"BEHAVE" I shouted while getting back to moving around with this console
"You promise me darlek Kan, why did you not foresee this." Davros turned around to face kan carefully as Micky still had a gun that Jack threw him from out the TARDIS pointed to his head
"Hahahahaha" Kan started to laugh evilly
"I think he did." The original doctor said
I bent down and continued to fix some wires. I remember doing this type of training in UNIT, which now I'm thinking about it, they just prepared me for when I travelled with the doctor.
"Something been manipulating the time lines for ages" the original doctor said as I stood up
"Getting Donna Noble to the right place and the right time."
"This would've always has happened, I only helped doctor." Kan said from his position on the ship
"What about Alex, what was your plan." The other doctor shouted
"There wasn't." Kan replied
"Full of surprises." I whispered while finishing pressing buttons
"You betrayed the daleks?" Davros sneered
"I saw the daleks. What we have done, throughout time and space, I saw the truth of us creator, and I decreed, "NO MORE!" " Kan said
"I will descend to the vault." Another daleks replied while going down to the vault
"Heads up." Jack shouted pointing his gun.
I stood there and watched it unfold as the 2 doctors continued to move about and finish what we started.
"Davros you have betrayed us." The dalek said "the vault will be purged, you will all be exterminated."
The dalek started shooting and me and the two doctors. We tried our best to shield ourselves but knew we need to leave and fast
"Feel this." Jack said beheading the dalek
"Ah the magnetron." The original doctor said examining the console we fixed and was using to fix the planets
" there was only one planet left." I said looking at the screen just below my legs
"Guess which one." I mentioned
"We can use the Tardis." The original doctor said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the Tardis.
The doctor and me started to get the Tardis ready when it shook suddenly.
The original doctor ran out and I could see him ushering everyone in. Once everyone was around the console the other doctor took it upon himself to start pressing buttons and switching levers.
The originally doctor still wasn't inside so I pushed past the companions closest to the door and peaked outside.
The other doctor destroyed them, destroyed the daleks.
The original doctor was holding his hand out for Davros and I grabbed his other.
"Let's not butcher this." I said and he nodded, letting me pull him inside. He ran before me and started the Tardis which sent me flying to the floor.
"You could've waited!" I shouted as I got up quickly and managed to make it between the other doctor and Sarah Jayne
"What about the earth, it's stuck in the wrong time of space." Sarah Jayne said
"I'm on it, torchwood hub." The original doctor said into the screen "this is the doctor. Are you recovering me?"
"Loud and clear, is jack there?" Gwen asked
"Can't get rid of him." I shouted and the doctor laughed
"What's her name." The doctor looked between me and Jack
"Gwen cooper." Jack answered
"Tell me, Gwen cooper, are you from an old Cardiff family."
"Yeah, all the way back from the 1800s"
The original doctor muttered something and him and rose looked at eachother and smiled
"Torchwood, I want you to open the rift manipulator and send all the power to me." The original doctor demanded
"What's that for?" Martha asked
"It's a tow rope." The original doctor quickly answered
"Sarah what was your sons name?"
"He's called luke." Sarah said "and the computer is Mr Smith."
"Calling Luke and mr Smith. This is the doctor." The original doctor continued to speak into is screen
Luke said something but I couldn't quiet make it out but the doctor responded
"Fine and Dandy, now Mr Smith, I want you to harness the rift power and loop it around the Tardis."
Mr Smith spoke but it was too quiet to hear from my side of the console.
"Tardis base code numerals, that will take awhile." The doctor said
"Let me." Sarah Jayne tan to the original doctors side
"K9 out you come" she shouted
"Good dog." The doctor shouted and I laughed, remembering the story Mickey told me about him.
"Transferred?" I asked and the doctor nodded
"Now then you lot Sarah, hold that" the doctor pulled Sarah to the side of me and told her to hold something
"Mickey that." The doctor rushed to his side.
"Do you know why this Tardis is rattling about." Doctor rushed to rose side and told her to hold onto something
"It's designed to have 6 pilots." I said
"And I have to do it single handed" the doctor said rushing to Martha and jack, telling them to hold pieces
"We can fly this thing, no no no Jackie don't you touch anything you just stand back." The original doctor said when he got to Jackie and she just nodded in agreement
"We got the Torchwood rift wrapped around the Tardis by Mr Smith. We're gonna fly planet Earth back home"
The original doctor ran to his position and pressed a button and off we went.
I smiled at all the companions before me and leant against the railings around the console next to the other doctor who smiled between me and Donna who joined us
Once Earth was in its rightful spot we all cheered and started celebrating.
The other doctor hugged me tightly, saying me side to side then hugging Sarah Jayne.
Jack was next to engulf me followed by Donna who quickly pushed me into Mickey and Martha going in for a long hug herself with jack.
I hugged rose and Jackie at the same time leaving the original doctor till last who picked me up off the floor and spun me around.
Finally once all the celebrating was done we landed back on earth. Sarah Jayne and the original doctor was first to poke there heads out followed by jack, Martha and Mickey.
"Oh I'd never salute you." I said coming out of the Tardis watching jack and Martha salute before leaving
" I wish they'd stop" the original doctor said and I laughed
"You need to get use to it, they worship you." I mentioned and laughed to myself as even though when I hated to doctor for leaving me as a kid all those years ago, deep down I was still fascinated by him.
"So when do you." He motioned to Martha had Micky walking off.
"Very very soon I believe, I'm not sure, don't want to give any spoilers" I smile and adjusted my clothes and the original doctor placed his hands in his pockets
"Where you off now then." He asked
"Who knows, you'll probably pop around as soon as I get home, whichever one of you that is, river may be there, may go and see Martha and Mickey and tell them I finally moved the planet, who knows."
The original doctor hugged me one last time.
"River was right, you are special to me." He pointed at where my second heart now is.
"Special to you? I am you." I joked as I walked off in a random direction, hoping I could get some space to travel home in private.
Back at UNIT present day
I sat on my sofa, finally taking a break at home in sweats and my hair plaited nicely when a knock at the door brought me out of thought.
The doctor stood there drenched from the rain and so looked to be in emotional pain. He took a risk travelling this far in the future on his own timeline.
"Are you ok?" I asked and he looked at me blankly.
"You can." The doctor brushed past me and sat on the sofa. I grabbed my new sonic blaster that weapons department weren't going to be happy with me already having a new one and placing it on the charging port while then going and sitting down by the doctor.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I said and he shook his head
"I don't know why I came I just." The doctor went to continue his sentence but stopped
"The knowledge was too strong for Donna and I had to make her forget about me." The doctor mentioned and I huffed, knowing this was coming soon .
I placed my head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand lacing it in mine.
"Do you want me to come."
"I don't want to hurt you, I don't want you to forget too." He said and I stifled a laugh
"I'm part you remember, practically indestructible, you won't get rid of me any time soon"
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