WE WALKED BACK into the meeting hearing the last bit of what the girls said. The Doctor applauded.
"Not bad for a first session. More similarities than differences." The Doctor commented.
There then was a whirring sound.
"The transport has returned. Your friends are here." Eldane informed.
Rory walked through the door way followed by ambrose and Tony
"Here they are." "
Mum!" Elliot ran over to Ambrose.
"Rory!" Amy exclaimed
Rory shook his head disapprovingly "Something's wrong." I said furrowing my eyebrows
Tony entered carrying what looked like a body in cloth, I shook my head and rolled my eyes, that was the creature that was captured, I knew it.
"Please tell me it's not who I think it is." I said
"No. Don't do this. Tell me you didn't do this." Tony laid down the creature on the floor
The Doctor squatted down and pulled the cloth away to reveal Alaya's face.
He sighed putting it back in place then he glared at Tony.
"What did you do?"
"It was me. I did it." Ambrose spoke
"Mum?" Elliot asked.
"I just wanted you back."
Elliot walked away from her while everyone else looked at her with shame.
The Doctor walked up to Eldane, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. You have to believe me, they're better than this." The Doctor said
"This is our planet!" Ambrose shouted.
"We had a chance here!" Amy shouted
The Doctor walked over to Ambrose. "In the future, when you talk about this, you tell people there was a chance but you were so much less than the best of humanity."
soldiers entered the room along with Restac, they surrounded us.
"My sister." She saw the body and went and uncovered it, crying slightly. I bowed my head in a prayer to her.
"And you want us to trust these apes, Doctor?"
"One woman." The Doctor stated
"She was scared for her family. She's not typical." Restac faced Ambrose.
"I think she is."
"One person let us down. But there's a whole race of dazzling, peaceful human beings up there. You were building something, here, come on, an alliance could work."
"It's too late for that, Doctor." Ambrose said
"Our drill is set to start burrowing again in..." She checked the stopwatch she was holding. "15 minutes."
"What?" Nasreen asked
"What choice did I have? They had Elliot." Tony defended.
"Don't this, don't call their bluff." The Doctor warned.
"Let us go back. And you promise to never come to the surface ever again. We'll walk away, leave you alone." Ambrose reasoned
I went to Alaya side, crouching down to look at the dead Silurian.
"execute her!" Restac pointed at Ambrose.
"No!" The Doctor pulled Ambrose to safety just as the soldiers fired.
"Everybody back to the lab! Run!" Everyone ran for the exit.
I was basically with all the soldiers so my path was not so clear. The Doctor pulled out the sonic screwdriver and used it on the guns causing them to explode, he motioned for me to run into his arms and I did, he pushed me behind him.
"This is a deadly weapon - stay back!"
It was my turn to pull the doctor from what he was doing, we both ran in the tunnel hand in hand following everyone
"Take everyone to the lab!" The Doctor said to me as I nodded to "
I'll cover you! Go! Go!" The Doctor took a stand
"Someone stay with him." I shouted, Rory stayed back as I lead the others to the lab.
Rory and The Doctor was last In the lab and using his sonic screwdriver the doors shut
"Elliot, you and your dad keep your eyes on that screen. Let me know if we get company.Amy." The Doctor tossed her the stopwatch that he took from Ambrose
"Keep reminding me how much time I haven't got."
"Okay, 12 minutes till impact." Amy stated.
"Alex over here." The doctor shouted to me and I walked over to where Tony was sitting and Nasreen was standing next to him.
"Tony , sweaty forehead, dilated pupils, what're you hiding?" I asked .
Tony opened his shirt to show the infection had spread across his chest.
"Tony! What happened?" Nasreen asked concerned.
The Doctor uses the screwdriver as a scanner on area.
"Alaya's sting. She said there's no cure. I'm dying, aren't I?" Tony asked.
The Doctor moved to the control panel and checked his readings on his sonic.
"You're not dying, you're mutating. How can I stop it? Decontamination program! Might work, don't know. Eldane, can you run the program on Tony? "
"Doctor, a shedload of those creatures coming our way! We're surrounded in here!" Mo shouted
Eldane and I helped Tony to the chamber
"So, the question is, how do we stop the drill, given we can't get there in time? Plus also, how do we get out, given that we're surrounded? Nasreen, how'd you feel about an energy pulse, channeled up through the base of the drill?"
"To blow up my life's work?"
"Yes. Sorry. No nice way of putting that." The Doctor said.
"Right, well, you're going to have to do it before the drill hits the city, in..."
"11 minutes, 40 seconds..." Amy informed.
"Yes! Squeaky bum time!" The Doctor joked .
"Not the time!" I shouted from Tony's chambers helping the elder
"And your comments are always during the right time, I think not alexia!" The doctor remarked
"Yes, but the explosion is going to cave in all the surrounding tunnels so we have to be on the surface by then." Nasreen then explained
"But we can't get past Restac's troops." Rory said.
"I can help with that..." Eldane said as we came drone the chamber
"Toxic fumigation - an emergency failsafe meant to protect my species from infection. A warning signal to occupy cryo-chambers. After that, citywide fumigation, by toxic gas. Then the city shuts down."
"You could end up killing your own people." I said furrowing my eyebrows.
"Only those foolish enough to follow Restac." Eldane replied.
"Eldane, are you sure about this?" The Doctor asked.
"My priority is my race's survival. The Earth isn't ready for us to return yet."
"10 minutes, Doctor." Amy informed.
"But maybe it should be. So here's the deal. Everybody listening? Eldane, you activate shutdown, I'll amend the system, set your alarm for 1,000 years' time." The Doctor instructed
"1,000 years, to sort the planet out. To be ready. Pass it on. As the legend, or prophecy, or religion, but somehow, make it known. This planet is meant to be shared."
"Yeah. I get you." Elliot said.
"Nine minutes, seven seconds." Amy stayed . I joined the elder at the controls as well as the doctor
"Yes, fluid controls, my favorite! Energy pulse timed, primed and set. Before we go, energy barricade, need to cancel it out quickly." He used the sonic on the controls and the barricade came down.
"Fumigation pre-launching." Eldane stated.
"There's not much time for us to get from here to the surface, Doctor!" Rory shouted.
"Ah-ha! Super-squeaky bum time! Get ready to run for your lives. Now..." I cut off the doctor
"But the decontamination program on tony hasn't started yet."
"Well, go. All of you! Go." Tony Said
"No, we're not leaving you here!" Ambrose protested.
"Grandad!" Elliot ran to Tony and hugged him.
"Right 8 minutes, 10 seconds." Amy informed.
"No, you look after your mum." Tony said to Elliot.
"You mustn't blame her. She only did what she thought was right."
"I'm not going to see you again, am I?" Elliot asked.
"I'll be here." Tony touched Elliot's heart. "Always. I love you, boy." Tony hugged Elliot again
"You be sure he gets home safe!" Tony Said to ambrose while Elliot went over to Mo who pulled him close.
"This is my fault."
"Pretty much" i Said as I earned a flare not only from Amy, but Rory and the doctor
"No, I can't go back up there. I'd be a freak show. The technology down here's my only hope." Tony hugged Ambrose.
"I love you, Dad."
"Go. Go. Come on... Go on." Eldane started the fumigation.
"Toxic fumigation initiated. Return to cryo-chambers." The speaker system sounded.
"Let's go!" I shouted
"Ok. Everyone follow Nasreen or Alex. Look for a blue box. Get ready to run."
The Doctor used the sonic on the door making it slide open.
He turned to Eldane. "I'm sorry."
"I thought for a moment, our race, and the humans..."
"Yeah. Me too." The doctor replied.
"Doctor! We've got less than six minutes." Amy said.
"Go! Go! I'm right behind you!" I led everyone through the tunnels to the normal police box.
"In there everyone, just gonna wait for your driver." I Said opening up the one door to the box and leaning on the other
I looked at my vortex manipulator, the time was slowly ticking, where the hell was amy and the doctor?
"Where is Amy"Rory asked coming out of the box
"I don't bloody know."
I saw the doctor and Amy running towards us.
"Come on!" I shouted
The Doctor stopped when he saw the crack in the tunnel wall, the same crack from Amy's childhood bedroom.
"Not here. Not now. It's getting wider." The Doctor said. "The crack in your bedroom wall."I said
"Two parts of space and time that should never have touched right here." The Doctor walked up the wall and squatted down.
"And the Byzantium. All through the universe, rips in the continuum. Some sort of space-time cataclysm. An explosion, maybe. Big enough to put cracks in the universe. But what?"
The Doctor studied the crack
I walked over to the doctor and stood next to him
"Not enough time doctor, let's go !"
"The Angels laughed when I didn't know. Prisoner Zero knew everybody knows, except me!"
"Doctor, just leave it." Amy said.
"But where there's an explosion," The Doctor pulled a red hankie from an inside pocket. "There's shrapnel."
"Doctor, you can't put your hand in there!" Rory tried to say.
"Why not?" The Doctor reached in with the hand holding the hankie.
"I've got something!" The Doctor exclaimed.
"What is it?" Amy asked. The Doctor fell to the ground, item in his hand
"I don't know."
"Doctor!" Rory exclaimed. A dying Restac crawled into the tunnel.
The Doctor jumped off the ground, stepping in front of Alex
"She was there, when the gas started, she must've been poisoned." Amy stated .
"You!" Restac exclaimed.
"Okay, get in the Tardis, all three of you." The Doctor reached into a jacket pocket
"You did this." Restac aimed her gun at the doctor
"Doctor!" Rory rushed over to me and the doctor pushing us both away. The doctor managed to cushion my fall as he held on tight to me.
"Rory!" Amy cried out as she rushed over to him. Rory groaned in pain as Restac died.
"What the hell rory!" I shouted getting up rushing to his side as did the doctor
"I don't understand!" Rory said as the doctor soniced him
"No no no Rory." I Said getting up walking away from him
"I can't die here." Rory whispered, a tears escaped my eye
The doctor walked over to me and turned me around
"What doctor see my cry go on" I shouted as he held my wrist
"I can't deal with two of you." The doctor whispered as he pulled the sleeve of my jacket down
"What are you doing no!" I shouted as tired to pull away, I struggled against the doctor. He pulled me in and hugged me while holding my wrist, putting my home coordinates and dates.
"I'm sorry alexia, I'm so so sorry."
I was no longer in the doctor embrace yet in the middle of a street. Instantly I could tell it was London because of the 'Piccadilly' sign I landed in front of. But I still had to comprehend That rory was gone... and it was all his fault.
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