop."
"Make her stop" the lights come back on, shutting everyone up.
They turned the torches off
"That's the back-up system."
"Well, that's a bit better."
"What about the rescue? How long's it going to take?"
"About sixty minutes, that's all."the hostess says
"Then I suggest we all calm down. This panic isn't helping. That poor woman is evidently in a state od, self-induced hysteria. We should leave her alone."Hobbes says
"Doctor, alex" Jethro says, as he watches sky echo everything Hobbes says at the same time
"We know."the doctor said as we stood side by side, looking at sky on the floor
"Alex, Doctor, now step back. I think you should leave her. Alone. What's she doing?" Hobbes asks as he realises sky starts speaking at the same time.
"How can she do that? She's talking with you. And with me. Oh, my God. Biff, what's she doing?" Both val and Sky said at the same time
"She's repeating, at exactly the same time."
"That's impossible."
"There's not even a delay."
"Oh man, that is weird."
"And exciting" alex said as she twisted her head to the side slightly
"I think you should all be very, very quiet. Have you got that?" I said
"How's she doing it?"
"What did I just say" I asked rolling my eyes
"Mrs Cane, please be quiet" The doctor says.
"How can she do that? She's got my voice! She's got my words!"
"Come on, be quiet. Hush, now. Hush. She's doing it to me" Biff says
"Just stop it, all of you. Stop it, please." The doctor says
He crouched down to sky on the floor
"Now then, Sky. Are you Sky? Is Sky still in there? Mrs Silvestry? You know exactly what I'm going to say. How are you doing that? Roast beef. Bananas. The Medusa Cascade. Bang! Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, alex pond, TARDIS. Shamble bobble dibble dooble. Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes, I am, thank you."
"And you call me childish" both Sky and I said
"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O. First, she repeats, then she catches up. What's the next stage?" The Doctor asks.
"Next stage of what?" Dee Dee asks.
"That's not her, is it. That's not Mrs Silvestry anymore" Jethro says.
"I don't think so, no. I think the more we talk, the more she learns. Now, I'm all for education, but in this case, maybe not. Let's just move back. Come on. Come with me. Everyone, get back. All of you, as far as you can" the doctor says moving everyone back as I crouch down to watch sky more intently.
"Doctor, make her stop" Val says.
"Val, come with me. Come to the back. Stop looking at her. Come on, Jethro. You too. Everyone, come on. Fifty minutes, that's all we need. Fifty minutes till the rescue arrives. And she's not exactly strong. Look at her. All she's got is our voices" the Doctor says.
" I said everyone back, that's means you too alex pond" the doctor adds
"Shush." Alex says as she looks into sky's eyes
"I can't, I can't look at her. It's those eyes" Val says.
"We must not look at goblin men" Dee Dee says.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Biff asks.
"It's a poem. Christina Rossetti" I say from where I'm crouched .
"We must not look at goblin men. We must not buy their fruits. Who knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry, thirsty roots?" Dee Dee continues.
"Actually, I don't think that's helping" the Doctor says
"And neither are you stood there, I said get back, alex." The doctor says as alex speaks
"Yea yea, whatever." Alex says and Sky repeats
"She's not a goblin, or a monster. She's just a very sick woman" Hobbes says.
"Maybe that's why it went for her" Jethro says.
"There is no it" Hobbes says.
"Think about it though. That knocking went all the way round the bus until it found her. And she was the most scared out of all of us. Maybe that's what it needed. That's how it got in" Jethro says.
"For the last time. Nothing can live on the surface of Midnight" Hobbes says.
"Professor, I'm glad you've got an absolute definition of life in the universe, but perhaps the universe has got ideas of its own, hmm? Now trust us, we've got previous. We think there might well be some consciousness inside Mrs Silvestry, but maybe she's still in there. And it's our job to help her" the Doctor says.
"Well, you can help her. I'm not going near" Biff says.
"No, i got to stay back, because if she's copying us, then maybe the final stage is becoming us. We don't want her becoming me or things could get a whole lot worse" the Doctor says.
"I can also get a whole lot worst in becoming alex who might I add is not moving so I will literally drag her myself " the doctor shouted
"Oh you don't want to become me, do you Sky"
"Oh, like you two are so special" Val says.
"As it happens, yes, we are. So that's decided. We stay back, and we wait. When the rescue ship comes, we can get her to hospital" the doctor says
"We should throw her out" the hostess says.
"I beg your pardon?" Hobbes asks.
"Can we do that?" Val asks.
"Don't be ridiculous" I said as I went back and sat on the seats, still watching Sky to try and figure out what was happening
"That thing, whatever it is, killed the driver, and the mechanic, and I don't think she's finished yet" the hostess says.
"She can't even move" the doctor said.
"Look at her. Look at her eyes. She killed Joe, and she killed Claude, and we're next" the hostess says.
"She's still doing it. Just stop it. Stop talking. Stop it!" Biff shouts, coming from behind the back
"Biff, don't, sweetheart" Val says.
"But she won't stop. We can't throw her out, though. We can't even open the doors" Biff says going back to everyone
"No one is getting thrown out" the doctor says sternly.
"Yes, we can. Because there's an air pressure seal. Like when you opened the cabin door, you weren't pulled out. You had a couple of seconds, because it takes the pressure wall about six seconds to collapse. Well, six seconds exactly. That's enough time to throw someone out" Dee Dee says.
"Thanks, Dee Dee. Just what we needed" i said.
"Would it kill her outside?" Val asks.
"I don't know. But she's got a body now. It would certainly kill the physical form" Dee Dee says.
"No one is killing anyone" The doctor says.
"I wouldn't risk the cabin door twice, but we've got that one. All we need to do is grab hold of her and throw her out" the hostess says
"Now, listen, all of you. For all we know that's a brand-new life form over there, and is just confused. And if it's come inside to discover us, then what's it found? This little bunch of humans. What do you amount to, murder? Because this is where you decide. You decide who you are. Could you actually murder her? Any of you? Really? Or are you better than that?" I ask coming over to the bunch of people .
"I'd do it" the hostess says.
"So, would I" Biff says.
"And me" Val says.
"I think we should" Dee Dee starts.
"What?" The Doctor asks.
"I want her out" Dee Dee says.
"You can't say that" the Doctor says.
"Sky is a person, she's a human like you, just because a life form has taken her body captive doesn't meant the solution to kill the life form is killing Sky."
"I'm sorry, but you said it yourself. She is growing in strength" Dee Dee says.
"That's not what we said" the Doctor says.
"I want to go home. I'm sorry. I want to be safe" Dee Dee says.
"You'll be safe any minute now. The rescue truck is on its way" the doctor says.
"But what happens then, doctor? If it takes that thing back to the Leisure Palace, if that thing reaches civilisation. What if it spreads?" the hostess asks.
"No, because when we get back to the base, we'll be there to contain it" the Doctor says.
"You haven't done much so far" Val says
"You're just standing in the back with the rest of us" Biff says.
"She's dangerous. It's my job to see that this vessel is safe, and we should get rid of her" the hostess says.
"Now, hang on. I think perhaps we're all going a little bit too far" Hobbes says.
"At last. Thank you" the Doctor says.
"Two people are dead" the hostess says.
"Don't make it a third. Jethro, what do you say?" The Doctor asks.
"I'm not killing anyone" Jethro says.
"Thank you" I say.
"He's just a boy" Val says.
"What, so I don't get a vote?" Jethro asks.
"A boy who has better judgment than your stupid brain." I smiled at val who's mouth dropped
"There isn't a vote. It's not happening. Ever. If you try to throw her out that door, you'll have to get past me and alex first" the Doctor says and I wink
"Ok" the hostess says.
"Fine by me" Biff says.
"Oh, now you're being stupid. Just think about it. Could you actually take hold of someone and throw them out of that door?" The Doctor says.
"Calling me a coward?" Biff asks.
"You are one, not facing up to the problem at hand, instead your trying to get rid of it by killing her, if that's not a coward to me I don't know what is"I said .
"Who put you in charge, anyway?" Val asks the doctor and me.
"I'm sorry, but you're a Doctor of what, exactly?" Hobbes asks.
"He wasn't even booked in. The rest of you, tickets in advance. Her ticket holder photo is about 2 years old, she looks completely different yet it says that the ticket was bought 2 weeks ago. Where are you from?" the hostess says.
"We're just travelling. We're travellers, that's all" The doctor says.
"Like immigrants?" Val asks.
"Who were you talking to? Before you got on board, you were talking to someone. Who was that?" The hostess asks.
"Just Donna. My friend, our friend donna" the Doctor corrected.
"And what were you saying to her?" Biff asks.
"He hasn't even told us his name" Val says.
"The thing is though, Doctor, you and Alex have been loving this" Jethro says.
"I like dangerous situations, shoot me" I say
"No, but ever since all the trouble started, you've both been loving it" Jethro says.
"It has to be said, you both do seem to have a certain glee" Hobbes says.
"All right, we're interested. Yes, we can't help it. Because whatever's inside her, it's brand new, and that's fascinating" the Doctor says.
"What, you wanted this to happen?" Val asks.
"No" I say.
"And you were talking to her, all on your own, before all the trouble. Right at the front, you were talking to that Sky woman, the two of you together, she was kissing my son. I saw you" Biff says as he looks between the doctor and me
"We all did" Val says.
"And you both went into the cabin" the hostess says.
"What were you saying to her?" Biff asks.
"We were just talking" the doctor said
"Saying what?"
"You called us humans like you're both not one of us" Jethro says.
"He did. That's what he said" Val says.
"And the wiring. He went into that panel and opened up the wiring" Dee Dee says.
"That was after" the Doctor says.
"But how did you know what to do?" Val asks.
"Because I'm clever!" The doctor shouts .
"Excuse me, I'm just as clever as you." I said to the doctor who turned to me and mumbled "not now."
"I see. Well, that makes things clear" Hobbes says.
"And what are we, then? Idiots?" Biff asks.
"Yes at this point in time"
"That's not what I meant" the doctor talked over the top of me
"If you're clever, then what are we?" Dee Dee asks.
"You both have been looking down on us from the moment we walked in" Val says.
"Even if he goes, he's practically volunteered" Hobbes says.
"Oh, come on, just listen to yourself, please" the Doctor says.
"Do you mean we throw him out as well?" Biff asks.
"If we have to" the hostess says.
"Look, just. Right, sorry, yes, hold on, just. I know you're scared, and so are we. Look at us, we are. But we have all got to calm down and cool off and think" the Doctor says.
"Perhaps you could tell us your name" Hobbes says.
"What does it matter?" The Doctor asks.
"Then tell us" the hostess says.
"John Smith."
"Your real name."
"He's lying. Look at his face" Biff says.
"His eyes are the same as hers."
"Why won't you tell us?" Jethro asks.
"It's a simple enough question" Dee Dee says.
"He's been lying to us right from the start."
"What's your name?" The hostess asks.
"No one's called John Smith. Come off it" Biff says.
"Well he is so get a grip." I said
"Listen to me all of you, if you're going to get out of this you need me!" The doctor shouted as we both backed up
"So you keep saying, you've been repeating yourself more than her."
"If anyone should be in charge it should be the professor, he's the expert" val says
"In stupid decisions." I argue back
"Just stop, look." Jethro said as I turned around to look at sky
"You keep out of this Jethro"val adds
"Look at her."
"She's stopped." I say and she no longer repeats
"When did she?" Sky repeated with the doctor
"No she didn't she's still doing it." The both of them said
"No, Doctor Jethro is right, she's stopped except from when you." I stopped myself as we both looked at each other
"Shit" I mumbled
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