29: Kina's Story (part 2)
***Kina's POV***
My nine year old self ran out the door. I quickly looked both ways before closing the door behind me. Making sure that daddy hadn't come back early or something. But he just left. And will probably be back in about 8 hours. So I will have time to go outside.
It's not like I'm running away or anything. I truly do love daddy. But I just want to go outside for a bit. Feel the fresh air. Maybe make some friends.
I ran down the empty street. And as I did, I had just realized,
I'm out.
After a whole year, I'm outside again.
It felt great. I continued to run with a smile on my face. Until, I reached a park.
I stopped abruptly, to get a better look.
The park wasn't that big but there were many kids there. There were 2 swings that were already occupied, a small slide where a mother and young child was, And a few monkey bars. Kids were running around playing games and in sandboxes. It was amazing. I couldn't remember the last time I saw so many people.
My eyes trailed back to the 2 kids who were on the swings. A boy and a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. They looked like brother and sister, and close to my age. They were laughing and it looked like they were having a competition. Maybe who can get higher in the air on the swing?
They both then jumped off and continued to laugh with joy.
This was my chance. I straightened my stance, and made my way to them. When I stood in front of them, they still hadn't noticed me. So then I said,
"Umm excuse me?"
They stopped talking and glanced at me. Then I smiled at them and said,
"Hi I'm Kina! What are your names?"
They didn't reply though. They continued to stare at me. And they both exchanged glances. Then their eyebrows furrowed at me.
"Umm" I didn't know what to do now... They weren't talking and it didn't seem like they were going to.
But finally the girl spoke.
"Uhh... Why are you talking to us?"
"Huh?" I slightly tilted my head to the side, then said, "well I'm just trying to make some friends. You guys seem nice..."
"How old are you?" The boy asked.
"Umm... Nine?"
"Nine?!" Really?!" He exclaimed, "you look so old!"
I frowned at this. "How?... We're... The same height and stuff..."
"Look at your hair! It's white! Only old people have white hair!"
"That's true, nii-chan!" The girl laughed,
Then they both started to laugh. "You sure you aren't fifty? Hahaha!"
My lip started to quiver a bit. This isn't how I wanted this day to be... I finally wanted to make friends. I didn't want to be alone anymore. Yet... Do I really look that unnatural?
I could feel tears forming at the corners of my eyes as the two siblings started to walk away... Still laughing. I just stayed there. Standing. My fists clenched. My vision was getting blurry. By body was shaking.
I shouldn't have come out here. Daddy said it would only be dangerous. I didn't know I'd also be treated like this... But...
It was only two people. Maybe they're the only ones who think that way?
I quickly shook my head and wiped my tears away. I stood straight again. And put up a brave face.
That's right. It was only two people. I can still keep trying. There must be someone around here who will play with me!
No one.
No one at all...
After six hours... Why won't anyone play with me? Do I look that weird to everyone? I haven't even told anyone about my shape shifting or anything. Yet people are still afraid of me... Or laughing at me... Or calling me old... Do I really look old though? I don't get it...
My vision got blurry again.
No one wants me here... Probably only daddy right? Why did I even bother to come here? There was no point.
I then had begun to leave, until I heard someone yell, "woah!"
Then I felt someone bump into my back. I fell face first, and they ended up sprawled across my back.
Then they quickly got off of me and I heard them say, "s-sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!"
I pushed myself up from the sand, and looked up at the person. It was a girl who looked about my age. She had short black hair and wore a dark blue shirt with black shorts. And she also had...
Purple eyes.
They were... Really pretty though. I had never seen eyes like those. Can humans have purple eyes to? Wow. Humans are amazing.
"Umm" was all I could say. The purple-eye girl tilted her head to the side and then knelt down in front of me.
"you alright?"
I continued to stare at her. She... Looked... Concerned? No. That can't be right. I finally concluded that no one cares here. Only daddy... Yet...
I slowly nodded my head, and the girl smiled and said, "that's good."
"You..." I started, "you aren't going to laugh at me?... Or run away from me?"
The girl frowned. Then said, "why would I do that?"
My mouth gaped. Then I said, "well... No one seems to want to talk to me or anything. They would either run away from me or laugh about my hair."
The purple-eyed girls eyebrows furrowed as she looked at my hair. "Your hair looks fine to me."
My eyes widened, "you... You don't think it makes me look old?"
The girl giggled and replied, "no. It actually looks nice." I couldn't help but let a smile grow on my face. Then she said, "I'm surprised you haven't run away from me though."
My smile faded. Then she continued, "you see... A lot of people are afraid of me too. Because of my eyes. They're not very natural so... Haha..."
"Your eyes? But they're so pretty!"
The girl seemed to tense a bit. But then she looked at me and said, "you think so?"
She looked at me for a while. Her mouth wide opened. Then she softly smiled to the ground and said, "including you... Only two people have told me that."
"Hm? But they are pretty!"
She then looked up at me and said, "thank you."
I smiled back at her. But then I noticed that she started to look around the park. She was squinting her eyes everywhere.
"Umm..." Of course. She doesn't want to talk to me right now. She wants to leave. Because I'm weird. She then said,
"Sorry... I've just been looking for my friend. He was supposed to be here and I thought I was late. So I ran all the way here!"
I've heard stuff similar to this all day. People will say that they're waiting for their friend. Then leave. It's just so they can get away from me... I know it is. Why am I still talking to this person? They're probably the same as everyone else. Then the girl sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and said,
"Well, guess he's not here yet. I really want to introduce him to you. You seem really nice... And you remind me of us too."
My eyes widened. Introduce me?
Then the girl shook her head and looked at me and said, "anyway," she brought her hand out for a hand shake, "I'm Ayana! What's your name?"
I just stared at her hand for a while. She... Is talking to me? So normally? And... She's even treating me like... A friend?
I slowly brought my hand out, shook her hand and said, "I'm.... Kina"
"Kina? That's a nice name!" Said Ayana,
She gave me a closed eyed smile, "So you wanna play with me Kina? Once my other friend comes I can introduce you to him too! I'm sure he'll love to play with you too!"
I couldn't help but smile. Did I really just make a friend? Without even trying? Is that how you make friends? Guess I'm learning a lot of stuff today.
"Sure!" I replied to Ayana.
Ayana and I played together for a while. It was so fun. I had the time of my life with her!
I don't know how long it had been, but good things have to come to an end don't they?
Because later, while we were running... I tripped... I don't know what exactly I tripped on, but I ended up scraping my knee in the process. Ayana was running in front of me, but stopped when she realized I fell.
"Kina!" Ayana yelled. Then ran over to me. She knelt down beside me as I held my scraped knee, "are you okay? What happened"
"Just tripped" I said, "but don't worry, I'm sure it will be fin-"
I was cut off by a familiar deep voice, "KINA!"
Was it already time? No. How did this happen? No... I should have kept better track of time.
Daddy ran over to me and looked down at me saying, "what are you doing Kina?!" But then he looked at Ayana.
Daddy looked at her, and started to glare at her, "you"
"Huh?" Ayana looked up at daddy, and he looked very angry. I could see his eyes starting to glow that haunting green.
"Did you do this to my daughter?!" He yelled.
"N-no!" Ayana answered, "s-she tripped and-"
"Don't lie to me!" Daddy cut her off, "stay away from my daughter you demon!"
I was shocked when I saw daddy grab Ayana by the collar, and throw her across the park. Ayana fell on her side on the sand. I heard a grunt.
"Ayana!" I shrieked.
Daddy started to storm her direction, but I quickly got up and grabbed his leg. He glared down at me.
"Daddy please! She didn't do anything! I just tripped and-"
"Stay out of this Kina."
I froze. Daddy... He was never this angry... Not since... When mom died...
He continued to stomp towards Ayana and starting kicking her in the stomach. People started to surround them. But no one did anything. No one tried to stop it. Why weren't they doing anything?! Well... Maybe it was the same reason why I wasn't doing anything.
I was scared.
"Don't ever go near my child! You hear demon?!" Daddy yelled, as he continued to kick her.
I then heard someone yell, "Hey! STOP IT!!!!!"
I looked at the end of the park and saw a boy. He looked about mine and Ayana's age. He had navy blue hair and blue eyes. He was growling. At daddy. Then daddy stopped kicking Ayana and grabbed my hand. I stiffened, then I heard him say,
"Come on Kina. Make sure you stay away from those kids."
He didn't seem very angry. But only if you didn't know him well. But I do. And behind the calm voice was full on anger. I glanced at Ayana who was now lying on the floor unconscious, then back at my dad. I slowly nodded and he started pulling me away from the scene.
As he did, I looked back and saw the navy blue haired boy glaring our direction. Well, only at daddy. I wouldn't blame him though.
I looked at daddy, who payed no attention to the boys' glares. But it also seemed like the blue haired boy stopped glaring. He ran to Ayana.
Could that have been the boy Ayana wanted to introduce me to? Yet the moment he came... He had to see that.
I gritted my teeth then pulled away from my dad's grip. I ran back. And ran. But stopped when I saw Ayana and the navy blue haired boy.
Ayana was crying. Crying so hard. Her face was buried in the boys chest.
My heart dropped.
This is my fault. I made this happen to her.
I don't deserve her friendship.
I suddenly felt daddy's hand grip mine, and pull me away. I didn't refuse.
Later when we got home daddy let go of my hand the moment we walked through the door.
"Kina. What were you doing out there?" He asked in a low, angry voice.
"I... I wanted to go outside for a bit."
"Didn't I tell you that you couldn't?"
"I know but... Nothing happened-"
"You could have died Kina!"
"But no one tried to hurt me! And I didn't see any demons out there!"
"That girl Kina! She had the eyes of a demon!"
I frowned. That girl? Eyes of a demon?
"Ayana?" I questioned.
"Daddy... She's not a demon."
"She is Kina."
"No she's not!"
"Did you not see her eyes?! They were demon eyes!"
"They were pretty!"
Daddy didn't say anything after that. He just glared at me for a while. I glared back.
"You shouldn't have done that to her daddy..." I said, "she didn't do anything wrong."
He sighed then knelt down to my level, "I know..."
"So why did you-"
"I didn't want to lose you... Not like your mother..."
I bit my lip. "Daddy you won't lose me... Not like mom... Promise."
When he remained silent, I hugged him, and he hugged back.
Three years later. I was twelve. Daddy finally started to let me use my shape shifting abilities. But he never let me go out on my own. And he'd only let me go to the backyard.
I never saw Ayana again. I caused misfortune upon her. I didn't deserve to be her friend. Even though I was so happy in that short time with her.
But I finally made my decision.
I want to get stronger.
There are probably other people in the world who lost people they loved. People they cared about. I don't want that to happen again. I don't want anyone to get hurt like Ayana did. And I'm not going to make dad worry again. I'm going to get stronger.
So then, I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad.
"Dad?" I said, and he looked at me,
"Yes Kina?"
"I..." I took a deep breath, "I want to go to Gehenna."
Dad suddenly stood up. His chair falling back in the process, "huh?!"
"I want to go to Gehenna"
"Kina! What are-"
"I want to get stronger dad. And I can't do that here. So I want to go to Gehenna. Train there. And get stronger."
"Kina! I won't let you! You won't go to Gehenna! Do you have a death wish?! You'll die down there!"
"That's why I need to train, dad. If I get stronger, I can protect myself from them"
"I won't let you go down with those treacherous demons, Kina." He growled.
"You're a demon too, dad."
"You know I've never seen myself as one of them. I hate demons."
"I know that." I walked closer to him, "that's why you should let me go train. I'll get stronger. You won't lose me to them."
"But Kina-"
"Please dad"
Dad's eyes lowered to the ground. He was in deep thought. Having a war with his own mind. Finally, he sighed.
"Promise me you won't die."
A smile grew on my face, "promise."
"Because if you break this promise... I'll go to Gehenna myself, make Satan bring you back to life, then kill you myself."
I chuckled at this.
"Thanks dad."
"... Be careful down there Kina."
"I know."
Dad then hugged me like it was the last time he would. I hoped it wasn't though.
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