15:I'm Sorry and Thank You
Everyone was wondering what Rin was going to do. His back was facing the group as he had a small smile on his face.
He lifted his hands up so they were hovering either sides of his cheeks. Then he inhaled a huge amount of air and yelled as loud as he could
It was so loud that everyone had to cover their ears and the ground slightly vibrated.
"Hehehe~" Rin proudly stood with his hands on his hips and looked out in the distance.
For a few minutes everyone stood there with "What the f***?!" Faces.
Nothing was happening so Yukio said to Rin
"R-Rin! Did you really think that would work?!"
Rin was squinting his eyes to the distance, trying to see if he could see Ayana. Then he stopped and turned around to the group and blushed as he sheepishly laughed and rubbed the back of his head saying
"Hehe it was worth a try?"
Everyone sighed and turned around. Bon murmured
"What an idiot."
"You called me?"
Everyone froze as they heard a familiar voice above them. They slowly looked to the right then up a tree, seeing...
Everyone was silent. Then everyone except for Rin yelled "EHHHH?!"
Rin on the other hand was really happy and quite proud of himself. Then he said as he fist bumped the air "Awesome! It actually worked!"
"H-how?" Miwa murmured. Ayana heard this, then replied
"Well. I actually wasn't that far from here" she looked to her right looking through the forest and continued "and I heard Rin calling me, so... Here I am!" Ayana smiled to the group.
"So who called me an idiot?" Rin smirked at Bon
And all you could hear from Bon was "tsk"
"So why did you call me, Rin?" Ayana asked as she jumped down and landed beside him.
"Oh right!" Rin pointed to his group of friends and said "they trust you now!"
Ayana was silent as she looked at the group wide eyed. Then she looked at Rin and said "really?"
He replied saying "yes really!"
Everyone looked at Bon as he slowly walked towards Rin and Ayana with his cheeks slightly tinted pink. He stopped when he was in front of Ayana.
"L-look umm... I just wanted to... thank you... For saving my life back there..." Bon said this as he looked to the ground. His face completely red.
"Well he tends to need a bunch of people to save his life so~" Rin exclaimed as he slung his arm around Bon's shoulder.
"HUH?! No I don't! I probably saved your ass loads of times y'know!" Bon protested as he moved Rin's arm away.
"Huh?! I don't need saving! Unlike you! I saved your ass so many times!"
The two just kept on bickering as everyone sighed and sweat dropped. Since this has gotten so normal.
But not for Ayana. Well. She just gazed at the two in awe as they kept on arguing. But she was more amazed since they were arguing about who saved the other more.
A smile grew on her face seeing such bonds Rin has made. Rin and Ayana had always been alone. But alone together. But then she left. She left him on his own. And Rin was capable of gaining friends all on his own. Even though Rin is a very idiotic, childish and goofy guy, he found people who saw his good qualities like Ayana did.
And Ayana was happy about that.
"Ayanaaaa" little nine year old Rin whined as he walked towards a child version of Ayana at the park.
She turned around and saw Rin walking towards her with bandages on his cheeks, hands and knees. Ayana frowned at this sight.
"... What happened?" Ayana asked with a sad tone in her voice.
"A kid in my class kept on calling me a demon! So I taught him a lesson!"
"Rin. Didn't we agree that you wouldn't hurt anyone anymore?"
"I know but... He deserved it!"
Ayana sighed and closed her eyes, then looked back at Rin. "Come on, just ignore them! Even though they may call you a demon, you know and I know you're not! Father Fujimoto and Yukio know that too! We will all be with you! That's all that matters right?"
Rin stayed silent for a bit, and his eyes saddened. then he murmured "yeah"
"What's wrong?" Ayana asked
"Ayana... Do you think we'll ever find any friends that will accept us?"
"Like, what if everyone in the whole world thinks of us as demons? And there's no one else on our side?"
"... Well... I think there must be someone who's on our side!... And if there isn't... We'll always have each other!" Ayana smiled at Rin.
He just stared at her a bit with his mouth slightly open. Then a smile grew on his face and Rin gave Ayana a toothy grin
"Yeah! We'll always have each other!"
***end of Flashback***
Those words echoed through Ayana's mind
"We'll always have each other!"
Her eyes saddened, and she lightly bit her lip. Ayana had left Rin all on his own for so many years. Rin couldn't even remember he used to have a friend this whole time until now. He must have thought he'd always be by himself.
Rin and Bon had calmed down a bit and Rin then looked at Ayana.
"Huh? Ayana?" He questioned
Everyone looked at Ayana and saw her sad expression and her eyes were glistening like she was about to cry.
Rin and Bon then exchanged looks and then Rin slightly walked a bit closer to Ayana and said
"H-hey Ayana?"
"Huh?" Ayana snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at Rin, who had a concerned look on his face. She realized she had tears just at the corners of her eyes, so she quickly wiped them away. Then she said
"Oh sorry about that. I was just thinking..."
"About what?" Rin asked
She stayed silent for a bit, then she said"... I left you alone for so long right, Rin?"
Everyone had confused expressions, but Rin had a shocked one.
Ayana shakily continued "and for that... I'm sorry..."
"Ayana..." Rin looked at her with sad eyes.
The rest of the Exwires, Yukio and Shura just gazed at Ayana in awe. Someone they always thought as a heartless, killer demon is not like that at all. They realized that she's just as human as they are. She even has someone she cares about and risked her sanity to save them.
Then Rin shook his head and said "you don't have to apologize!"
Ayana looked at him confused and he continued "you left for a reason. To protect me! So you really shouldn't be beating yourself up about this." Rin gave her his signature toothy grin.
Ayana looked at him with a surprised look, then Shiemi walked towards Ayana. Ayana looked at her and Shiemi then said
"umm A-Ayana-chan, Rin is right! You don't need to worry about him... Because he has all of us as his friends!" Shiemi gestured to the group behind her. And added "a-and you can be our friend too!"
Ayana looked in awe at Shiemi. Then she looked behind her at the group. Ayana softly smiled and said
"Thank you guys... For accepting Rin... And for being his friend."
Everyone was shocked by this. Then they hesitantly looked at each other.
Shima awkwardly laughed then said "uhh y-you don't need to thank us. It's no big deal."
"But it is." Ayana replied "You probably don't know it. But I know for sure that Rin is very happy that you guys are his friends!"
This made Rin's tail start up then blush, and jerk his head to Ayana. He put his hands in front of him trying to stop her. She softly chuckeled and continued
"Rin actually used to always be so worried that he'd never find anybody other that me and his family that would accept him. So I really do need to thank you guys."
"A-Ayanaaaa y-you didn't need to tell them that!" Rin whined as he was as red as a tomato.
This made Ayana giggle a bit then say "but it's true!"
"But you didn't have to!"
Everyone else just gazed at the two. They watched as Rin pouted at Ayana and her giggling at him as her tail happily swayed.
Then Shura noticed Rin's tail was also happily wagging but when she looked at his face, he was still pouting and whining.
This made her snort a bit, then burst out laughing right after.
Everyone, including Rin and Ayana looked at her with confused expressions.
"Hahaha! Rin! You really are happy aren't cha? Hahaha!"
"Huh?" This made everyone even more confused.
Shura then walked over to Rin and pointed at his tail which was still wagging around.
"This tail of yours says you're happy. Hahaha!"
Rin and everyone else looked at his tail and everyone except for Rin did the same thing Shura did. Snort, then laugh right after.
Rin just went completely red. Then he grabbed his tail and quickly held it close behind his back. Then he said
"S-shut up guys! It's not funny!"
Everyone continued to laugh as Rin frowned.
Once they all calmed down, Shima then said to Ayana
"Oh the rest of us haven't introduced ourselves! I'm Renzo Shima it's nice to meet you Ayana-San~"
Ayana was surprised but smiled at him. Then Izumo said
"I'm Izumo Kamiki."
Bon came right after"I'm Ryuji Suguro"
Miwa then added "but you can call him Bon!"
"Oi! Quit telling people that! I should do it when I want to!"
Miwa chuckled then said "I'm Konekomaru Miwa. It's very nice to meet you!"
Ayana smiled at everyone and then said "well I guess you guys already know who I'm am, but I guess I'll introduce myself too! I'm Ayana Mizuki! It very nice to meet you guys too!" She gave them a toothy grin.
"Well... Anyway. Ayana-San? You said you'd come with us to meet the Grigori and answer our questions right?"Yukio said
Ayana replied saying "oh yeah! But before we go, would we be able to talk to Mephisto?"
"Oh yeah, we should go talk to Mephisto. We could get him to help Ayana, like he helped me!" Rin said.
"Alright then, let's go!"
Everyone then started to walk towards Mephisto's office.
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