8:True Intentions
Hey guys!
It's me again! And FINALLY, here's the next chapter! Sorry for the semi-late update... I've just been bonding with my lovely British cousins who are visiting Canada!(and yes, I am Canadian😉) but don't worry, I'll never forget about you guys <3
Anyway, enjoy!
Ayana broke...
Even though her flames kept coming and going, like a heart beat, and the chains kept on tightening, she couldn't feel it anymore.
She had a blank look on her face. She was emotionless.
Rin was still standing there and watching Ayana. He knew something was wrong with her.
Rin glanced at Yukio who now was standing beside him and watching Ayana as well.
"I need you to tell me something"said Yukio"and your answer will affect on what will happen to that demon."
Rin was silent. But Yukio knew he was listening.
Yukio turned to Rin and asked"Do you... Know this girl?"
Rin replied"....yeah..."
Yukio showed no reaction. Then he asked"Is she... Important to you?"
"Who is she?"
"... She's Ayana... Ayana Mizuki..."
"How long have you known her?"
"Well... I knew her when we were nine... But her dad erased my memory of her until now..."
"Erased your memory?"
Then Mephisto appeared behind the two boys."ah, that's a very tragic story. Forgetting your very best friend for seven years, then suddenly remembering them. Very tragic." He said while nodding to himself with his finger on his chin.
Then Shura came as well. She looked at Ayana and her eyes widened. She jerked her head at Rin and started toward him and slapped her hands on his shoulders.
"You know this girl?!" Shura almost yelled.
Rin was taken aback but replied"yeah?"
Then she said"do you realize how powerful she is?! I fought her once and I almost died!"
"Wait you know Ayana?!"
"Yeah. And when I met her, she had just killed an exorcist."
"...what?!" All the exwires yelled in unison. They were all crowded around Shura now. So she let go of Rin and sighed.
"It was about a year ago."
Flashback***Shura's POV***
I was just outside of the Vatican Headquarters. While I was walking I saw something I didn't want to see.
An exorcist was being stabbed by a demon.
And yes, it was that demon, the girl with purple flames.
I was very angry. I summoned my sword and started to attack the girl.
She looked surprised by my sudden attack but she still dodged it and jumped backwards.
"Who are you?! And why did you kill that exorcist?!" I yelled.
"I'm Ayana, and I had to."
""Had to?!" You had to?! You don't have to kill someone!"
"But I do!... I do if I want to be free..." Ayana's eyes saddened and she gripped her sword.
I couldn't lie. I did pity her. But she's a demon! A demon who killed a fellow exorcist! And as a demon, she could be lying! Then I said "tch. I, Shura Kirigakure am going to kill you demon!" I then attacked.
Our swords were clashing against each other. It was a long hard fight. I would use my snake fang on her and she'd use her flames. It felt like this battle had been going on for a hour.
Then... I lost
We were both panting. She had me on the ground, the tip of her sword pointing at my neck.
"... Dad said I only needed to kill one exorcist today... So I won't kill you... Not that I want to..."I kept staring at her and she gave a soft smile and continued"you'll be a great exorcist. It was nice battling you... Shura Kirigakure..."
The demon lifted her sword from my neck then sprinted off.
End of Flashback***Third person POV***
"And that was the last time I saw her. I never forgot. She was the best fighter I ever faced." Shura said while looking at Ayana.
"Hmm... Hearing these stories... I don't think... This girl even wanted to kill anyone..." Yukio said
"How do you know?" Izumo asked
"When we found her, we fought her for a while. But it seemed like she didn't even want to fight. Almost through out our whole battle, she was only in defensive mode." Yukio continued"every time she killed someone, she had a look of regret on her face. And Shura-San? You said she said that she just wanted to be free and her dad told her to kill the exorcists right?"
"Yeah" Shura replied
"And Mephisto? There haven't been any recent cases of exorcists dying from purple flames, right?"
Mephisto replied"that is correct"
"So is Ayana free now?!"Rin asked
"Yes I think so" Yukio replied
Rin looked back at Ayana then back at Yukio and asked"so we could let her go right?"
Yukio replied"no, we cannot. We still need to question her. Maybe ask about her father."
Rin's eyes saddened, then he shook his head and started to walk over to the cage.
"Rin! What are you doing?!" Shura called.
"I'm going to talk to Ayana." Rin stated.
"What?! Oh no your not!" Shura was about to stop Rin until Mephisto stopped her.
"What are you doing Mephisto?!" Shura yelled
"Let's just see how this goes"Mephisto smirked"this may be quite amusing"
Rin was now in front of the cage. Ayana's head was dropped and her bangs were covering her eyes.
Rin bent down to her level in front of the cage and said in almost a whisper"Ayana?"
Right when he said this, he saw Ayana's finger slightly twitch.
"Ayana?"Rin repeated
She slowly started to lift her head. And when it was fully lifted, Rin saw that her before emotionless expression was now a surprised one.
"Rin?" Ayana muttered and Rin gave her his signature toothy grin.
"You remember me?" She asked
"Of course I do"
A smile grew on Ayana's face and she gave a closed eye smile and said"thank goodness it worked"
Rin let out a small chuckle and stood up and started to attempt to unlock the lock on the cage.
"Woah woah woah! What do you think your doing?!" An exorcist walked over to Rin.
"I wanna go in and talk to her." Rin replied
"You are NOT going in there! We still need to take her to the Vatican for her trial!"the exorcist said as she started to push Rin back.
"The Vatican? Trial?! But Ayana isn't going to hurt anyone anymore! Why don't you just let her go?!"
All the exorcists were now crowded around them and one of them said"even if she isn't going to hurt anyone, she still has committed a crime of murder."
***Ayana's POV***
I stared blankly at the group of exorcists.
Rin's still trying to help me? Even after he heard what I had done? Man, Rin is too nice!
I was now acting as my old self. Thanks to Rin.
So they're taking me to the Vatican for a trial for my crimes? I'm definitely gonna die then... They won't let me live knowing what I've done.
As I watched the group, I felt something soft inside the chain around my wrist. I then looked up and saw a small opening which inside revealed the small cushion that I felt.
"Maybe?" I murmured to myself. Then I started to focus my flames into one small flame. I then shot it straight at the cushion.
The chain broke.
It seems that I just have to focus my flames to one specific spot, then it will break.
I smirked at this. There's always some kind of flaw to these kinds of things aren't there.
I did the same thing I did around my wrist to my ankles, tail and neck.
I slowly crawled forward a bit then looked at the exorcist group. Rin was still trying to convince them to let me go, so no one was paying attention to me.
I walked to the cage door where the lock was. Then blew on the lock and from my mouth came a small flame. Then the lock broke.
I slowly opened the cage and crawled on top of it. I then glanced at the group again.
No one was looking.
I looked around the room, then saw the door that led outside was still opened.
I quickly looked back at the group again, then I froze.
Mephisto was staring right at me.
I stood there wide eyed at him.
I knew Mephisto cause sometimes he would come to Gehenna. And when he does, everyone knows! He is the demon king of time! But I just found him quite creepy.
Mephisto was also a friend of my dad, Yoku. So when I was a kid I would see him sometimes. I would always call him a clown.
That's probably something Rin would call him too.
I noticed Mephisto wasn't saying anything to the exorcists. He was just smirking at me. Is he gonna let me leave?
My face softened and then I smirked back at him.
Mephisto quickly glanced at the door then back at me. Probably meant "you should probably get going"
I nodded to him, gave a peace sign and a toothy grin. Then I jumped off the cage and landed in front of the door.
I looked back at Mephisto who was no longer looking at me. He was looking at the group of exorcists instead.
***Third person POV***
"So anyway, we still need to take her to the Vatican. You can't convince us. Sorry, Okumura-kun"an exorcist said.
They all turned around and started to walk to the cage.
Rin had a worried look on his face. He didn't want anything bad to happen to her.
"She's gone!" Someone yelled.
"What?!" A few others said
"How?!"others said
Rin looked at the now empty cage. "She escaped?" He thought.
"Hey Rin! Thanks for distracting them for me!" Rin heard a voice call.
Everyone looked at the door and saw Ayana standing there holding her sword that the exorcists left by the door. She gave a toothy grin and waved at Rin.
Then Ayana said"see ya!"
She ran out the door, and was gone.
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