31: Mount Hikaru
***Rin's POV***
Yukio was now talking about types of high class demons that we should be cautious around and all that stuff. Until we heard the door creak open. We all looked at the door seeing Ayana, walking in with a white cat with green eyes on her shoulder. It was probably Kina.
"So is everything alright now?" Yukio asked Ayana and Kina.
"Yep!" Ayana replied as Kina grinned.
"Good," said Yukio,"you may take a seat."
They walked to the desk behind me, and Ayana plopped into her chair as Kina jumped on the desk. Then Yukio said,
"Alright," he put the white chalk he was holding on his desk,"so now that everyone's here, we can talk about the large mission we are going to have."
My eyes widened and I beamed,"wait, a mission?! Awesome! Where where where?!!!!"
Then I felt a flick at the back of my head,"ow" I rubbed my head and heard Ayana say in a serious tone behind me,
"Rin, calm down, he's gonna tell us now."
I turned my head to look at her and her expression didn't match her voice at all.
She was bouncing excitedly in her chair. Her cheeks were red and puffed out as she was smiling like a little kid, waiting for their Christmas present.
I chuckled at this. This was going to be Ayana's first exorcist mission after all. Then I turned my head back to Yukio.
"We will be going to the the mountains at the peak of mount Hikaru. There is a resort there where we will stay as well."
"Mount Hikaru? What's going on over there?" Bon asked.
"The guardian of the mountain and stars- the Hoshi demon, has become quite angered. They're causing more storms around the mountain. Floods. Wildfires. Anything like that really. The village that's under its protection. Hoshi village, is worried. So they have called us exorcists over to help."
"Do we know why the Hoshi demon is angry?" Konekomaru asked.
"That's what we're going to find out. Along with many other exorcists who will be joining us." Yukio replied.
"Others? Like who?" Izumo asked,
"Many. Because this demon is the guardian of an entire mountain, we will probably need more forces to handle it."
Everyone slightly nodded in understanding. But I still wondered. A guardian of an entire mountain? Wow, that's incredible! But why would this demon be so angry? What's going on at that huge mountain?
"Alright," Yukio knocked me out of my thoughts, "we will be going in a week, so make sure you're prepared. We don't know how long we are going to be there. But hopefully it's not that long."
Then the bell rang.
"Class dismissed." Said Yukio.
"Hey Ayana, so you excited for your first exorcist mission?" I asked Ayana. We were now making our way to our dorm. Yukio said he'll catch up with us later since he had a bunch of work to do. So now we were both just walking.
"Of course I am!" Ayana replied to me.
"Hey, this is my first exorcist mission too y'know~" Kina said as she was walking beside Ayana in her human form, "aren't you going to ask meeee????"
I chucked and asked, "are you excited too Kina?"
Kina put her finger on her lip and pretended to think about it. Then she grinned and squealed, "yes!"
We had all begun to laugh. I was quite excited myself. Shima told us that he heard about this place. The resort is apparently amazing, and it also has a huge hot spring. I just hope that we could deal with all the demon business so we could all have fun! Speaking of that demon...
"Hey, why do you guys think that demon is angry?" I asked Ayana and Kina.
They both looked like they were thinking about it.
"Hmmm...maybe..."Kina said,"the people who live on that mountain are doing something?... I don't know."
I looked at Ayana for her response, but she still seemed to be in deep thought. Then I heard her mumbling to herself,
"The Hoshi demon.... Star demon... Moon...?"
"Huh?" I seemed to have disrupted her thoughts, since she started to blink a few times then looked up at me.
"What's up?" I asked her,
"Oh," she looked back at the ground, "just thinking."
"Bout the demon?"
Ayana was silent for a moment, then said, "it's nothing. I think I'm just overthinking things... Oh we're here!"
I looked ahead seeing our dorm. Ayana ran ahead to open the door. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets.
"That girl can be such a mystery sometimes."I muttered to myself.
I didn't realize that Kina was still beside me until she shrugged and said, "well I guess that's Ayana for you."
It had finally been a week. We were now going to Mount Hikaru. The drive there was really long. We took a bus and it took us about three hours to get to Mount Hikaru, and an extra hour to get to the top of the mountain.
When we finally arrived, we all got off the bus and looked at the resort In front of us.
This wasn't like Shima described.
It was even better.
The entire mountain was covered with a lush green forest. And right at the top where we were, was a kind of shack house. It wasn't too big, but not too small either. Green bushes surrounded the wooden resort, and beautiful blue and yellow flowers grew from them. There was some kind of aura to this place. An aura I couldn't explain. But I loved it. I felt relaxed here. I already felt at home.
"It's so pretty..." Sheimi said, mesmerized beside me.
"Yeah..." I murmured.
"Well, shall we go?" Yukio said as he walked past me.
I was surprised how Yukio was not as mesmerized of this place as I was. But then again, he might have already seen it.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts, then I puffed my chest out and walked forward.
I saw Ayana and Kina standing in front of me. The past week the two of them spent most the time bonding. It was quite funny to watch actually. They were quite similar in many ways. Like their love for the wind especially.
If you couldn't find them, they were most likely on the roof or on a tree. The only difference was that Kina acted more like a kid than Ayana did. It was like Ayana was the one protecting her instead of the other way around. It was quite ironic, since it's a master-familiar relationship. But in truth, they just seemed like the best of friends instead.
I walked beside them then looked at them. They both looked really uneasy for some reason. They were both cautiously looking around like something was going to jump out at them any second.
"You guys okay?" I asked them.
They were silent for a moment then Kina said,
"This mountain for some reason gives me the creeps."
"Yeah, same here..." Ayana said,
"Huh? Why?" I asked. How could this place be creepy? It's the complete opposite!
"Yeah, sure it is nice..." Ayana said like she had just read my thoughts,"but for some reason it also gives me a... Gehenna vibe... Don't you think Kina?"
"Mmhm..." Kina nodded in agreement.
What? A Gehenna vibe? How could this place possibly have a vibe like that? No that can't be right.
"Well, I think you guys are just imagining things," I concluded,"it might be the demons anger or something like that."
Then I walked ahead to the beautiful resort.
***Ayana's POV***
"Ayana... I'm not to sure about this... Maybe we should go back."Kina said.
I remained silent and watched as Rin made his way to the shack. He didn't seem to think that it looked suspicious at all. Like it was some paradise. The other exorcists didn't seem fazed by anything either. So what did I see?
A plain old resort. Green bushes with blue and yellow flowers that looked like they were about to die. That was it. Nothing else that special. But for some reason I could feel a tint of Gehenna aura. It was strange. Maybe Rin was right about the Hoshi demon being the cause of that.
But was it really the cause of all of it?
I don't think so.
"Yeah..." I finally said to Kina, "but we need to do something. Something weird is going on here at this mountain. So we need to stop it. Soon."
"But we don't even know what's going on."
"That's why we're here isn't it?"
I walked down the hall of the resort and saw Rin standing with the other exorcists.
We had been here for two days now. Nobody had said a word about the mission. Or the Hoshi demon. It's like they had all forgotten about it. Like their life here was all that mattered. The only people who didn't seem affected by it were Kina and I.
We did think it was because we were demons, but Rin's one too, so why was he affected by all this? Everyone seemed to have been angrier too. People would fight a lot. Even people that you would never expect to fight. Like last night. Shiemi was arguing with Izumo about food for some reason.
I made it to where Rin was and grabbed his wrist. He looked at me and seemed annoyed.
"Rin, you need to be careful."he raised an eyebrow at me,"this place isn't what it seems."
"What in the world are you talking about, Ayana?"
I noticed that he said that quite coldly. But I ignored it and said,
"Something's going on here. So we need to stay alert. Everyone's been acting strange. We can't be caught off guard Rin. I'll try to tell the others too, but just make sure that you-"
"What are you talking about?" He cut me off in that cold tone again.
"I'm just trying to make sure that you-"
"I don't need you to watch over me, or whatever you're trying to do!" I tensed, "just leave me alone will ya?!"
He ripped his arm from my grip, then started storming off.
"Rin?" I murmured a bit hurt.
This definitely was not Rin. He never would have said something like that. Now I'm definitely sure about it. Something is influencing everyone on this mountain. Making them not act like themselves. I just needed to figure out what exactly it was.
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