Moving On Quickly
Later that evening Kaminari was mopping around the dorms and made it to the kitchen where Supāku was waiting for him.
"Hey I made you dinner since you didn't eat with everyone else!" Supāku said motioning towards the plates of rice, curry, and naan she had made.
"Thanks Supāku" Kaminari smiled softly.
She handed him a plate and grabbed the other. As she followed him to his room.
"You didn't eat either?" Kaminari asked as he opened his door.
"No I waited for you" Supāku smiled.
Kaminari smiled at her as he walked into his room, Supāku followed pursuit closing the door behind her catching a glimpse of Jiro at the end of the hall with a guilty face.
Kaminari sat his plate on his little table before laying down in his bed. Supāku sat her plate down and stood next to the bed not sure how to help him. She then got an idea and jumped on the bed on top of Kaminari starting to tickle him. Kaminari laughed and rolled over on his back as Supāku continued to tickle him while sitting on him. He then grabbed her and rolled over pinning her under him.
"Your turn Supāku!" Kaminari laughed before tickling her.
She began to laugh super loudly as Kaminari tickled her sides knowing she was super ticklish. She laughed a little to loudly though because there ended up being a knock at the door. Kaminari got up and opened the door to see Mr. Aizawa and several of their classmates there.
"Mind explaining what's going on in here?" Mr. Aizawa asked.
"Tickle fight" Kaminari shrugged.
"You know girls are not allowed in boy rooms same as no boys in girl rooms right?" Mr. Aizawa sighed.
"Sorry sir she just kinda followed me in here and I wasn't really thinking about it at the moment" Kaminari nervously smiled rubbing the back of his head.
"Sorry Mr. Aizawa I was just trying to cheer Kaminari up!" Supāku said jumping next to Kaminari.
"Just don't let it happen again I would prefer not to explain to your parents about why their kids are having a kid or something" Mr. Aizawa walked away.
Kaminari and Supāku were stunned for a moment after he left. Both turned red faced and looked at each other.
"What?!" They exclaimed in unison.
"You both should be ashamed of yourselves, you know the rules!" Iida said with his usual hand movements.
"Sorry I'm depressed and Supāku was trying to make me feel better" Kaminari snapped sarcastically.
Everyone looked at him stunned, Supāku grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the room.
"Sorry for breaking the rules, I promise I have no intention of doing anything like what Mr. Aizawa mentioned with Kaminari please go back to bed we'll be quiet now" Supāku smiled apologetically closing the door.
Kaminari was on his bed in the corner and Supāku sighed. She grabbed their plates of food and sat next to him.
"Here let's eat before it gets cold." Supāku whispered.
Kaminari took the food and started to eat it. For a moment his face still looked sad but then turned to joy as the flavor of the rice, curry, and naan hit his tongue. He began to gobble it down while Supāku ate more slowly watching him with a smile. Soon they finished their food and took their dishes to the kitchen. Kaminari helped Supāku wash, dry and put away the dishes.
"Hey Supāku?" Kaminari kicked the floor with his heel.
"Yeah Kaminari?" Supāku leaned back to look at him as she dried the last dish.
"Why do you think Jiro cheated on me?" Kaminari looked down.
"Cuz she's a stupid, unloyal, dumass" I growled.
"Yeah I guess" He mumbled.
Supāku put that dish away and stood in front of Kaminari. Kaminari was leaning backwards against the counter lost in though when Supāku reached her hands out slowly slipping them on his waist. He looked up shocked, she gave him a sad smile and slide her hands up and around to his back hugging him tightly leaning her body against his. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her tighter against him, her body fitting perfectly against his. Kaminari looked at her as her head rested in his chest, she had her eyes closed and her face full of empathy.
"You know what I realize?" Kaminari whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair.
"Hmm?" Supāku sighed.
"You are always there for" Kaminari grinned.
Supāku opened her eyes and leaned her head back to see his face. Curiosity filled her eyes as she listened to him.
"You are always by my side, you care about me a lot, you are always there to cheer me up when I am sad, you cook for me all the time, your always so thoughtful, and you know me like the back of your own hand" Kaminari looked at the ceiling his face beginning to blush.
"I, um, yeah?" Supāku blushed not knowing where Kaminari was going with this.
"Jiro was the exact opposite, I don't know why I was with her when.......when I could have been with you" Kaminari closed his his whole face turning red because of what he said.
"Denki" Supāku whispered leaning closer against him.
"Natori, I'm sorry for saying such a thing to my best friend. I just feel like if it had been you then maybe my heart wouldn't feel so broken." Kaminari smiled apologetically.
"It's okay Denki!" Supāku grinned brightly at him with her face red.
Kaminari nodded and looked away nervously. Supāku watched him for a couple of minutes, taking in every single movement he made. Her heart was racing as she felt herself lean her head closer to his. His eyes immediately snapped back to her, he looked at her slightly parted lips with a gulp and leaned forward pressing his lips against hers. Supāku melted into the kiss pressing her body against his as her breath hitched. They continued kissing only taking a gasp of air here and there. There was footsteps and the sound of someone clearing their throat that caused them to pull away from each at lightening speed.
"It's 11:00 o'clock at night go to bed you two!" Bakugo demanded.
"Crap I didn't even notice!" Kaminari laughed nervously.
"Just head to bed dunce face and dead ash, and don't worry I'm not judging you and I won't say anything to anyone." Bakugo yawned before walking them back to Kaminari's room. Supāku grabbed Kaminari's hand gently laying her head on his shoulder as he opened the door. He motioned for her to go inside quickly.
"Night Baku!" Supāku said racing inside.
"Night fire bird!" Bakugo chuckled.
"Sorry for the bother Bakugo" Kaminari apologized.
"It's nothing just take care of her 'kay? I trust you with her Kaminari I know you aren't the type to do what Mr. Aizawa was hinting at earlier." Bakugo yawned and walked off towards his room.
Kaminari smiled and closed his room behind him. He grabbed Supāku's hand and pulled her to the bed.
"Can you stay here tonight Supāku?" Kaminari asked sitting on his bed.
"Yeah!" Supāku smiled her face still flushed.
Kaminari crawled to the wall side of the bed and patted the other side for her to lay down too. Supāku laid down next to him with her back to him. Kaminari pulled her closer, snaking his arms her waist and pulling blankets over them. They fell aslseep with their bodies entangled and happy smiles.
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