Dark stood in his realm. Watching. Waiting.
He had summoned this new green demon to him, unknowingly for the other of course.
So he watched. And he waited.
Any second now...
There he was, standing a few yards in front of him. Glitching and green, the other seemed confused, having not yet noticed that he was not alone.
"I know what you're trying to do." Dark's deep voice, blacker than the landscape, smashed the silence.
The other whirled around and saw him. Dark had to be sure to suppress his amusement at the shock written on his green features.
"It won't work," he continued. Taking a step forward, Dark then saw surprise flash in his eyes.
"You look surprised to see me," he commented.
The other demon's shoulders stiffened. Obviously choosing to ignore Dark's previous words, he replied, "I thought I was the only one."
Letting out a low chuckle, Dark replied, "Then you are more foolish then I first thought."
He seemed irritated as he countered Dark's response. "Who are you?" he demanded.
"My name is Darkiplier," Dark said, dipping his head, "and your name is Antisepticeye."
Antisepticeye narrowed his eyes, but didn't speak.
The black demon continued speaking. "You can't go on like this Anti."
"Like what?" Anti was definitely starting to look angry now. "You don't know me!"
"Oh, but I do, Anti," Dark reasoned. "In fact, I am facing the same struggle as you right now. I am also under the power of a host, and I have been working for years to overcome him."
"I don't have years," Anti muttered under his breath.
Dark shook his head. "You only think that you have a deadline, when really, you have all the time in the world."
"No I don't!" Stress and frustration spilled over as Anti yelled. "I'm not strong enough! I only have until Halloween, and I need to have enough power then to be able to kill him! Otherwise..." Rage subsidised into hopelessness. "I'll die if I have to spend another hour in that box."
Dark stayed silent for a time. When he spoke again, his voice was much softer. "I can help you."
"How?" Anti whispered.
"Join me, and together we can defeat anyone. Anything. No more boxes, no more chains. We'll be free, and we'll be in control. You will follow my lead, and we will defeat anyone who stands in our way."
Anti was silent. It did seem like he was considering Dark's proposition, but Dark knew better. It'll take more than just some fancy words to convince him.
The other finally decided to reply. "You'll lead?" he asked.
Dark nodded. "It's only fair, seeing as I'm more experienced than you." And I know what will happen if you keep to the path that you're on.
"Hmm." Anti began pacing slowly. "But how do I know that you'll keep your word? That you won't just use me and then cast me aside once I've served my purpose? You do say, after all, that you are another demon."
Dark, thinking quickly, replied immediately. "What reason have I given you to think that I would betray you?"
Anti's eyes flashed as he spoke. "I am a demon, and I do not trust others. I trusted my power, and it failed. I trusted my host, and he locked me up. I've learned my lesson. I am the only one who will ever lead me, and I am the only one whom I will ever trust. I know my limits now, and I know what I'm doing." Eyes now narrowed, Anti's next words came out as a hiss. "If you try to stop me, I will kill you."
Dark blinked, and smiled a bit. I've lost you, haven't I? "Anti, I-" he started.
"No!" Anti cut him off. "I'm not going to listen to your lies any longer!" With that, he stalked off into the blackness.
"I didn't want it to come to this," Dark muttered. He stretched out his hand, causing Anti to trip. The other jumped back up to his feet and spun furiously around, seeing Dark. "You must listen to me Anti!" he insisted. Or you will be the one who is destroyed!
"Leave me alone!" Anti screamed.
Dark jerked his wrist, and two silver ropes appeared out of thin air. I'm sorry. They swooped towards Anti, whispering and twisting. Dark saw Anti brace himself, and when the ropes attacked, he was ready. He grabbed the first restraint and disintegrated it into glowing green dust. However, the second rope managed to wrap itself around him, pinning his arms to his sides. Anti struggled to free himself, but the rope only wound itself tighter around him. Finally he managed to grab the rope between his hands. To Dark's surprise, he conjured ice that formed at one end of the rope and traveled along its entirety. I... didn't know he could do that. He sent it flying towards Dark, who shattered it. Seeing his chance, Anti opened a portal into Jack's room and ran for it. He didn't look back, giving no signs that he heard Dark's final desperate words.
"We are two sides of the same coin, Anti, and neither of us can ignore that!"
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