32: A Very Confusing Demon
***Ayana's POV***
I quickly walked down the halls of the resort. I needed to find the others. Try to get them to remember the reason why we are here. We are on an exorcist mission. Not a vacation, or whatever everyone thinks this is right now.
I found Bon, Konekomaru and Shima first. They were in a room with a bunch of other guys. They were all grouped around a table looking at something. I couldn't see what it was at all though. It was very loud as well. Laughter all around me. I could barley hear myself when I called, "Bon! Konekomaru! Shima!"
I wasn't surprised when they couldn't hear me either. So I walked into the room, and squeezed through the crowd and grabbed the three by the back of their collars and dragged them out. I could faintly hear them yelping. But it was still too loud.
I pulled them out of the ear-drum-destroying-room, and it was now quiet out in the halls. Ah, oh so lovely silence. No sarcasm there may I add.
I then let go of the three boys and they all were glaring at me.
"What?" I asked them,
"Why'd you drag us out all the way here?" Bon asked,
"Can't you guys remember?" I asked,
"Remember what?" Konekomaru asked,
"The mission! The reason why we are here?"
They were all silent. Then Shima said,
"Mission? What mission?"
"You know! The one with the Hoshi demon? The guardian of this mountain?"
They all looked at me for a moment. Then looked at each other. Then Bon said to me,
"Uhh, Ayana? There's no such thing as a.... Hoshi?.... Demon.... The guardian of this mountain is the Ryokō demon..."
"... Ryokō demon?..."
"Yeah, weren't you paying attention to what Mr. Okumura told us about this mountain before we came on this trip? How the Ryokō demon takes care of this mountain? People love it here, and I can see why. This place is really beautiful."
"..." The Ryokō demon? What in the world was a Ryokō demon? Yukio never talked about anything like that. I'm positive that he didn't say anything about it. Maybe it was this demon that was the cause of all the strange stuff happening around here? Maybe I could ask them about it.
I was about to ask the guys about the Ryokō demon, until I stopped myself. They were gone.
I looked toward the room beside me and saw them walking back in to continue whatever they were doing.
I sighed. Well I guess I got enough from them for now. Maybe I could find out more about this "Ryokō demon". So I started to walk.
"Ayana!" I heard a familiar voice say. I stopped at the intersection of the hallways and looked to my right. I saw Kina running my direction.
She didn't bother to slow down though. She just grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me as she continued to run full speed. I yelped, then I realized while Kina was running, that I hadn't seen her for quite a while.
"Kina, where have you been?!" I called as we were still running, "and why are we running?"
"I've been doing what you told me to," Kina replied,"investigating! And what I found was really creepy!"
"What?" As we continued to run, Kina said,
"Well you see, I found Shiemi, Izumo and some other girls. They were acting really strange. So I went to talk to them. They were outside, and one of the girls was showing something to everyone. But that girl seemed even more off then everyone else... And what she was showing didn't seem right either... So I took it."
"What was it though?"
Kina finally stopped and pulled something out of her black jacket pocket, "this"
In her hand was... A rock.
I raised an eyebrow at her, "a rock? Really?"
"Look closer."
I listened, and looked back at the rock. It was small, smooth and grey. But there was something odd on it actually. There were black swirls painted on the rock.
"Okay. So someone painted swirls on a rock? It could have been a kid who just decided to paint on it you know."
Kina sighed at my statement, then took my hand and placed the rock in my palm. "Anything now?" She asked,
I then felt it. The same type of demonic presence as this resort. But it also felt familiar somewhere else as well. I wasn't too sure though.
I looked at Kina. She understood.
"Where's the girl who had this?" I asked,
Kina looked over my shoulder then said, "there."
I turned around and saw a little girl with long brown hair and pale skin. She looked about ten years old. She was wearing a white kimono as well. She was looking down, so her hair covered her eyes too. But... What was a little girl doing here? The resort was only open to the exorcists right now. Not for families. And Kina only said there was something odd about this girl? No... It was more than that.
"Please... Give it back..." The little girl said with a shaky voice. I knew right away that she was talking about the rock. Why would Kina take this rock from this little girl? No, that's not the question... Why did this little girl have this demonic rock? I then looked at Kina and she whispered to me,
"We can't give it to her Ayana. When she had it... Well... She wasn't like this..."
I gripped the rock in my hand then asked the girl,
"Why do you need it?"
"It's mine"
"Where did you get it?"
"It's mine"
"Answer me first."
"...it's mine"
I sighed then started walking over to her.
"Ayana!" Kina half whispered with gritted teeth,"careful!"
"Don't worry." I said.
I knelt down in front of the little girl. I still couldn't see her face because of her long bangs. But she was shaking, and her fists were clenched.
"Is it special to you?" I asked. She nodded her head slowly. "Did someone special give it to you?"
The little girl gritted her teeth and then she said something that I'd never think would come out of a kids mouth.
"Quit freaking testing my patience Ayana."
Her voice changed as well. You could still hear the voice of a little girl, but it was also mixed with a terrifyingly deep, demonic voice. I quickly stood up and backed away a little. I knew right away. This little girl was being possessed by a demon. She definitely wasn't a demon herself but there was something that was controlling her. But something else came to my mind.
How did they know my name?
Could they have heard Kina before? But they were way to far away to hear it... I didn't know.
The little girl smirked. Then she was engulfed in black smoke. She finally looked up and the colour of her eyes were as red as blood. She cackled. It was really unbecoming though.
"C'mon Ayana! How many times have I asked? I even said please. I never say please! Hahahaha!"
"... Who are you?"
She then stopped laughing. But she still kept the smirk and her red eyes were filled with mischief.
"Ahh let's just say... Your... Soon to be saviour? Ohh I like that! Hahaha!"
"Huh?" I had no clue what they were talking about but I didn't like it. I gritted my teeth and said, "you still haven't answered my question. Who are you?"
"Your soon to be saviour doesn't count?" I didn't reply. Only glared. "No? Okay..." The smoke around the little girl formed into something that looked like a chair. Then the girl sat in it. She just floated in place and said, "maybe you could guess? I like games!"
"Okay, I'll take that as a yes!" She smirked again, "let's just say that that loser Hoshi doesn't have a clue what to do with life. He's quite the idiot. I came to play a game, and he lost big time! Haha, good times~. Anywho, there's been a rumour going around in Gehenna that there are quite a lot of demons that are starting to side with exorcists. That's not very good is it? Even Satan's brats are becoming exorcists too?! Damn... But I wanted to have some... Fun... With a particular someone... You see... Hoshi and I have quite a history y'know. I trampled over him all the time! Ha! He's such a wimp! So some time ago, I came and we played a game. You know what we played? Do you? Do you?"
I didn't reply, so they continued,
"No? Okay. We played a little game of hide and seek. Fun right? Well the rules were, if I caught Hoshi, then I get this mountain! So... What do you think happened? What do you think?"
"You're the Ryokō demon." I concluded,
"Bingo!" They said. But I still wondered, why did only the mountain know that it now belonged to the Ryokō demon? And they even think it always belonged to them. It's like the Hoshi demon never existed. Unlike everywhere else. And why weren't Kina and I affected by it?
"Ah you must be wondering how you're not affected by any of this." The Ryokō demon said, like they had read my mind, "well, Hoshi kept on yelling at me that her precious niece would come and save his home. But how could she save him, when she didn't even know he existed? That's what I wondered..."
"Niece?" I furrowed my eyebrows,
"Yeah, niece. Hoshi's apparently your little moms brother. Weird right?"
My eyes widened. My mom? My mom had a brother? I had a Uncle? This whole time? But it did make sense now. The Hoshi demon is the star demon. Mom was the Gekkō demon. The moonlight demon. I looked back at the little girl who was still possessed by the Ryokō demon,
"How do you know all this?" I asked.
She grinned, "I'm the Ryokō demon! The traveling demon! Duh."
"The traveling demon?"
"Yep! I can travel anywhere through time! Cool right? I can get involved with a lot of people's future! Or past. But you gotta keep it in shape don't you?"
This demon was the most confusing demon I had ever met. That's all that came to my mind. But I quickly shook my head and said,
"Why are you doing this though? This place belongs to the Hoshi demon! Why are you taking this place away from him?!" He didn't reply, "are you the one causing all the floods and wildfires too?!"
He only laughed in the little girls form, "nah, that's all Hoshi. He's still pissed, and won't leave me alone! I won that game fair and square."
"He probably didn't think you'd actually take his mountain from him"
"Well his loss."
"You should give it back to him."
"No thanks" I huffed at that reply. And the demon inside the little girl smirked, "now then..." She held out her hand, "why don't you give me what's mine? Since I told you so much."
I tensed for a second, then realized they were talking about the rock. I looked at it in my hand, then I looked at the little girl seated on the cloud of black smoke and shook my head. "You don't want things to get... Ugly... Do you?" She asked, and I remained silent, until I finally said,
"Why don't you tell me what's so special about this rock?"
"Hmm I think I told you enough..."
"I want to know though."
"No you don't."
"Yeah I do."
I gritted my teeth, and the Ryokō demon sighed,"you know what. I'm tired of this game, aren't you?"
Suddenly the little girl stood up and black smoke bursted out of her mouth. Her eyes turned to a normal brown, but she fell. I saw Kina coming to her, but I couldn't get to her because a large cloud of black smoke was coming my direction. I dodged it, then unsheathed my sword from around my waist. I then engulfed myself in my purple flames.
The black cloud of smoke formed into a rough human shape, and had red, glowing orbs for eyes. It whistled.
"Those are quite the flames you got there Ayana-san~" I clenched my hand around the hilt,"why don't we put them to the test? Shall we?"
The Ryokō demon flew my direction, and I dodged it again, and sliced it. But it did no harm at all. I then tried again. Nothing. I kept fighting him for a while, trying to do something. But this thing was basically a cloud of smoke. Literally. So how was I supposed to defeat it?!
I heard the demon chuckle, "wondering how you're going to defeat me I see?"
I growled at him and attacked again, but my sword only went through the cloud again. So then I brought my flames out, and engulfed the demon with my purple flames. He was gone in my flames. I then died them back down. There was nothing left. But I wasn't to surprised when specks of black were coming back together forming a cloud again. The demon cackled,
"I do gotta admit though. You're quite fast. If I actually had a physical form, you'd probably have already defeated me! Ha!... You're daddy taught you well."
I stopped. My dad now?! This demon seems to know my entire family history!
"What's this about my dad now?" I asked,
I couldn't see it, but I was sure he smirked, "oh well he wasn't involved with much, but you know me! Well not really.... But I like to travel places alright?! Your family was quite amusing especially, I ended up getting involved though... Oops," this guy was completely confusing me, but I needed to know,
"Involved?" I questioned,
"Well not really with them... But you... Oh that's something I can't wait to see. ha!"
"What...? What in the world are you talking about?"
The Ryokō demon was silent for a moment. Then he finally said, "you know what? I've learned enough about you I think. How about we wait until that day comes? That day will be oh so interesting~"
"But what are you-"
"I'm gonna look around for a bit."
The black cloud dissolved. Then I was left in the silence. Completely confused. What did that Ryokō demon mean? Involved with me? The time traveling demon involved with my life? But it didn't even happen if I understood him right. He said "that day will be oh so interesting". But when was this day exactly though?
"Ayana?" Kina knocked me out of my thoughts. So I turned to look at her. She was kneeling down in front of the little girl she propped against the wall; who was sitting there unconscious, "...what just happened?"
"...no clue..." I looked down the empty hall then back at Kina. I would've really loved to think more about what that Ryokō demon was saying, but I remembered that there was still more we needed to do. I looked at the unconscious little girl and said, "but we should probably figure out where she came from first."
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