37: I Hope She Will
***Rin's POV***
Black... Darkness... That's all I could see.
I didn't know where I was, or why I was here. I didn't know how long I had been here either. I walked into the void of nothingness. Wandering aimlessly. I called for people countless of times. But got no response. Not that I really expected it.
"Yukio? Ayana? Sheimi? Bon?... Anyone? Hello?"
I seemed lost in the dark. I didn't know what to do or where to go. So then I finally sighed and stopped where I was. I sat crossed legged and closed my eyes. Well... That didn't really make a difference on how I saw anything. Everything was still black and dark.
I tried to make a light with my flames but that didn't really work. So I was about to grab my sword from behind my back, but it wasn't there. Where was it? I never leave anywhere without my sword. I kept my word to that. Where in the world was I?
So then, I just sat. Waited. Attempted to make a plan to get out of here. Nothing. I waited again.
And waited.
In the dark abyss of nothing.
Look at me using such fancy words.😎
Even though I heard them from Yukio.
...What's wrong with me? I have issues... Are griffins real? Demons are... So why can't griffins be too? They're so COOL.
I growled to myself. Sitting in this void like this was making me think about the weirdest things that I'd never even think about... But... Are griffins real? I wonder...
Suddenly a bright white light flashed in front of me. Light! I see the light!... I'm not about to die, am I?
I used my arms to shield my eyes, then I looked back.
I saw Ayana.
"Ayana?" I said.
I was looking at her through some portal. She seemed like she was hovering above me. Her black hair was drooped over her shoulders as they framed her face. Her purple eyes were wide as she looked at me. Like she didn't believe I was here. But I didn't really understand this either. Was she able to even see me? I reached for the portal, but the image only rippled from my touch.
"Rin?" She said in almost a whisper. To me it sounded like an echo, "is that...really you?"
As I looked at her, she looked like a mess. Her hair was messy with rocks and leaves. Dirt was all over her face. And she looked tired as hell.
"Ayana!" I yelled, "what happened? Are you alright?! What's going on there?!"
She wasn't replying. It seemed like she didn't even hear me. She only was looking down at me with relief. What happened?
"Rin." She sighed, "thank goodness you're-"
Then it was dark again. Everything pitch black.
"Ayana?" I looked around confusingly, "Ayana! Where'd you go?!"
I ran where the portal thing was. But nothing happened. I was left in the dark again. Alone... Was that even real? What I saw? Was that the real Ayana I know? It seemed like it.
Then I heard someone chuckling. A deep, demonic voice. I looked around quickly, "who's there?!" I yelled. More chuckling. Then it turned into a full laugh.
"Hahaha! So? How's it going down there in the dark? Fun right? Careful not to hit anything. Oh wait! There's nothing there! Hahaha!"
"Who are you?!" I yelled around.
"Oh no one in particular. Just your average demon." The voice replied, "just came to let you know that you'll be staying here for a while."
"Huh? What do you mean? Where am I?!"
"Your mind. I'll just be blunt and say it. I took over your body, my friend. And I'm keeping it!"
"Huh?!" I furrowed my eyebrows, "who the heck are you! Tell me!"
"No. I don't wanna."
I growled, "tell me, you creepy ass demon!"
"Then." I crossed my arms over my chest, "I guess I'll just call you 'creepy ass demon.'"
"... Well... Fine whatever. You're not going to be hearing from me again anyway."
"I'm not going to talk to you. That
would be boring to talk to someone who's just in my head."
"This isn't your head though! It's mine! So get out of my freaking head!" I yelled and punched the ground. But nothing happened to the black floor. It only hurt my fist. "Ow." I shook my hand.
The creepy ass demon chuckled. I growled to myself then I remembered. Ayana. If this demon took over my body and I saw Ayana before... Is he with her? Did he do something to her?
"Hey! Did you do something to Ayana?!" I yelled into the darkness.
No reply.
"Hello?!" I yelled again. Nothing. "Get back here you...!"
I sighed and just walked for a while. I was worried now. Was Ayana okay? The creepy ass demon didn't do something to her, did he?
After a while something happened. The place around me shook like an earthquake. What was happening? The darkness around me flickered into light, back and forth. I needed to get out of here. I started running. Everything around me was flickering like light, non stop. But there was nowhere for me to go.
"Argh!" I yelled in frustration, and punched the ground again.
It cracked.
Then I looked in front of me and that portal thing appeared. I saw what looked like a dirt covered floor. Then it disappeared... I punched the ground again, and the image came back, then disappeared again. I kept doing that and the portal thing kept appearing and disappearing. It never stayed that way. It would only come and go. I kept seeing the ground... Then I saw flashes of Ayana. Watching me. Weary but also worried. It didn't seem like she could see me though. I kept punching the ground. Then eventually the portal stopped appearing?! "No!" I yelled as I punched more holes into the now concrete looking ground now.
Then everything started to glow white around me. I shut my eyes from the brightness and then I felt like a weight had been lifted from me.
My eyes slowly opened seeing a white ceiling. I stared at it for a while as I felt myself on a familiar bed. Then I started to push my body up. I felt a pang on the right side of my head. I winced and the back of my head fell back into the soft pillow. I heard the door open. I looked to the direction of the sound, and saw Yukio walking through the door with a tray of... I don't really know.
Yukio looked at me and a smile grew on his face.
"Nii-San, you're awake!" He said. I looked around the room and realized we were in our dorm room. I saw my sheathed sword leaned beside my bed. Then I remembered that thing with me in that dark place. The creepy ass demon. Ayana. Could that all have been a dream?
Yukio placed the tray he was holding on the table beside my bed and sat at the edge of my bed. He turned his head to me and asked, "how are you feeling?"
"... Fine I guess." I muttered, "what happened?"His smile faded a bit. And he looked at me with sad eyes... What happened? My eyebrows furrowed as I pushed myself up on my elbows. I repeated in a stern voice, "Yukio. What happened?"
He looked at something on the other side of me. I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at my right hand. It was covered in bandages. From the tips of my fingers to my wrist. I looked at that hand for awhile. Flipping my hand back and forth.
"How did I get this?" I also felt the side of my head and there seemed to be bandages there as well. I looked at Yukio and said,"Yukio. Tell me what happened!"
Yukio didn't seem to want to tell me for some reason. That pissed me off. But then he said, "... What do you remember happening last?"
"Cut the crap and just tell me what happe-"
"Just tell me Rin. I'll tell you after you tell me what you remember last."
I stayed silent for a moment. I fully propped myself up and leaned my back against the backboard. I thought for a while then said,
"I remember... Going to mount Hikaru for a mission... That happened right? I wasn't dreaming?" Yukio nodded his head. Confirming that it wasn't a dream.
"What else do you remember?" He asked.
"Well..." I said," I vaguely remember walking around the resort. But that's about it. And before I woke up I had some weird dream. Well... I think it was a dream..."
"What was it about?"
"Well I was in a dark place. There was some demon, but I couldn't see it. And according to it, I was in my mind or something like that. He also said that he took over my body..." When I looked at Yukio, his eyes seemed to sadden. I felt a pang of fear with what I was about to ask,"that was a dream... Right?"
Yukio looked away from me and stayed silent. My eyes widened, if that wasn't a dream... Then I was really possessed? All of that really happened?
"Okay," I said, "so I told you what I remember. So now tell me what happened."
Yukio was about to tell me something until we both heard the door open. We saw Kina walk through the door with an emotionless face. Her green eyes then landed on me. And they flared with anger. Her teeth clenched as she stomped over to me. She got on the bed, straddled over me and grabbed me by my shirt and shook me.
"You!" She growled and yelled, "what did you do to her?!"
"Tell me you freaking-"
"Kina-San." Yukio cut her off, and held her shoulder as I was completely confused, "he doesn't remember anything. The demon is gone from him."
Kina's attention jerked to Yukio. Her expression still angry but tears started to form in the corners of her eyes, "but Yukio! Ayana! She's...!"
"I know. But lashing out on Rin won't help with anything."
She stared at Yukio for a moment. Then gritted her teeth. Her white bangs covered her eyes as she slowly crawled off me and sat on the wooden chair beside my bed. She put her balled fists on her lap.
"Wait." I said, "... What happened to Ayana?! Is she alright?!"
Yukio and Kina were both silent for a moment. They looked at each other. A shadow casted over Kina's eyes, but she nodded. Yukio finally said,
"You see Nii-San, We were called on that mission not because of the Hoshi demon, but because of another demon..." My eyebrows furrowed as he continued, "the Ryokō demon."
"Ryokō... Demon?" I question and he nodded,
"The Ryokō demon had taken over the Hoshi demon's mountain. His home. So he wanted to get it back. He actually only needed a few of us to distract him so he could do the ritual to take back mount Hikaru. However, the Ryokō demon did something that made us all forget about why we were really there. Except for Ayana-San and Kina-San. The reason they didn't forget was because... Apparently, the Hoshi demon is Ayana-san's uncle. The family blood helped her and her familiar."
"What?!" I yelled, and he nodded,
"He's Ayana-san's mothers brother. She didn't know about him until she was there."
"Wait. How do you know all of this, Yukio?" I asked.
"Hoshi and I explained it to him." Kina answered, still looking at the ground. Yukio then said,
"Yes. I actually don't remember much either Rin. I only recall wandering in the resort for most of the time like you do," he continued, "Anyways. Ayana-San, Kina-san and Hoshi-San were at the cave to do the ritual to take back the mountain.... Then... You came Rin. But you were possessed by the Ryokō demon. You fought Ayana-San and Kina-San for quite a while. Kina-San said that she ended up hitting a tree and passed out. When she woke up, she saw you and Ayana-San fighting each other. Ayana-San was really trying hard to get that demon out of you. But Kina-San didn't want to ruin any of the plans she could have. So she came and got Shura-San and I as reinforcements.
"When we arrived, Hoshi-San had finished the ritual. He said he was a bit too far away to actually see was going on. But we found you unconscious and Ayana-San had just passed out as well. You were both covered in holy water. But Ayana-san's injuries were more severe."
"What?! Holy water?! How did-"
"We don't know how that happened for sure. But we're assuming it came from the wishing well that was nearby. We were hoping to ask you and Ayana-San. But she hasn't woken up since we found her and you don't seem to know so... I guess we can only know for sure when she... wakes up."
"But I know Ryokō made Rin do all that to her." Kina growled.
All that? What did that mean?
"Is Ayana alright?" I asked.
"No! She's not! She's not alright! We don't even know if she'll even wake up!" Kina yelled as tears fell down her cheeks. Her body was shaking. Her knuckles turned even whiter than her skin already was as she clutched them.
My eyes widened. How bad was Ayana hurt? What did I do while I was possessed? I threw the sheets off my legs and got off the bed. I stood up and asked, "where is she?"
They were silent for a moment, watching me. Then Yukio answered, "Shiemi-San is tending to her right now. She's in her room. But you should really rest a bit more before you see her, Rin."
I ignored the last comment and walked out the door and turned left. Yukio probably already knew I'd do that. Because he didn't try to stop me. I was worried. No one knew what happened between that demon and Ayana while I was possessed. She might be the only one who actually knows. But how bad were Ayana's injuries? I wondered.
I now stood in front of her door. I took a deep breath then knocked on the door. I heard Shiemi say "come in!" So I did. I walked through the door and to my left. I saw Shiemi seated on a wooden chair that looked similar to the one in mine and Yukio's room. She wore a floral kimono as usual, but her short blond hair was tied into a ponytail as she was holding a bandage.
On the bed, I saw Ayana. Her eyes were shut tight and her brow was furrowed as she looked like she was in pain. Her long black hair was sprawled across her pillow. Her face was paler than normal as well. The blanket covered her up to her stomach as she wore a thin, white shirt. Bandages wrapped around her neck, her right hand up to her wrist and her entire left arm. You could also see some bandaging on her waist. Shiemi was just finishing up bandaging the ends of her fingertips.
She looked at me with a focused expression, but softened it when she saw me, "oh hi Rin." She said, "how are you feeling?"
"Fine." I replied. I walked up to the bed beside Shiemi and kept my eyes on Ayana, "how is she?"
"Normally she would have healed easily." Shiemi replied, "but because this is holy water, it's taking quite a toll on her. This will take some time for her to heal.... It might take her more time here." Her finger hovered over the left side of Ayana's neck,"and here," then her left wrist.
"How come?" I asked,
"Well... Her wrist seems to have more substances of holy water there, and her neck..." Her face contorted with nervousness like she didn't want to tell me. But then she slowly said, "it looks like... Claws... Dug into her skin there. And the holy water is making it a bit worse for her..."
I felt my stomach churn. I looked at my hand that was bandaged. I heard Kina and Yukio walk into the room. Kina transformed into a white cat and jumped onto the bed. She walked up to the side of Ayana's face and nuzzled herself against her cheek, and curled into a ball beside her.
"I did this.... Didn't I." I said as I looked at my bandaged hand. But I didn't ask in a question form. I think I already knew the answer. Yukio, Shiemi and the cat version of Kina watched me. Their eyes seemed to be filled with pity.
"It technically wasn't you, Rin." Said Yukio, "It was the demon who possessed you. The Ryokō demon."
"But I still did it." I said with gritted teeth. I looked at both of my palms, "with these hands."
"You didn't though Rin! You didn't-"
"Don't try to make me feel better!" I yelled. Then stormed out of the door. This was all my fault. I know it was. If I had been stronger, I would have been about to protect Ayana. And if I prevented myself from getting possessed, none of this would have happened. I'm so sorry, Ayana. I'm so sorry...
I ended up on the roof. I climbed the square-like box where I go to think. I sat at the edge of it and gazed at the night sky that towered over True Cross Town. The moon shown brightly on the city as the stars sparkled all around the dark sky. I remembered that this was the place where I found Ayana while we were playing that game of tag. After seven years; we found each other again... Well... She found me. Or did I find her? Oh well. Anyways, this was where we properly talked it all out. Where we set things right together after all those years. This was where she hugged me... And thanked me for being her friend. I'm pretty sure this is her favourite place now as well. I could feel the cool wind fly on my face. This was where Ayana would normally be. Right here. Feeling the breeze like I am now. I wondered how long it had been since everything happened at that mountain. I didn't ask before.
Then I heard footsteps behind me. I glance at the person coming and saw Kina. She was in her human form again. Long white hair and green eyes. Wearing her usual white shirt with a black vest, skirt and boots. I turned back to the scenery as she came and sat beside me. Neither of us said anything for a while. We sat in silence as the wind flew by and you could hear distant sounds of crickets.
"... Look..." I finally said, "I am so sorry... About Ayana... I feel so-"
"Forget it." Kina said, cutting me off, "I know it wasn't you're fault... I was just worried is all... And I was also really pissed at that Ryokō. I know you wouldn't intentionally do something like that to Ayana... She's my first friend as well. I don't want anything to happen to her. I don't know what I'd do if something... happened to her..." Kina buried her face between her knees. Then she said in a shaky voice, "I'm sorry Rin... I just don't want her to leave... She's my closest friend..."
I watched Kina as she clutched her knees closer to her chest more. I was silent for a moment then I said with a sad smile, "It's alright. I don't blame you for feeling that way. I probably would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes... I guess we also have a lot more in common than I thought." She looked at me confusedly as her green eyes glistened. I looked at the scenery in front of me and continued, "Ayana was actually my first friend too. My very best friend. I'd do anything to keep her safe. Anything at all. And I really wish that I was stronger. Strong enough to keep that demon out of my head like my old man was able to do when Satan tried to possess him for all those years" my eyes sparkled as I thought about the old man.
"Your old man?" Kina questioned.
"Yeah. My dad." I said.
"Ah, you mean Father Fujimoto right?"
"You know him?"
"Ayana told me all about him. He sounded really cool"
"Oh he was! The best exorcist ever! He was even Paladin!"
We softly laughed for a bit. It later became quiet again.
"I'm sure you'll be like him one day." Kina assured, "and you'd be able to protect Ayana too... But not if I'm here! I'm the top person to protect her!"
"Really?" I smirked.
"Yep! I'm her familiar after all! And her best friend!"
"I'm pretty sure she's my best friend." I joked.
"Is that a challenge I hear?"
"Hm? A challenge to what?"
"Ayana's love"
I could feel my face burn after hearing that, "wha?! N-no. I jus-"
"You love her don't you?"
"What?! W-well... Yeah. She's my best friend. I love her like that I guess."
"No no no. I mean love. Love as in: an intense feeling of deep affection or romantic attachment to someone."
I raised a brow at the white haired girl beside me, "... Where the heck did you get that from?"
"Oh a was reading some book Yukio had on his desk. But it was really boring I must say. It just had a bunch of words!"
"All books have words in it."
"... True. But this one was different! What was it called? Dic... Diction-something... Umm..."
"A dictionary?"
"Yes! That's what it's called! Have you read it? It's so weird!"
I was silent for a moment then started laughing. She seemed confused by my sudden fit, but she pushed it aside when she said with a grin, "so anyway. You love Ayana? Don't you?"
"Well... I gue-"
"Well too bad!"
"You keep you're hands off her got it?!"
"She's staying with me!"
I looked at Kina dumbfounded for a while as she kept her grin.
"Why'd you ask me in the first place then?" I asked.
"To tease you. And to have a challenge. Ayana's forever my best friend got it?!"
"Huh..." I stayed quiet, then smirked."I see... Alright! I accept your challenge!" I shook her hand with my bandaged one and said, "for Ayana's top spot of the title 'best friend'!"
"You're on!"
"And we can even track down that Ryokō demon and kick his ass!"
"I'm with you there!"
We chuckled for a while. Then I thought for a while about Ayana. How she's still unconscious in that room.
"... She will wake up though... Won't she?" Kina asked. It seemed like she was thinking the same thing I was.
"Yeah," I said with a soft smile, "she will. You can't bring the great Ayana down that easily!" Kina smiled back at me, then we both watched the night sky again.
"Yeah." Kina muttered.
"She'll wake up... I know she will..."
I hope she will.
Hey people! So that was a longer than expected chapter 0.O oh well! That's means more reading for you right?! XD Anywho~
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