3:You're Real?!
For a few minuets, it was silent. Rin just gazed into those beautiful purple eyes. They were glowing too.
Then, he snapped out of it and pointed at the girl saying"YOU'RE REAL?!"
"Um...what?... Who are you?..."
Rin then realized how stupid what he said was, but said"... Uhh... I should ask you that. Who are you?" Rin took a step forward a little.
"No... Your the one that came to me, so... who are you?"
The girl sheathed her sword around her waist and her flames disappeared, her eyes stopped glowing as well. Then she looked back at Rin.
"Oh yeah...Right... Sorry... Haha" Rin sheepishly said while rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm Rin Okumura"
Right then, the girls eyes widened, and Rin saw recognition in her eyes.
"Do you know me?" He asked "how? Who are you?" Rin walked towards her more and the girl started to step backwards. Her eyes glistening and had something else... Disbelief.
"How? Who are you?!" Rin yelled. He was starting to lose his temper.
The girl now had her back against a tree and Rin had her cornered. His hands were on both her shoulders. Holding them tight."Tell me!" Rin was very angry.
Before he knew it, there were tears streaming down the girls face. Yet she still just gazed at Rin. Rin was shocked. The tears just kept on flowing. The girl didn't even try to wipe them away.
He heard her mumble"Rin?"
"Uhh... Yeah?..."
She sniffled a bit and shut her eyes tight and started to cry more, making no other sounds.
Rin didn't know how to handle this. The last time a girl cried like this in front of him was Izumo, at the bath. But all Rin did then was give her his shirt.
Well... Rin couldn't really do that out here in the middle of the forest... Could he?
Uhh No.
Rin let go of the girl and said"Umm... H-Hey... Don't cry... Sorry. I think I was a bit harsh..."
The girl wiped her tears away and shook her head and said"n-no it's fine... I'm actually really happy."
The girl gave a soft smile and more tears streamed down her cheeks.
"You're happy? Why?" Rin asked, and the girl replied
"I'm happy that your doing okay"she smiled again"how much do you remember about me? Well... Do I even look familiar to you?" The girl asked.
Rin was quiet for a few seconds, then replied saying"I have been having dreams about you I think. But it's always the same dream. Starting and ending at the same spot. It starts about how I met you in a park."Rin looked into the girls purple eyes"and it always ends when your about to tell me your name."
"So you only know how you met me?"the girl asks
"yeah. And I don't even know your name..."Rin then walked a bit closer to the girl."so could you tell me?"
The girl stared into his blue orbs as he gazed at her purple ones. They both snapped out of it when they heard Yukio calling Rin in the distance.
The girl looked toward where Yukio was, then back at Rin. She kept looking back and forth, panicking.
"what's wrong?" Rin asked.
The girl locked her eyes on Rin, then took something out of her pocket. She held the object in her fist, and Rin couldn't tell what it was.
"Hold out your hand" the girl quickly told Rin, so he did.
She put the object in his palm. Her hand still covering the object between her and Rin's hands,she gripped onto his hand and pulled Rin toward her which made Rin Yelp.
She stopped when her lips were near Rin's ear and whispered"put this on when you go to sleep. Your questions will be answered." The girl pulled back and gave a closed eye smile.
Rin was surprised and noticed she had the same smile as the dream he had, then his cheeks had a tint of pink on it.
The girl turned around and ran through the forest, then disappeared.
Rin just stared in awe the direction she ran then he realized he was holding an object in his fist. He looked at his fist and relaxed it revealing... The blue moon necklace.
Rin's eyes widened as he stared at the necklace. Then Yukio came.
"Nii-San!...nii-san! Where are- oh there you are! What were you thinking?! You shouldn't just run off like that!" Yukio said.
Rin had his back facing Yukio and stared at the necklace a bit more
"nii-San?"Yukio said. Then Rin put the necklace in his pocket and turned to face Yukio.
Rin gave a sheepish grin and scratched his neck and said"haha... Sorry Yukio... My bad..."
Yukio sighed"anyway why were you just facing a tree?"
"Uhh... I was peeing..."
"Umm... -.-... Okay then... Well, did you see the demon?"
"um... No I didn't."
Rin didn't want to tell Yukio what just happened because he didn't even know himself.
"okay" Yukio turned around and said"we should get back. Everyone must be waiting."
"Okay"Rin replied. Then Rin and Yukio walked back to meet up with everyone.
"There you guys are! Where were you?!" Bon yelled.
"Hey it's not our fault!" Rin yelled back.
"Actually nii-San...it kind of is your fault. You just ran off to something you didn't even get to on time." Yukio said as he adjusted his glasses.
Rin glared at Yukio "you could at least back me up!" Rin wined.
"Hey did you guys hear the demon during the mission?" Asked Miwa.
"Yes we did" Yukio said.
"So what was it?" Izumo this time asked.
"I'm not sure. We didn't see the demon." Yukio replied.
Rin averted his eyes from the group. He zoned out and started to think about what he saw when the girl defeated the demon. He also remembered those purple flames.
"Could she be a demon?"Rin thought
Rin's thoughts were disturbed when he felt a tug on his shirt. Rin looked down seeing Sheimi looking at Rin with a worried look on her face.
"Are you okay Rin? You've been very quiet." Sheimi asked
"yeah, you okay Okumura?" Shima asked.
"Oh. Yeah! I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" Rin said.
"Are you sure?" Sheimi asked.
"Well, it's getting late we should all get back to our dorms." Yukio said
Rin and Yukio had dinner. No one spoke the whole time. After eating, Rin gave his plate to Ukobach and thanked him for the meal. He then said goodnight to Yukio and went straight to their room.
Rin changed from his uniform to a t-shirt and shorts. He flopped onto the bed and was about to fall asleep until he remembered those words.
"put this on when you go to sleep. Your questions will be answered."
Rin then walked over to his jacket and pulled out the necklace from the pocket and sat on his bed again.
Rin stared at the necklace for a while, then murmured"this better work."then, he put it on.
The necklace started to glow a bright blue. Rin stared at it in awe, then quickly laid on his bed and drifted to sleep.
His memories were flowing back to him.
Another chapter done! So what do think? Like? And the picture up there is how the girl somewhat looked when Rin met her in the woods. (And yes I know, it's Shana, from Shakugan no Shana! But edited). But I'd actually say that she's supposed to look like the pic I posted below⬇️well... Just how her face and hair looks.
So basically, she looks like specific pictures of Akemi Homura from Madoka Magica >.<
see ya later!
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