The Meeting
So they are seventeen in this because... just because I can
Genre: I don't actually know
Au: none
Warnings: Remus, swearing, unsympathetic light Sides (I like it, okay?)
Also, because Remus is still young in this he isn't as dirty minded.
Third person PoV
Remus was terrified. It had been a month since the split and his brother, once his best friend, had been acting unusually cold towards him. They barely spoke anymore which was shocking, considering that they used to be inseparable. He also noted that none of the others really talked to him, only his brother. Of course he was happy for Roman but he couldn't help but feel a little left out.
And now Patton, the first person he met besides Roman and the closest thing he had to a father-figure was explaining that they had to give him up to a supposedly evil group of Sides that were dangerous for Thomas. He should have known they didn't want him around. He was a fool.
"You see, it's not that we don't love you, it's just... having two creativity's in the mind palace could be really unhealthy for Thomas. And you want what's best for Thomas, don't you?"
Remus nodded silently, a river of tears streaming down his face and onto his shirt.
"Anyway kiddo, Roman, Logan and I will drop you off at the subconscious and-"
"Wait. Roman's not coming?!"
Patton didn't dare speak, he just looked down solemnly.
"No! N-No, y-y-you can't.... p-please don't take my brother from me! He's ... he's all I have. Pl-p-please?"
"I'm sorry kiddo..." He didn't even try look sincere.
"NO! YOU CAN'T! HE'S MY BROTHER, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" He collapsed in a heap, tears and snot running down his face.
"Do not raise your voice at me young man!" Mortality stood to his full height and loomed over The young Remus, who was still curled up on the floor. His voice was sharp and cold.
"I will not tolerate this behaviour! Now you are going with the Dark Sides, understand? Also, your precious brother already agreed to the plan- guess you don't have anything now,"
Then he left. Left too do who-knows-what but he left Remus alone in the dark kitchen. The Duke knew he would never be able to shake the picture of his twisted, insincere smile and unreadable eyes behind those crooked glasses out of his head for the rest of his life.
However, he was even more frightened about the Subconscious, he read stories about it- they told tales of a dark, forbidding place where cruelty lurked in every corner and evilness flowed through the air. According to Pat, the only people who lived their were wicked and hurt each other for entertainment-
He said one of them, Deceit, had to leave because he tried to kill him.
What had Remus done to deserve to live with these monsters for the the rest of his life? He only wanted Thomas to be safe and happy, but apparently that meant he had to go.
What did it even matter though? His only family had already abandoned him. He was utterly alone.
*+*+*+* Five hours later*+*+*+*
Remus PoV
After lunch we had set off, it only took
around eight minutes To get there though.
At a certain point in our journey the atmosphere felt colder but not really unsettling more like a soft Winters day.
I'm still very much on edge though, looks can be deceiving, Mortality is a great example of that, and I've heard the stories that circulate this place. All of them have gruesome endings.
My train of thoughts comes to a halt as we reach a tall, obsidian-black door with danger signs plastered across the front.
I guess we're here.
Logan steps forward, being the only one who wasn't scared - or at least the only one who didn't show it. He swiftly rapped his knuckles against the door and waited.
A minute passed. Then a second. Then a third until Logan finally decided to knock again, more forcefully this time.
Still no answer.
He was visibly irritated and was about to knock again when the door slammed open.
"Yess?" It was a short boy with glasses who answered the door, he wore a khaki cardigan and a loose, way-too-big tie, pared with denim jeans and sneakers.
"Ahh, Dr.Picani, good to see you again. I am to assume you are checking in on Remy again?"
This "Dr.Picani" guy looked lost for a second, "Remy? Oh right! Yeah, we discussed how Disney could help him get over his caffeine addiction,"
What the actual fuck is happening- who are these people?! This boy definitely doesn't look murderous.
"Patton! It's wonderful seeing you, so why are you paying the dark sides a visit? Are yo-
Who are they?!"
He pointed at Roman and I accusingly, I felt dread run through my veins.
Patton explained about the split and how I couldn't stay in the Mind Palace. He took a moment to process,
"why didn't you tell uss?"
"I didn't want to cause a commotion, Emile,"
"Well you're causing one now," something in Emile's tone changed, it was cool and collected with a dangerous undertone. I can see Roman back away from the corner of my eye,
"Do you seriously think you can come over here and just dump someone else on me?! You are ssso messssed up, taking a child from their only family? How sssick and twisssted are you?! Oh, but I bet you know a lot about breaking up family's, don't you?"
I was starting to pick up on Dr.Picani's slight lisp that almost sounded like hissing. Other than that I was still lost, I think someone forgot to tell me something.
Logic spoke up, "Emile what do you mean someone else?-"
He hesitated for a second, eyes widening as realisation hit him like a fatal blow,
"You're not Dr.Picani, are you?"
Roman looked at me as if to say, "should we ask, orrr..."
I just shrugged, curiosity taking over me and I turned back around.
However, Emile was gone- in his place stood a taller boy, who's wearing a collared, light-yellow shirt under a grey jacket and black pants. His messy, brown hair was concealed under a hat that was at an angle so it almost hid his left eye.
Wow, and I thought Logan was hot.
That's when I realised the entire left-side of his face was covered in shimmering, emerald scales that stretched from his forehead to (as far as I can see) all the way down his neck.
Even better.
He clapped his hands together, "very good Logic, I always /love/ our little meetings,"
"Deceit, what are you doing here and where are the others?" I paled, Deceit, the one who had tried to murder Patton?
"In case you have forgotten, you banished me here for being a freak. This isss my home, you have no right to be here. And, as for the others they are being /tortured/, obviously,"
Deceit said "you" like it was poison in his mouth. I couldn't care less though, was he really torturing the others?
That's probably when he caught me staring at him.
"My,my, what a pretty, little thing,"
He began walking towards me and takes my chin in his gloved fingertips, gently turning it from side to side and admiring me.
"D-Deceit th-this is Remus, he-e will be living with you and the Dark Sides," Mortality's voice shook, he was terrified, it was blatantly obvious and I realised that I liked this guy as long as Patton didn't.
As for me? I am a mess, a blushing mess. But I'm pretty sure Deceit knows that.
"Well then, I would /hate/ to keep you from the rest of your plans so I guess, we will go now," Deceit spoke, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the towering door. He whispered to me, "you don't need these people,"
I just nodded and that was it, we vanished behind the door and into a long, dimly-lit corridor.
"Is it true, do you hurt people?"
"Of coursssse not, only if they hurt me first! did Patton tell you that? Take no notice of him, he lies more than me,"
I suddenly remembered we are holding hands and got embarrassed again, desperately trying to find a topic of conversation, I decide on the one that's been constantly playing at the back of my mind on repeat.
"Can I still see my brother?"
"If Patton approvess, do you want to... talk about it? Your brother I mean,"
I didn't even realise the toll these events had taken on me until he asked that. Suddenly, I felt the entire realness of the situation come crashing down on me. And that's all it takes before I find myself crying into his arms and telling him everything.
At first he looks angry, then sad and then accepting.
He pulled me in for a hug,
"I'm sso ssssorry sweetheart, we aren't like that, I promise!"
I squeaked and hugged back, liking the warmth. That's when I noticed something weird, he was hugging me but, still holding my hand?
I look down in shock to find a third arm wrapped around me.
He followed my eyes and saw where I was looking,
"Oh, sorry this probably looksss odd. It's jussst something I can do,"
"THAT IS SO COOL- like how you turned into that Emile guy?"
He nods and pulls away, I miss the warmth already.
"Well, technically we can all do that-Never mind, Ready to meet the others?"
"Yes!" A wave of emotions wash over me, excitement, anxiety, lust-
(Wait, what-)
I grab his hand again and intertwine our fingers as he pushes open the door.
I'm not sure what I was expecting exactly, but definitely not what I was in front of me.
The walls were a dark grey colour, but it was almost entirely covered in pictures of different people and places.
It had a creamy, carpet floor as it seemed to be a living room. There was a massive staircase that was propped against the back wall, it had an old railing attached to it that would be perfect for riding down. It was a spacious room and it led straight into the kitchen( though I couldn't see it properly). Along the wall were little holes carved into the park stoned like an open window into the next room, there were small potted plant placed in
Them. However, my eyes landed on the pile of pillows in the middle of the floor, the pile was big enough to hide a deer amongst the various-coloured pillows. The song: "I Write Sins Not Tragedies," was blaring from inside it. It was a darker, more fancier version of Thomas's house.It was beautiful.
(Look at picture for an idea, it sucks but it was late)\/
"Welcome to the Ssssubconscious!"
Deceit laughed. God that laugh, I would do anything to here it, it was soft and angelic and I should probably stop now because I sound like a twelve-year-old girl.
"Who is that Janus?"came a voice from the kitchen then the, I'm assuming, real Dr.Picani came in carrying a smaller side in his arms, this side wore a baggy, black Hoodie that covered his face and jeans. Both of their faces and clothes were splattered in cake and other delectable pastries, almost as if they had just been in a very aggressive food-fight (turns out they were).
"Hello, Emile. Hello Paranoia," he gestured to the smaller Side before tuning to the pile of pillows, "and hello Remy, I do hope you're planning on moving my sssettee back. Anyways, everyone this is Remus he is Thomas's creativity,"
*+*+*+*Three hours later*+*+*+*
Third person PoV
After the long, and albeit boring explanation he spent some time getting to know the others.
He found out that Deceit's name was Janus - a name he thought was very beautiful- and he was part snake, hence the scales and over pronunciation of the letter "S".
He also leant that the younger one, Paranoia, was Thomas's Anxiety and that Remy or "Sleep"/ PillowGuy and Dr.Picani weren't actually Dark Sides but they just preferred it in the Subconscious for no apparent reason.
After all that, they watched a movie and messed around for a while then went to bed. Remus was happy that he wasn't going to live with a bunch of psychotic murders and just a little bit disappointed at the same time.
He had weird thoughts- disturbing thoughts- like that more and more but he was sure it was nothing. I mean, everyone deals with Intrusive Thoughts, right?
Deceit was trying to get to sleep but images of the new Side resurfaced his mind. It was stupid Deceit was a serious "villain" he shouldn't be crushing on someone he's known for a day! Yet here we are, Janus was also hurt though, Creativity had split over a month ago and no one had bothered to tell him or the others. Was he really that untrustworthy?
He couldn't elaborate on that thought though because someone was hammering on his bedroom door, "/get out/!"
Creaking slightly, the door opened to reveal a trembling Remus with red, puffy eyes like he had been crying. Janus felt a small fragment of his heart break.
"Nightmaresss?" He asked.
The creative side only nodded not trusting himself to speak.
"Oh sssweatheart! Come here!"
Janus sat up in his bed as Remus walked over and sat next to him.
The deceitful side wrapped two arms around him and let one play with his hair,
"Nightmaresss are normal, do you want to sssleep here tonight?"
"Y-yeah, that would be ni-ce,"
Janus let go of him and lied back down, waiting for Remus to get under the covers then almost immediately going back into the same position they were in before.
"Di-did you mean it, when-n you said I was pretty?"
Janus hesitated for a moment and Remus felt his hopes drop until Deceit whispered in his ear, "you are beautiful,"
And that's all either of them remember from that day. Well, before going to sleep. That day did, however start a long tradition of them sleeping in the same bed, cuddling, for "Remus's safety" as they call it- it went on for years before they started dating.
Word count:2179
Wow, this took long to write-
Well, hope you enjoyed!
Stay optimistic,
And beautiful!
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