Give Or Take
WARNING: Some sexual language, talking about Peter Dagger, talking about child abuse
"I can't believe you idiots got me to come over to your house and play your stupid sleepover games." Janus said from where he was draped over the sofa.
"Jan, if you don't like being our friend, you can just leave." Virgil said simply.
"No, I'm staying." Janus said quickly. Virgil laughed and Janus threw a cushion at him. "I'm just not happy about it."
"Girls, girls, can we not fight please?" Roman asked. Janus rolled his eyes and pulled his hat further down over his face. Now it looked like he was trying to be a sleeping cowboy. Only he was wearing a dress. And a leather jacket.
"Sure, protected your boyfriend, take his side." Janus said but by his tone of voice, everyone could tell he didn't really care. "Anyway, what are we doing before this gets too boring?"
"Let's play Give or Take!" Remus said excitedly, clapping his hands. Janus peaked out at Remus from under his hat.
"What's Give or Take?"
"A game me and Re made up." Roman said, tucking his feet under himself and pulling Virgil closer. Janus nearly gagged. They were so annoyingly affectionate in public. "Basically, someone asks you a question and you have to answer it truthfully or you get a point taken away from you. True answers get given points, false answers get taken points. Whoever has the most points at the end wins."
"What happens if you lose?" Janus asked, propping his hat on his forehead. Roman shrugged.
"Whoever asked you the last question comes up with a forfeit that you have to do." He said.
"Okay, so, let me get this straight-"
"Good luck with that." Remus said. Janus stared at him and sat up.
"So, let's say I ask Virgil if he's still a virgin and he lies and says no-"
Virgil broke out into a violent coughing fit at this, turning bright red. Janus smirked.
"I could make him do whatever I want?" He asked. Remus nodded to the side.
"Basically, yeah." He said.
Janus grinned. "Sounds fun."
"Did you have to lead with that example?" Virgil grumbled, over his coughing fit but still a violent red. Janus laughed.
"Yeah, I did." He smirked at Virgil's expression. "Let's play."
"Okay, Janus." Janus looked up at Remus. "Why do you always insist on wearing a skirt to school?"
Janus laughed. "God, I would've thought you would've gone with something dirty, Rem. Or at least a harder question." Remus opened his mouth to say something. "Don't even think about it." Remus closed his mouth, disappointed.
"How do you get him to do that?" Roman asked. "I can't even get him to shut up and I'm his brother!"
Janus shrugged. "I have my ways. Anyway, Rem, have you seen people's faces when I walk down the halls? No one can keep their eyes off me. Boys, girls, no one. And when you're bi, that's good. The more people looking at you, the more chance you got for partners." Janus checked his painted nails. "Also, it pisses off the teachers and that's always fun too."
Remus and Roman looked at Virgil, who knew Janus the most in depth and for the longest time. He nodded. "Yeah. Point given."
Janus grinned. "Great. Ten points to me."
"You know, Janus, for a liar, you're pretty truthful." Roman said. Janus laughed.
"You're only saying that because you're losing." He said. "Okay... Virgil."
"Oh no." Virgil hissed. Janus laughed.
"Why did you decide to date Roman?" He asked.
"C'mon, you know this, Jan." Virgil said, trying desperately to get out of this situation.
"True. But does he?" Janus asked. "Besides, you're so comfortable showing affection in public, show a little more."
Virgil hid his face in his hands and groaned. "Fine." He snapped. "I kissed Princey for a dare and realised I wanted to keep on kissing him. So I asked him on a date."
Remus burst out laughing. Virgil glared at him. "Point given." Janus said calmly.
"Remus." Virgil said. Remus stopped laughing, sensing he was in danger. "Do you have a crush on someone in this room?"
"Pfft, what? No." Remus said, a little too quickly. "C'mon, Virge, these questions were meant to be-"
"Point taken." Roman said. Remus' flushed cheeks immediately paled. "Only three points left, Re." Roman grinned.
"Ro." Remus said quickly. "Has Virgil ever embarrassed you?"
"No, course not." Roman buried his face in Virgil's hair and Janus rolled his eyes. "He's my Storm Cloud, he could never."
Janus fake-gagged. "Jee, thanks for that one, Rem. Now they're even more sickening."
"Point neutral." Remus said. "Because you haven't lied but you didn't tell the truth fully."
"Wow, thanks Remus." Virgil said. "That's going to plague me for the rest of this relationship."
"Janus." Roman said. "Why d'you never invite us over to your house to hang out? We've been to mine and Re's and we've been to Sunshine's but we've never been to yours."
Janus threw his legs over the sofa arm and no one missed how Remus' eyes followed their movement. Janus settled himself comfortably before speaking.
"You want to know why you can't come over to mine?" He asked. "Okay, fine. Last time I had a visitor my age over, I nearly died. She was called Alice and we were in the same DT class. We were in Year 7." Virgil flinched a little, knowing where this story was going. No one noticed.
"I guess you could say that I had a crush on her." Janus continued, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. "We went to my bedroom to talk. That's all we did. Just talked. I guess I was planning to ask her out or something. Anyway, I hadn't told my dad. I didn't think it would matter. But then he came home and he was so angry, I could tell. He sent Alice home with all the usual pretences. 'Oh, it's getting late'. 'We're sorry but we already have plans'. That kind of stuff." Janus took in a deep breath and let it out in a shaky way that wasn't normal for him.
"Jan, you don't-" Virgil said.
"Once Alice had gone," Janus said, ignoring Virgil, "dad really let his anger loose. He yelled at me. So much. If he had yelled any louder, I probably would've gone deaf. Then, he slapped me." Janus' hand went to his cheek as he said this, as if he was tracing old bruises. "He slapped me so hard and so much that I nearly blacked out and hit my head on the kitchen counter. He nearly killed me." Now, Janus wasn't looking at the ceiling. He was looking directly at Roman. "That's why I don't allow people at my house. Because I don't want to die."
There was silence in the room.
"Sure-Surely that has to be a lie." Roman said eventually. Remus looked at Virgil. "Sunshine?" Roman asked. "That- Janus has to be... right?"
Virgil picked at a hole in his jeans. "Point given." He said quietly. Remus looked at Janus.
"Jan, I'm so-"
"I know your sorry." Janus said. "Everyone always is."
"Have you-"
"Tried calling the cops?" Janus shrugged. "Who'd believe me over my dad, come on? Anyway, let's carry on."
"Rem." Janus sang half an hour later. Remus nearly damn keeled over at Janus' tone of voice.
"Should I be as terrified as I am?" He asked. Janus laughed and shrugged.
"We'll see. So, Rem," Janus inter-locked his fingers and rested his chin on his hands, "top or bottom?"
"Top, obviously." Remus said.
"Point taken." Roman said. Virgil burst out laughing and Remus flushed bright pink. Janus snickered.
"Oh, don't pretend like you're not the same, Ro." Remus snapped. Now Roman flushed pink. "I've heard you two. You seriously need to get more sound-proof walls, Ro, Jesus Christ."
Janus laughed and clapped his hands in glee. "Oh, I knew this round would be fun. Anyway, Rem, you're down to one point." His teeth glinted as grinned. "I'll have to think of a really tough question for you to fail at."
"Ro!" Remus said, his voice nowhere near being even. "How long have you had a crush on Virgil for?"
Roman buried his face in Virgil's hair and mumbled something no one could hear. Remus cupped his hand to his ear dramatically.
"What was that, Ro?" He asked.
"Three years." Roman said.
"Aw, Princey." Virgil said, barely holding back a laugh. Roman sucked in his cheeks and glared at a wall.
"Point given." Remus crowed delightedly.
"Janus, have you ever experimented with pronouns and what was the outcome?" Roman asked, saying the first thing that came to mind because, for once, he didn't want to be the centre of attention.
Janus shrugged. "I tried a couple of mixes. Went by he/they for a while but ended up going back to he/him. It's just most comfortable." He said.
"Point given." Virgil said.
"Rem?" Janus asked. Remus stared at the ground, determined to not show how much he blushed when Janus said his name like that. "Who do you have a crush on?"
"No one!" Remus blustered quickly. As Roman laughed, he realised what he'd just done.
"Point taken." Roman said. "You're out of points, Re."
Janus crossed his legs over one another. "Just like how I planned." He stood up and pulled on Remus' sleeve. "Come on, Rem." Remus stood up and followed Janus out of the room obediently.
"Be nice to him, Jan!" Virgil called after him. "And don't take too long!"
Almost as soon as they were out of the living room, Janus pulled Remus close and kissed him. Remus' eyes widened before slipping closed as he pulled Janus closer by the waist. Janus cupped Remus' cheek and let his thumb graze Remus' neck every now and then. This drove Remus to near insanity and he was sure he'd die if Janus stopped kissing him. Remus thought he'd die either way when Janus bit down on his bottom lip gently.
"Two can play at that game, Janus." He thought. His hand slipped under Janus' jacket and over the low-cut back of Janus' dress. Janus gasped into the kissed when he felt Remus' fingers against his bare skin. He pulled back, flushed and panting for air.
Remus hadn't expected himself to recover from the kiss as slowly as he did and as soon as he had, Janus had caught his breath and was kissing him again.
"You wanna play that game, huh Rem?" Janus whispered against Remus' lips.
"You started it." Remus said.
"My forfeit, my rules." Janus said. He walked Remus backwards so he was pinned against a wall, one of Janus' hands either side of his head. "So, Rem? You really want to play this game?"
Remus grinned into the kiss. "Happily."
"Fine." Janus said. One of his hands slipped under Remus' denim jacket and shirt and the other hand pulled Remus forward into the kiss by his neck. Remus whimpered a little at the back of his throat and pulled Janus even closer. Janus pulled back and grinned at the blushing mess Remus had become.
"I like that noise." He said quietly.
"Horny bastards!" Roman yelled from the living room. "We can hear you, you know! If you're going to fuck my brother, Janus, have the decency to do it in a bedroom!"
The fact that this one shot gave me happy stims-
Please tell me if you liked this or not because I feel really guilty for liking this and I don't know why.
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