WE ENTERED THROUGH another automatic door to see more chambers.
"These chambers are all over the city." Amy said as we walked through the corridor.
Amy stopped for some reason but as soon as she did, the light of one of the chambers came on, scarring mo behind me
"Turn it off quick." I turned around and the lights turned off
"What are you doing now." I exclaimed
"They are not moving." Mo said facing the chamber
"Let's have another look" Amy said doing whatever she did before turning the light on
"Amy don't" mo insisted until he say the creatures
"Those are like the ones that took the doctor and nasreen." I Said as mo looked at me
"Nasreen is here?" He questioned and I nodded
"She was the other other half of the rescue team." I replied nodding
The chambers opened suddenly and mo took a deep breath
We watched the creature as it was breathing heavily. I took it as a chance to get a good look at them
"Alex what are you doing." Mo asked as Amy said
"Get out of there."
I made circles around the creature before saying
"It's some sort of animation." I Said as I looked up to find tubes, like when they are needed they would be sucked up
Mo noticed them too
"It's how they get out of here, up to the surface." Amy said
"Even better there are weapons." Mo said as he carefully took it out of the arms of the creature
"There's only two." Amy said as I shrugged getting out of the capsule
"Take it amy, I'm more trained then you." I winked at her
She rolled her eyes taking the other weapons carefully out of the arms and I closed the chambers up
"Which way now." Mo asked as I took lead, walking to the doors at the end others behind me
"Are you sure?" Mo asked as Amy replied for me
We walked out to see a whole warehouse of Silurian soldiers
"Wow." Mo said
"Yea" Amy replied
"We stand no chance" I Said as Amy nodded
"We actually have to find the doctor." Amy said as we all turned around and I led them back the way we came
We finally found the doctor by following the voices but on Amy's command I had to stay with her. We entered through another door, aiming a gun at one of the creature .
"Let them go!" Amy shouted.
"Amy Pond, there's a girl to rely on." The Doctor said
"What am I then." I asked coming from behind Amy and the doctor looked at me wide eye
"Your alive." He had a smile on his face
"Why wouldn't I be." I asked
Mo entered through the main door aiming another gun."You're covered both ways, so don't try anything clever, buster."
"Mo!" Nasreen exclaimed
"Now let them go, or I shoot." Amy warned.
"I'm warning you!" The creature grabbed the gun from Amy and pushed her to the ground.
"Leave her alone!" I shouted in defense of my sister.
A creature came up to me and using my combat skills I managed to take lose of a gun grabbing it myself. Next thing I new I had two shoulders holding my arms behind my back and pushing me to the floor
"Watch it" the doctor shouted
"And you." The creature said
The soldiers approached Mo, he reluctantly gave up his gun.
"Alright, Restac. You've made your point."The creature that was with Amy earlier said trying to reason.
Restac walked over to the creature.
"This is now a military tribunal. Go back to your laboratory, Malokeh."
One of the soldiers pushed Malokeh in the direction of his lab
"This isn't the way." Malokeh said while making his exit.
The Doctor, Amy, Nasreen, and Mo were all brought over to two pillars. The Doctor and Nasreen were tied up to one, and Mo, and Amy to the other one, myself however was tied and had soldiers either side to me holding my arms
"Okay, sorry, as rescues go, didn't live up to its potential." Amy said
"I'm glad you're okay." The Doctor told her.
"Me too! Lizardmen!" Amy asked .
"Homo reptilia... They occupied the planet before humans. Now they want it back."The doctor commented
"They can have it back if these things let go of me." I squirmed In my place before being lifted up off the floor so I couldn't reach it like a child
"I've never felt so short." I Said after I stopped struggling being let down
"Wiping out the human race" nasreen referees back to earlier
"Right, preferred it when I didn't know, to be honest." Amy said.
"Why isn't she tied to a pillar?" Mo asked referring to me
"She attacked a Silurian and she won so I'm not surprised" the doctor mentioned as the soldiers lined up like a firing squad.
"Why are they waiting? What do you think they're going to do with us?" Nasreen asked the doctor and when he didn't respond for a second she looked at me
I watched as restac walked over to the long table that stood in the middle of the room, pressing a few buttons and a giant projection appeared.
It was the church basement. Everyone could see Rory, Tony, and Ambrose.
"Who is the ape leader?" Restac asked.
no one in the basement answered.
"Who speaks for the apes?"
Rory stepped forward."I speak for the humans. Some of us, anyway."
"Do you understand who we are?" Restac asked.
"Sort of. A bit. Not really." Rory said as I stifled a laugh.
"We have ape hostages." Restac replied.
She showed us all to Rory
"Doctor! Amy! Alex, why are you being guarded?" Rory questioned.
"Why is that the topic of everyone's conversation?" I mumbled
"Mo! Mo, are you ok?" Ambrose asked her partner.
"I'm fine, love! I've found Elliot. I'm bringing home!" Mo replied.
"Amy! I thought I'd lost you!" Rory sighed with relief
"What, cos I was sucked into the ground? You're so clingy." Amy said with my sarcastic attitude, what can I say, we are sisters
"Tony Mack!" Nasreen exclaimed.
"Having fun down there?" Tony asked
"Not to interrupt, but just a quick reminder to stay calm." The Doctor butted into the little reunion
"Show me Alaya. Show me and release her, immediately, unharmed, or we kill your friends, one by one."
"No!" Ambrose shouted
"Ambrose..." Rory tried to stop her.
"Steady now everyone." The Doctor reasoned.
"Ambrose, stop it!" Tony trying to stop ambrose .
"Get off me, Dad!... We didn't start this!" Ambrose exclaimed.
"Let Rory deal with this Ambrose, eh!" The Doctor said.
"We're not doing what you doing what you say anymore. Now, give me back my family." Everyone stood there, waiting tensely for Restac's reply.
"No. You know what? Execute the girls."
The soldiers behind me held on tight and started moving me. Others went over to Amy and nasreen. We all tried to resist which made them only caused them to grip on tighter.
I could see Rory pushing Ambrose aside.
"No! No, wait! She's not speaking for us!".
We were pushed to the centre of the room and I looked around for a way out.
"There's no need for this!" The Doctor tried to rip free of the pillar, but with no luck."
"Listen! Listen! Whatever you want, we'll do it!" Rory begged.
"Aim." Restac ordered.
"Amy!" Rory cried.
"Alex" The Doctor also cried.
"Don't do this!"
"No!" Rory shouted.
The connection of the projector was lost just in time for restac to say
"Stop!"Everyone turned there heads to see Malokeh entering with an older Silurian
"You want to start a war, while the rest of us sleep, Restac?" The elder asked.
"The apes are attacking us!" Restac shouted
"You're our protector, not our commander, Restac. Unchain them." The elder commanded.
"I do not recognize your authority at this time, Eldane." Restac said
"Well, then, you must shoot me." Eldane said
Restac approached The elder
"You woke him to undermine me." Restac said .
"We're not monsters. And neither are they." Malokeh replied.
"What is it about apes you love so much?" Restac asked.
"While you slept, they've evolved. I've seen it for myself." Malokeh said
"We used to hunt apes for sport. When we came underground, they bred and polluted this planet."
"Shush now, Restac. Go and play soldiers. I'll let you know if I need you." Eldane instructed.
"You'll need me, then we'll see." Restac stormed out and the solider unchained me as well as everyone else
The Doctor ran to hug amy quickly the nuggets me from behind picking me up and spinning me around
"Doctor its be what two hours." I Said while giggling
He put me down and went over to the table to turn the projection back on showing a panicked Rory.
"Rory, Hello!" The Doctor greeted
"Where is Amy?" Rory asked,
"She's fine, look, here, she is." The Doctor replied.
I waved at him as did amy, he sighed with relief
"Oh, thank God." Rory said.
"Keeping you on your toes!" Amy said
"No time to chat. Listen, you need to get down here. Go to the drill storeroom, there's a large patch of earth in the middle of the floor. The Silurians are going to send up transport discs to bring you back down using geothermal energy and gravity bubble-technology. It's how they travel and frankly, it's pretty cool. Bring Alaya. We give her over, we can land this after all. All going to work, promise. Gotta dash! Hurry up!" The Doctor ended the signal.
Soon rather than later the peace talks began. Amy and Nasreen were seated on one side of the table with Eldane on the other the Doctor, Mo, and were standing, and I leant against the end of the table by Amy back to them all
I was in my own world until The Doctor shouted my name and I turned around
"What?!" Nasreen asked shocked
"No, we're not!" Amy exclaimed
"Course you are! Pond sisters and Nasreen Chaudhry, speaking for the planet!"
The Doctor stood behind nasreen and Amy as I shook my head
"Humanity couldn't have better ambassadors. Come on, who has more fun than us?" The Doctor moved by me
"Not your smartest idea." I remarked turning again sitting on the edge of the table as Amy joined us
"Is this what happens, in the future, the planet gets shared? Is that what we need to do?" Amy asked
Nasreen walked over to us.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, Nasreen, sorry, probably worth mentioning at this stage, the Amy, Alex and I travel in time quite a bit" The Doctor explained quickly.
"I barely travel with them, I have my own time thing." I Said whipping out my votes manipulator strapped to my wrist to show her
"Anything else?"
"There are fixed points through time, where things must always stay the way they are. This is not one of them. This is an opportunity, a temporal tipping point. Whatever happens today, changes future events, creates its own timeline, its own reality. The future pivots around you. Here, now. So do good. For humanity, and for Earth."
"Have fun you two, I refuse to speak on behalf cause I will say something completely irrelevant and get us all killed so no pressure." I remarked
"We can't share the planet. Nobody on the surface is gonna go for this idea. It is just too big a leap!" Nasreen said
"Come on. Be extraordinary."
"Oh... you..." Nasreen went back to sit at the table.
"Ok." The Doctor said as I turned to have the table.
"Bringing things to order - the first meeting of the representatives of the human race and homo reptilia is now in session. Ha! Never said before, that's fab! Carry on! Now."
The Doctor pointed at me and Mo. "Mo, let's go get your son." The Doctor pulled me off the table and we both walked to mo
"Oh, you know, humans, and their predecessors shooting the breeze. Never thought I'd see it."
We were back outside the room containing Elliot.
"Elliot, there you are." The Doctor said
Malokeh used the panel outside to bring Elliot back to the living
"If you've harmed him in any way..." Mo warned.
"Of course not! I only store the young." Malokeh said.
"But why?" The Doctor asked.
"I took samples of the young, slowed their lifecycles to a millionth of their normal rate. So I could study how they grew, what they needed, how they lived on the surface." Malokeh explained.
"You've been down here, working by yourself, all alone?"
"My family through the millennia. For the last 300 years, just me." Malokeh turned to Mo.
"I never meant to harm your child."
"Malokeh, I rather love you."
"It's safe. We can wake him." Malokeh entered the room and removed the wires.
He motioned for Mo to come forward.
"Come."Malokeh stepped out and Mo entered before his son woke
"Elliot? El, it's Dad."
"What...? Dad." Elliot asked.
No and Elliot hugged each other in a
"You're safe now."
"Where are we?" Elliot asked.
"Well, I've got to be honest with you, son. We're in the center of the Earth and there are lizard men."Elliot looked at me the doctor and Malokeh
"Wow."The Doctor entered the room.
"Elliot, I'm sorry. I took my eye off you."
"It's ok. I forgive you." Elliot shook The Doctor's hand.
Everyone started down the hallway."You go on, Doctor. I'll catch up." Malokeh said.
I didn't think twice before going down the corridor, the others not far behind
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