***Rin's POV***
I was running away from an angry Ayana. I could hear her footsteps right behind me. But eventually, those footsteps started to sound further and further away. I stopped when I couldn't hear her anymore.
I then turned around and saw a bit further away, Ayana had stopped chasing me and was now softly smiling at me.
Guess I'm forgiven ^_^
But my eyes widened when I saw a white and gold figure jumping from a tree and heading straight for Ayana.
I was about to warn her, but they had already pushed her down and pinned her to the ground.
"Ayana!" I yelled
Then I took a better look at the person and realized it was him...
Arthur Whats-his-face Angel... The Palidan...
He was sitting right on top of Ayana's back and I heard him say to her
"You are under arrest by the name of the Vatican, demon scum."
I saw Ayana look up at him with one eye closed and a glare.
And I clenched my teeth with anger from his words. I started towards them and yelled
"Oi! Let her go!"
The Palidan jerk looked up at me and gave me a unamused look. Then he said
"Rin Okumura, Why would I let go of a demon who killed so many of our exorcists?"
"It wasn't her fault! Can't you guys understand that?!" I replied "she only did it to be free from her father! Nothing more!"
"Arthur Auguste Angel! What are you doing?!" Yukio and the others were here now.
Angel looked behind him towards Yukio and said
"Ah if it isn't you Yukio Okumura. Oh! And Shura as well! So you've all betrayed the Vatican and sided with this demon?" He slightly pushed the blade of his sword on Ayana's neck, so her neck started to bleed.
Ayana winced.
And I was even more angry. So I growled "LET HER GO!!!!" I engulfed in blue flames and my flames shot straight towards the jerk, but when the flames were halfway towards him, I realized Ayana was still there.
I couldn't pull the flames back though.
***Third person***
Arthur's eyes widened as blue flames were coming straight towards him.
He didn't have time to move though.
Arthur heard Rin yell in the distance "Ayana!!!!"
But suddenly a wall of purple flames appeared and blocked the blue flames.
When they cleared, he looked down at Ayana wide eyed
She stared blankly ahead and Arthur then murmured
"Why did you-" but he was cut off by Rin calling
"Ayana! Are you alright?! I'm so sorry!" Rin was already running towards them.
Everyone else started to crowd around as well.
Ayana sighed with her eyes closed and said "yeah, it's fine." she placed her palms on the concrete and pushed her self up with ease; causing Arthur to lightly Yelp and fall off her.
"You were able to get up this whole time?!" Arthur exclaimed shocked.
When Ayana fully got up, she turned and looked down at him with a blank look and said "did you really think just by sitting on me, you could hold me down? Geez, for a Palidan you're dumb."
This caused Rin and Shura to both snort and start snickering.
"Haha! I like this girl!" Shura said as she then patted Ayana's back. Ayana looked at Shura, and Shura said "thank you for telling Baldly what I've always been thinking!"
Arthur glared at Shura.
"At least I'm staying loyal to the Vatican" he said
Everyone looked at him and Yukio said
"Angel-San, I don't think you entirely understand Ayana-san's situation"
"Her situation?" Arthur spat "I don't care about her situation. I'm only following orders. And my orders are to arrest this demon scum."
"Then do it." Arthur looked at Ayana who said this wide eyed.
Ayana brought her hands out so Arthur could cuff them.
"Ayana, what are you doing?!" Rin whispered into Ayana's ear.
"This was going to happen anyway, so why not now?" Ayana blankly looked at Arthur, who slightly hesitated before motioning an exorcist to arrest her.
An exorcist with messy brown hair and brown eyes walked over to Ayana and handcuffed her.
Rin reached his hand out to Ayana and said
"Ayana-" but she cut him off saying
"Don't worry Rin. Everything will be fine" Ayana gave Rin a reassuring smile. "Promise"
"It better be." Rin murmured
They then walked away leaving Yukio, Shura, Rin and the Exwires.
"Well, I'm gonna go with them so see ya" Shura said and started to walk.
"I'm coming with you!" Rin said, and when he was about to walk, Yukio stopped him and said
"Sorry Rin, but I don't think you should come right now."
"Huh?! Why not?!"
Yukio's eyes got more serious, and he said
"... Just... It'd probably be a better idea if you only come tomorrow."
"But-" Shura cut Rin off
"You should probably listen to Yukio this time kid. He is right."
Rin was about to protest, but stayed quiet. Then he muttered
"Just make sure she's okay..."
Yukio softly smiled and said
"Of course" Yukio then looked at his watch and said"alright, Shura and I will start heading out, but the rest of you should get home and get some sleep."
"Alright" everyone replied
***Rin's POV***
I went straight to my dorm, but the whole time, all I could think about was Ayana. What if they hurt her? Is Mephisto actually gonna help? Will she be okay? I was stressing out... A lot.
Then Kuro walked into the room as I was pacing back and forth.
"Rin, are you alright?"
"No I'm not." I replied "I'm worried about Ayana."
"Yeah... I saw what happened..."
"You did?" I was a bit shocked.
"Yeah, and don't worry too much okay?"
"But Kuro! What if she-"
"Don't worry Rin! Yukio and Shura are with her too right?"
"Oh yeah."
I then remembered Yukio promising to make sure Ayana was okay. That made me relax a bit. Yukio never breaks his promises!
I sighed and decided to just go to bed. I changed into a t-shirt and shorts and flopped onto my bed. I thought about Ayana and gripped my blue moon pendent in my hand. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.
I was my child self. I was walking, and I saw the park. Happiness welled up inside me and I started to sprint to the park.
But when I got inside my face was full of horror.
About 10 people had surrounded Ayana as she was lying on the floor. A parent was kicking her. He was yelling at Ayana
"Don't ever go near my child! You hear demon?!"
Pain was filled on Ayana's face and I was very angry. I growled and yelled
"Hey! STOP IT!!!!!!"
Everyone looked at me, and the guy who was kicking Ayana gave me an annoyed look. Then he said to a little girl with short, light blond hair that basically looked white, and green eyes.
"Come on Kina. Make sure you stay away from those kids."
The little girl looked at her dad unsure, but nodded her head and took his hand.
Once everyone had left, I ran straight to Ayana who was still laying on the floor. I dropped down beside Ayana who was now unconscious, and took her in my arms. I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes, and I couldn't keep them in. A tear drop fell on Ayana's cheek.
This caused her to slowly wake up and look at me. And I just knew that my tears were falling like a waterfall and snot was coming out of my nose.
I was surprised when she smiled at me.
"Ah, hey Rin" she said
"A-Ayana... Are you alright?! W-what happened?!" I said this as I was trying to keep my tears in.
She softly smiled at me again, then started to sit up. I could tell she was struggling and as she got up she said "ow ow" so I helped her.
Once she fully sat up, she said
"Well I did meet a friend named Kina... She kinda reminded me of us a bit, but as you probably saw, it didn't last very long..." Ayana's eyes saddened "she fell and got hurt, and her dad thought I did it... And... Well you probably saw that... Haha" Ayana let out a fake laugh.
"Ayana..." My eyes saddened. Then Ayana said
"I know... I should have known something like that would happen... But she looked so lone-"
Before she could continue, I had wrapped my arms around her.
"Huh? R-Rin! W-what are you doing?!" She stuttered.
"Please don't do that..."
"Do what?"
"Make that fake smile."
"Huh?" I could feel Ayana stiffen. Then I pulled back and said
"I rather you show your emotions then hide them." I gave her a grin
I saw her eyes getting watery and she started to sniffle. And before I knew it she was bawling her eyes out. She buried her face in my chest and I hugged her and patted her head.
The rest of the time was spent just sitting and hugging for a while.
Suddenly, that scene disappeared.
It was dark. A dim orange torch was burning in a corner. I could just make out where I was.
Under the Vatican. In that jail. I looked around and saw Ayana. She was sitting down behind bars against a wall, curled up in a ball. Her face was buried between her knees, but she sat still.
Then her face slowly rose up and her purple eyes looked like they had no life in them. Her face was blank, and her crescent pendent was glowing a bright silver.
She needs me.
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