40: Deal
***Third Person***
"Ayana, train me!"
Rin stood in front of a confused Ayana who was seated on a bench chewing on the Taiyaki she was currently eating.
"I want you to train me, Ayana!"
Ayana really had no idea what Rin was going on about. School had just ended at the moment, and Ayana previously had come across a certain fish-shaped pastry that was quite intriguing. The moment she took a bite out of the Taiyaki, she had fallen in love with it.
She didn't know that there was such a masterpiece of food like this. Why hadn't she come across this sooner? She didn't know. However, she did know that this Taiyaki could possibly rival the greatness of Rin Okumura's famous Sukiyaki.
It seemed that Ayana was really invested with the deliciousness of her food; because she didn't even realize that Rin had made his way towards her until his shadow towered over her.
When Ayana glanced up, Rin had an expression of pure determination. Yet she didn't understand what this determination was meant for, until he stated it to her now.
Which now brings us to the current situation.
"What are you talking about, Rin?" Ayana asked after she finished chewing then swollowed, only to end up taking another bite out of the warm and soft Taiyaki.
"You see..." Rin paused and scratched the back of his neck. Ayana raised an eyebrow in confusion. He continued, "ever since our exorcist mission--The one at mount Hikaru--I've been thinking that-"
"Stop right there." Ayana stood up raised one hand while the other held the half eaten Taiyaki; which disrupted Rin from his current explanation. He now raised a brow at her in confusion.
"What?" He asked.
"... you were... thinking?"
"Uhh yeah. I was thinking that-"
"You were thinking."
"... yes? That's what I said."
"... you were thinking?"
"... is something wrong?"
Ayana watched Rin with a blank expression. It gave nothing away. So Rin was even more confused because he had no clue what was up.
"No... it's just," Ayana muttered,"... you were thinking?"
"Yes? I was thinking that-"
"Wait, Okumura? Did I hear that right?"
Rin and Ayana turned their attention to the new voice that was heard. It was Bon.
"... what? Bon? When did you get here?" Rin asked,
"Okumura... did you just say that you were thinking?"
"Uhh yeah? I was thinking that-"
"You were seriously thinking???"
"What the heck guys! I'm trying to talk here! Would you just let me-"
"Yo Shima! Konekomaru!" Bon called his two other friends over, who were now walking towards the three.
"What's up Bon?" Shima asked his tall friend,
"I just heard the most weirdest thing." Bon said, which made Rin raise his brow higher, "Okumura here... was thinking."
It was silent for a moment. No one said a word. Shima and Konekomaru just watched Bon for a moment. Then their gazes went to Rin.
"Really?" Konekomaru asked,
"Yep." Bon replied.
After a moment, Shima and Konekomaru went into a fit of laughter.
"So the Rin Okumura," Shima said between laughs, "was thinking? Pfft. Hahaha! what a miracle!"
Then Bon and Ayana had joined their laughters.
"Hahaha! Isn't it?!" Ayana laughed,
"Pfffff. I-I can't breath! Hahaha!"
Rin was flabbergasted. He just stared at the four people in front of him as they continued their fits of laughter. He was shocked. And annoyed.
His expression changed into a snarl, "you guys. What the heck?! Knock it off! What's even so funny about this?!"
They all continued to laugh. And Rin continued to glare.
Bon seemed to sober up first. He calmed himself until all he had left were a few chuckles. Rin glared daggers into him.
"Geez relax dude," Bon chuckled, "we were just kidding. I really couldn't help myself!"
Rin frowned and continued to glare.
"Shut up, Skunk head."
This seemed to take Bon aback. But right after, he glared back at Rin.
"What'd you call me?!"
"Skunk head. What else?"
Bon snarled. He stomped towards him until he was right at his face, taking over his personal space, "you better take that back, pea brain."
"Wha?! Why would I take that back when you just called me that?!"
"Well I'm not lying. You're a pea brain."
"Well I'm not lying either, skunk head!"
Rin and Bon continued their little argument while Shima, Konekomaru and Ayana watched from the sidelines. They all sighed as it seemed that this wasn't going to end for a while.
Ayana glanced at the two people beside her. They glanced back.
"Should I?" Ayana asked,
They nodded frantically.
Ayana walked towards the two teens until she was just beside them. She crossed her arms over her chest and decided to wait another moment.
Ayana frowned. These two were just being immature now.
She first attempted to talk to them, "guys, would you just calm down?"
Seriously. These names are just stupid now. Ayana thought.
"Hello??? Guys! Just stop it, will you?!" Ayana tried to talk to them but she was completely ignored.
A small growl of annoyance escaped the back of her throat.
"Are you listening to me?!"
Ayana's little growl became louder. These two were just getting annoying now. "Just shut up!"
She had it with them. And so she jumped up and slapped them both down across the back of their heads.
Rin and Bon both yelped and fell to the ground holding their heads where Ayana had hit them.
"What the heck was that for?!" Rin and Bon both yelled. Their glares now directed up at the girl who huffed and crossed her arms over her chest once again.
She pointed a finger at the two boys seated on the ground, "you guys are just being immature!" She said, "Like what's with all the name calling?! They're not even good for the matter! I know you've both heard worse, so will you just shut up and deal with it?! It's not even that big of a deal!"
"But-" Rin tried to cut in.
"Shut up!" Her finger darted to Rin, who now hunched his shoulders, trying to make himself smaller. Ayana watched Rin and Bon seated before her. They seemed to have gotten the message that came across. This calmed her down a bit, so she just sighed and said, "seriously you guys. You've been called worse. I know you have. And so have I. So making a huge deal out of these things is not necessary. You just need to deal with it."
"Sorry." They both muttered under their breaths. Ayana watched them both staring at her feet, refusing to make eye contact with her. She hummed in satisfaction.
"Besides," Ayana pointed a finger at Rin, which caught his attention. His blue eyes went to her purple ones, "you are a pea brain"
Rin's jaw dropped while Bon snorted, trying to hold in a laugh. However this was cut short when Ayana's finger went to Bon's direction, "and you're a skunk head."
They both seemed to only be able to sputter out incoherent words as Ayana turned and walked away with a smirk on her face, "deal with it!" Ayana called over her shoulder.
She walked to stand beside Shima and Konekomaru. Shima was failing to hold back a snicker behind his hand. Konekomaru was wiping his glasses and looking away as he whistled. Ayana triumphantly grinned then she continued to eat the almost forgotten Taiyaki in her hand.
Rin and Bon stared at Ayana who now paid no attention to them, instead finishing up her food. They looked at each other. Then both huffed and looked away.
"Oh. So Rin," Ayana started after licking the leftovers off her fingers, "you were going to tell me something?"
Rin just stared at her for a long moment. Then her turned away and said, "forget about it."
"Huh?" Ayana frowned as he got up and started to walk away. Ayana glanced at Bon, Shima and Konekomaru, gave them a tiny smile and waved in farewell. She then ran after Rin, "Rin!" Ayana said when she caught up to him, "what do you mean?"
Rin didn't look at her. He kept his face forward as he said, "don't worry about it. Just forget that I said anything."
Ayana didn't believe that he meant those words however. He didn't sound like he meant them at all. She wondered why he wasn't telling her. Then she made a guess, "are you still upset?" She asked, "we didn't mean it, you know..."
Rin sighed, "just forget about it."
"... I'm sorry, Rin. I didn't mean to make you feel bad...."
Rin paused. He finally glanced at her. She genuinely felt bad about it. Rin could tell. He didn't want her to keep looking at him like how she was right now. And so he said as a smile tugged on his lips, "it's alright, Ayana. Really."
She didn't look convinced at all. She only frowned more as she stopped him on his tracks by grabbing his arm. Rin looked down at it then to her, "if you need anything Rin. Anything at all. Just let me know. I promise I won't tease you or anything."
This made Rin's smile grow, "you sure you'd be able to do that?" He said, referring to the teasing,"you love to tease me a lot."
Her frown turned into a smile, "I do, don't I?"
"Well then, I don't know. That task will be hard. You are too fun to tease after all~"
"Well you can't take it back now. I'm upholding you on your words!"
"But you haven't even agreed."
"Who said I haven't?" Ayana looked back at him. She watched him with a curious gaze. Rin grinned, "Ayana, I want you to train me."
"... and what exactly do you mean by that?"
"Well, ever since mount Hikaru, I realized that I... I really couldn't do anything there. I ended up getting possessed. I... hurt you..."
"Rin, that wasn't your fault-"
"Let me finish." Ayana stayed silent and waited intently. So Rin continued, "I just didn't feel strong enough. I could have prevented that possession. My old man did after all."
Rin caught the curiosity in Ayana's gaze, so he explained further,
"The old man was able to prevent Satan from possessing him. For years. I want to be able to do that too. My whole goal is to get as strong as he was. To become Paladin. But I can't do that at the rate I'm going. Don't get me wrong, Shura is an amazing teacher. She helped me so much, but... well... I think I'd be able to improve a lot more if I train with someone who has abilities similar to mine." Rin looked at Ayana for a moment. Determination in his eyes, "so Ayana. I want you to help me. I want you to help me get stronger. To help me become a better exorcist."
Ayana watched him in silence, "so?" Rin asked, "will you do it?"
Rin waited for Ayana's reply. The reaction he was getting from her wasn't what he expected.
She just stared at him. Her lips slightly parted and it seemed like she was looking at him like he was some god.
Not that Rin minded.
He did feel a bit awkward though. She wasn't saying anything at all. And he was now getting nervous beneath her stare. He fidgeted for a moment, then took a breath. His gaze went back to her awestruck expression.
As Rin watched her, he noticed something.
Ayana was tiny.
He never really took notice of this until now. Her height basically went to just about his chest. She had to crane her head up to look at him. Rin basically towered over her. Now that he thought about it, wasn't she just a bit shorter than Shiemi? Yeah, she was.
"Hey, how tall are you Ayana?" Rin ended up sputtering out without thinking.
This did seem to take Ayana out of her trance though, "w-what?" She blinked up at him.
"Just wondering"
"Umm..." Ayana frowned at him but replied anyway, "about 5"3 I think." Rin hummed. Then Ayana asked, "where did this come from?"
"Oh it's nothing. I was just wondering."
Ayana looked at him suspiciously. But Rin moved that topic aside by asking, "so? You gonna help me train or not?"
"Oh! Uhh right! Umm" Ayana thought for a moment, then she said, "so... you want me to help you become a better exorcist?"
"But... I just started training to be one myself. Would I even be able to help you with that stuff?"
"You would! You're strong, you know a lot about demons and fighting, and you can help me control my flames more. You'd be a huge help!"
Ayana thought about it for another moment. Then she smiled,
"What's in it for me?"
Rin stopped his mid celebration and tilted his head in confusion.
"You don't expect me to help you train for nothing, do you?" She crossed her arms over her chest and smirked, "so? What's in it for me?"
"Umm" Rin scratch his cheek with a finger as Ayana watched him expectantly. He then said,
"I'll... make all your meals for 3 months?"
"You already do that."
"Oh right umm... you can take the allowances I get from Mephisto?"
"I already do that."
"Oh right umm... wait what?!"
Ayana laughed, "I'm just kidding!"
Rin pouted, "hey. You said you would stop teasing me."
This made Ayana cringe, "oh yeah... sorry. Keep going"
Rin chuckled. He gestured her to keep walking, and so they walked out of school campus, and towards True Cross Town. Rin continued, "you can take my manga?"
"First of all, those manga are all Yukio's. And second, he already lets me read them."
"Oh umm.. I'll do your laundry?"
"Thanks but no thanks."
"I'll get Yukio to give you free marks at school?"
"Rin. Yukio will definitely not let that happen. And I don't want them. Keep going."
"...you can keep Kuro for a month?"
Ayana laughed, "you are not giving away you're familiar Rin!"
Rin laughed too, "I know. I wouldn't let that happen anyway."
They were now in True Cross Town. People were hustling past them, but Rin and Ayana payed no attention to them. Rin crossed his arms over his chest then said, "alright. I have no clue what you want, Ayana." He stopped and turned to her, which made her stop as well, "can you just tell me?"
Ayana hummed in thought. They both continued to walk again, "how about... no that won't work... maybe... no not that either.."
She seemed to just be talking with herself. So Rin waited patiently for her to make her final decision.
"Umm... how about... woah."
Ayana stopped on the spot and looked a gape at something that was behind Rin. He looked at her in confusion, then turned around. In front of them was... an amusement park.
It was Meppyland to be precise. Any destruction that was caused the last time Rin was here was no where to be found. This time the amusement park seemed to be open for everyone. Music could be heard inside. The rollercoasters were in motion, as well as the ferris wheel from what he could see. People were also waiting in line to go in.
Rin watched the park until he felt a tight grab on his arm and was yanked forward. Rin yelped.
"Lets go there!" Ayana beamed.
Rin watched her as they walked over toward the amusement park. Well for Rin, more like dragged. Ayana was beaming the entire time.
"Have you..." Rin started. Ayana glanced at him, "you haven't been to an amusement park?"
Ayana shook her head. "Nope. But it looks so fun! Let's go Rin!"
She pulled Rin along to a sign. But frowned.
Rin looked at the sign she was looking at. It showed the admission prices.
"We have to pay to go in?"
Rin chuckled, "yeah, we do."
She sighed. Then after a moment she gasped. Rin could practically see the light bulb that appeared over her head.
"I got it!"
Ayana spun around to face Rin. She pointed at the park behind her and said, "you will take me here!"
"I'll train with you, if you take me here. Pay for everything. That's my price for you."
Rin stayed silent for a moment. He looked back at the Mephisto-themed park then back to Ayana. "That's all?" He asked.
"That's all." She grinned, "deal?"
Rin was quite surprised that this was Ayana's price. But he guessed that it was a lot of people's dream to go to one of these at least once.
Rin then grinned back down at Ayana, "deal." He brought his hand out for a handshake and Ayana gladly accepted it.
"Oh and one more thing." Ayana said,
"Anything." Rin smiled.
"Lets bring the other exwires too! I'm sure they'll love it!"
"Of course they would!"
"Alright then, you're paying for everyone!"
Rin's smile dropped."... everyone..?"
"Yep! That's my price to help you train!"
"... everyone?"
Ayana skipped away, the most content Rin had ever seen her. However he was now dreading the day they would go to this amusement park.
He really hoped no one else wanted to go now... for a lot of reasons.
Especially for the amount of money he would eventually lose when the day came.
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