5:Remembering You(part 2)
Rin was now in the monastery with his child self and everyone else.
"So Rin, we heard that you made a new friend at the park today." One of the priest said
"yeah! I did! She's really fun!"kid Rin exclaimed.
"Well we are all really happy that you made a friend like that." The priest said.
"Hey Rin! You wanna help me cook?" Shiro asked "yeah!" Rin said.
Kid Rin and everyone else were having Sukiyaki for dinner.
Rin was drooling all over it. He wanted to eat it so bad, but he couldn't even touch anything so... It probably won't work out.
Rin couldn't help but notice how kid Rin was jumping in his seat. It seemed the others noticed this too.
"Umm Nii-San? Are you okay?"Yukio asked
"THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!" Kid Rin yelled.
Everyone was taken aback by this, including Rin.
It was silent. Then everyone started to burst out laughing.
It really was the best day ever.
Everyday after school, kid Rin always went straight to the park to meet up with Ayana. They played non-stop. And they would even talk to each other about the problems they had at school. Or just...anything. Sometimes Ayana would even come over to the monastery for dinner too.
This went on for about 3 months. Rin started to get worried. The dream felt like it was going on for so long.
"Could the necklace have put me a coma?"Rin thought.
Rin started to freak out. But what could he do? He was sleeping for crying out loud! So all he could do was see the memories he had forgotten.
One day, kid Rin came to the park like usual. But Ayana hadn't come yet. He waited and waited... But she didn't come.
Shiro came to pick up kid Rin and saw him sitting on the swing, alone...
"Hey Rin. Where's Ayana-chan?" Shiro asked.
"she didn't come today..." Kid Rin said, quite depressed.
"don't worry Rin, she might have had something to do today. I'm sure she'll come tomorrow."Shiro said
"so let's go home, okay?"
"Okay"kid Rin got off the swing and started to walk home with Shiro, until they heard someone yelling.
"Rin!.... Rin!... Help!" Shiro and kid Rin turned around seeing Ayana running towards them. She looked really tired. Parts of her clothes were ripped as well.
"Ayana? what happened?"kid Rin asked. Ayana ran straight towards Rin and tackled him into a hug.
"Ayana-chan, are you alright? What happened?"Shiro asked. Ayana started sobbing in Rin's shirt.
"Ayana~" the three heard a man coo. They turned around seeing a tall man with spiky black hair and similar purple eyes to Ayana.
He didn't look as nice though. He looked WAY more demonic, and he even had a tail. Rin knew, he was definitely a demon.
Kid Rin probably couldn't see the tail, since he wasn't even close to awakening his demonic powers. But he would definitely have seen the fangs and long, pointy ears.
Ayana looked terrified when she saw the man. She ran behind kid Rin and poked her head out behind his shoulder.
"Who is that guy?"kid Rin asked to no one in particular. But was ignored, when Shiro pulled kid Rin and Ayana behind him and asked the man "who are you?"
"Why, I am Ayana's father"the man replied"can't you see the resemblance?"
Shiro just glared at him. Then the man that claimed to be Ayana's father smirked. "So, could you step aside so I can take my daughter back home?"
"And where might "home" be?"Shiro asked
"Gehenna of course!" The man exclaimed, lifting his arms in the air.
"So I was right about Ayana." Shiro mumbled.
"Ah yes you were."the man said"she is the daughter of I, Yoku, the Wasure demon and her mother Kaiya. Who was a half Gekkō demon, and half human. But she died when Ayana was two so..."
Yoku looked at kid Rin, then stared at him for a while. Shiro got more cautious and kid Rin was weirded out by his stare. Ayana tightened her grip onto kid Rin's shirt. Kid Rin ignored it though.
"W-what?"kid Rin stuttered, while asking the black haired man.
Yoku smirked"ah this kid is the Satan spawn, am I right?"
Shiro froze. "How did you know that?"
"Kaiya was part Gekkō demon, which is the moonlight demon. She had a special ability to see the future. She said that Ayana will be very bonded with the Satan spawn. And seeing that Ayana has given the blue moon necklace to him, he's the one."Yoku continued"but I didn't want that to happen, if these two get together, they'll just make another demon royal for Satan. Satan's kind will never die out.So... I'll just take Ayana, if I may"
"NO!"Ayana yelled. Everyone was taken aback."I don't want to go! I wanna stay with Rin!" Ayana let go of kid Rin's shirt and stood beside him.
"You know Ayana, if you stay with your little Rin... You might end up hurting him." Yoku said.
Ayana stiffened for a second, then said"No I won't! I'll never hurt Rin!"
"No matter how much you say that, you are a demon" Yoku lifted his hand and pointed at Ayana and a purple flame formed at the tip of his finger.
The flame shot straight at Ayana. Before anyone could do anything, it hit her straight in the heart. She yelped and fell to the ground.
"Ayana!!!" Kid Rin ran to her. Shiro looked wide eyed at the unconscious girl, then gritted his teeth. He snapped his head at Yoku who just calmly stood there and yelled"DAMN YOU!"
Shiro pulled out a grenade of holy water and threw it near Yoku. A large puff of smoke appeared from the grenade.
Shiro was about to chant some verses until the smoke was cleared by purple flames that bursted from the smoke.
Yoku stood there calm and unharmed.
"Geez, relax mr. exorcist, she's fine."Yoku said, then moved his eyes toward Ayana, he then smirked.
Shiro heard snarling behind him. He turned around and his eyes widened.
Ayana was now standing, and was engulfed in purple flames. She had a black tail and her purple eyes were glowing. She was snarling at Yoku.
Ayana's demonic powers had awakened.
Kid Rin was still on the floor. He backed up though, and had terror filled in his eyes.
"D-dad? What happened to a-Ayana?"Rin stuttered
"Shit"Shiro murmured"Rin shouldn't know yet." Yoku still heard it.
"Ahh... I see...your kid still doesn't know what he is yet?"Yoku asked Shiro.
"What's he talking about dad?" Rin asked.
It was silent. And during this time, Ayana started to calm down. Her flames eventually disappeared.
The silence was broken by Yoku"hey, exorcist. I'll tell you what. If you let me take Ayana back home, I'll erase Rin's memory of anything about her, including what happened today. I have my abilities too, like Kaiya."
"And why should I believe you?" Shiro asked.
Yoku replied saying"oh come on! It's a win-win! Rin won't remember what happened, so it'd be less likely for his powers to awaken and if he forgot Ayana, he won't try to find her and take her away from me." Yoku then looked at Ayana"And Ayana, if you come with me, you'll be able to keep Rin safe"
"And how can I keep him safe by staying away from him?" Ayana asked.
"Your demonic powers are now awake. You can lose control and that might cause him to get hurt."Yoku continued "and I'll tell you what. If you come with me, I can train you to control your powers and when you have learnt it perfectly, I'll let you go wherever you'd like.so... What do you say?"
Ayana was silent. Then she looked at kid Rin. Then at Shiro. Then at Yoku."...alright... But only if Father Fujimoto agrees..." Ayana looked at Shiro. Shiro then walked towards Ayana and crouched down to her level.
"You know Ayana, if you go... Rin will forget about you..."Shiro said
"I know... But if it's to protect Rin.. I'll do it, and when I get stronger, I'll come back! I promise!"Ayana said.
Shiro gave Ayana a sad smile and said"you really are brave, Ayana-chan... I'm happy you became Rin's friend" he ruffled Ayana's hair"I'll miss you"
"me too... Thank you... Father Fujimoto..."Ayana said. Then gave Shiro a hug and walked over to kid Rin.
"Ayana... I'm so confused... What's going on?" Rin asked. Once Ayana looked at kid Rin, she couldn't help but cry.
"r-Rin... I have to go... And I just want you know that I'm really happy I became your friend"Ayana smiled, tears still streaming down her face.
"Huh? Why are you leaving? I don't want you to go!" tears starting streaming down kid Rin's face as well.
"Sorry Rin... I have to break our promise for now... But we'll always be demons together! Okay?"Ayana said
"...y-yeah... Demons together"kid Rin said.
Kid Rin gave Ayana a big hug and Ayana hugged back. "I love you, Rin" Ayana wispered, tears still flowing.
Rin sniffled and said"I-I love you too, Ayana"
The two kids pulled away and Yoku walked towards them. He crouched down in front of kid Rin and placed his hand on his head. Kid Rin looked at Ayana and she nodded.
Yoku took the crescent blue moon necklace that was around kid Rin's neck and gave it to Ayana.
Yoku then mumbled"forget all of Ayana Mizuki"
A bright light glowed from Yoku's palm that was on Rin's head and everything went black.
So that's what happened! What will Rin do now??? Find out in the next chapter! And the pic up there is what Yoku somewhat looks like. Hope you like the story so far!
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