39: You Belong
***Ayana's POV***
I woke up lost.
It took me some time to register where exactly I was. I thought for a moment that I was in a hospital. But then I started to recognize the desk beside me, and I was pretty sure that the bed I laid on was not a hospital bed at all.
I slowly sat up and I looked around. My muscles felt stiff as I rolled my shoulders and stretched my arms above me. I yawned, then rubbed one of my eyes as I looked around the room again.
I then recalled what happened before. Mount Hikaru. The Ryokō demon. Rin was possessed.
Was it over? Or was the Ryokō demon still roaming that place? From what I remembered, Ryokō did leave Rin's body, and Hoshi finished the ritual; but did it stay that way? I didn't know.
I turned my body so I could lean my back against the wall. I stretched my legs out and my feet stuck off the bed in the process. I tilted my head back until it got to the wall. Then I took a breath.
It was quiet. I didn't hear a thing. Only the sounds of crickets in the distance, and the wind blowing into the night. The moonlight stretched into the room, and that's when I looked down, to my left.
I saw Kina. In her cat form. A soft fluffy white kitten that continued to sleep soundly. She was curled up into a ball, nuzzling beside my pillow. It brought a soft smile to my face. I lightly ran my fingers along her fur, but stopped when she stirred. However, she didn't wake up. I guessed that she was probably really tired. How long had I been asleep anyway? I didn't know that either. Were Rin and Yukio here? They might be in their room. Should I go check? Maybe I shou-
My thoughts were cut off when a black cloud appeared in front of me. My eyes widened. I knew exactly who this was.
I quickly looked around and beside my bed, I saw my katana leaning against it. I got on my knees, grabbed the hilt and unsheathed it. I pointed the katana towards the black cloud who's red beady eyes stared at me. Then I engulfed myself in purple flames.
"Geez relax." Ryokō said nonchalantly, "I'm not going to kill ya."
"Oh really?" I spat back with venom and sarcasm laced in my voice.
"... Yeah."
I was really pissed off at this demon. When I recalled everything he had done, anger welled up inside me. Below Ryokō, I willed my flames to appear and then, the purple flames rose up rapidly and engulfed Ryokō.
I wasn't very surprised that it didn't have much effect on him though. The black cloud rushed out of my flames, so I let out a tsk and allowed them to disperse.
"Wow you have quite a lot of energy,"Ryokō chuckled, "considering that you've been out for a month."
This caused my to freeze, "what?"
"Yeah, you heard me."
"... A month?"
I stayed frozen for a while. Then I quickly shook me head. My black hair flailing in the process, "no..." I muttered, "that's a lie... I couldn't have been sleeping for a month... You're lying!" My voice raised a bit at the last sentence. That was when I heard noises from beside me.
"Hmm? What?" Kina muttered as her green cat eyes fluttered open. When they landed on me, they widened and she jerked up; now entirely awake, "Ayana! You're-"
She was cut off however, when the black cloud engulfed her and disappeared, "Kina!" I gasped.
When Kina opened her eyes though, they were that menacing red.
I was hating this demon more and more. First Rin... Now Kina. No. I can't let what happened with Rin happen to her too. I can't.
"Let her go Ryokō." I glared, "why are you doing this?"
Ryokō stared at me in Kina's cat form for a while. Then he finally said, "do you think I planned this?" My eyebrows furrowed as he continued, "you want to know something, Ayana? I'm the time traveling demon. I follow the flow of time. Nothing more. All that's happened is because of fate. Fate has chosen a dark path for you and your friends. I'm just enforcing it. Not that I'm complaining though. Your uncle annoys the shit out of me."
I was silent for a moment. Taking in those words. Fate? This all happened because of fate? That's just messed up,"but..." I muttered, "You made the decision to do all those things. That wasn't fate... That was your decision."
"I make my decisions according to fate. It keeps time in balance."
"So you possessing my friends is all just 'fate'?"
"That's not a good excuse at all!"
"'Excuse'? Excuse for what exactly?"
"Rin! You hurt him! I know you did! You did not do that because it was freaking fate!"
"But I did." Ryokō was not at all fazed by my words, "Fate can be a harsh thing, kid. I'm just doing my job and keeping it balanced... And plus..." He got up on all fours, walked onto my pillow and sat down, before he continued, "You and Rin Okumura's decisions most likely will determine your future more than mine."
Confusion welled up within me, "... What do you mean?"
The corner of the cats mouth lifted. It wasn't exactly a smirk. But it wasn't a genuine smile either, "dear Ayana. Do you not recall a certain day when a certain something happened?"
"There are a lot of certain days where certain somethings happen... You know that right?"
"I do. But c'mon. You gotta remember that day."
"... I don't even know what you're talking about."
"Hmm... Fair enough. But I'll give you a little warning." He got up and walked a little closer, "you could be the end of the Satan spawns. It all depends on your decisions and what fate has upon you..." The red eyed cat was now directly in front of me as I looked down at him, "the closer you are. The more it will hurt. I will be back when time brings me here... Until then... I advise you to leave him be. But that's all up to you so..." Black smoke engulfed Kina's body, who fell unconscious. Then above her floated Ryokō again, "I'll see you then, Ayana"
At that, a small stone dropped onto the bed as a bright light engulfed him. In which Ryokō finally left along with the stone.
I remained there for a while. Staring at the now empty air. I took in everything that just happened. Then sighed. That demon makes me even more confused by the day. I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me. Fate. A certain event. The end of the Satan spawns. Rin? Yukio? Was he talking about them? How could I be the end of them?... are they going to... die?
I rapidly shook my head.
I need some air.
I checked to make sure Kina was alright. She seemed to just be asleep. So I got off the bed and opened the door, letting it make a small creaking sound. I then walked down the hallway. I sheathed my sword and felt the familiar weight of it against my hip. I could only hear the sound of my feet tapping on the wooden floor.
I made my way to the roof. Then opened the door.
I felt the warm breeze immediately. My nerves relaxed a bit. I walked ahead as I felt the concrete against my bare feet. Then stopped when I was almost at the edge of the roof. I watched the night sky. The sparkling stars. The bright round moon. It was beautiful. I loved it.
As I continued to watch the sky, my mind had begun to wander. Wandering back to what Ryokō had said.
...The end of the Satan spawns. Was he really talking about Rin and Yukio? Was I really going to be the end of them?... but how? Why would I even do that to them? I didn't know. But I refuse to believe those words. Ryokō was probably lying. After all he had done, why would I believe him? It made no sense.
Yet... why did I feel like... I should believe him?
Then I was startled by the sound of a familiar voice,
"Ayana!" I turned around and my eyes met with deep blue ones. Rin. It was him, "Ayana! It's really you!"
When I saw him though, my brain went wild.
What if really do kill Rin? What if Ryokō wasn't lying? But he could be lying as well. But I would never hurt Rin!... but... I also did when he was possessed. What if something like that happens and that is how I need to stop him? Nononono I can't do that! I.... I....
My mind then went blank when I felt my body drop into the air. I was falling. And Rin jumped off the roof after me.
This then concluded my thoughts. What if something like this happened? He should know that I should be fine, yet Rin didn't hesitate at all to jump off this roof. I know he won't get hurt, but this just proves that he could do very irrational things to save others.
So... what if Rin has to make a decision that might be the death of him? What if he has to make a decision like that because of me? How would that even happen though? I didn't understand at all.
I tucked my legs against my chest, twisted in circles and swiftly landed on the ground.
Rin however, completely crashed.
I watched him as he pushed his body up and looked at me. He seemed fine. All the injuries I assumed he had seemed to be gone entirely. Well, if Ryokō told the truth about me being unconscious for a month, I guess it would make sense.
Rin slowly stood up, keeping his eyes locked on me the entire time.
I subconsciously took a step back.
I still just couldn't get what Ryokō said out of my head. It was like he drilled it right into my brain.
"Ayana, it's alright. It's me."
No. No, I need more air. What if Ryokō was right? What if they die because of me?
Before I could even think again, I turned around, and sprinted through the forest.
"wait!" Rin pleaded behind me.
I kept running however.
And running.
And running.
I could hear Rin getting closer behind me, so then I jumped up into the trees and disappeared from anyone's sight. I couldn't do this right now. Apparently I've been unconscious for a month. I couldn't do anything about it. Then Ryokō just shows up and tells me all this? I can't deal with this right now.
I could feel the rough bark scraping the bottoms of my feet as I jumped from branch to branch. I didn't care. I needed to move. I needed to clear my head.
Why is my life like this? It's always problems after problems. Why couldn't I just have some time of peace, without worries, without my friends lives at risk?
It just isn't fair!
I jumped down and landed on the grass beside a tree. I looked at that tree for a while. Stared at it. Let myself become engulfed in silence. My eyes then wandered to the ground. My weight tilted until I felt my shoulder press against the rough bark. Then I waited. I closed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest and waited.
I didn't really know what I was waiting for until it appeared. I heard a sound.
It did make me cautious. Yet the sound wasn't very... dangerous.
It was a relaxing sound. It reminded me of when something sparkles. And that's exactly what it was.
In the sky I saw a small yet bright light flying through the air. It reminded me of a star. It actually did look exactly like one... but brighter. It sparkled more than any star I've ever seen.
It floated down towards me. I was in awe. It was so bright. So beautiful. I couldn't stop looking.
Wait, what am I doing?
I rapidly shook my head. What the heck? What was happening? That thing could be dangerous!
Before I knew it, the bright star was floating before me. It's radiant light reflecting off my face. Then the light brightened even more. It blinded me for a moment before I looked back. In front of me was now... Hoshi.
My uncle grinned down at me. His light blue eyes gleamed as he said,
"Ahh Ayana-chan, you're finally awake"
"I had a feeling you were up"
"... you did?"
"I did."
His finger pointed down to my necklace. I looked down at it. The crescent moon had begun to glow a brilliant silver. My eyes widened.
"Wha?" I gaped down at the pendent.
"It's your mothers. Is it not?"
"... yeah, it is... but why..."
"That necklace has always been passed down in our family. It's connected to centuries of our ancestors. We are all connected."
I watched the pendent glow and sparkle. I admired it in awe for a while. I kept staring at it until I heard Hoshi chuckle.
My head jerked up and my eyes landed on his soft expression. He put a hand on my shoulder and said, "I'm glad you're alright."
I stayed silent for a moment. Staring up at my uncle as he kept that soft expression. Then I finally asked something that had always been in my mind,
"What was she like?"
"Mom. What was she like?"
"Ahh" he looked up and contemplated with himself for a moment. A smile crept on his features, "she was something alright. Very fiery. Never let anyone bring her down. But... she was also kind. The sweetest person I know." Hoshi looked down at me, "she was a lot like you"
I took it all in. Then smiled to myself.
"I really wish I knew her..." I muttered.
"I know you do" his hand then tapped the top of my head, "but I'll tell you," I looked back at him,"you will always be a part of this family. You always have been. You're welcome at mount Hikaru anytime. I could even show you the places where Kaiya--your mom--and I used to play.
I smiled at him, "I'd like that."
He hummed, then looked up at the sky. I followed his gaze as he said, "I should probably get going now. Need to protect our home after all right?"
"Mount Hikaru?"
"Is Ryokō still trying too...?"
"Ahh no no, I'm sure he's had enough of that place. He can be such a strange guy you know. Confusing at that."
"Yeah, I got that." I deadpanned and he chuckled,
"Well he wasn't always like this, you know. He actually used to play with your mother and I when we were young."
"Yeah. But that time travelling business really got to him I guess... he changed..."
"But why did he do... that... to you?"
".... I don't really know, Ayana-chan... he just... showed up... and he was different."
"I see... I wonder what happened to him..."
"Me too, Ayana-chan... me too..."
I looked at Hoshi. There was a tinge of sadness in his eyes.
"Were you guys... close?" I asked,
He looked at me for a moment and mused, "the best of friends, we were."
"But I heard that Ryokō bullied you." I chuckled.
Hoshi let out a laugh, "I wouldn't say that. Sure he could be a little harsh once in a while, but it's all for good measure."
"You sure?"
"Yes! What do you take me for?! Some kind of wimp?!"
"Ryokō takes you for a wimp."
"... well then..."
"And you apparently annoy him."
"... He's a liar."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is." But is he always one? I thought back to Ryokō's recent visit. I thought back to everything he told me. I still didn't know if what he said was true or not.
Hoshi seemed to notice my anxiety. And so he smiled down at me and said, "don't worry, Ayana-chan. Things will work out."
"... how do you know that though?"
"I just do"
I sighed, "I really hope you're right..."
He looked out towards the sky again, "alright then Ayana-chan. I think I've stayed here long enough. I should get going. You should too"
"Thanks for coming here. You made me feel a bit better... uncle."
He grinned, then a flash of radiant light engulfed him, "take care, Ayana-chan." I heard him say.
The bright star floated back into the night sky. I watched him until I couldn't see that beautiful light anymore. I then turned my gaze towards the grass below me.
I turned and just wandered through the forest. I shivered when I felt the breeze. It seemed to have gotten colder than earlier. So, I lifted my hand up and let a purple flame appear on the palm of my hand. I felt its warmth emanate to my body. I stopped myself from walking as I just watched the purple flame crackle against my palm.
Was there really nothing I could do? I didn't even know how or when all of those things will happen... so I guess I'll just have to be really careful.
I blinked and extinguished my flame when I heard some kind of... battle cry? What the heck?
I looked up from where I heard the sound. I saw a figure falling from the sky. They were coming from right above me. When they were getting closer, I realized it was... Rin.
Why in the world was Rin falling from the sky?
When he was almost at the bottom I realized that if I didn't move, he'd most definitely crash right into me. So therefore I took a step to the side, as he crashed into the grass instead.
Poor Rin. He seemed to be falling and crashing into the ground a lot today.
Rin didn't seem to care about the aftermath of his fall. Instead he immediately got up and to my surprise pounced right towards me.
I yelped as he tackled me and we both tumbled to the ground.
My back hit the grass below me, "Rin, what in the world-"
He cut me off. He was straddling over me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them the the ground as he said, "Ayana, I'm not letting you go!" This caught me by surprise. "How many times does it take for you to realize that you belong here?! With us! Nothing's going to happen to us! You don't need to worry and leave! Look at me, I'm fine! So... please stop worrying... please..."
His voice turned into a mutter near the end. He looked as if he was going to break. Right there.
I looked up at him with wide eyes. I stayed like that as he seemed to nervously wait for what I'd say. Something past his shoulder that caught my eye.
I saw Kuro in his larger form flying around with a large white bird. It was most definitely Kina. My eyes then went back to Rin who still anxiously watched me.
I let out a giggle.
"...what?" Rin asked,
"Rin, d-don't tell me you jumped from one of their backs and fell all the way down h-here. Pfft. Hahaha!"
Rin turned his head up and watched Kina and Kuro in the air. His cheeks turned pink as he turned his head back to me, "umm... I kinda did."
His grip on my wrist loosed. So as I continued to giggle, I got on my elbows. He slowly moved back to give me space. I got into a sitting position and Rin continued to watch me with curiosity and tinted pink cheeks. He was sitting cross-legged and his hands rested on his ankles.
"Rin." I placed my hand on his knee. He looked down at it before looking back at me, "I'm not going anywhere. I just needed some air... a lot happened after I woke up..."
This seemed to make him even more curious. His head tilted to the side as he said, "what do you mean?"
I told him about what Ryokō told me. He deserved to know. This did involve him too after all.
"So," I said, "I just needed some air. To wrap my head around all of it."
Rin remained silent. Probably taking it all in like I had as well. He then finally said, "you don't need to believe him Ayana. I know you won't do anything if it weren't meant to help me."
"But... what if that means... killing you?"
"I trust you, Ayana," he smiled at me, "I trust your judgements."
"Don't worry Ayana"
"And plus," I looked at him as he continued,"you've been away from us for way too long. You deserve to be here. I want you to be here."
I stared at him in silence. He continued to smile. I let out a whine.
"Ugh Rin!" He tilted his head in confusion again as I continued, "you're way too nice to me!"
I got up on my knees and hugged him.
He didn't do anything for a moment. But I felt his body relax as his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer.
It was comforting. My worries seemed to drain away as I felt his warmth against me. He moved a bit to get in a more comfortable position. He uncrossed his legs and brought my head against his chest and his cheek pressed against the top of my head. I could probably stay like this forever. It was just so comfortable like this.
And so I had concluded something.
I love Rin's hugs.
My eyes started to become droopy. I could feel myself falling asleep. He was just so comfy. You know what? I'll allow it. Sure I've been sleeping for a month, but it won't hurt to get a few more minutes of shut eye, right?
Yep. I'll go to sleep. Goodnight world.
As I was right at the edge of drifting into dreamland, I heard Kina's voice,
"Alright dude, that's enough time for you. My turn!"
I felt Rin shift but I didn't bother moving. I didn't want to.
It was silent. I could hear some questioning sounds that I couldn't really make out. But I did make out what Kina finally yelled,
"What the heck?! She fell asleep?! Oh c'mon!"
Hey guys! So... it's been a while... I'm sososososo sorry!!!!!! I've just been losing so much time to write... whenever I was actually able to, I ended up being forced to do something else... it wasn't fun. I was even yelling at MYSELF.
Me: Woman, what are you doing?! You need to update!!!
Me: I knowwww *but is forced to do homework.*
Me: you must UPDATE!!!!!!
Me: I knowwww *but is forced to go to some random event*
Me: I knowwww *but is forced to eat food*
So anyways... I honestly really thank you guys for your patience! It means a lot. Well... enough of all of that. You know the drill!
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