Rivers death hit me very hard, I knew I haven't finished my journey with her since we are in different time frames but I still watched her die.
She knew so much about me and in reality I knew so little about her.
I sat there thinking about river and the last time we met, I am travelling with the doctor now since I couldn't take it anymore. Amy and Rory stopped coming on adventures and decided to settle back in their town.
"Where are we going doctor" I said, it was my 23rd birthday yesterday and we just come back from visiting a lovely planet.
"To see your sisters child of course" the doctor said as he whizzed around his tarsus.
I jumped up in excitement as the doctor flipped the switch for us to appear in the little town.
"Hold on tight alexia." The doctor said as I listen to his instruction hold the railing around the console.
The tardis shook as we landed, finally being on earth again.
"Let's go alexia" the doctor said as he grabbed my hand pulling me to the doors and opening them.
I could see a little cottage and lots of hills from behind the doctor as he stepped on the flowers that we seemed to landed on, also breaking the slabs that surrounded them. Myself however stayed in the tardis doorway
"Rory." The doctor shouted as I watch Rory Williams, Amy's husband, come from the cottage
"I've crushed your flowers" The doctor said pointing to them.
"Any will kill you." Rory said
"Where is she." I asked jumping out of the tardis and swiftly onto the floor, keeping clear of the mess the doctor made.
"Oh she's going to need a bit longer" Rory said as Amy emerged with a huge stomach
"Oh wahey!" The doctor said as everyone cheered at Amy's bump
"You've swallowed a planet" The doctor said
"I'm pregnant."
"I know that, you are huge." The doctor said as i rolled my eyes
"When worlds collide, oh look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size" The doctor said hugging Amy and pointing to Rory's hair.
"And look at you alexia." Rory said as he looked at me
"That my little sister!" Amy Said as she gave me a hug, I hugged back
"You've grown up so fast" Amy Said as the doctor laughed
"So, are you definitely pregnant"
Amy laughed at the doctor inviting everyone in. Soon after we all went for a walk around leadworth.
"Ah lead worth." The doctor said as we all walked in a horizontal line down the path. Rory, me, the doctor then Amy.
"Vibrant as ever."
"It's upper leadworth actually? We've gone slightly upmarket." Rory said, making sure we listened
"Okay flash the cash." I Said as the doctor laughed then he stopped
"Where is everyone" I asked
"It quiet I know but it's restful and healthy." Amy Said as we all stopped in front of some benches, myself taking a seat first
"I wanted to see how you Where I don't abandon people when they leave the tardis" everyone followed me as Amy sat on the end, Rory, then the doctor. I took it upon myself to rest my legs so I placed them on the doctor as he put his arms on them, making sure they don't fall off.
"This is time lords for life" The doctor said
"You won't be getting rid of us easily" alexia said as Amy and Rory giggles
"You came here by mistake didn't you" Amy Said
"Slightly, I thought we were going to a beach" I said truthfully
"Look at the result." The doctor said
Suddenly I started to hear birds chirping, like a song and my eyes got very droopy, I was getting very tired all of a sudden.
"Doctor I'm gonna take a " Then everything went black
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