Live Stream
I should really be writing the request I got but no, you get whatever the fuck I dreamed up while I was half-asleep
"Hey, Jan! C'mon, you're gonna be late."
Janus rolled his eyes. "One second." They pulled the beanie down further over their head. "Do I look okay?"
Remus rolled his eyes. "You look stunning, just get over here." He said snappishly.
Janus ran over and sat down next to Remus. "This is completely stupid." He muttered.
"I know. But we promised if the show ever got to four seasons, we'd do a live stream for questions." Remus reminded them. "So come on."
Janus sighed. "Fine. When are we going live?"
"Now, I think." Remus looked at the camera and waved. "Hi."
Janus pinched the bridge of their nose and tried not to laugh. "Rem, we don't even know if the camera's on yet." He said.
"No, the camera's on." Remus said. He pointed at the projector screen. "See?" Janus looked up and saw both himself and Remus on the screen, a flurry of live stream comments in one corner.
"Oh shit." They said, laughing. "Um, hi, yeah. I'm Janus Dagger and I play Zac son of Hades in Godshow."
Remus waved like a maniac, giggling. "I'm Remus Winston and I play Jacob son of Aphrodite in Godshow."
"I think we're here so we can answer any of you questions and just, in general, talk about the show." Janus said, looking at Remus to check this was right. Remus nodded, grinning.
"Yeah, so, ask away." Remus said, laughing. "And, um, later I think we're rewatching some of the older episodes?"
"Oh no." Janus said, hiding his face in his hands and laughing. "That's gonna be a disaster."
"Hey, Jan, we have a question." Remus grabbed Janus' chin and pulled his head up. "Let everyone see your beautiful face."
Janus batted Remus' hands away. "Idiot." He mumbled. "Anyway, question, question- What are our pronouns?" Janus smiled. "Um, thank you for asking. My pronouns are he/they and Rem-"
"My pronouns are he/him." Remus said.
"Yeah, Rem's basic." Janus said, barely getting through the sentence without laughing.
"Sorry, what?!" Remus asked, faking anger. "Basic?! Moi?!"
Janus laughed. "Sorry, sorry." They said, putting their hands up. He pulled on his beanie self-consciously, careful Remus wouldn't steal it again.
"Okay, new question, yay." Remus said, looking at the screen. "When did you two decide your characters were going to date? Um..."
"Uh, we didn't really decide that." Janus said.
"Yeah, yeah, that was the writers." Remus said.
"I mean, I decided to play Zac maybe a bit more flirty than the script called for but he's a flirty kind of character." Janus said. "He enters on a motorcycle, for God's sake."
"Yeah, blame Jan for the sudden gay in the show." Remus said, pointing at his co-star. Janus threw his head back and laughed.
"Ah yes, a show based on the Greek Gods being gay!" They said. "Definitely my fault. Definitely not the plan from the beginning." Janus gave Remus a playful shove. "Come on, Rem."
"Best blooper on set?" Remus read off the screen, ignoring Janus. "I remember this one time my brother Roman, plays Rex son of Zeus," Remus added, "he missed the timing for the pyrotechnics. So he," Remus laughed, "he did the little, like, Zeus power pose thing and absolutely nothing happened." Remus laughed again. "And the- the thing was he was completely off beat so he made a little, like, poof noise for the powers and went on with his lines and right in the middle of one of the lines, all the lightning and shit went off." Remus burst out laughing, covering his mouth. "It was so great."
"You're not gonna let him forget that, are you?" Janus asked.
"What kind of brother would I be if I did?" Remus asked.
"My favourite blooper was actually one of my own." Janus said. "So, you know the prosthetics I have to wear for the character? Like, the scales and flames and stuff?" Janus gestured to the left side of his face as he spoke. "Um, yeah, one day it was really hot and obviously Zac wears like all black and leather jackets and stuff. And it was right in the middle of one of the most dramatic scenes - I think it was the confession scene between Zac and Jacob actually."
"Oh yeah, I remember this." Remus said, giggling. Janus shot him a death glare.
"D'you wanna tell it too?" They asked.
"No, no, you go ahead." Remus said, putting his hands up.
"Thank you." Janus said sarcastically. "Anyway, um, it was a really hot day and I was dressed in all black and I couldn't tie my hair back so that was everywhere too. And I did that thing Zac does, you know the thing where he sweeps all his hair back when he's nervous?" Janus demonstrated by flicking all the hair out of his face and holding it behind his head with his hand. "That thing. Anyway, I did that and like half of my scales came away with the hair." Janus pinched his nose and giggled. "So I was just sort of stood there awkwardly with half my make-up in my hair and Rem laughing his ass off at me."
"In my defence, it was very funny." Remus said, laughing. "Cause it would've been such a good take if the make-up hadn't gone wrong."
"Most embarrassing day on set?" Janus read out. "Damn, you guys, gals and non-binary pals want to know all our secrets, huh? For me, probably Zac's first fight episode. You know, where he's fighting Rex? Yeah, um, I kind of pulled an Emma Watson and actually punched Roman and I didn't know half my lines that day so..." Janus trailed off into a shrug.
Remus laughed. "To be far, Ro deserved it." He said. "He was being a bit of a dick."
"You always think Roman's being a dick." Janus said.
"Because he is!" Remus said. "Anyway, for me - oh God, this is even embarrassing to say - it was probably kissing Janus when they were in full make-up. Cause we'd practiced it before and it was fine-"
"Making out in the corridor five minutes before shooting is not practice." Janus said, face-palming.
"Yeah it was!" Remus protested. "And how the fuck are you meant to navigate the scales?!"
"The scales don't go past my nose!" Janus protested. "You should be able to navigate them!"
Janus and Remus both looked at the live stream comments, which were going crazy from what Janus had just said.
"Jan, you complete idiot." Remus said flatly.
"Not my fault, you were the one who suggested making out." Janus said, not looking at Remus. Light red flushed their face.
"You're the one who brought it up." Remus said.
"Okay, next question." Janus said, his voice cracking slightly. "Are you two dating? With a fuck tone of exclamation marks. No, we're not." Janus looked at Remus." Unfortunately." He added under his breath.
"Are there any relationships on set?" Remus read out. "Um, yeah, actually. There's Logan and Pat-"
"Axel and Everest, respectively." Janus butted in.
"Yeah, they got together, what, two months ago?" Remus asked, looking at Janus for confirmation.
"I think so, yeah." Janus said. "That's why Axel and Everest look a lot closer on screen."
"Why do you two dress in the opposite aesthetics to your characters?" Remus read. They both looked down at their clothes.
"I look like I'm trying to do a cosplay of Jacob." Janus said, pulling on his over-sized jumper.
"All I need is some shitty prosthetics and I'm Zac." Remus said, laughing.
"Um, I don't know why we dress opposite to our characters." Janus said. "This is just my style." He did finger guns and laughed, shaking his head. "Janus, is that the ring from Zac's first appearance?" They read out. "Um, yeah, actually."
Janus pulled the ring off his finger and showed it to the camera. "Good eye. Um, amethyst and silver." They put the ring back on. "The director said I was allowed to keep one piece of my first costume and I liked the ring so..." Janus shrugged, smiling.
"Favourite line the other said?" Remus read out. "Oh, that's tough. Uhm, I'd probably have to go 'You have no idea who you're dealing with, Rex'. Just because of how badass Jan made it sound."
Janus laughed. "Do it, do it!" Remus said excitedly, shoving Janus. Janus laughed again.
"Okay, okay, okay." Janus took a breath and repositioned himself, immediately falling into the character of Zac. "You have no idea who you're dealing with, Rex." He said, a hint of menace in his voice. They laughed and they was Janus again.
"My favourite line of Rem's is probably the first line he ever said to me." Janus said. "Um, so I'd just entered as Zac and I'd nearly fallen off the damn motorbike and then Rem said-"
"Who the fuck are you?" Remus asked, adding a slight accent to his voice. Janus pointed at Remus, laughing.
"Yeah, that. First f-bomb in the series and nearly made me burst out laughing." He said. "Anyway, um, I think we're gonna take a small break and then go back through and watch some old episodes." Janus gave the camera a thumbs up. "So, see you then."
Janus got up off the couch as soon as the camera was turned off and pulled his hands through his hair, upsetting his beanie.
"Hey, Jan, what's up?" Remus asked, bouncing up next to him.
"Am I anything to you?" Janus asked. "Anything? At all?"
"What? Yeah, of course." Remus said. "You're my Jan. My Janus, best-"
"No, Rem," Janus sighed, "I mean romantically. Do you... do you feel the way about me I feel about you?"
"Well, depends what you feel about me." Remus said, his voice and eyes soft.
Janus fixed his beanie. "Rem, I think I'm in love with you." He said. "And I need to know if you feel the same because I can't work it out."
Remus hesitated and then pressed a small kiss to Janus' cheek. "I'm glad you feel the same." He said quietly. Janus laughed under his breath, hardly daring to believe it.
"For real?" He asked. Remus nodded.
"For real."
I love this. I love this so much.
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