22:Happy Birthday
***Ayana's POV***
I found out that the two exorcists that took me to and from the trial; were named Rito and Kito. They're apparently brothers! And they're also just two years older than me.
It was actually really funny how they before were acting really annoyed and angry towards me; but now they're really upbeat and friendly. They even unhand-cuffed me! They just made sure to stay close, incase I did anything 'funny'.
I think if I actually talked to them before and got to know them; it may have been like this then too. But I didn't talk to them, because I honestly thought I'd die today anyway.
I still can't believe it. They're allowing me to live. I can become an exorcist too! Am I dreaming? Wait... What if I am dreaming?!
"Hey Rito?" I asked.
"Hm?" Rito looked down at me with his brown eyes. His messy dark brown hair swaying as he walked.
"Can you pinch me?" This caused the him and as well as his light brown haired brother to stop on their tracks, and look at me wide eyed.
"Come again?" Rito asked, with his eyebrows raised.
"Can you pinch me?" I repeated bluntly.
"Umm why?"
"I feel like I'm dreaming. So could you pinch me to see?"
Rito just looked at me for a while, then chuckled and continued to walk. I looked at him with a confused expression.
"Ayana-San, you're not dreami-"
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my arm.
"Ouch!" I slightly squeaked, then looked at my arm and when I looked beside me, I saw Kito blankly looking at me. I knew right away what he did.
"Now you know you're not dreaming." Kito said, then continued to walk.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him, but a small smile appeared on my face right after.
He's right. I wasn't dreaming. This is real. I can live now. And I can be myself too.
I noticed the two brothers had stopped and were looking at me. So I quickly jogged over to them and we continued to make our way to Mephisto's office.
Not too long later; we reached Mephisto's office. I stopped in front of his door, then looked at Rito and Kito.
"Alright. So this is all we can do right now... So good luck in there!" Rito said as he patted my back.
"Sorry, we started off on bad terms." Kito said. And I replied,
"No. It's okay! Thank you guys. I really hope to see you two around soon!" The two smiled at me then turned around and left.
I looked back at the door, then took a deep breath. Then, I knocked. I heard Mephisto coo, "come in~" so I opened the door, seeing Mephisto sitting in his chair behind his desk; his elbows rested on the table and his fingers were intertwined together. He also had his usual mischievous smirk on his face.
I closed the door behind me then walked towards Mephisto's desk. I noticed on top of Mephisto's hat, there was a sleeping... Green hamster? It looked really familiar too... Whatever...
"Hello, Ayana-San~" Mephisto said.
"Please, take a seat"
I sat in the chair in front of his desk. Then, I said,
"Hey umm... I just want to thank you... For helping to defend me during the trial..." Mephisto smirked at me then replied,
"Well of course! Anything for you, Ayana-San~" I averted my eyes, and he continued, "so, you will be becoming an exorcist soon... But first you'll need to be an Exwire. I don't think it will be too hard for you, considering that you already know a lot about demons and how to defeat them." I nodded my head, understanding, and he continued,"you will also need to be a full time student at my school, True Cross Academy-"
"Wait. School?!" I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't want to go to school! I'm going to be treated the same way I was treated before! People will call me a monster again! I know it!
"I'm sorry Ayana-San. But all exorcists and Exwires have to go, if they haven't graduated yet. But I'm sure you'll be fine. Okumura-kun will be with you too. Along with the other cram students."
Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Rin will be with me too. I won't be alone this time!
This relaxed me. So I obliged to what he said. Then, Mephisto continued,
"Okay. Here is your uniform." He reached under his desk and pulled out a girls uniform. It had a white dress shirt, with a yellow sweater on top, and a pink skirt. I took it and placed it on my lap. Then Mephisto pulled out a key, "This is an infinity key. You will be able to get to the cram school with this through any door." He gave me the key, then said,"And also. Because it is the middle of the school year, the girls dormitories are full. So I will have you stay with the Okumura brothers in their dorm."
"Okay." I really didn't mind this. I would probably feel more comfortable anyway; staying with people I know, instead of some strangers that know nothing about me.
"You will also need to catch up on all the work as well. But I'm sure you'll be fine since Yukio Okumura is living in the same dorm."
I nodded my head,"yeah, and even though I lived in Gehenna, I was still home schooled down there; so I'm hopefully caught up... Maybe..."
Mephisto nodded his head. That was really all he wanted to tell me.
Then I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in~" Mephisto called.
The door opened revealing Shura Kirigakure.
I smiled at her, but I noticed that there was something that she had to say. Something, I probably wouldn't like.
"Are you finished?" Shura asked Mephisto, and he nodded, "alright then..."
Shura look at me with a serious expression,
"Time for your punishment."
***Rin's POV***(time skip)
Yukio told me that it would take a while for Ayana to get prepared for school and cram school and stuff like that... But... It shouldn't take this long...
It's been a week since I've seen her!
Where the heck is she?! I even asked Yukio and he has no idea either... I hope she okay... I don't know what to do... Well it's like 11 in the night now, so might as well sleep...
I groggily woke up after hearing the sound of the door closing. Probably Yukio.
I sat up on my bed and looked at the clock. But then I noticed something else beside the clock.
An envelope.
I took it and on the outside it read
The writing didn't look like Yukio's though... It was someone else's... But who?
I opened the envelope and read it:
Dear Rin,
So I just realized, that I missed your birthday! You're 16 now right? Sorry I couldn't see you on your birthday. Or celebrate Christmas with you. Well... You know exactly where I was. Anyways, I just wanted to give you a birthday present. So I decided to give you the picture that's with this letter. There are actually two copies of it. One that I have, and this one that was supposed to be with you. But with our messed up circumstances; I had to keep them both, until now. This was also the photo I showed the Vatican. I wonder if you remember the moment in this picture as vividly as I do.
Happy Birthday
I couldn't help but smile. My birthday was more than a month ago. And she's giving a birthday present now. She's so weird.
I took a look inside the envelope, and saw a piece of paper. It was a photo. A photo of Ayana and I when we were kids. Yep. I remember this moment as clear as glass.
"Hey, you two wanna take a picture together! You know, for a memory?" The old man(Shiro Fujimoto)asked a child version of Ayana and I.
"Oh! Yeah yeah!" Ayana and I yelled in unison.
We were in the park. Standing in front of the swings. And the old man had a camera set up in front of us. Waiting to take the picture.
Ayana and I stood beside each other and gave a toothy grin to the camera.
"Oh come on! Let's have a pose or something interesting!" The old man said.
"Huh? Whyyy?" I furrowed my eye brows at him. But Ayana said in a cheery tone
"Huh?" I looked at Ayana with a confused expression, and Ayana gave me a huge grin and pounced on me. She wrapped her arms around my neck; hugging me; while I was about to fall.
And that was when the old man decided to take the picture.
***end of flashback***
The photo was that exact moment. Ayana was hugging me with the most care-free smile, while it looked like I was about to fall. And had the most demented expression.
This is what she showed the Vatican?
Wait a minute...
Where is Ayana anyway?
***Ayana's POV***
It's been a week and my punishment just finished. And you know what kind of punishment Shura gave me?
A cruel one.
Well, it makes sense, with me murdering 26 exorcists.
My Punishment was to stay in a cold metal box, that I could barely fit in for a whole week. Nothing to entertain myself, and only getting 3 slices of bread a day. And a cup of water. It was terrible! I'm so happy it didn't go longer than that.
And I'm surprised I actually survived!
After that horrid week, and Shura let me out of that cold box, I had a feast. And I mean a FEAST. I never ate that much food as I did in my life! But at that moment, food was the one priority. I love food now. Love it!
After bringing all my senses back in place; I realized, NOW I can do what ever please. And have real freedom.
But a strange thought popped into my mind.
December 27th... Rin's birthday... I missed it.
I don't know why I thought of this now, but I realized that I missed Rin's birthday. Maybe I should get him a gift?
Oh I know! I can give him that picture of him and I when we were kids! He doesn't have any pictures of us right now, because I had to take them all. So why not give one as a gift?
I sat by the fountain on the school campus, got an envelope and wrote a letter to Rin and sealed it shut.
Oh isn't Yukio's birthday December 27th as well? Maybe I can give him a gift too... To thank him for helping me. But what do I give him?
I looked up seeing a girl with short blond hair and was dressed in a kimono. She was also holding a shopping bag.
It was Shiemi Moriyama
"Oh hi Shiemi!"
"Hello! What are you doing here?"
"Oh, after my trial, the Vatican agreed to let me become an exorcist."
"Really?! That's amazing, Ayana-chan!"
"Yeah, I'll be one of your class mates!"
I noticed Shiemi blush, but gave a big, happy smile right after,
"I'm looking forward to working with you."
"Me too."
"So what's this?" Shiemi pointed to the envelope that rested beside me.
"Oh, just a present for Rin. I missed his birthday so just thought of giving him something. I'm thinking of getting something for Yukio too, but I don't know what..."
"Hmm.... Oh I know!" Shiemi started rummaging through her shopping bag, and pulled out a green metal container. I looked at it with a confusion."You can give him this!"
I held the container and looked at it.
"What is it?" I asked, and she replied,
"Yuki-chan once told me that he gets a lot of moles and he wants to get rid of the ones he doesn't want. So I just thought of giving this to him. But you can give it to him!"
"What?! No I can't! This is for you to give him! Not me!" I shoved the container back into her hands. But she shoved it back.
"Don't worry! I insist! Take it!"
I wasn't sure what to do right now... But I gave her a smile and said,
"Thanks Shiemi... You're really nice"
Sheimi blushed a deep shade of red and waved her hands in front of her.
"Well, it's the least I could do for a friend!"
I looked at her shocked,"you really think of me as a friend?"
"Of course!"
I was silent for a moment, than gave her a closed eye smile,
"Thank you"
I went to Rin, Yukio and now as well as my dorm. And went to Rin's room to give his gift. But when I came, he was fast asleep. So I placed the envelope on his side table, and walked out and closed the door behind me.
As I was walking down the hall, I saw Yukio. When he saw me though, he looked at me shocked. Like I was a ghost.
"Hey Yukio!"
"Where have you been?"
"Well umm..." I didn't really want to talk about my 'punishment' but I replied, "getting a punishment, for my crimes..."
"Ah, I see... Are you alright?"
"Hm? Oh yeah I am thanks!"
Then I remembered Yukio's gift.
"Oh yeah!"I yelled. Then pulled out the green metal container from the inside pocket of my cloak."here"
"What's this?" Yukio asked as he took it.
"Just wanted to give some kind of gift for you and Rin. As a thank you gift, and for your belated birthday... So Happy Birthday!"
His eyes widened, "wait... This is...!"
"Yeah, well Sheimi actually gave it to me to give to you. It's a cream to get rid of those moles it seems you want to get rid of."
"Moriyama-San got it?" Yukio asked with his cheeks lightly tinted pink.
"I see..." I noticed a small smile plastered on his face.
Then, he placed the container on the ground and... Started to unbutton his shirt?
I looked at him with a confused expression, "umm Yukio? What are you doing?"
He didn't reply. Only unbutton his shirt until it revealed his bare skin. I noticed small black moles on his chest as he picked up the container again.
Ah I get it now.
Yukio opened the container revealing a white cream. He scooped it up with his finger, and rubbed it on the moles. After doing that he closed the container again and we both watched as the moles started to already fade away!
"Wow! That really works doesn't it?" I said.
"It sure doe-"
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YUKIOOOOOOOO?!!!!!!!!!" Rin suddenly was here, and gave Yukio a flying kick on the face, which sent him flying. (Like the kick in the GIF below)
I ended up blankly staring ahead at the dust left by Yukio. When it cleared, Yukio looked really pissed.
"What was that Rin?!" Yukio yelled, but was ignored. Rin gave me a tight hug, then firmly held my shoulders to look at me.
"Are you okay Ayana?" Rin asked, then glared at Yukio, "I didn't know that my little brother, had become such a pervert."
This caused both Yukio and I to become confused, but then realizing that Yukio having his shirt unbuttoned probably did give Rin the wrong impression.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"What?" Rin asked, but I continued to laugh.
"Come on, what is it?!" Rin whined, until I rested my forehead onto his chest. I had become to calm down my laughter. Then I finally noticed that in Rin's hand, he held the picture of him and I when we were kids.
I smiled to myself seeing the object that brought back one of our nicest memories.
Hey guys! Wow, so that was a long chapter 0.O didn't think it'd be that long. Since Christmas just passed and so did Rin and Yukio's birthday; I thought of writing this chapter about their birthday. So I hope you had a very merry Christmas! And Happy birthday to Rin and Yukio! Happy reading!
Please Vote, Comment and see you soon! ^.^
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